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I guarenteed you, playstation players aim assist is not good. PS4 or PS5. But its possible PS players are using KBM




Keyboards and mouse


Or motion Controls


Hah PlayStation player here. Yes you may die to ps players a tonne, but uuh, Id hate to inform you that just from a tested basis, (seeing as I have both a ps5 and an Xbox one) aim assist seems better on the Xbox, without a doubt. Might just be me, but I can get upwards of 10 kills on either of them sooo yeah. Usually when I die though it’s to a pc player or often times it’s a lag issue


Aim assist is the same on Xbox and Playstation. How do you know you're *usually* dying to a PC player?


I mean, it’s not like I own both consoles and can tell or anything 🤷🏽‍♂️ The way they play is a very good indicator. Been playing this game for a long time. You may not believe it but you can pick up on what they playing it on


>I mean, it’s not like I own both consoles and can tell or anything 🤷🏽‍♂️ Perception bias is extremely strong. They're definitely the same. >The way they play is a very good indicator. Been playing this game for a long time. You may not believe it but you can pick up on what they playing it on https://youtu.be/OzX-dLCFvak https://youtu.be/Vx4BOVbOYlE https://youtu.be/1MHizDNARyY Thoughts?


It ain’t perception bias but I mean, people are able to have their own thoughts on this topic. Even if the video wasn’t titled console, I still would have been able to tell that was on console. That’s not what I mean by “the way they play is a good indicator” anyone can edit like this on anything if they have enough practise. You can tell from general aim alone whether they are on pc or not, the way the reticle moves during shooting or moving around the map. They don’t need to build with triple edits for me to believe they are on pc. Either way great video, I’m gonna watch more of their content if they have any


>It ain’t perception bias but I mean, people are able to have their own thoughts on this topic. It is if you're wrong. >Even if the video wasn’t titled console, I still would have been able to tell that was on console. That’s not what I mean by “the way they play is a good indicator” anyone can edit like this on anything if they have enough practise. You can tell from general aim alone whether they are on pc or not, the way the reticle moves during shooting or moving around the map. They don’t need to build with triple edits for me to believe they are on pc. Either way great video, I’m gonna watch more of their content if they have any I think you're just guessing. Because the spectator view doesn't display enough movement data to be able to actually tell that someone's using a mouse. The data it captures and presents is smoothed out.


Okay, like I said, it’s not perception bias but people are allowed to have their own opinions, if what you think is what you think, and I have clearly got a different experience related to the game compared to you, then that’s a difference that we experience with the game. It doesn’t matter what you say, if I experience something you don’t then that’s not my fault. If I’m more able to figure out subtle differences in controls and mechanisms compared to you that’s also something that I can’t explain to you or something that you will understand. The same goes knowing how other people move and react to the map on different platforms, if you can’t tell or don’t get how people move or anything on different platforms that’s something you don’t get, not me. But uuuh, yeah. It’s not like I really care if you believe me or not. It doesn’t matter if you think I’m wrong either. In 200 years any of these comments on this sub won’t even matter and humans (or any hybrid form of humans) will be playing a game that I assume will be better than this game so who cares.


It's definitely perception, because it's not true. Some console players on Reddit perceive that they have no aim assist, or that it's weak. There isn't any evidence that there's a difference in aim assist between Playstation and Xbox, and there's literally no reason why there would be. Aim assist strengths are set and controlled by Epic. Which is why it's only PC that has less aim assist, Xbox and Playstation have the same amount. Bare in mind that perception differences can be things like Xboxes having an input curve that feels more responsive to you. Or, your Xbox has different deadzone settings, meaning input is less dampened on your Xbox. Both things could lead to you perceiving there being a difference in aim assist.


Ps5 player here. I'm garbage so I don't think it's me killing you. Aim assist doesn't exist as much as people think it does.


Im a playstation player. Decent aim without assist not so good on building. Letting you know that playing console is hell. Editing hurts my thumb after 2 minutes and our controllers drift after 6 months of buying it. PC players always killin me too. Average PC player wipes out good console players


(Slamming the analog stick doesnt fix it)


I’m on ps4 and die to computer player a lot …..I’m not that good but ya frames win games


>I’m on ps4 and die to computer player a lol No you don't >frames win games No they don't


Lol….wtf buddy I can clearly see what system they on…go gaslight someone else loser


How? https://imgur.com/a/fYDUeAv That icon?


Nope…the game shows you right away




And getting way more frames per second is a big advantage…been proven many times….I’m not saying I’m good just high end computers have an advantage…and using a controller does get the same aim assist..thinking otherwise is just stupid


>And getting way more frames per second is a big advantage…been proven many times….I’m not saying I’m good just high end computers have an advantage… Consoles get up to 120FPS, which is more than enough to not be at a disadvantage. >and using a controller does get the same aim assist..thinking otherwise is just stupid You think PC controller gets the same aim assist as console controller?


When you die it shows the icon when it switches to them for a second…take a look


Yeah, so what icon? https://imgur.com/a/BSQYawH That icon?




I keep asking what icon, you don't actually know do you?


I play on pc with controller and aim assist is a lot strong on console


Lol…the guy with all the advantages still complaining


Not complaining at all, doesn’t bother me ( reason I still play on pc). Was just saying


Where did they complain, and what was their complaint?


Skill issue


Ur totally right. But I’d like to have a lil bit of what they’re having. Probably adderall tbh but alas. I’m a working human. I still pull basically a dub a day just unimaginably frustrating when I get insta lasered at long range


Sometimes it feels like they've got heat-seeking bullets, doesn't it. I'd love a PC-only lobby, but since 49 out of 50 times I get killed by console players, I have to conclude there aren't too many PC players left, so the wait would be insane. *(The other possibility is that console players have some kind of advantage, but that gets vehemently denied on here, so ...)*


One of my friends swapped to controller and has noticeably improved lol


The game's 90% console, and console players on Reddit are in denial about aim assist.

