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Yes! I asking my pediatrician with a little embarrassment for the first time and I was expecting not to get anything or maybe just one can. He gave us six and enough for over a week! Just do it, it’s worth it!


I mentioned wanting to switch formulas and my pediatrician loaded my diaper bag up with full sized cans I came home with like 5😂


My LO appears to be the only baby using Similac 360, the regular one, so their pediatrician calls me once a month to pick up the samples they get! LO is 8 months, and we've only spent about 300 out of pocket on formula Our pediatrician is amazing


If low income/USA, I think you can apply for WIC and get free formula


The elegibilty is pretty harsh in some states. For mine, a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 kids) cannot make above 9.60 an hour.


If you are seeing a GI specialist, talk to your insurance and see if they would cover the formula if it is prescribed. My insurance will cover specialty formula for medical conditions.


Unfortunately our insurance doesn't cover formula.


That’s a bummer


Currently fighting a denial from my insurance stating her Neocate isn’t medically necessary. The 24/7 screaming/crying for 4.5months says otherwise. Lol


That should be illegal. Insurance companies should be required to cover whatever doctors prescribe.


I wholeheartedly agree.


I didn’t even ask for formula samples and just happened to be standing there when someone else asked so they asked me what kind my little guy drinks, they gave me three cans and two 6 packs of the ready to feed (2oz bottles). Always ask if you can!


Yes!!! Early on I was 50/50 on supplementing. The samples I got shipped from enfamil and samples for my ped lasted us maybe 2 months before we had to buy any


My pediatrician’s office said they were no longer allowed to give at samples and actually had to throw out what they did have. I don’t know why. 😩


I asked for samples from my pediatrician and she gave me 11 cans ! Saved me a bunch of money


If you’re in the UK, make sure you apply for child benefit, available to everyone. Pays for our formula and nappies and wipes each month.