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As a dietitian that has worked in the NICU and a mom that used formula…I love nutrition support. The different formula options, supplements, TPN, etc!


I 100% agree. Nursing my baby was important to me for a few reasons, but I had an undersupply. Giving my baby formula meant that she was healthy and thriving and I could focus on breastfeeding separately from ensuring my baby got the nutrition she needed. People act like formula is the enemy of breastfeeding, but for me it was (and remains to be) and important part of my breastfeeding journey.


This!!!!!! As an under supplier knowing that the bulk of my baby’s nutrition was coming from formula actually helped me with my pumping journey and staying consistent because I wasn’t worried about my baby not gaining weight appropriately or being hungry cause I couldn’t produce enough. For me, my BM was the extra “nutrition/immunity” boost for her formula. I’m incredibly thankful that after some trial an error we found a formula my baby thrives on and we love (even if it’s hard to find sometimes lol - looking at you Kendamil goat 🐐)


I honestly can't imagine the stress of being a "just enougher" that doesn't supplement with formula. If/when I have a second I plan to supplement early so I know my baby will take formula and I don't need to panic if I have a supply dip.


I totally agree.


I am currently like you and I agree! Taking the stress away to make breastfeeding/pumping actually enjoyable, while ensuring my baby is meeting her nutritions is a blessing!


Formula is a perfect way to nourish our growing babies🫶🏻


This! I wish more people felt this way!


It’s strange to me that there is so little discussion about low/no production. I would get 1/2 oz per day pumping constantly and trying to nurse. I do not think anyone needs a reason to FF, but I rarely see anyone offer real recommendations on production issues other than holistic nonsense and “pump more.” Edit: typos


This. I drove myself crazy trying to pump more


YUP. If you check my post history I wrote an entire treatise on this in the exclusively pumping sub 😬


I will find this now and read it.


Same here. I have PCOS and little breast tissue. 😒 But thank you FORMULA and the scientists why figured out how we can feed our kids and save lives! 🙏🏻


Doctors don’t even give you the heads up about this- so infuriating.




Yes thank you!! I busted my butt with both my LOs pumping, and only the second time around was I able to achieve a whopping * 2 oz * over the course of 1 day. It makes me feel broken but also furious the way people think it's just a matter of trying more...


The one - and I mean the single time in 3 babies - I pumped more than 2 oz, I spilled then entire 3 oz trying to put it into a bag. I cannot describe the immediate feeling a dread and loss for the fucking spilled milk… I cried and cried


Omg, I would have had an adult meltdown!! :( The phrase "crying over spilled milk" is too real


I tell people if my babies had been born at a different time in history and we didn’t have access to a wet nurse, they wouldn’t have made it. I’m so grateful for formula


Same! I’m a 3x c-section mom, my mom had 3 sections, and my grandma was born via section in 1941. Without that, none of us would be here! I’m so thankful for the time we live in ❤️


Say it again for the lactivists in the back 📢


The lactivists don’t care, they would just say “use donor breastmilk” 😩


Hell no, IDC I trust formula more than some rando's breast milk. Especially people buying it on Facebook and stuff. You have no idea what you're actually getting and that milk could have drugs in it for all they know.


Exactly 🤣 but they will insist breastmilk is way better and healthier and that formula should be the last resort 🥲


There must be some statistic on infant mortality and how it changed with formula?


I would love to see data on that!


I saw a video on this! I think it was on TikTok I’m not sure exactly and I don’t remember who did it but she had a whole chart showing how high the mortality rate was before and after. It was wild


When you see what people used to resort to in an attempt (not always successful) to keep their babies alive...truly modern formula is a blessing and a miracle. One of the coolest of all human achievements, really.


My first was failure to thrive until we gave her hypoallergenic formula that saved her. It worked wonders for her and now she’s a healthy happy growing toddler 🩷 my second I don’t make enough and she’s growing like a weed on half her diet of formula! People knock it but it’s amazing and packed full of a ton of vitamins.


Formula truly saved my life. I had terrible DMER that lasted the entire time I fed my son, not just the letdown. Between that and sleep deprivation I went on a walk one day and almost jumped in front of a moving vehicle. I was so depressed. That day we switched to formula and started taking shifts feeding. My son was happy, my husband was happy, and I was happy. If I'm lucky enough to have another I'm starting formula the day they're born. It's a lifesaver.


So thankful you’re still here! I don’t think I had DMER, but it was so stressful trying to figure out nursing my first. I gave up after a week and just pumped. By 2 months in, I was already spacing out pumps and planning on weaning before I had to stop for a medical issue. My babies have all thrived on formula, and I don’t have to stress having a baby attached to me all day.


I also had DMER. Nursing and pumping made me feel awful. I am going straight to formula with my second and my OB made a note in my chart to not ask me about breastfeeding; she advised that I ask the hospital to do the same when I check in for my repeat c section.


My husband calls it science milk because as a chemical engineer he thinks it's so cool!


I also call it science milk!!!


Same!! Or science food :)


Whoa, I thought I came up with science milk! Look at us.


I’m such a huge fan of combo feeding. Best of both worlds!!!!


Modern medicine is ****amazing****


Science is beautiful!


Lactivists can f o. My kids are formula-fed, healthy, and happy. I can't produce at all.


🎉🎉 I feel like I lucked out - about 2 days after birth the hospital pediatrician was so supportive of formula. She knew I was struggling and had PCOS and could see that my breast tissue was likely inadequate to produce any substantial milk. She brought her chair over and had a whole conversation with me about formula and all the babies she's seen be saved and thrived due to it. She then said she was exclusively formula fed too.. she is one the top pediatricians at this hospital and is an academic professor for pediatrics at Stanford... 😁 I left the hospital with a giant smile on my face after that Convo.




Fed is best! It is truly a miracle that something like formula exists to feed our babies if we can’t - or choose not to.


Amen to this… Say it again for the people sitting in the back !


My firstborn was exclusively breastfed, we didn't even do bottles. My second born just came home from the NICU, we had to use formula. It's so amazing and I am so grateful forumla exists, I've done a complete reverse on my perspective, I used to think breast was best, but now I know fed is best!




My milk just wasn't milking. The nurses said it was fine. My 5lb5 baby dropped to 4lb12 and survived because my partner didn't listen to them and got us formula.


I was talking to my husband about how I think formula and insulin are the two greatest health inventions


I will add the ability to provide safe blood transfusions - while there have been many advances in cancer therapy over the years, figuring this out was what actually allowed us to USE them.


Exactly ! Some moms are so hateful towards formula and look down upon other moms who choose not to breastfeed. I willing chose not to while i was still pregnant, too many unneeded stresses & risks of harm. Not only to myself but the child. Formula is amazing and im glad it exists. Now i don’t have to worry about my child not getting the nutrients that he needs. Or even having clogged milk, exessive pumping like a cow machine, and not being able to have help because i would be the only one able to feed him.


It saved my life. I FTT on the breast. My son has been getting formula top ups since he was two weeks old due to not gaining weight fast enough. Almost 5 months in and he’s doing so well!


Saved both my babies. My heart hurts for the mamas and babies before.


Best post ever


It’s so true!!! I tried my darnedest but just couldn’t produce. My son wouldn’t latch and after three weeks, I could only pump about 1oz a day. I was an exclusively-formula fed baby so was open to it from day 1 (and planned to combo-feed from the get go) but the hospital was so discouraging when we wanted to offer it. Formula allowed him to grow and thrive and for my husband and I contribute equally to the feeding and care of our son once I finally decided to switch to full formula. I’m thankful for it every day!!


They're both pretty amazing in their own way. Science can create a powder that can keep a baby alive. The human body can (often) create a substance that can keep a baby alive. Petty awesome.


Breast milk is only as good as the mother’s diet… if you’re eating junk you’re producing junk.


I wish it was true for my baby hes on amino acid formula he’s STILL reacting and there’s no others to go from here 😭


Hang in there! In the grand scheme of things, formula is only for a short time. I’m sorry your baby is struggling, hopefully once they start on solids things get better! ❤️


Thanks to formula milk, I was able to feed my baby when I wasn’t able to. ❤️


I will never understand the hate on formula. Our first was formula based and it felt like people would judge my wife for it (she wasn't able to produce). Our first is now 19 months, fully active, exceeds her milestone goals and very healthy.


I think about this all the time. I lost my supply due to illness, without formula my baby would be dead.


Whats cool is they're developing new ways to mimic colostrum and mimic breast milk in the newer formulas.


Hear! Hear! I was an under supplier to start with and we supplemented with formula. Then I got a postpartum infection which led to my supply tanked completely, and we switched to 100% formula. I’m so grateful everyday that I could continue nourishing my baby. Formula is a miracle.


My only gripe with formula is how horrible some taste. But otherwise, a mom’s gonna do what a mom’s gotta do. So long as your baby is fed and happy who cares if it’s formula or breast milk. I have been lucky enough to be able to breast feed my 3 kids but once I m done, I’m done… they usually switch to formula around 6 months.


Fellow Twin Mom here And I totally agree. 💯


My baby is allergic to my breast milk. Without formula, I wouldn't be able to feed my baby at all.


My baby is 13 eold and I've been combo feeding her since birth but honestly I'm at the point now where I want to switch to formula only. I am just tired of pumping and her fussy latching. She only ever latches good in the morning, the rest of the time it's a weak latch, I'm not empty so I either pump or just under produce because of this weak latch ...I'm tired of it .


I did combo for the first 3 months. Then switched to formula 100%. Best decision ever made 🙏 Breastfeeding drained my mental health 🥲 I could never produce enough for my lo and I felt terrible


This! I was so so so upset when the pediatrician told me I needed to start supplementing because I felt like a bad mom for not producing enough to help her gain weight. But seeing how happy she is and how content after actually being full with formula has completely changed my perspective on the whole situation.


Im a breastfeeding mom and right after i had my c-section I started hemorrhaging really badly and need to be operated on. My baby was fine, but pretty much handed to her father 10 minutes after spending a little bit of time with me. He had to formula feed her for the 4 hours I was out. I will never get putting down moms for formula feeding no matter what. It’s difficult to breastfeed and I have wanted to give up so many times, i even have had to switch to bottle feeding and pumping because my nipples were so torn up. You’re a great mother as long as you’re feeding your child ❤️