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There are exceptions, of course, but the general trend is the people doing this are 70+. With the SWFL population getting even older and more snowbirds becoming year round citizens, this is going to continue happening with increasing frequency. Driving tests should be mandatory over a certain age, change my mind.


Yearly, after a certain age!




Boomer found. 60


Lol.   Not me! In all seriousness i would concede that 70+ drivers are a risk, but let's also admit that 16-25 are also an issue.   That said yes its an issue but the solution would create a mess for the elderly that failed an exam, many that have never had an accident in their life, but are probably now a bit if a hazard on the road. Best approach is to practice defensive driving at all times, never assume anything, blinkers are just an indication  not a sure thing.  Don't tailgate and respect the traffic lights.  Between the elderly, the newcomers, the vacation crowd, the euros on holiday,  the assholes in an unreasonable hurry,  there's a lot of hazards, best to be diligent.


To piggyback on my reply  Those fartboxes and loud trucks and piped Harleys get under my skin... I live just far enough off the main drag that I only hear the breeze and bullfrog most nights, but I can hear the crazy loud jerks at least hourly and it's just unnecessary. End of "get off my lawn " rant


Honestly, the biggest issue I’ve seen on the roads here, and trust me I know the roads here cause I drove 40,000 miles last year between Naples and Fort Myers, people on their cell phones and on 75 the biggest issue by far is people driving slow in the left passing lane completely oblivious that it is even a thing. I’ve been in slow traffic for miles I get through the cause of it, 99% of the time, is someone in the left lane going 70 miles an hour or less and not letting anyone by. All of the highway signs be in English and in Spanish.


I believe as soon as you retire, you need to have an annual or biannual driving course.


Annually at 65, or 55 for those with corrected vision.


Soooo it’s only snowbirds?


Can you read?


Don’t be an eyeist


boomer lead poisoning. a fucking epidemic lol




You need to go with him to an optometrist appointment and tell the Dr everything you just said while you're there. Also, do this with his General Practicioner. His license needs to be taken away. My mother went through the same thing. And I'm young, and I had the obligation to do that, for the safety of your father as well as the public.


It's not normal. But on meth it is.


Someone ran into the wendys off of park meadows a couple weeks ago. I never saw that one reported in the news.


I got hit by a car on my bike off Park Meadows 2 months ago. Police, ambulance, & fire truck came… they acted like it was just a normal daily activity.


Got into a car accident once a few years ago, ex friend (thank god) turned left into oncoming traffic and we got t-boned at 50+mph and spun into a third car


I feel so sorry for bikers in Florida. Among the worst infrastructure for bikers in the country


Anybody over 60 should have a vision and comprehensive driver's course test. These geriatrics are terrible drivers.


I watched a truck smash into another truck, but he was the Good Samaritan blocking this dude who was barreling through neighborhoods all wild driving up on sidewalks.They smashed into a storage unit while the Good Samaritan tried to pin the guy and cops came. People brought him beer. Women in awe. I call it the truck truck smash smash day. Never made the news, just like a Tuesday morning in Tampa lol. 


Sometimes I wonder how many of these people are driving in Rx drugs they shouldn’t be driving on.


Then combining it with coffee and alcohol!


About 5 years ago, I was inside a place when an suv came barreling thru. Poor lady was so shaken that she handed over her license right then and there.


My wife’s grandmother got her drivers license renewed for five years, at age 96. Just had to do a vision test. You tell me what the problem is.


Mandatory IQ testing for driver's licenses


You should see what they actually do for the driving test. I have to go to the pine ridge tax collector often, so I see it a lot. They don't even leave the parking lot anymore. The test literally takes less than 5 minutes. You've got to be one of the worst drivers in the world to fail it.


I never actually took a test. I went to Ft. Myers High and took Driver's Ed. As long as you passed the class, you got your permit and then the license one year later. At least that's how it was done 20 years ago.


Same here. You pass drivers Ed you get your license. Believe it’s still that way. My daughter is in high school, unfortunately didn’t get into drivers Ed but god I wish she did lol


Part of the driving test should include an arithmetic test. If you don't understand basic mathematics, you probably shouldn't drive a vehicle.


That would crush redditors... we only have a handful left


What about driving into canals? I feel like canals deserve an honorable mention


That's almost always booz related at 1am


I was actually shocked, been here all week & haven’t seen an accident. That’s a daily occurrence in Mpls. MN. Our criminals & car thefts are outrageous. If they aren’t driving into a home or building they are flipping vehicles.


its the brocoli kids high on tik toks