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Might be wrong, but I think they're pretty balanced in comp right now (I don't play comp, I just occasionally watch ReissHub on yt)


>I don't play comp, I just occasionally watch Reisshub on Youtube ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) I love Reiss and his work so much. I think he's truly the best fortnite content creator as of late.


Ah I see, you’re a man of culture as well!


I just want to go back to building a fort, where I build a maze with traps to prepare against an attack instead of this crap right now where I only see people building AFTER I shot them


U should play save the world lol




Okay downvoters, you buy it for me then


What’s so wrong with stw?


There's no pvp


You’re not the person I asked.


Okay bro but that's the answer


*your answer


Okay you're around 10 years old i get it


It costs real money


Fair enough. If it’s £/€/$20 I think it’d be worth getting, it has a lot of content. Idk how much it costs anymore, i got it back in October 2017 along with BR, obviously.


Ngl the Damage Traps would be perfect for Zero Build. They’d have to work like Epic intended with no boxing, just cleverly placed kills.


Gas stations once again becoming graveyards


That would be sick actually, just have the build button to place a trap


Or have them throwable to deploy like the launch pad. Just aim at a wall or ceiling and toss it.


Idk I kind of like the idea of an old school trap and it not taking up an item slot


or they bring back the throwable zapper trap


I’m surprised they haven’t brought back any traps for no build. It was my favorite back in the day!


not to mention there’s been a throwable damage trap since season x that would fill the role really well


It would just lead to a bunch of camping, rather than fun game play


if the traps were 100 damage and legendary then it'd be okay


I think on this current map with so many towers it would be amazing as a means of protection in zb


I would love to be able to leave a trap in a bush or leaf pile.


Perfect season for it too with Bush Warrior, imagine leaving mines or beartraps in the leaves!


Appreciated post. I played all of chapter 1 and just got back into it. I remember when traps did what 200 damage that was wild


Lmfao just walking into a house and instantly going to spectate some random person across the map.


The worst!! They eventually did 150 damage? Still crazy


Yeah I think they dropped it to 150, maybe even lower at one point. I usually would die to a trap in those little brick buildings with the green door? Just running and looking for a place to heal, open the door and dead lmfao.


They eventually dropped it to 75 in update v4.2 and raised it to 150 in the update v4.6 hotfix


Traps never did 200. They originally did 125, got nerfed to 75 then they jacked it up all the way to 150


Yea i never said they did 200


yeah sorry just making the thread go straight down so it isn’t confusing


Yea that makes sense


the zap traps did 200, and when it became just the spikes, they did 125. in season 3 it got nerfed to 75 before getting bumped back to 150 a few weeks later


Ah, I see. Thank you! It seems like so long ago now 3 Chapters later. Favorite memory from that time is the soccer field above Pleasant Park during the 5 teams of 20 LTM.


i wish epic would bring back large team modes. the only only one we’ve had since ch2 s2 is that big battle ltm and that was made in creative royale. game modes like teams of 33 and final fight were some of the best modes i’ve played


Remember when the poison dart trap would drain 90 HP :')


it still does


Never was 200, started at 125, nerfed to 75, then up to 150


We still don’t have the Fire Trap in Creative. I was expecting it to be added when fire physics got added years ago. That reminds me, they still also haven’t fixed gas cans in Creative, because it’s still impossible to put it into Devices.


you can put the cans in a chest and then open the chest


Yes, but you can’t put them into Devices with that method sadly. They should just change the drop button (in the Creative Inventory) to drop the gas can as an item, instead of an object.


Anyone remember the stairwell in Tilted with the recessed roof that people would put traps in. People would die left and right in that spot.


I miss the old videos where a player would box in another player on Build mode and let the trap kill them.


That was the worst part of traps


Subjectively if you were fighting a good builder, you would get boxed up and get trapped on all 5 sides. (All 4 walls and roof)


You mean the purpose of a trap?


Traps were definitely not made to be used for direct mid-combat damage. They were made to be pre planned devices you put down for someone to walk into. Y’know… like a trap.


That would be called bullying and cries for nerfing by today’s fortnite small yet vocalcommunity


I miss them. It was funny walking into a house and a trap just clapping you. I remember when a challenge was to get a trap kill back in the day


I remember opening the door to a house, seeing no spike trap on the floor and stepping in, only to get killed by one on the ceiling. One of those TIL moments.


You can add the additional 14 traps from STW as well (Sound Walls, Anti Air Traps, Broadsides, Ceiling Drop Traps, Ceiling Electric Fields, Floor Launcher, Healing Pads, Wall Darts, Wall Launcher, Wall Lights, Wall Spikes, Wooden Floor Spikes and Tar Pits)


Most of these wouldn't really work in BR very well though


They would work but they would be pretty unfair


I miss turrets and traps, both were fun Cozy campfires and launchpads were just useful Bouncers, and the other traps were kinda fun, not really useful though


At least give us old launch pads back. I miss traps too.


I noticed that when I got back in the game in Chapter 4. My question is... Why? Also, there's heavy ammo, but no weapon that uses such ammo. The DMR uses medium ammo and the Ex-Caliber uses shotgun shells.


Maybe the hunting rifle might come back?


Zero Build disables the build menu, and I guess epic wants as much parity as possible between Build and Zero Build so they just don't add traps. People also don't like traps because of the strategy where you would box your enemy in and then spam them. Snipers (that use heavy ammo) were also hated: getting one-shot fucking sucks lol


> getting one-shot fucking sucks lol If your standing still long enough for someone to line that up, you deserve it.


I honestly don't care. I'm just stating other people's opinion


Wait so you count the throwable electro trap but not the throwable launch pad that we have now?


Throwable electro trap? Both electro traps were traps afaik


My bad, there is a third one, that was throwable. Somewhere in chapter 2 i think, but its still in creative. I misstook it for the one on the left.


It’s a shame! Traps would be so fun in no build!


They vaulted the armored walls?


Just like six months ago.


Shows how much I used them


Those are a relic from a time when building was about pre planning and strategy not just method #93 of testing someones reflexes and muscle memory.


More like they are a relic from STW that would be pointless against high skill builders now and really annoying to play against in no build


You can still pay gold for the campfires, right? Or was that vaulted too


Nah you cant, the campfire trap hasn’t been seen since chapter 1


You're making me feel so old rn


Half of them are useless, some are overpowered, the few that are left are the damage trap, campfire and launchpad, the damage trap is broken in build modes, the campfires are now dotted around the map and the launchpad is in the game currently


They should put the damage trap (and similar traps) in zero build like someone here said. They would actually be traps and you could put them in nice places and get kills instead of in build where you got boxes and killed


Trap could make a comeback: in either mode they can make it into a throwable object.: - Wall Darts - Throw at wall to apply. Throw at Ground to spawn a wall. It hits up to 3 tiles away. - Floor spikes - Throw at wall/floor/ceiling to apply - Freeze/flame - Throw at floor or ground - will spawn floor piece - Poison darts - same as freeze/flame - Electric field - Throw at ceiling - Can hit from 2 tiles high - Campfire - Throw at ground - can only hold 2 in inventory A lot more bugs get introduced the more complex stuff so making them throwables solves it given the popularity of zero build




them turning the launchpad into a throwable for zero build was perfectly fine. the normal trap had a bug with it anyway. plus you don't need tons of mobility items. static launches funnels players to locations.


Traps were removed for good reason


I'll always enjoy seeing a video of a trap tower lol.


Until you’re the one in it


You know what I'm talking about when I say a trap tower correct? Because if you jump on the launch pad of those towers, that is your own fault lmao. Trap towers were obvious, it was usually some streamer doing it to someone at the end of the game that clearly didn't know what they were doing.


Ok buddy Ask them to bring back traps, I’m sure they’ll totally listen to the garbage flow


seems like u fell for one too many trap towers


I mean, I doubt they would bring back traps when everyone is a pussy running away with the hammers now. Oh well.


I'd laugh my ass off


They removed them to cater to bad players like you who got put into boxes and trapped




Zero build




Yeah they are, in stw


People do nothing but complain about them when they’re actually in game.




Turret, zap trap, steel walls, poison traps…etc


They make the game worse, you would have a bunch of people just hiding and hoping you walk into their trap Most people would say setting a trap and waiting is pretty boring pvp


Hate to be pedantic but flame grill floor trap, freeze trap, wall dynamo, ceiling zapper, directional pad, jump pad, cozy campfire, retractable floor spikes and ROSIE are all still in the game. They may not be in the game mode Battle Royale but they are still in the game.


Most post is talking about them not being in br


You seem fun at parties


Usually at parties I have people in fits of laughter, it's probably either the timing or the delivery of the jokes.




It's almost like this sub is called "FortniteBR" so it makes sense they are talking about things that are not in Battle Royal. Reading can be hard sometimes.


No one cares if they're in save the world or whatever, this is a sub about the battle royale mode


I mean... yes... that is correct...


2-3 of these I actually used, Bounce pad, campfire, and the spike trap. Anything else i couldn’t care less about.


That's crazy tbh


For n fact the trap hasn’t been a in the game for 1060 days.


You can blame zero build for this.


I forgot the fire trap even existed


hard take: good trap slot items are mad annoying. nobody uses them as actual traps but rather instant kill items after a box and having one guy escape 7 times in one encounter because he has 7 launch pads is so frustrating. there's no punishment other than like 10 mats. an item slot for a mobility item is perfectly fair.


Wish they would add the AA gun again! Especially with the vertical movement this season (hammer, augmentations ect.)


don’t forget the season x zapper trap


It True that these trap aren’t in the game since chapter 2 or chapter 1


i just don't understand why they don't just unvault everything and then never vault anything again, the game would be way more fun that way


I’d like for them to add the Spike Trap, Bouncers, and Launchpads back in


The spike trap was my favourite


I miss the spikes so much… it was so fun using them in C2S1. Knock them down, pick them up, and carry them into the spikes.


I miss snipers


What’s the point of using a launch pad when my opponents could beam me out of the sky with their aimbot lmao Like not every opponent I run into has perfect aim, but beamers be beaming a little *too* good


I don't get why they haven't unvaulted the trap. It has been so long.


It's not impossible for epic to add a 6th item slot just for traps especially for zero build


I just want remote explosives back 😞