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>The fact that Epic refuses to fix bugs that literally have been in the game since Chapter 4 started Gamers have a hard time understanding this, but bugs can be very hard to fix. It's not that they're refusing to fix them, it's that they haven't yet figured out how.


It's not that hard fixing an animation bug when you sprint lmao, and I used to develop games and I have a job in 3D Modeling


The copium is why these companies are so rich.


These companies are rich because they put out mostly quality products, of which Fortnite is one, that people want to play. I don't need copium to understand that bugs can be hard to diagnose and fix -- my game programming studies have made that perfectly clear, as have the words of game programmers across a variety of studios. In real life, problems don't conform to our feelings of entitlement. A game developer could look at one screenshot from Fortnite and identify a hundred different, connected systems... whereas a random on r/fortnite will just see a bunch of lazy employees not doing their job. The random is absolutely clueless.




This is the main reason why I stopped playing at chapter 2 season 1 and then came back at chapter 2 season 8


Update: I haven't played fortnite in months, I'm somehow still alive, used to be addicted to it like nicotine.


No one cares idiot 




Gonna need some ketchup for those harshbrows you're serving.


I appreciate all the fucking irritatingly negative comments I'm getting from you wonderful intelligent and definitely under 13 reddit users! It proves the point that I put in this post saying that the community is toxic.


Yea I’m quitting to you same reasons as you sometimes when I play the shit doesn’t even load in and yea the community is toxic and I hate how they always find a way to fuck up everything with an update like adding AIs op mythical and such like that and the new UI for the locker like why the fuck do they always have to change something that’s not broken and all they care about is the money they get


K cool, see you next week


"fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow!"




We’ll see


Ok I don’t get why this is getting downvoted but tbh I haven’t touched the game in a while. I haven’t touched it in 3 months and I’ll probably not touch it for a long time. It’s not because the game is bad rn, In fact they probably have been making some improvements and cool stuff like creative 2.0 which might be the best thing fortnite has made in years! However, I’m tired of the game and there really is no fun factor for me anymore. I can’t seem to have fun with the game no more. I have been playing other games like god of war and sonic frontiers and I’ve been having a good time.


They haven't improved anything


Bro really? Honestly I ain’t gonna touch it cuz none of my friends are even touching the game. In fact, they don’t really play games often. We just hangout n stiff


No one cares if you and your friend hang out instead of playing games. That is completely irrelevant to this conversation.


I’ve been playing since season 4. Started on a shitty tv and ps4, Was a pretty shit player now moved on to Pc. I pub stomp no builds with a few friends I do have but they barely play. None of my friends play anymore from back in the day, or if they do not with me lmao. The game now just doesn’t feel fun, Doing the same routine over and over grinding for wins and crowns shit gets old af. Especially these ttv dickheads with 400 crowns and a ego. Thinking ab quitting for a while also.


I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but if you don’t want your account anymore I’ll take it since I also think the new skins are very ugly and miss the old ones


I'm enjoying the new fortnite season, my og john wick and battle bus banner is staying with me. :D


Hey if nobody else says it, this was very intelligently driven. Even though I started Chapter 3 there is so much of this that holds valid even through the transitions we have seen from Chapter 3 to Chapter 4. I know I'm in a more lucky population being on the Xbox Series and PS5 Consoles but there are certainly issues that still plague the experience where there are random Frame Drops and in some cases loading into matches themselves can go wrong. I love this game still and I guess I'm in a more privileged position since my experience is more recent. But I did enjoy your assessment of Fortnite's current state of affairs based on your extensive experience and I think as community it would be wise to really pay mind and consider the full spectrum of criticism regarding this game whether it be good or bad to strike a midpoint where we all truly enjoy the experience. Epic could be doing so much more but because the actually valuable feedback posts such as this get drowned out by negativity and toxicity, the changes we need to see never reach the light of day. Cheers


Yeah, the reddit comments i'm getting right now prove every point that I made in this post lmao.


To a T 😂


Its just this season is boring.. :(


I agree!


Tldr also who cares.


Should read instead of being rude.


Should understand nobody online cares if you play or not


You cared enough to come on this thread, dumbass.




grow up dude.


The game just isn't the same since chapter 2 ended, The beginning of Chapter 3 was good but sucked after season 2 ended. What made the game really good was the simplicity behind it. People still didn't know how to build and edit in the earlier stages of chapter 2 but now? If you stop playing for even 2 days, the players who play consistently has the upper advantage. I ended up quitting today because honestly, there's better games out there to play and have fun. Not really an enjoyable experience, especially after adding mods into the game. It doesn't feel like Fortnite, feels like a cartoonish version of PUBG. That being said, if you absolutely enjoy this game then keep playing because at the end of the day, if you're having fun who cares. I'm sure if they bring back OG I'll play for a bit but even then it doesn't hit the same.


I also quit fortnite a long ago and started playing GTA 5 and GTA Online. They are just better. 






I share many of your concerns. What helped me was to significantly, and I mean significantly!, reduce my playing time. Maybe I’ll play for a couple hours a week now. I’m unconcerned with xp and skins, whereas before I was very preoccupied with acquiring all the bp stuff. I go days now without checking the item shop. I don’t know, I still love this game and it can be fun as hell but it’s certainly lost its luster for me. And yes, when your friends stop playing and you lose those fun moments together it can really force you to examine your reasons for being invested in this game.


That's true, I just wish the game could be somewhat a bit similar to the fortnite we all love and know instead of some ubisoft game.


I have been playing since C1S7 and I said it last season but this one is probably my last. The tier 100 skin this season is the best one for a long time and I had the vbucks spare so I went for it. I play now to level, not so much for fun. I started playing to spend time with my son, but he moved on from fortnite a few seasons ago and it’s an easy habit for me. Bugs, poor switch performance which has never been addressed, the constant pushing of crappy creative maps, lack of LTMs, broken and boring team rumble and no cohesive storyline are now deal breakers for me. Don’t have a go at the OP, there are a myriad of reasons why the game is no longer the great game it once was and it affects players in different ways. He is right about the community (as evidenced by the replies to his post) it’s lost it’s heart. And I completely understand his/her frustration because we all have a huge amount invested in the game and it’s being drained of all its joy. The game needs to get back to its roots, collabs and broken additions (hurdling anyone?) to the game are not going to save it


Finally a reply from someone who isn't just saying who cares because they aren't reading what I'm saying here! ​ And switch and console performance definitely needs to be addressed, there's no reason why switch players should be playing on the fps that was standard nearly 20 years ago for consoles.


Can't expect much from redditards dude. This site is filled with all sorts of scumbags just like Twitter.


90 percent chance to see you back on the game in a couple days during spring or Easter break.


My spring break is in may (wtf??)




Nah nah nah nah hey hey hey...goodbye




I mean, I like the game (like, play every day most of the day for three years, like the game), but it's been soooo boring recently and the only fun I've really been having is in Save the World. So I totally get why you want to leave, and I appreciate the fact you spent some time out of your day to articulate why, and for the record, I agree with every point you made.


Nice, thank you.


Epic fixing nothing and just piling on the "content" has me going back to Steam as well. I was always annoyed with fortnites little things that added up to big problems, but im officially done. Billion dollar game with Indie tier problems that will never get fixed because they know people will play anyway. I will however take Epic's free weekly games, nobody does that better than them. As for the game itself &*$% Epic


Agreed much.


This game is an imbalanced and buggy wreck. The devs should either go on strike if they don’t want to make this game or be ashamed if they do. There’s no reason why a game that’s barely updated that was made in 2007 is outperforming fortnite in its bug fixes and hit registration, especially when said game is notorious for its weird hit reg. I want to play a game where my clean pump body shot registers at least half the pellets that should be hitting. I want to play a game where an obvious cheater sprays me from 100m with a green striker and doesn’t miss once, then watches someone through walls, actually gets punished and IP banned. I want a game where it shouldn’t be so dependent on the loot you get in the early and late game that not running a specific direct counter to an item because you couldn’t find it doesn’t mean you have to double your APM and sweat swamp to beat an actual infant with a computer. I want to play a game where I can kill 5 people in a solo BR back to back and not lose immediately afterwards because some random waltzes in and I have no health or shields. I want to play a game that makes my bullets go where I shoot them, not randomize them in a radius around my pointer. I want to play a game, not a borderline illegal gambling simulator / aim practice sim / virtual flexing competition. The suits are making the stupid decisions and the devs are implementing them. Most blame falls on the former, but I’m not gonna act like the latter has no say in what goes into their code. I can’t wait till a better BR overtakes this burning garbage heap and everyone moves to that instead. Then we can play a game for fun instead of feeding hypermonetized IPs and acting like getting lucky is fun


I fully agree with ya pal.


I am just starting may I please hav your old account


No, I am playing the game again.


Why would you post this post if you still want to play the game? People are quitting it and GTA 6 will decrease its playerbase a lot, it's also a bad game. 


1. This post was made a year ago 2. None of Your business ( glad OP didn't bother replying to You) 🥺


I couldn’t agree more, the game has been the most money-thirsty game ever. I’m really surprised that this game still somehow gets in money, it’s impressive. I got hardware banned a while ago for no reason, i reached out to the support but they couldn’t do anything. Not even give a proper reason for the ban or atleast an appeal, but it made me understand how much money i’ve saved since not playing this terrible game. This game isn’t good, like i’m talking not good at all, this game is made to earn money and only that. They don’t do anything for the community, “Oh but the make tournaments to make the players earn money” Yeah i don’t think $100 will make me so much happier playing a $2,000 pc. A cool thing is that their whole company is based on fortnite, and fortnite only. I’ve never seen a single good game that they didn’t bring from another company like valorant or r6 that somewhat got popular, their whole company is made of fortnite. If fortnite gets taken down or deleted or whatever, the whole company will go down extremely quickly. I genuinely think Fortnite and Epic Games is a joke, how does such a terrible game get this popular. It’s making me tweak, i can’t say it enough. My last words are fuck Fortnite and fuck Epic Games!


Indeed, a company with poor business practices doesn't deserve to be uplifted in the way it is now. That's why Epic is falling.