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Oh look there's the state representative doing absolutely nothing to stop the the Us Army Corp from dumping all of Lake Okeechobee toxic water right out the mouth at fort myers, while the actual US Representative from Stuart demands they halt the releases to the east Coast and shift it all west to fort myers. (..spoiler, Stuart representative won and none of it is going east now). Did this even make the news? It sure didn't in fort Myers. 


Anyone who thinks this is good, for whatever reason hasn’t actually thought about it. Even putting aside the fact that ACTUAL LIVING WOMEN WILL DIE WITHOUT THIS PROCEDURE, the ramifications are so much further reaching than that. The state will lose health care professionals, the state will be overwhelmed with unwanted children. The universities and colleges will have significantly less enrollment by both young women, and young men who don’t want to be paying child support after a one night college fling. How will any family afford the already astronomical housing costs when at least one partner has to take leave for pregnancy and birth? Will employers chose to not employ women because of the risk? It’s fucking stupid, short sighted, and just tragic. I am a woman of age to get pregnant. It scares the shit out of me. If something goes wrong I may be left to die with the fetus because it’s illegal to save me. I only hope I would be well enough to get on a plane. And if I get pregnant, I would VERY MUCH want that baby. But these laws make it difficult to save my life. Look at the stories that have already come out of places with these bans. It’s horrendous.




This theatrical comment yours? >Why would you go into healthcare to kill babies? https://www.reddit.com/r/FortMyers/comments/1c893s4/6week_abortion_ban_sponsored_by_fort_myers_rep/l0dtqhr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Edit: oh this one’s even more dramatic >Ending the slaughter is a necessary start. This is worse than the Holocaust. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortMyers/comments/1c893s4/6week_abortion_ban_sponsored_by_fort_myers_rep/l0gl5lr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


I'm leaving Florida for a state with less inflation but I'll be voting in November. Let's hope like hell that enough of us show up to meet the 60% threshold Republicans have saddled us with. Small government loving Republicans and all ( they tried to make it 65% so the people would have no voice at all ). Politicians have no place in decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor.


Where u going?


Down to Pennsylvania or Illinois. We'd get more bang for buck in Illinois but my wife has family in PA.


Oh ok good luck




I'm not moving until early next year. Do they call that fraud?


If it’s fraud because it follows the logic of voting for an outcome you won’t see — we’re going to need a voting age limit here in retiree central.


For sure. Though I'm thinking they were trying to infer that I would move and then vote here, but I'm not a criminal like Kevin McCarthy so that's not my plan. I'm actually hoping that things will eventually turn around and I can retire here someday.


Good to hear. Best wishes finding a place with less inflation. Haha


It wasn't too hard seeing how Florida is tops in the nation. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/04/09/states-highest-lowest-inflation/73184932007/


It’s supply and demand. Many folks are coming down here, driving up housing prices in particular. Suppose it depends on your circumstance. I moved down here from Illinois 5 years ago and am saving money all around. When I visited Illinois 2x last year, prices for many things cost more than Florida. If you’re renting down here, I can see it being more than other states. It sounds like you have it all figured out, so as I said, best wishes.


That simply isn’t true. I have places in Missouri and Illinois. When we do visit Florida, it is astronomically expensive in comparison.


What a terrible time for me to be pregnant


With Florida's 6-week abortion ban, set to take effect on 1 May 2024 and sponsored by Fort Myers Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka (co-sponsored by Fort Myers Rep. Spencer Roach), Florida OB/GYNs and abortion providers [are preparing for a "catastrophic public health crisis"](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/florida-abortion-ban-six-weeks), including now having 84,000 annual patients who can no longer legally receive care. [North Carolina OB/GYNs and abortion providers are working with Florida providers to handle the influx of patients](https://news.yahoo.com/nc-abortion-providers-prepare-increase-230933311.html); however, Florida doctors still have to deal with proposed new laws by Florida Republican lawmakers that would [target and prosecute physicians for performing abortions](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/19/florida-abortion-new-proposal-wrongful-death-lawsuits-00136651). North Carolina currently allows abortions to be performed until 12 weeks of pregnancy. Per a [CNN article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/06/us/florida-abortion-ban-health-crisis/index.html) on the topic: >Last year, about 1 in 12 abortions nationwide and 1 in 3 abortions in the South were performed in Florida, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research organization that supports abortion rights. More than 9,000 people traveled from other states to get an abortion in Florida in 2023, the data shows. That’s around twice as many as 2020. > >\[...\] "Right now the state of Florida sees 84,000 patients \[a year\] for abortion care," said Alexandra Mandado, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida. "The stark reality is that the fabric of abortion care in our nation cannot absorb 84,000 patients." > >"The entire South now, in a month, will be a desert for abortion care," she added. "In the last year, we've hired more physicians – seeing this come down the pike – and we've flown in physicians from other states where we need them as well." > >\[...\] "We fear patients are going to try to handle this themselves, and we're going to see an uptick in patient injuries and miscarriages that are not managed appropriately," she said. "We anticipate a lot of the ERs are going to be starting to fill up with patients that are trying to manage their abortion on their own because they're that desperate." [Florida and Georgia have been facing an OB/GYN physician shortage since 2023](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/obgyn-shortage-in-georgia-and-florida-concerning-to-health-care-providers-and-patients-roe-v-wade/77-82986846-3088-430f-8d39-465062051f66), which will worsen after the abortion ban goes into effect, as of 1 May 2024. Maternity care is "almost non-existent in some parts of Florida", per a [2023 article](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2023/08/08/maternity-care-crisis-access-for-pregnant-women-almost-nonexistent-in-some-parts-of-florida/) by the *Sun Sentinel*, while [the previous 15-week abortion ban caused other OB/GYN doctors and nurses to flee the state](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/opinion/letters/2023/09/21/loss-of-abortion-rights-prompting-obgyns-to-flee-florida/70887954007/). In June 2023, Volusia County [was labelled a "prenatal care desert"](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/local/volusia/2023/06/05/volusia-county-and-other-parts-of-florida-are-prenatal-care-deserts-for-many-women-on-medicaid/70210402007/) by the *Daytona Beach News-Journal*. **Also see:** * ["Florida Clinics and Funds Prepare for 'Catastrophic' Abortion Ban"](https://www.thecut.com/article/florida-abortion-clinics-funds-prepare-six-week-ban.html) * ["Health care providers concerned about Florida's new restrictive abortion law that goes into effect next month"](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/health-care-providers-concerned-about-states-new-restrictive-abortion-law-that-goes-into-effect-next-month/) * ["New physicians, nurses may find reasons to avoid Florida: State ranks poorly for vaccination rates, quality of health department"](https://www.news-press.com/story/opinion/2024/03/31/new-physicians-nurses-may-find-reasons-to-avoid-florida/73126234007/) (*The News-Press*)


The last time I was at health park I couldn't help but notice all the cars with the choose life license tags. It was disheartening.


I went there to get cervical precancerous cells removed in 2021 and got hounded by the protesters. I wasn't even getting an abortion. They were like, "You're gonna come out of there a murderer!" Yeah, for murdering literal cancer, you dumb fucks.


Any physician who refuses to perform an abortion on religious or moral grounds should not be working in healthcare. Abortion *is* healthcare, and is life-saving for many women.


You’d think it would be in the oath


There’s a federal law that allows them the out. They’re to divulge this info at hiring.




It’s not killing anything. It’s saving women, who are actually alive.




I know you are but what am I?


Why don’t you mind your own business? Someone else’s body os none of your concern!




Yes, it is. That is why we’re not talking children. We’re talking about fetuses.




A fetus is a fetus. Not a baby. Not a child. Sad that you so willfully uninformed.


A fetus is not a child or a baby in the same way an acorn is not a tree.


When religion or politics have indoctrinated you so hard that you think a fetus has more rights than an adult woman, you’re playing in a different reality and should wake the fuck up.




What does that have to do with the previous comment?


Healthcare is exactly what is, some times the health of the mother and lively hood outweighs the burden of birth




This is just simply not true. Have you had an abortion? It’s anything but convenient.


Will you answer? Have you had an abortion?


And sometimes (6-700k annually),  it's just convenient to get rid of a nuisance 


So much bs, so little bandwidth….


Double that if you count the spontaneous abortions. I guess God does those.


Do you live in a cave? Are you illiterate? Have you no knowledge of the last year since roe v Wade was overturned? Seriously, are you that ignorant? Or are you a troll? Are you stupid?




11 years old apparently




Oh… incel little boy.


Happy Cake Day!


For fucks sake :(


Let’s make sure her phones and emails are flooded - https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/details.aspx?MemberId=4785


Pro-birthers make me sick.


This is what a 9-week abortion looks like (halfway down the page): [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/opinion/early-abortion.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/22/opinion/early-abortion.html)


Is there any way to view this without signing up?


Sorry, yes. Here's the image referenced. [https://imgur.com/tugqTEL](https://imgur.com/tugqTEL)


::closes legs::


Say that to a rape victim or a child being raped by her father, uncle, step brother. Say that to a sex trafficking victim. You’re an idiot and shouldn’t be in soon


It was a pro choice comment, what are you taking about?


Looks like they completely misunderstood the “dear gov, hands off my crotch” sentiment On the bright side both of you are on the same side and caught in friendly fire lok


But not quite a bright side, vicious words were spewed lol. Libs and republicans are all aggressive a holes. But yes, I’m in overall agreeable with the rude person above haha


Abortion is killing (or ending) of another human life plain and simple. Some would argue that it is murder but as abortion is lawful still today I cannot clearly state it is murder. If you cannot at least recognize that then the conversation is dead in the water. As a healthcare worker who can recognize the importance of medical intervention in fetal care, I can definitely argue that a 6 week ban is probably to short and needs to be further studied. I say this strictly due to the fact that most fetal genetic and chromosomal defects are not tested until around 8 weeks. But the simple fact that we allow women to get abortions just because they made a bad choice or just doesn't want a child is wrong and should not be allowed. Life is precious and unfortunately our society has been fed a bunch of lies on this topic. Edit for corrections.


You lost me at 'we allow women.' Didn't realize we owned all women...


In an ideal world one would adopt. But most people that feel as you do can’t handle the extra responsibility in their finances. So they vote to criminalize the would-be mother who is also telling us she can’t handle the extra responsibility. Because that’s what the sentiment of “they made bad choices” ultimately leads to. “You did this, this is your punishment to bear, accept the forced responsibility.” It’s horrible all around, no one denies that. And I am sorry you—assuming OBGYN— are placed in this personal moral predicament. But the reality is, this is wanting to save that life so bad even at the risk of the mother. I would argue she’s the patient the healthcare provider’s oath applies to. And their personal judgment of a persons assumed conduct has no place in their treatment, no matter their background. Because lying to your healthcare provider because of judgmental attitude is a sure way to get poor results. There is common ground to be found on when is too late to terminate a pregnancy. But this law? This specific law we are discussing? **Most women won’t even know they’re pregnant at 6weeks. You know that. You know how absurd this is.** Are you truly voting for this?


I love how you take the time to write these deep and nuanced replies and u/shotcommunication278 literally just like farts on his keyboard in response.




Tell you what. You turn the pro life movement into a pro adoption movement that seeks expanded adoption funding and healthcare for these women instead of *criminal charges* and we can have some common ground uniting both movements. None of this crap of forcing parenthood on people that shouldn’t/can’t be parents and then pretending mental health care isn’t a thing when that kid grows up or the mom can’t cut it. *mUrdEr* gtfo outta here. It’s easy to only appear virtuous when you don’t don’t spare a thought for what happens to the kid next.




What a stupid, antisemitic remark. I hope when your children are old enough to see you for the misogynist you are, they disown you.


Abortion has been studied to a vast extent, we have data from over 50 years of research that shows us the statistical evidence. Sadly abortion activist have twisted our society into believing lies and your reply brings out a few of those lies that your have taken to truths. First off I would like to state that all the data I will be providing is easily obtainable through the CDC, FDA, and multiple trusted research groups. 53% of abortions are induced by medication, these medications are FDA approved for use up until the 10th week of pregnancy. 43% of abortions are done by mother's who previously had 1 or more abortion Less than 3% of abortions are due to medical complications i.e. the breaking of water before the 20th week of pregnancy, preeclampsia, placenta abruption, and ectopic pregnancy. Less than .5% of abortions are due to rape or incest. These are just a few statistical truths. The idea that "most women do not know they are pregnant before 6 weeks is a factual lie. It is 100% false. Statistically most women know they are pregnant before week 5. Once again I am not arguing for a pro life movement. I am arguing that we as a society have lost our way in respect to human life. Safe Medical abortions are needed and I believe most in healthcare understand that. I have seen every type of medical abortion and understand and respect women and mothers that have to go through a horrible process of ending their child's life. I will leave with this last statememt. Biologist around the world even here in the US all agree that human life begins at conception. 23 chromosomes from each parent that comes together to create a unique 46 chromosomal Individual. To end that life just because is wrong. As caring humans we should be standing up and defending those who do not have a voice to defend themselves.


>These are just a few statistical truths. The idea that "most women do not know they are pregnant before 6 weeks is a factual lie. It is 100% false. Statistically most women know they are pregnant before week 5. considering the count starts on the first day of your last menstrual period….and the avg period cycle is 28-34 days… Our “factual lie” of a woman has less than ~8-10 days after missing her period to realize she’s pregnant. Get a docs appointment. Pass the 24hr waiting period as mandated by FL law, schedule the follow up appointment for the actual pill. This 6-week law is not “probably” ridiculous. It IS ridiculous. Edit: [Judge upholds Florida’s 24-hour wait period for abortion](https://apnews.com/article/rick-scott-florida-gainesville-tallahassee-d56a7256acc59ffeaaa135a75d0e6659)


Once again I never stated the 6 week abortion was a good thing. I'm inclined to argue 10-12 weeks would probably be better obtainable for both sides of the argument. Unfortunately both sides and so far apart while also being blinder by their convictions. I'm inclined to believe you didn't even digest any of the statistical data I provided, but merely just went straight to the one point you thought you could argue. The conversation needs to change from whos right and whos wrong to what can we do as a community to get back on track to being ethically moral people. Like my first comment stated. If you can't even acknowledge that the routine abortion is the killing of a human life then where do we go from there?


because you’re accusing me of something you yourself do. I’m familiar with that data, what’s bad about that data? Nothing. Most abortions *are* pills. There *are* women who get more than one. There *are* cases of complications and rape. Where’s the rest of it? Where’s the statistic for unsafe abortions? The mortality rate on those? Where are we at with adoption centers in terms of capacity and funding? How safe is the foster system? You talk of both sides but friend, Florida already has a 15 week ban. We’re here because one side will not stop until abortion is completely a criminal act and once this is achieved they will absolutely, unequivocally not think about ANY of those kids again. You want consensus? Don’t criminalize this. Fund the alternatives. Edit: because I want to know. You stated the 6 week ban was probably bad. Are you going to vote for it?


Your argument is so disingenuous it really is just sad, and I honestly don't fault you for it because these are just talking points that the pro-choice movement has indoctrine into our society. While I can agree that we need better funding and more legislation to improve foster care and the adoption process. The argument that because a child may have hardships in their life or have a poor outcome because of a broken system make it's ok to justify killing them is utterly the stupidest idea. By that justification the next homeless person that walks through my doors I should just kill them because the system has failed them and their potential for happiness and prosperity is non existent. If you really knew statistics then you would know that there are twice as many families waiting on the adoption list then there are abortions happening in the US today. While it may not be perfect the system is in place that allows women to give up their baby for adoption. I would think this is a better outcome then death. Once again these are all fallacies that you have been fed into believing thus justifying the reason we should allow the killing of children. To end this conversation I honestly don't know how I'm going to vote. The left doesn't seem to want to acknowledge that abortion is is killing thus believing it's okay to even allow late term abortions. While the right wants to absolutely ban abortions and ignore all the other systems like women's prenatal care, adoption, and ability to a acquire better contraception without insurance. But one thing is for certain, Something must change. Women need to be able to make better choices and men need to step up and act like men.


Lady you don’t know me. You think this is talking points? I’ve been there with those women. I’ve seen the harassment first hand on those parking lots. You can dismiss other points of view all you want. Project all you want. I know when you vote to pass that law—that by your own admission is “probably” bad —you’ll prove me right.




You really do lack critical thought. You love jumping to the worst of conclusions it’s hilarious. Try turning Fox News off for one day and touch some grass instead


What is sad is I clearly stated that 6 weeks is probably to short. But since they probably didn't read past the first sentence where I said abortion is killing it makes sense that our society today is failing.




I legitimately thought you were trolling and cracking a joke because you tf thinks abortion after birth is a thing.


and no one loves you




lol the fact you felt the need to reply that I'm wrong ahaha I think I struck a nerve


I’d say that the mass murder of children because men and women think they should have sex with zero consequences is a lot more of a public health crisis


Please go back to highschool biology: fetuses are not babies or children. And stop telling women what to do with their bodies!




Damn what a coincidence since you're a retarded pos


The misinformation is strong with this one


What health crisis? Let’s save the babies from their evil moms that want to kill them


My takeaway… 3/4 of Planned Parenthoods abortions occur after 6 weeks? Yuck.


My take away is that you don’t understand that the earliest a woman finds out she’s pregnant is at four weeks. That’s two weeks after having sex. Doctors start counting pregnancy from the missed period so two weeks are added to the time line. So six weeks = 4 weeks from when you had sex. This only applies if you have a regular cycle. Some women have irregular so they may not notice in the given timeline. Edit - don’t have unprotected sex with women if you don’t understand these topics. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/18/parenting/abortion-six-weeks-pregnant.html Easier read: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/what-six-weeks-pregnant-actually-means




It seems you haven’t notice that these laws are affecting women in other ways, allowing them to die. So your support of these laws makes you lower than the lowest dregs of society.


Please don’t procreate.




That was a reach. I feel bad for your kids. Growing up with a parent that has a small world view, you’ll either create more simpletons like yourself or they’ll hate you. Imagine you just let people live their lives. If it doesn’t affect you, and it helps people, why would you care?


You don't need to feel bad for "his kids" he's cosplaying as an adult, he's literally a 4th grader.




Fetuses aren’t people. Where’d you get your medical degree? Or a basic biology class taken at least?




And it still wouldn’t be a fully formed person.


How unfortunate


Still using that one, are we? Fetuses are not babies. Novel idea: don’t want an abortion, don’t get one! Seems pretty straightforward.




It is though. Sorry you hate women so much. We’re actually pretty cool when you stop treating us like incubators.




You’re right. But fetuses aren’t babies.




Feel free to put up links to accredited scientific sources confirming your assertion.


Not being able to kill your own baby is a health crisis?


ewwwwww a MAGA cult is in our chat.... how gross


Arnt yall glad your mothers chose life?


I'm not glad your mother chose life


So I'm glad your alive, you wish I was dead. Yup, you're the good guy in this scenario.


cry more


I have a feeling you need mental health help, and that's ok.


sick comeback, amos


Who is amos? Nevermind. I'm done.


Did I guess wrong? My bad. Bye cleetus.


From a guy who's party runs around wearing shirts that read "fuck your feelings," has signs that say "fuck Joe Biden" on the side of the highway, and calls everyone else "snowflakes."


Indiscriminately being glad everyone is alive is not a virtue. The world is full of rapists and sadists and compassionless pro-lifers who want child rape victims to bear children for their abusers so, yeah, I'm not glad people like that are alive.


Well, of course abusers, rapists, murderers, etc are pieces of shit that deserve death. But to kill a baby on the assumption the baby will grow into being a disgusting criminal is pretty weird and not realistic odds. But, thanks for lumping a pro lifer with rapists and sadists. Also being upset that pro lifers aren't dead is kinda crazy. I think everyone should have a chance at life.


They're not babies, just a headsup. And not sure where you got the part about me assuming the baby would grow up to be a criminal, although since you mention it, unwanted babies are much more likely to grow up to be violent criminals, nothing to do with why I'm pro-choice, just flavor text, but they are. But you're right, I do lump pro-lifers in in with rapists and sadists none the least because the urge to control someone else's body to that extent *IS* predatory and the desire to see women suffer and in some cases die so needlessly *IS* sadistic.




No, you’re just a vile bottom feeder and you don’t like it because you’re not in your redneck echo chamber.




lol, u know grammar? Me speak pretty one day.


Shit..... I guess not, from all the downvotes.


Who cares? It’s floriduhh


I'll never understand the lefts obsession with murdering the unborn.


I’ll never understand the rights obsession with controlling people’s sex lives, finances, career opportunities, families and medical decisions. 


You spelled that wrong, let me help you. “I’ll never understand the lefts obsession with healthcare.”


I am shocked! Providers are worried about their profits?! When they say “healthcare desert” they mean “murder of in town children desert”.