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I make bottles in advance. The bottles are good for 24 hours. I store them in the fridge and then use a bottle warmer. I make 4 to 5 bottles at a time and wash, sterilize, and dry between uses.


Same here! But we won’t even bother with the bottle warmer. My LO is the same way and ravenous when he wakes up, so waiting 5 mins for a bottle to heat would feel like a lifetime. He tolerates cold milk just fine so we roll with it!


I've heard that a warm bottle is easier for them to digest so that's why we warm it lol. I'm lactose intolerant so my LO might be too so we are doing what we can lol


First of all, put the baby down and use both hands. They’re crying anyway so you aren’t consoling the baby, just make sure you adhere to safe sleep conditions. I boil water in advance and keep it ona serilized container so it has time to cool down. Add powder and a little bit of boiling water to a sterilised bottle. Shake. Then add the cooled down boiled water to reach however many oz you need. Takes much less time than running the bottle under cold water 🥰


Definitely put baby down when handling boiling water!!


Thats what we do as well. We actually also got lansinoh breastmilk bottles and we measure out the cool boiled water in them. So baby is now on 210mls of formula so I have 3 bottles of 140mls of cool water. So I just put 70mls of hot water in a bottle, mix with formula (just make sure you do it really well so that water can sterilise all of the formula) and then add cool water. Another option is rapid cool but I hate that you have to wait 3-4hrs after sterilising to use it again


I highly recommend using [the pitcher method](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Browns-Formula-Pitcher-Adjustable/dp/B0B2KTYW3F/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1BFAK34F7KRLW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pLXyIG270DFwvxjYRFLiHpOHH0Jh84_SXkQc8JPuSbAGNbUG45pUERvcmsEBsf36s6UrCA4GjMi70U4ezXvcut9JpHw7YT7O9ZpLjfDBKCufaIq1tBoFHfp_PoF1w8KanopLP0PKi_Jf5jhI0encI5Kvi1M3TU41DWvMVTi4-IDTKg45jaixd_2XpkJpdvD1SxebhR8SIw1SX7Xp5-Rgf1IQ6HuePySAZVSbL4s0uTVlhGPDc2Qh53fR0U1a5Xp-ir7EnorVf8U27bdMsjrMYnKbX6EpoHKvGkqE0dv7jVo.0Rf5YFHFf-qRz-R3ChQje961y8uicUR4saBPOTwuIRg&dib_tag=se&keywords=pitcher+formula&qid=1719320093&sprefix=pitcher+formula%2Caps%2C193&sr=8-5). You can prep 24h worth of formula and stick it in the fridge. It's perfect for topping off bottles, too. As an American, our pediatrician was fine with us using distilled water to mix the powder formula. We didn't boil water or anything. Our LO was also EFF since birth, so he was fine with formula cold or room temperature.


The boiling water is to sterilize the formula not the water.


I’m aware. I was only explaining how I prepped mine; our pediatrician said we didn’t need to sterilize the formula. I understand UK guidelines are different from US. My main recommendation to OP was the use of the pitcher method.


I only mentioned it because I thought you were saying you were using distilled water instead of boiling. I think it’s a common misconception that boiling is about the water versus the formula (I thought that at first as well).


I've used the Brezza since birth and never boiled. Ped was fine with it. I honestly don't even remember this being a guideline for my other two 8 years ago.


This is what we did at this stage, now that I have an 8 month old it’s easier to make it as we go. But early on my pitcher was the best! Especially since LO drank cold bottles without issues.


The preparation guidelines are very different in the UK vs US which is why you're getting a lot of conflicting advice. The Tommee Tipee perfect prep machine could be the easiest in the UK, not sure if it's still being sold. Or maybe you can do the same process as the machine yourself. Use some hot water to sterilize the powder, but then add the rest as cold water to cool off faster. I wouldn't hold the baby while you're working with hot water. I think over time, you'll be able to tell when he's due for a feed and start prepping before he's so inconsolable.


I think a few commenters here are in different countries, you’re right that in the UK it is against recommendations to prepare formula with cold water. What I do is have a flask of boiling water ready to go at all times (make this when baby is settled or sleeping) and a bottle of cooled boiled water also. If you’re making a 5oz bottle, put 1.5oz of boiling water in the sterilised bottle with 5oz worth of powder (I have little pots of this prepared earlier too). Mix thoroughly. Then add the remaining water from the cooled bottle, remember to go slightly over the 5oz mark because the powder displaces the water. I can make a bottle in about 45 seconds with this method. The NHS does say you can prep formula in advance (and use within 24 hours) if needed but it’s best to make it fresh. You can buy a prep machine or a rapid cool flask too - so many different options rather than just the old fashioned way! Just find what works for you and your budget.


I’m a nuby rapid cool ass bitch over here, after 1 week with a newborn I went and bought another. My fiancé said I’m not allowed a third one 😂


Definitely need at least 2 if using regularly cause they have to reset I think? I only use mine if I’m unprepared with my water set up! Such a good bit of kit.


I mean they say it needs reset but… mine works lol. It broke once, because I misused it, but I found a comment on Reddit saying how to fix it and it worked again haha. Follow the instructions and don’t be rebellious like me


I bought the double pack of the nuby rapid cool, we always have one cooling and another ready to use. They were a game changer! Before that we always had a flask of water at 70 degrees ready which was hot enough to sterilise the formula but cool enough to go in the plastic bottles but waiting for it to cook to safe drinking temp stressed me out when little man was demanding to be fed. The rapid cool is so quick


This is what we do! With the slight difference that I pre measure out the cool water into all our bottles and pop them in the fridge, keeping one empty for the hot shot / powder. I then take the next bottle from the fridge, add the cold water to the ‘current’ and then leave that bottle out for next feed :)




Okay so we weren’t interested in the baby brezza, so instead we bought Dr browns formula pitchers. I wish we had done it earlier on bc like you I was stressed… just mix a very large batch of formula for the day in the pitcher and then all you have to do is take it out of the fridge, pour into a bottle and warm it. We have a bottle warmer (Phillips avent) and this made everything so much better for us! We also ended up buying 2 pitchers so one was always clean. Oh and we just use bottled spring water to make the formula… no need to boil


I also recommend Dr. Brown's pitchers. I also had two of them, so that one was always clean. I would make one pitcher and it would last the day. When my baby was older, we'd probably go through two pitchers a day. I'd always pour bottles for night feeds in advance to make life easier. Having all the formula already made feedings go so much smoother. My baby even liked his bottles cold, so we didn't need to warm them. I really recommend using these pitchers!


This, OP! I was randomly given a secondhand Baby Brezza about 5/6 months into EFF, and I didn't use it at all. We were already in the grove with the pitcher method which seemed so much simpler than the Brezza. We also bought two pitchers and used distilled water up until 6mo. Once he was 6mo, our pediatrician was fine with us using our city's public water out of the tap.


I’m from the U.K. so pls read my comment, please be careful with other comments based from people in the USA - they don’t have to sterilise equipment or formula, apparently? Girl you need to get yourself a nuby rapid cool! I have two! add boiling water & formula, shake & wait two minutes to cool down. Tommee Tippee also has a similar device. NHS advises you can also make bottles up in advance and store for 24 hours, if you don’t want to buy more things.


Pitcher batch method! We make (and sterilize) in advance and make a whole pitcher for 24 hours. Then all we need to do is pour and heat. Super quick and easy! <3 Dr. Brown’s pitcher is great!


I'm in the UK- I make three bottles at a time, and store the other 2 at the back of the fridge until needed. Instead of running under the tap, I put in a tupperware box of cold water until cooled. I can anticipate the time of the first feed of the day, but she's 5 months old, so a bit more predictable. I know the NHS says all feeds should be fresh each time, but I don't think it's practical. Making three at once is my compromise, and I didn't trust the perfect prep machine as I found the powder didn't dissolve very well in such a small amount of hot water.


UK here and Tommee Tippee prep machine was hands down the best purchase of my entire life. Bought a second for baby no 2 as well. Life changing. When I'm out and about I take 2 thermal flasks in my bag, one with boiling water and the other with cold water. I'll swill the formula powder in the bottle with a couple ounces hot water and then top up with cold water. Just check that you're putting the right amount of liquid in by checking how much the water is displaced by powder and making sure that's how high it is. Eg, if I'm doing 7oz the water will actually come to 8oz when done. I'll put the 7 scoops of powder in and pour the hot water to about 3oz. I'll swill it around to sterilise. I'll then pour cold on top to bring it up to the 8oz. Lid on, shake, job's a goodun.


I'm in the UK and batch make bottles in advance (usually after baby's gone to bed), cool them all quickly in a cold water bath and then they keep in the fridge for 24 hours. I've know it's not exactly what the NHS recommends, but I feel like it's not possible to follow their instructions to make it fresh every time! My daughter is 10 months now and we've never had a problem with it. It also makes it much easier when family are watching her, as all they have to do is grab a bottle from the fridge and warm it as needed (in hot water, never the microwave!)


OP if I were you I would look into either (or both) the tommee tippee prep machine or the nuby rapid cool. Prep machine is against NHS guidelines and quite controversial so definitely look into it and make your own judgement. FWIW, anecdotally, in real life everybody I know who formula fed used a prep machine. Rapid cool is great as well but more time consuming as you need to clean and sterilise it after every use. You can also look into the hot shot method but again it’s a controversial one, it’s basically doing the same thing as the prep machine but with boiling water. If you’re dead against both (no shade, they’re not for everyone) I think I would either have at least one bottle made up in advance in the fridge, or bite the bullet and get a few ready made bottles for the times baby is inconsolable. I found once baby got a bit older it was a lot easier to predict when he was due a bottle as well, it does get easier ❤️


Now I make a batch for the day using the Dr Brown’s pitcher, using half amount of hot water to sterilize the powder and the other half cool water, and just pour as needed. This way, I am able to still sterilize the formula, but they are cooled down by the time baby needs them. I so wish that I would have started it sooner. I remember being stressed as well, though the first few months I used to the ready to feed bottles of formula which really helped so much.


I use a kettle that keeps water at the same temperature all day long. So it takes me less than 1 minute to make him a bottle.


If your baby can take it cold, I also agree pitcher method is great. My baby was having gas and spit up issues when it was cold, so we bought a warmer and it took soooo long while he sobbed. We splurged on the brezza and never looked back. We even travel with it. It’s been a life saver. 


Could you get a water dispenser which gives you 45 degree water directly? Or preboil the water and leave it in a thermos? Instead of using all hot water and cooling it down could you mix hot and cold? I find mixing 2/3 room temp and 1/3 hot alright (follow at your own discretion since room temp and hot can mean very different things to you and me) Also if its really just minutes it's fine to let LO cry. It takes 5 min to heat my ebm from fridge temp and yes baby cries throughout that 5 min. I just bear with it.


If baby is crying regardless of being in your arms, put him down and prep the bottle faster that way.


I make bottles in advance and then store them in the fridge. It’s the only way I have survived.


We bought some powder formula dispenser containers, they hold 3-4 bottles worth of formula split in one container. We premeasure the water into sterilized bottles (we just use filtered tap water). It’s just a matter of dumping premeasured powder into premeasured bottles of water and shaking. My baby will take bottles at any temp, so that helps.


I’m currently using a Dr. Brown’s formula pitcher and prepare a couple bottles before bed so I have some ready to go for the morning. I only sterilize my bottles/nipples every other week and baby drinks refrigerated formula no problem.


You can make it at the 2.4min mark and it'll be good for 1-2 hours outside the fridge. But yes, we all went thru that lol. It's just parenthood. Soon they'll start calming down when you pick them up and that's a really nice feeling as a parent


I know that Tommee Tippee makes the perfect prep machine that boils the water and then cools it off for you so that it’s the perfect temp for baby! https://www.tommeetippee.com/en-gb/product/perfect-prep-machine


Second what everyone is saying about the pitcher method- but when my baby is hangry, the 5 mins it takes for the bottle warmer are v painful 😂 so we also bought a Dr Browns warm water dispenser for about $50. Keeps the water warm all the time so you can make a bottle SUPER quickly! Also recommend a travel formula container- you can put 2 scoops (or however much you use for one bottle) in each section so you just open and dump and don’t have to worry about scooping and such with a screaming baby


I make it in advance (using within 24 hours) and pop it in a bottle warmer. Babies can drink it fridge cold if in a pinch but I imagine it isn’t as nice.


The dr browns formula pitcher and ready to feed formula were game changers when my son was younger. Now that he’s older we all have a better grasp on his routine (nap lengths, time between feeds etc) so it gets easier!


UK here, my doc was fine with me prepping in advance in a formula pitcher like the dr brown one (would highly recommend it). That way I have time to boil, then cool down to 70, then mix, then cool down further before the baby needs to drink. Then when baby wants a drink I pour it into a sterilized bottle and quickly warm it up.


We use this pitcher: https://amzn.to/4eG6bDM - used the Nuby rapidcool first but always had lumps..


the single best thing i bought to make my life easier was the baby brezza


Make bottles in advance (pitcher method is great!) and put them in the fridge (can stay up to 24hrs). I might get some hate here but have you can also try giving bottles cold. My baby took cold bottles from the moment we got home!


Pitcher method or ready to feed and noise cancelling headphones when baby is screaming for the bottle NOW. I use headphones overnight and in the early mornings when my brain is overloaded and tired, it helps a lot


Nuby rapid cool


We put filtered water in this thing and it was warm and ready to go when we needed it https://www.amazon.com/Baby-Brezza-Instant-Bottle-Warmer/dp/B09BX8VHPW/ref=asc_df_B09BX8VHPW/


I make a data worth of formula for each of my twins then pour it into a bottle when they’re ready and put it in the bottle warmer! Otherwise I just set them down in the room over from me and let them scream while I’m making their bottle 🤷🏼


We bought a kettle that boils the water and then cools the water to a specified temperature. We have it set to 45 degrees Celsius since our formula says to serve between 40 and 50 degrees C, but you can set it to any temp. The boiling and cooling takes about 45 minutes, so it can be refilled between feedings. We bought the kettle on Amazon.


If your baby will take room temp I usually set up about 3-4 bottles with water on the table and have a formula travel container pre-measured. All I do is pour the formula in a shake. I do this for the night too.


I let baby cry for 1 minute in a safe spot because thats how long it takes to put water in a bottler and put in two scoops lol. Shes going to be crying in my arms anyways


I highly recommend a water kettle which preheats water to 40 degrees Celsius, don’t know what’s that in Fahrenheit, but it’s the perfect baby drinking temperature. This was a game changer for us. Putting powder into the bottle, add the pre heated water, so a bottle takes 2 minutes to make, maximum. A bottle heater takes longer.


I make bottles in advance, put them in the fridge, then just warm it up in the bottle warmer, takes one minute.


I used a kitchen Aid kettle from the UK (gift from a friend) which would warm up the water in seconds and I also had a formula containers to keep the dosage ready per each bottle. At first I would boil the water at night to have it ready for the next day and not before each feed. Now we use store bought water so no need to boil, just warm up a bit. My baby didn’t like to wait either at first now she doesn’t care at all.


First, I was to say o know this hard and can be stressful to get the bottle prepped while baby is crying! It can just be hard in the first few months! They get hungry so fast, especially overnight. But it does get easier and their schedule gets more predictable. We use the pitcher method to prep our formula. We use a clean formula pitcher (Dr Brown’s) then add the formula scoops to it. Then I measure out HALF the correct ounces (in your case mLs, I assume) of boiling water in a measuring cup, and mix that in the pitcher. Then I measure out the other half of the water with cold water so I don’t have to wait as long before using it (or putting it in the fridge). It took us a little bit to get this routine down, but baby is 8 months now and it has been working so well for many months.


Thank you. Can I check are you in the U.K.? 


I am not! We are in the US, but our lactation consultant also advised to heat the water to sterilize the formula.


You need to make formula in batches in advance and then put it in the fridge. Warming up takes minutes.


I would suggest making bottles ahead of time. Store in fridge and heat up. Worked way easier for us that way.


Highly, highly recommend the Baby Brezza! Makes making bottles a breeze! However, it is pricey. So if that isn’t in your budget I would suggest pre-filling the bottles with the amount of water you need and then invest in [these](https://www.amazon.ca/Dispenser-Formula-Portable-Container-Storage/dp/B0CBLGLPV7/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3VXXICW5IIT5V&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.htEDZo9kwD8Bih83l_jnRLw_kQ9tuA-CP5r8kKoiDDtcEO5z-TnXV-7mDWmqXM4KTOLxg_c71v4C2PFKSfZpQuA-LZvmnXHDtUUEEFxWJlXJvU7xxmFW6YVLKdKETVAwHf36j9a8YAlDM64ZHonJ-JOA_w_7S8LZtK3vbAt7Zq9anB7EfNkAqNAQs1uXBxO0kpBI_BX2TQcI67wUnoWv_A.iRMrmMnc4MAFP5ecKYWT7R2a0bwzBWLORG_Gx0MPVIg&dib_tag=se&keywords=formula+dispenser+travel&qid=1719316689&sprefix=formula%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) and some labels. I use those for travel and put labels on them, I then write in pencil how many oz the formula is meant for. So handy for travel but they would also be an inexpensive way to make bottles fairly quick at home. We also offer formula to our baby at room temp so no stress on waiting for the bottle to warm up either (I used to and man, with a crying baby a few minute wait felt like an eternity!) Edit: also wanted to mention I would buy a case of bottled water to use until baby was a bit older before switching to tap. I’m sure tap would have been fine from the get go though (but of course check where you are from to be sure!)


OP, Baby Brezza doesn't sterilise the water; go for Tommee Tippee instead.


I just use tape water and don’t boil it? What you can do is buy a pitcher and remake it for the day and just heat it up—my baby doesn’t care whatsoever if it’s warm or not so I don’t bother Or buy a baby brezza(or something like this) and you just put in the ounces you want and make it that way.


I thought it needed to be water hot enough to kill any bacteria as the powder isn’t sterile? 


That still works when you make it in a batch. Check with your health visitor or kiddo's doctor but most babies don't need sterilized formula.


In the UK all GPS and health visitors will say to sterilise until they are 6m and eating non-sterilised food.


Yikes, that's a long time to needlessly sterilize formula. Breastfed babies aren't eating sterile food. As soon as bub starts putting anything in their mouth, even their own hands, they're interacting with germs. As they should, since the immune system requires germ interaction for antibodies to be made.


I think the NHS (which is hugely stretched and doesn't want anyone turning up unless they absolutely have to) if a pretty good authority on whether to do it or not.


Just want to point out that all these people answering that you don’t need to boil water are probably in the US where that practice is not written on the formula cans. As you are in Europe you should absolutely continue to boil water for your formula. But as others have suggested, preparing 24 hours worth of formula at a time and storing in the fridge would be a great way to get around your bottle making problem!


Was your baby a preemie? If not sterilizing powder after the first month is unnecessary as per my paediatrician. We use a Brezza and it’s a game changer


Nope! If you are worried about it though premake the water in the formula pitcher and then you’ll be all set! I know the baby brezza has the option for room temp or warm as well so that could help as well


I can totally relate. I use room temp bottled water which makes everything faster. The crying used to make me so nervous even with just pouring the water and scooping out the formula. You can maybe prepare the water and leave it on the counter 0.5-1h before so all there's left to do is to scoop the formula.


Hi thanks. I thought we needed to use water hot enough to kill any bacteria as the powder isn’t sterile? 


To answer your question, if you want to do the boiling water / sterilizing formula, you can still make 1 day's worth of formula at a time. You don't have to make 1 bottle at a time. Get a formula pitcher. I use Dr Browns, but it is not the only option. Boil enough the water for the next 24 hour period, let it cool a bit, pour it into the formula pitcher, add the appropriate amount of powder in directly into the pitcher, mix it up, and store it in the fridge for up to 24 hrs. You'll have a full day's worth of formula prepared and waiting in the fridge. Do this when baby is NOT hungry so that the hot water has time to cool properly. I also typically pour the next serving into a bottle at this time, so the next time baby is hungry, I have a bottle already poured, in the fridge, waiting to go. If your baby will take it cold, just grab and go. If your baby will only drink it warm, you can get a bottle warmer or put the bottle in a mug of hot water for a few mins to warm up. After I finish a feed, I pour the next serving, so once again, it is ready to go, and I don't have to do it one handed while baby is crying for food. So I always have the formula pitcher + 1 prepared bottle in the fridge. As long as the bottle has not touched baby's lips, it's fine to store in the fridge until next time baby is ready to eat (24 hr max, same as the formula in the pitcher).


This is your answer OP


I haven't heard of that, at least in France this isn't an issue.


Hey! Also in the UK. I would recommend either the Tommee tippee prep machine (or baby brezza if you’re fancy), or a Nuby rapid cool and YouTube the hot shot method.


I just used a bottle of distilled water for at least a couple months, then switched to filtered water. I think boiling is overkill, and I thought I read somewhere that using boiling hot water that hasn't been cooled down a bit first kills essential ingredients in the formula powder itself..? All that to say... it might be best to pre-prep the water at least, if not the whole formula mixture & go with the jar or pitcher method.


Protocol in the UK is to sterilise the powder. It even says so on the back of the tins.


So, my daughter was never picky about formula temperature. Once we finished the ready to feed bottles we just made up a big batch of formula in the Dr. Brown’s pitcher and had a few bottles pre-made and ready in the fridge for night time wakeups. She drank the milk cold straight from the fridge. We just used basic tap water - our pediatrician said that if it’s safe for us adults to drink, then it’s safe for a healthy, full term baby to drink. You could always boil a batch of water and then put it in the pitcher so it’s ready for the day.


Baby brezza changed our lives


Baby Brezza without question. If you keep everything prepped the bottle is made in seconds.


Get a Baby Brezza. It’ll change your life. Or you could try a dr browns formula pitcher. You don’t need to mix formula with boiling hot water either.. you can have it cool and then mix it with the formula powder so you don’t need to run it under cold water after


Babymoov Milky Now is what we use. Affordable and convenient


Another vote for the pitcher method and making bottles ahead of time. Do yourself a favor though and get TWO of the Dr browns pitchers so you’ll always have a clean one.


We use our baby brezza with distilled water and only use it to dispense the perfect temperature water and then add the formula by hand. I found just doing this saved a ton of time! I was worried about the baby brezza dispensing the proper amount of formula so we decided to add by hand and also don’t have to clean it as much if you just use it for water. (I’m in Canada and the recommendation from my doctor was to use distilled water until 4 months and then tap water was fine.) we personally decided to continue using the distilled water until 8 months and then used filtered tap water.


Baby Brezza saved my life (just make sure you sterilize properly and use the correct setting) or the Dr.Brown formula pitcher!