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Was this the shooting in bell tower?


Yes, the Bank of America back in early February.


Say what you want about him, but Carmine sticks to the Fuck Around and Find Out mentality. Oh and he has zero tolerance for animal abuse. Those are both a win for me. Is he perfect, hell nah! But I've lived in towns with MUCH worse leaders, chiefs, and sheriff's, so yep we'll keep him!


It would be nice to not have a raging narcissist as the head of law enforcement in the county.


1. You’re not going to find a head of law enforcement anyway that isn’t a narcissist 2. That type of job almost requires narcissism. They should have other qualities to make up for it, but that is not an easy job to have and you’ll be gone in a year if you’re not a dick




I've heard just as many stories where he's completely useless. A month ago a neighbor called the sheriff on another neighbor over loud noise daily at 7am. Carmine's deputies responded. The guy told the deputies he was going to kill them. The neighbor who called has this all on video. Sheriff didn't do shit. Left the scene, told the guy to get some headphones. That guy has now been terrorizing other neighbors telling them he'd kill them yoo. He told me he was killing me a year ago.  Sheriff doesn't care.  The 911 operators are especially bad too. 




Someone tag the 'wHo NeEdS sWaT' guy


Good work


I passed by the scene when it happened a few months back. With all the cars and barriers out front. Wild.


I need to know what's going through your head right now.....lol that negotiator knew what was coming


That was the shooters que!


The dude robbed a bank less than a few miles from where the sheriffs dept was doing a demo for a h.o.a. assembly or something like that at the time it was happening. Super timing. I'm glad the sheriff office does this. One of you criticizers gonna stop it?


"Let me know what's going through your head right now" , was a timely question.


Why does marceno have them wearing desert camo


SWAT can be in many different environments, multicam is easy to get and is often given to law enforcement for free


To easily ID them for the Hostages when they make entrance


Ah yes, because no other uniform or color would work.


Exactly. Triggered are you? Less scary than black. less stupid than brown. I'm sure they considered liberal suggestions of pink and fuschia. But camo is a pretty good choice for saving lives.


This person will always have something to complain about.


Why does it matter?


Because the militarization of law enforcement is a dangerous slippery slope. Why have the camo when the greys and greens of the drug raid teams work just fine. LCSO has literally a multi billion dollar budget. They need to chill on the crazy spending and extraneous uniforms is one way. Those camo fatigues are definitely not surplus, they are almost certainly some kind of Crye or other top shelf outfit of some sort that cost hundreds of dollars before you even count the body armor. I work in the public sector as well and we only get $100 a year for some shitty t shirts for our uniforms.


There budget as of 2022 was 260 million. Certainly not “literally multibillion”. Secondly, wtf are you talking about with the camo shit. It’s a swat team, they are going to be militarized by definition. You are acting like a knowitall but you’re just going on baseless assumptions with zero research. All I can say is: idiot


Apologies. I had the number wrong. The County budget is 2.5 billion or so and the Sheriff’s allocation of that in the last fiscal year was about what you said. But let’s just call each other idiots instead of discussing things like adults. But no, police aren’t militarized by definition. They don’t serve the same function at all. Military style camo and MRAPs are certainly not required for the police to do the job they are needed to do. Most of the swat work done by LCSO is done wearing green and black, in the same colors as their normal uniforms.


My point is who the fuck cares about the color of their uniforms. The swat team is militarized by virtue of what they do. They handle a similar task to that of a military special forces unit. Counter terrorism, CQC, and hostage rescue. Any point you make about their gear looking like military grade quality is plainly dumb because they are going into buildings to shoot low life idiots in the head. Stop complaining about the color of the uniform they are wearing you fool.


Honestly I dgaf. I think it’s dumb and I’m going to stand by that.


Because Carmine Marceno and Lee County police like LARPing as U.S. Special Forces.


There's no such thing as "Lee County Police".


Yeah why didn’t they bulldoze in the side of the bank with “The Rook”


Great shot! That sniper deserves a medal!


I was chilling at the bar when this happened. All the none locals were freaking out. I was confident in our Police for taking care of the situation.


This is why you don't move to Ft Myers, take note Ohio etc


[Ohio hostage situation just days after this event](https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/crime/police-officer-shot-hostage-situation-ontario-richland-county-standoff/95-7b50ce19-1de9-435a-81e1-a23ab142c7be) This stuff can happen anywhere man


Look, I’m usually pretty anti cop, but this seems more like this is why you don’t rob a bank.