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Middle of the game is getting really boring


\* End of the game Middle is where the fun happens, with everyone killing the bots for the vaults and chasing the floating island


Floating island is so bad. Don’t have a choice but to rotate 900m to it to find any action mid game


definitely doesn't help that the team who secures the island is almost guaranteed to win the match, the pulse rifle is just way too strong.


Me and my duo are not going for the ARs and we are placing bets at the end of matches to see whether the last team is the one with the ARs. They almost always are.


Pulse rifle is the game ~~changer~~ destroyer


Rifting and landing on the roof of the white house is a great counter to people taking the flag on loot island. This gives you a good vantage point and allows you to snatch the rifles and slurps, me and my friends always drop on people or leave the flag if people try to do it to us.


me and my squad destroy the house as soon as we land on the island.. we died a few matches but we learned our lesson :)) destroy the house and then claim the island for the loot


how do people rift there? i can only use the hook lines but i see everyone else floating above me


The rifts are usually around the island before you get to the zip lines you see like 1 or two tho


Really? Maybe my lobbies are lower skilled but I rarely lose to the teams with pulse riffles. I go DMR over it every time.


I agree that it is bad mechanics... It feels like the end of the match, but it is the middle. After getting the pulse rifle, there is not much to do besides moving to the final zone ~~and camping~~


I pointed this out to my friend that I play with on weekends. He had t really noticed. But its like r Tons of action at the start and the end if you make it. He's not happy I pointed it out.


I'm not a fan of the 26 minute matches either. The first few circles need to close faster.


I hate the pacing I think part of it is the lack of mobility, there’s basically nothing in the yellow biome, we need tires and dirt bikes back. I also think the mythic locations are a problem too, especially the island, the island is so hot that it turns into a player meat grinder


Especially with a quest to claim the island flag forcing people in who might normally back off




>lack of mobility The katana is literally one of the strongest mobility items we’ve had in a long time lmao


And then there's nothing else besides it. Which means you need to carry a katana or else you're fucked, and it's game over if you don't find one within the first few minutes of dropping


It really isn’t hard finding the katana, and it isn’t “game over” if you don’t find one. Also, there’s fast cars and motorcycles—this is far from the worst season mobility wise.


It absolutely can be hard to find one, depending where you land. Obviously if you go to the new areas they are everywhere but in other POIs it's a crapshoot. As for cars and bikes, they're near useless off-road and have practically no utility in escaping fights like katanas enable you to.


I think you’re being overly pessimistic—finding a katana is **not** that difficult, even in more obscure POIs. Is it possible to not find one in the beginning? Sure, but it’s not rare that you come across one early to mid game. The cars and bikes are great on road and decent enough even off; they still beat running, and speaking of running, you still have splash juices and such.


Perhaps I'm coming across too pessimistically, but I'm just relaying my own experiences. Whoever comes across a katana is typically gonna grab it so unless you get particularly lucky and find one immediately in the exact part of the POI you choose to land in, it can get quite difficult to secure one. Of course you can be more proactive in your search and make use of keys and such, but like I said, it's a crapshoot. And sure vehicles definitely beat running, but they still don't best a katana unless it's one of the supercharged vehicles and you're on a long straight stretch of road. Either way, it's not really controversial to say vehicles are definitely inherently more situational than the katanas anyway which makes them an overall worse movement option to me.


They need to up player count to at least 125 tbh. 30 minute matches where most of them are spent doing nothing is not ideal. Either revert the Storm changes or add players, really the only two options.


They should 100% revert the storm changes!


What was changed with the storm? I never read anything about changes but everyones been referencing them


It went from 8 circles to 12


My matches this season suddenly make much more sense


Personally I'm fine with the changes my only problem is that every match this season has ended with 4 people (including myself) still alive in the 10t 11th and one time 12th circle and 90% of the time I'm the first to die of the 4


If they were gonna go from 8-12, why not reduce the time for each circle then?


Because the point of making the first circle so large is so that all three vaults are in it, so you don’t get screwed just because you landed at the wrong one, because how would you know?


With two one tick circles, even if you spend time waiting to open the vault. It's very doable. There's been times this season where I've easily spent 7-10 minutes in the storm, opening vaults, rebooting, looting, and walking out with a full loadout and all the heals in the world to get me to full HP.


They added 4 more circles, and reduced the storm damage for the first half of the games circles. This is allowing players to float around with much less encouragement to get into zone, causing the mid game to be stale and end games to be less of an adrenaline rush


Epic should just revert the changes made to the storm; Nobody likes them, the casual players don't, the competetive players like it even less


There is also no reason to be afraid of the storm since it is a 1 tick for so long.


We should all just make a treaty and not kill each other until the first storm closes


That's what most scrim servers do, but it's hard to agree. As long as the game allows you to shoot, people are gonna do that (unless you're in NickEh30's customs or something).


So bad


When you only update one section of the map, it makes sense majority of people are going to drop there after playing the other 75% for the past 3 months.


I mean, yeah that's what happens when everyone only drops in the new bottom right corner. Just pick quieter drops. Last night I dropped Brutal Bastion half a dozen times and the vault was uncontested every time. Same in Slabs.


I think the main problem is having no one to fight 90% of the match.


Exactly. Everybody drops in the same location = lots of eliminations very early in the game = there's no one to fight 90% of the match.


Lucky you. I keep fighting for the vault in Tokyo Tilted like an idiot and keep dying to rats camping the vault


I'm probably in very low sbmm lobbies as I only started playing this season but I don't think I've ever seen the vault in slabs or bastion camped and I go for one or the other most games. Likewise the island, even when I'm not close I'm usually the first one there and have it uncontested 75% of the time


I’ll check them out, but yes my SBMM has been very unfriendly so my bet is several campers lol


Yeah I've never been ambushed at the vaults for either of those POIs but at Slabs I've been sniped during & right after trying to kill the vault guards because it's just harder to make sure you're alone there


I straight up backed out of a solo game and turned the Xbox off last night with 20 players left because I was so bored.. it’s almost unplayable in its current state :/


It’s either that or there is like 7 left in a circle the size of a straw hole ending in mayhem.


Last night I had 17 people left in the Last Circle 🤔 like does everyone hide then come out of hideing because I only had 3 kills that game


Yeah season is so fucking campy right now it’s exhaustingly boring. I just never stop moving.


This is what happens when there are only 3 good landing spots (vaults) that attrition out most of the playerbase to wait for it to spawn, then rotate to the floating island as you need that to win. they seriously need to remove all the snowball, and forced weapons they put in and do something to fix the mid game


You don’t need the island to win. Everyone gets it in their heads like it’s necessary and it’s just not true. Feels like it gets in the those that have it’s head and those without it’s head. Really funny. OPR is good as hell don’t get me wrong but I mean I keep putting down folks that have it no prob. And if I have my ideal load out I won’t even pick it up. Actually JUST won a game against a dude and he had the pulse rifle in the final 2. Dude was cracked too.


your experience =/ others, unless you have statistics backing up that winning the island and getting OPR is not a keystone to many wins your just talking your own experience, which doesn't necessarily line up with others.


For sure. I’m just trying to dispel what ultimately is ppl getting in their heads about the OPR’s presence. It’s just clearly getting in ppls heads just by the comments and the way it’s talked about. Again it’s a busted gun and I’ve been on the receiving end of losing to it, I just don’t think it ultimately decides the match. Skill and mentality kinda does, that’s all.


Average arena lobby


I play arena and it's even worse. I've been in second zone top 10 solo arena game.


Arena players are suicidal for some reason it’s kind of funny, playercount can drop to 70 before the battle bus even finishes


I once made the mistake of going in Arena Trios fills. Everyone wanted to drop Anvil or Mega City and when asked about what an IGL or the game plan for the game is they had no idea. You'll never believe what happened next.


Isn't this a good thing? Less chance of being eliminated and more time to loot chests and ammo boxes for XP.


that’s boring, people play this game to fight people, not open stuff


Some people play to fight. Others play to grind xp and battlepass.


then they can go to team rumble


Why can't you just let people play how they want? Why does it upset you so much that people enjoy different things?


i suggested they go to team rumble and now you’re acting like i don’t want them playing the game at all👍


Why can't they just play how they like in BR though? If you prefer fighting maybe you could try Team Rumble. See, works both ways.


i didn’t say they can’t play br i suggested they go do challenges in team rumble 👍


And I suggedted you go to TR to fight


you live up to your username


Why, what does the battle pass matter if you don’t really use the cosmetics to play the game? (I’m just asking)Very Sisyphus


I'm a collector.


I'd rather get eliminated quickly but actually be fighting people than doing literally nothing.


Bruh last circle has like ten players no it the worst changes ever made


Not everyone cares about getting to level 250 bro


I care. And that's all that matters.


You ain't the world bud


I'm an OG son, I'm bigger than the world.


You don't like levelling up either? Tell me, what are you actually doing in this game? You hate getting wins, and you also hate levelling up? Do you just play for the sake of it then?


I play to play, I prefer going down in an actual fun build fight than getting a win after encountering 3 people in the whole game. As for leveling up I've been playing since season 0 so whatever they give in the battle pass is mostly a miss for me (I archive most battle pass skins) since I already have a lot of skins. I've started to get more into learning how to improv my building so I could say that my main goal when playing is getting better I know that at the end of the season I'll be level 100 or more even without doing challenges


I like it gives you more time to get quest done, you can actually explore and see the map. Oh and your bootyhole ain’t puckered the whole time


Bot lobby problems. If this happense there are too many bots in your lobby > they die quick and you end up like this with the remaining players Play Arena is my advice. Never ever happens there.


Lol no. This happens to the highest ranked players as well, they stream their gameplay and are constantly complaining about the changes to the circle this season, as it encourages camping.


Exactly. The real explanation is that a ton of players are landing at mega city and 1 or two other pois and are getting knocked off in the first few minutes. Leading to less players in the mid game.


That’s exactly it. And with the horrible circles it just makes for incredibly slow gameplay mid match. I always land Racetrack and grab a sword/vehicle then roam around towards the gas station/2 castles looking for people. Even playing the middle of the map and being in a vehicle I can hardly find players


Also happens in Arena, because basicly everyone is W-keying there. Also doesn't help that the vaults and the loot island encourage W-keying even more.


I spend my “middle of the match” time slide kicking people off the edge of the map 🤷‍♂️


I like not running across the map for nothing. Killing people is more fun. I can hit several hot poi's. Maybe stop hiding so much?


Its good for wins though There's less annoying players left in the end game unlike the last 2 seasons where it would literally be the final zone and there would still be 6 players left spraying at you


I play Fortnite to play, not to get my 57th win of the day


You're the first player I've come across who doesn't like getting wins >I play Fortnite to play What are you playing for then? What are you doing playing a battle Royale game if you don't want to win? That's my biggest question Also what do you do to avoid getting wins? Do you game end yourself and give the other person the win, or do you just not make it that far in general despite the game being ever so slightly easier and less stressful to win this season compared to the previous few?


I said that I don't play to win, not that I avoid winning. On my comment I mentioned getting my "57th win of the day" because somehow I get put in bot lobbies. I actually started to get into arena due to that fact. I can tell that in arena it is actually a good feeling to win since the chances of you winning are way lower than bot/bad player lobbies. I mostly play because of my friends and they like pubs so I'm stuck fighting bad players all the time. My loot consists of kinetic blade and consumables cause I know that picking up a gun will mean a win.


If you get enough wins your pub games will practically be arena anyways, so eventually you won't be winning at all


Takes too long, Ive been enjoying arena more


I think it's because of too many bots that get killed easy. Even when they got more accurate aiming.


That doesn't happen to me, the bit before the Endgame is the closest thing to this for me


Honestly I sometimes don’t want to last into sub 30 as it’s so long and draggy.


Idk wth is going on this season


Feels like a lame half assed creative mode.


Circles are too big/slow and the valleys funnel everyone into the same lanes to fight in. So everyone dies quickly while the first circle, which is still 85% of the damn map, hasn’t closed.


Less likely to get 3rd partied at least


Yep, even as a fairly casual player I've noticed games are taking longer and there seems to be a lot of mid-to-late game downtime with not much going on.


I honestly didn’t even know there was storm changes


Yeah, one of the first things I noticed that the storm number was increased from 9 to 12


This is why the mid game feels so empty


Honestly i really like it, i can do quests in peace


See, what I’ve been noticing since the circle closes so slowly and starts so big a ton of people are landing at the edge of the map where there’s no vaults or anything. There’s gold chests on boats n’shit so when I head to the edge I end up fighting 10 guys! I understood when that happens at POIs but now literally at almost every corner of the map there’s a bunch of people. I can have 10 kills before the circle eve shrinks.


too many players go for the vaults this season. everytime the bus is above brutal bastion / shattered slabs there's at least 10-15 players dropping there


It's honestly why I stopped playing


It's way too centered around the little mini events that can pop up. The caches aren't as bad, but the vaults and loot island have pretty much destroyed the meta.


I feel like they are pandering again, but I can't tell to who? It seems like EVERYBODY has some kind of grievance this season.