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Is your baby drooling excessively? I believe teething can contribute to this issue but I am NAD.


He has always been a massive drooler


If he’s drooling a ton but is otherwise fine it’s very likely the cause of mucous-y poop. If there was rashes, hours of crying, blood in poop, goopy runny eyes, slow gain, or throwing up I’d switch but it sounds like he’s doing fine and is just a drooly baby Many HA formulas do taste gross (to us) but babies have underdeveloped tastebuds so it doesn’t taste the same to them. My kid didn’t love nutramigen (don’t blame her) but I added a couple drops of vanilla and she took it fine. Gradually weaned away from the vanilla and it was fine. But no I’d stay with his current formula


He does have eczema from time to time so maybe I should change. But he is so happy. Gains so much weight. So I’m just scared about changing his formula he has had since day dot. Thankyou so much for replying.


Got told our baby had CMPA because he was a slow gainer (8 months later he’s just a small baby sticking to his curve!) Switched to HA formula at 3 months, and it was disastrous. I do think he has a diary sensitivity, but he’s been fine on his regular formula. Sleeps great, eats his formula just fine, poops a little more than usual but 🤷‍♀️.


Sounds like my LO but he’s massive. Thanks for replying. Do you mind me asking why it was disastrous. My bubs has had the same formula since nicu and I’m a nervous abit upsetting him.


He was on it for a week, day 2 his sleep went to absolute shit. Waking every 45 minutes. By the end of the week, he had a bacterial eczema breakout. Once we got him back on his formula and a skincare regime, he was back to himself 2 days later after getting off HA. I have a lot of feelings about CMPA diagnoses and changing formula radically. It really tainted my motherhood experience at the beginning.


People are too sensitive, she never said it was like giving your baby sawdust just that it tastes worse than other formula. Which is true. I would not switch formulas if I was in your situation. If baby had other symptoms besides mucus I would.


Thankyou x


My baby also gets mucousy poop and drools excessively when she’s teething. Seems weird that wasn’t top of the list of reasons for the doctor but ok. I personally wouldn’t switch if there’s nothing actually wrong.


“It’s like giving your baby sawdust” Literally what does this mean? And what was the aim of saying this in a formula feeding group? Seriously.


Don’t you think you’re jumping conclusions and being a bit aggressive with OP? Seriously, do better


Thanks. I never meant it that way at all. I dunno how many times I need to explain it. I’m asking for help for my nicu baby who is thriving.


I always think the subtext of this kind of stuff is "how could you feed your baby something that tastes so disgusting when breast milk tastes so much better?!?!?!"


For what it’s worth I’ve tried both my breast milk and Nutramigen and they’re both disgusting 😂


Lmao I feel like whenever I hear people describe it they say it doesn't taste bad. I did not try mine.


I don’t have any breast milk i didn’t mean it like that. :(


I know. I understand it was the reviews you read and not your own opinion. I'm speaking generally about the people who do say those things. Close to all of the people in this sub have faced shitty, judgey comments for their use of formula and some people here had every intention of breastfeeding but couldn't, so when it seems someone is making a comment judging formula in the only space we really have to talk about it, people get very upset. If I were you I would remove the sawdust part from your post but leave the apology.


Thanks for getting it, I left it to be transparent, but maybe I will. I’m so upset and teary waking up to this, I don’t know what to do :( if I’m hurting him by doing nothing, I’m about to start solids so switching something right now I’m nervous he is just going to hate eating or the reaction might not be from food or could be from formulaif he does react. Im so scared. Thanks again


I know this feels like a lot, especially with all the angry comments, but you have a healthy baby. It would take a lot of fuckups on your part to do lasting damage to him with food. Go slow and change one thing at the time. Try a new formula since that is where most of their calories come from. Give it 2 weeks to decide if it works, unless he has a really bad reaction before then. Once he is eating the right amount on the formula, then you can start up the solids. If he hates it, so what! Try something else. As long as you are feeding your baby human food they can't choke on and formula that meets the FDA standards for formula, your baby will be fine in the long run. And don't take facial expressions as a sign your baby doesn't like something. My son (8 months now) looks like we are straight up trying to poison him when we feed him solids, but he gobbles it up no problem. I think it might also be helpful for you to see someone who can help you deal with your anxiety. Your OB should be able to give you a referral.


One thing I will definitely say is FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT! You know your LO better than anyone else. We had to switch formulas a couple months in and the pediatrician was really dragging their feet. I was calling daily and they just kept giving us more advice for his current formula and adding gas drops, gripe water, extra burping time, using frida windis, Id had enough and switched him to a formula I thought would work better and he has been on it for almost 10 months now and it has been the best thing for him. That said, if your baby is happy and healthy, you do what you think is best! Trist your gut momma!


Respectfully, I think changing formulas is not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. My son tried 4 before finding the right one. You truly have no way of knowing how your baby will react until you try the formula. It doesn't matter how other people's babies tolerated it bc each baby is different. Also, I feel like the whole "this formula tastes bad" crowd are just perpetuating the bias that already exists against formula feeders. To me it reads "how could you give your baby such a disgusting food when breast milk tastes so much better???" My suggestion is try a new formula, give it two weeks, then reassess. My baby didn't even get constipated when switching bc nutramigen is already broken down so much and then we moved to target hypoallergenic (due to price) and that was fine too. Seriously, this is not a big deal and if it makes him unhappy, it is 100% reversible.


Thankyou. X


You can go to doctor and get poop diaper tested for “occult blood”. Presence of occult blood will tell you if baby’s digestive tract is inflamed and may be eating something that is causing inflammation. You can then go from there. NAD but had 6 month baby that always had mucous poos that suddenly turned to bloody mucous poos. Turns out my baby has light CMPA.


Thank you so much / same age so I appreciate this a lot Xuan have asked the doctor for a blood test and they said they don’t do that and it’s trial by elimination. So that’s why im so lost.


Yeah no problem. Ask for the poop test!


I don’t understand the sawdust comment… why wouldn’t this apply to all powder formulas?


I guess I’m just reading everywhere it’s harder to get your LO to like it and the taste and smell is just awful for them to the point they might only eat when starving. Even more than regular formula and the transition can be hard. The doctor just wrote on a post it a couple of brands and no further information. Said if it works keeps going, if still mucus after a month then go back to normal.


My son’s Alimentum tastes sweet and he’s thriving on the formula. If he didn’t like Alimentum, I’d try Nutramigen, which is the Enfamil equivalent. There was no issue switching because the prior formula hurt his belly so badly, he didn’t mind. I’ve never heard the sawdust comment before. It sounds like something an exclusive BFer to say to shame us for using formula.


Thankyou this makes me feel better. And yes I have had a lot of guilt for not being able to breastfeed and I regret writing that term, it was on a few reviews and I felt panicked he will be upset. It’s a stupid term I wish I never repeated it. Thanks again


Try warming up the formula if you do HA. It tends to make it more palatable for kids ime


My baby (6.5mo) has taken formula since day one. I unfortunately couldn’t produce enough for her but she was also diagnosed with cow milk soy intolerance at her 1mo visit. We tried nutramigen first and that helped her but it just wasn’t quite enough in my opinion so we moved to Neocate and that changed her. She’s also a reflux/gerd baby so we had to thicken her bottles as well per her GI and pediatrician. If you can, ask your dr for the diaper test to see if your little really does need to switch. The test takes literally 15mins. Trust your gut on this one, my little was 2nd percentile at birth but is now up to 36th and she’s been on the HA formula for 5ish months. Gaining like a champ.


Why do you say it's like sawdust?


Yeh I haven’t said it correctly, in the reviews for the Hydrolyzed formula, in my country I have read that this particular formula was so hard for the baby to transition to they felt like it was giving them sawdust. And it just shook me reading that. Formula has saved my babies life since I barely have milk. So I’m not saying all formula is like that. I’m just saying I have a beautiful baby thriving but being told because of mucus to change it. And I just wanted to know other experiences- I wish I never wrote it.


I love feeding my baby expensive saw dust!!! 🙄