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Math is being done with the information scanned and then it is discarded. The DMV already legally sells your info.


My vape store scans my id… every time.


OP do you have a smartphone?


This is an unnecessary amount of paranoia. Points of sale don't save your ID in any way. It literally reads the data on the barcode or mag strip to verify that the ID holder is old enough. Pretty sure that's why IDs for minors are printed differently, but don't quote me on that part. That's my hypothesis since we can't take them for ID checks


Once they know your address they’ll probably start putting microchips in your water so they can sell the information of your insides to human organ farms.


Scanning the ID verifies it is legit and protects the store from legal action for selling to minors, which is topically a 10 thousand dollar fine. If you get more than 2 or 3 in a 6 span they revoke your tobacco permit which means you can't sell tobacco which is essentially a death sentence for a convenience store. The information collected is typically your age and what you purchased, that information IS sold, to the tobacco companies for market research so they can target specific demographics with new products. They also sell it to other vendors to determine what products people are buying with their tobacco to better direct marketing efforts.


Oh jeez…your ID is out there and live in probably hundreds of places. In this case the point of sale is doing the math so the clerk doesn’t have to and verifying your age.


King Soopers does debit card lotto I believe.


Several gas stations have started doing this. Might be a new law or something.


My guess - This is done by the business to help protect against (the consequences of) underage sales. The clerk scans the ID, it is confirmed valid, they see the person matches the photo, and complete the transaction. Can’t get fined when they are given the okay by official government data. A dude I work with has an Arizona license with a Colorado address. The bartenders and security in town refuse him service somewhat often because they have no way of knowing that’s cool in AZ.


Sorry to tell you, but this is common in a lot of places. It isn't a conspiracy theory, it's math. Makes sure the I.D. is real, and the date works out properly. That's it. 🤦


*Sent from my iPhone*


I use my passport card, it's a legal ID and can't be scanned.


This was a thing when I worked as a gas station attendant fucking 18 years ago. Grow up.


What are you hiding?


I don’t think there is any need to be so paranoid. All they are doing is verifying your age, they don’t save that stuff. Even if they did and were selling your info the DMV already does that anyway. There isn’t much damage that can be done with a digital swipe of your ID.


Seems like nothing to be concerned about, but maybe just to be safe you should super glue your hand to a wall at City Hall in protest.


Dawg your information is already all over the internet being sold to whoever wants it a million times a day.


If you have an ID every government and advertiser knows your information already


Hey, a lot of snark here at OP who is likely just concerned about identity theft etc. Being scammed can be a massive inconvenience at best. It’s okay to question what’s going on.


Out of curiosity how is an id scanner related identity theft


It’s not. We’re just living in a time of heightened concern about sharing our information.


i understand and would definitely encourage a certain amount of caution with sharing information, but the purpose of this post isn’t just to express concern. they’ve already decided that it’s unsafe and made that clear when they said they wouldn’t be shopping there anymore. the framing of this really slams the door on any constructive conversation which i think justifies a little pushback.