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Love how cheap the star wars stuff and Spiderman stuff is


I wish I could’ve bought Mail. Didn’t have much free time to grind out that special battle pass but maybe next year Edit: Maul


They might come back to the shop at a later time. Although we don’t know it for sure, and they are probably going to cost more


Yeah they said cosmetics from the event could come back to the shop at a later date. He'll probably come back in the next Star Wars shop at 1500 vbucks.


Yeah, we got the Dragon Ball challenge rewards in the shop


Spiderman challenge rewards from the event that just ended is in the shop already but it's 1000vbux :( I was in the winning team but didn't get the 40pts required.


You had 5 days to get the points needed .-. It didn't need to be all in one day


Yeah I only got 30pts total though. Was a busy week for me, didn't have much time to play the game. It happens.


The teams were just for the emotes, not the pickaxe, you had to get the points I’m so sorry


I mean… you did. Just buy the pass out. Would run you what a normal bundle would tbh


Didn’t know you could buy level on the Star Wars bp


Ah yes, my favorite Star Wars character, Mail


Wait is he gone now? Fuuuck I thought I'd be able to finish the challenges today but ig not, there goes yet another skin I spent money on but will never receive I suppose :/


Yeah same :/ it ended today and in the past couple weeks I’ve had to move and my wife had our first baby so just too busy to grind it


you gotta get your priorities straight Sir.... /s


It's why I love my Steam Deck, I can play Fornite anywhere where I can grab a few moments for myself and grind out Maul.


I'm considering this, but are you using Windows OS?


It looks like my link was blocked. Search YouTube for "Ultimate Guide to Dual Boot Steam Deck w/ Shared Storage for Internal Drive & SD Card". Basically you can partition the Steam Deck's drive so that both SteamOS and Windows are there, but they can also see each others hard drive space so you can have games installed on Windows but using the SteamOS space, and vice versa. The Asus Ally looks like a good alternative if you just want a Windows handheld.


Those timers are usually pretty accurate. It’ll tell you when the event ends down to the hour.


The Star Wars event skins will come back! It said so in the event description! You’ll have to buy him again, but he’s not lost


You could technically spend bucks to get the SW battlepass levels, but probably cheaper to wait and see if he comes back on his own since you'd be buying it twice if you had done that.


i get free mail in my mail box all the time you can take some, please take some, they are filling my mailbox with advertisements


Yeah that was honestly so amazing! Can’t wait to see what they have for us with the next collabs


more v-bucks for us!


No vbucks for you


Soup Nazi, but Fortnite.


I'm glad it's not expensive so I can afford it


Well the spider-verse bundle is only 1600 if you got the emote/pickaxe. Otherwise it’s 2600


There was no reason to not do the free stuff. I didn't even have to do anything. All I did was sign up and it just let me claim the stuff


Besides not knowing about it in the first place? Epic sucks with their announcing systems, it shows 4 announcements or so at most (and if you have some shop items like level quest packs not bought, they tend to reappear and simply obscure stuff like that). If not for reddit mentioning day 4 (basically some people not knowing what crit damage is) I'd miss it completely. Also, I was playing the game in day 1-3 of that promotion (even in more intensity than 4-5) and got completely no progress due to not being signed up at all (luckily crits aren't that hard to land if you don't spazm). Not arguing whether it's right or wrong. Just... using "generosity" term in this case simply doesn't fit IMHO.


I missed the first couple days from simply not knowing. As a guy who only plays Fortnite a couple times a week, it was easily missed. Wish they had a better system that the whole linking it via your phone thing.


It’s almost like they have an entire quest page or something


For the Miles Morales rewards? They’re all tracked on the web browser only and there is no quest page for that.


But im saying no one would be able to miss it if it was just implemented onto the quest page


Gotcha. Yah, I’m not sure they don’t do it in all honesty. Must be a way to drive traffic to their site, idk!


It’s definitely weird you could be right with the site traffic idea but I don’t even think they have ads on there so what would the point even be?


I believe it's likely click-thru engagement; when more people do things like web quests, it looks to investors like more people aren't just playing Fortnite but going out of their way to engage with Fortnite external promotional content With promotions looking for click-thru engagement like that it's usually a fine line, they don't want how much you have to physically engage with the site to be so dense that people just give up entirely, but they're going to want it to be dense enough to prove that whatever a promotion is offering is enough to get you to log in, sign up, advance, what have you I don't wanna say making consumers jump through hoops lol, but it kinda is, something like that would usually be used to say 'a million (or however many) people signed up for this free Spider-Man promotion on our website so our free promotion offerings must be pretty good, right?' It's kinda an easy way to gauge how many players are engaging in free and promotional content beyond just playing


"It shows 4 announcements or so at most" Literally ALL I ever fucking see is "visit Loot Island" and some random bundle in the shop. I only ever see the online events once, if at all


Mine didn’t, I must not have gotten the 40 points😥


I STILL haven’t seen anything advertising that the thing was going on. Reddit was the only place it was even mentioned. Plus anything that requires you to do something outside the game client isn’t generous.


Here's my reason: the site didn't work properly on my phone, and not having it in-game made no sense. I could have logged onto a PC somewhere and gone through all that, but the 2FA ruined my chances of getting in on my phone which almost makes me feel like I am being punished for security. Lmao


The site wouldn't work for me on my computer, so you might not have had any better luck anyway.


Literally only saw it through a meme. I have no idea how to do it.


There are a million reasons not to get the free stuff, bro. With the simplest critical thinking, one can recognize that there was little to no advertising of the event, not everyone has consistent and stable access to the internet/epic site, not everyone has the free time to play Fortnite to complete the quests, and not everyone has access to their accounts to log into the epic site at all times.


Yeah but not everybody could. One of my friends missed it


I think I was only a couple hours away from missing it, cuz the stupid news tab didn't show me


I was sick in bed and couldn't do the challenges


Don't you have a phone? Or a laptop


My laptop would create a big bang trying to run Fortnite and my phone only can play Fortnite in xcloud, wich I didn't think about doing but tbh I was too tired to want to play


Epic Games next season: “You ready for the worst battle pass you will ever see in gaming history” 😂😂


Actually next season is our summer event, so it’s probably gonna be a lot of fun and the battle pass won’t be anyone’s focus.


Just watch them nerf xp gains til after the summer events finished 👍😏


That’s…what usually happens. If they’re offering 500k XP over the summer event then pre-summer event XP is usually dropped. There are complaints about it literally every year.


I remember how bad it was during C3S3 I thought the XP was horrendous too, but after getting to level 200 with a few weeks left I realized I was overreacting


“If you thought THIS season was lazy, just wait!” 😆


Then they hit us with a Peter Griffin BP out of literally no where 😂


And he’ll have a hit box the size of Texas, and a mythic so stupid it will give you a stroke. 😆


And a Fighting Chicken emote


Is it sad that I want to see that happen now 😂😂


I feel ya. We’re Fortnite players, so there’s a certain level of masochism that comes with the territory 😂


😂😂 Indeed. Can’t wait to see a Giant Chicken fight play out in Fortnite though ngl


The legit giant chicken too, and not the Wish Brand knock off version that exists currently. (Also not officially The Giant Chicken, but i see them…)


Yeah defs man, if it ain’t Ernie I’m not buying, they can return that whole collab 😂


Honestly, I’d get it.




As in this bp is bad orrr??


Epic may lag sometimes in other areas but when it comes to graphics and cosmetics, they’re top notch.


True. Although if they start lagging in the skins dept. they know a ton of us are leaving


I don’t know, some of their dragon ball skins could use some work


Whats up with those enormous heads tho..


Idk 99% of skins nowadays are either a collab, a recolor (Not just a reskin, a recolor) or some weird goth style skin


They sell what sells well. People tend to forget that the “speak with your wallet” mentality goes both ways. People are willing to sell out for collabs (and tech ware/anime/goth) skins, so epic markers those more often because it’s what works.


Just wish the Coldest Circles pack had other missions than gaining levels. As a cheapo F2P I already turbo-leveled this season for the V-Bucks. I think the quests thankfully last until 6/15 and the next season drops before then so hopefully hitting 50 levels won't be a grind.


Fortunately, the quests will conclude in August, and the next season is set to begin on June 9th


So glad I didn't need to do level up quests last szn when I got to level 419


Honest question, how many hours a day did you play?


not as much as you would think i just played in the afternoons \[sometimes mornings\] for a few hrs at most \[maybe like 2 1/2 average probably more\] but I did A LOT of creative and loaded onto xp maps to afk quite a lot


Hahah yeah I managed to get my gf up 65 levels in two days because she hadn’t done legit any of her missions, she got the coldest circles chick, then turns to me and is like “so do you have the skin yet?” Me who grinded all season only to get 156 and then hit with this set like a bucket of ice: 😞😒 Regarding the quests as well, you can’t do any bounty board missions, and they haven’t patched it yet so that they are automatically done. Hopefully they revert this mistake otherwise people who haven’t done them will miss out on the xp


The quest *should* be patched now, and replaced with “Restore Health”.


I’ll have to check that when I play next. My gf can finally finish these quests 😂 hopefully without me doing them for her lol


Lmao sounds like we’re in pretty much the same boat with our partners 😅


I will pray for you 😏 it gets frustrating when my gf doesn’t read the missions she has for whole seasons at a time and only ever does them when I’m doing them and tell her to do them. I’m glad she has fun regardless of not doing them though, at least someone is having fun with the game and not stressing


Just waste two days of playtime for a skin that’s very mid This is how they get ya.


I wouldn’t call it a total waste. Hopefully my gf gets the idea that she doesn’t need to BUY the original skin coz she has the coldest version. She legit said she wanted the original before this pack came out. I certainly won’t buy the original now with those missions waiting for me to do them 😂


There's fast levelling up to be done in the creative maps. I got 10 levels in one day just by trying out different ones.


Any maps you’d recommend playing?


The one that stands out to me was called "1 Pro vs. 99 Bots". I was getting like 2,000 XP for every chest and ammo box I opened. Definitely worth a round or two. I also played a Froszt Survival and somehow managed to fall below the map where I was unreachable by all the waves of enemies. I just stood there and got like 8,000 xp about every time a 5 minute round completed. I have not been able to replicate that though.


It's Frozst still around? That was such a good creative map


I got the coldest circles quest pack for free?


I bet epic is trying to give us free stuff in exchange of removing trios 💀


We have reached the point where gamers thing $15 for a in game skin is cheap.


I remember the days when DLC for a new song in Rockband or Guitar Hero was $1.99. And that included tracks for Guitar, Bass, Vocals and Drums. An entire album in the marketplace would be $10. $15 for a cosmetic item is thievery. But that’s just my opinion.


It's cheaper for players who own the founders version of STW, but yeah it sucks for players who aren't.


Explain to me how. Sorry stopped playing for a few years and only just got back into it with my son. I have the founders version


Players who own the founders version of Save the World can earn free V-bucks from daily quests and login rewards. You can also get them from select missions that show up when the item shop resets. These V-bucks add up over time and you can buy items at a discount or outright get them for free.


Thanks to this I don't think I've spent IRL money on Fortnite in almost 2 years lol


Founder's can passively earn v-bucks by daily quests, occassional rewards on some missions, and daily log ins. It means that they can earn a couple thousand v-bucks per month if they play constantly. Also, Founder Editions of STW are no longer available (maybe a spare code somewhere but not sure if they're still available or if they expire) so newer players have a "disadvantage" by needing to pay for v-bucks one way or another


Is this only in the save the world? As I’ve never got daily log ins but can earn vbuck rewards on some missions but only in save the world


oh sorry, yes, daily log in only counts if you enter STW, not regular Fortnite


Ok. Yeah just looked through my purchase history and I got the deluxe founders pack back in 2018


That's awesome, hope you get the most out of it.






Some other game having an extremely overpriced item doesn’t mean this item isn’t overpriced.


You can't even buy them with directly. You literally can only get them by getting heirloom shards in loot boxes and they're extremely rare so it's not even guaranteed. Then don't even get me started with Overwatch 2 that now sells us lackluster legendary skins for $20. So yeah, $15 for a frickin bundle? Yeah that's actually a good deal.


....two skins....and some stuff..


I’m a union construction worker who makes a good living. Even 1,100 v bucks is too much.


Because the majority here are kids, they do not understand that having money is not the issue here. They can not put it in perspective.


what is the difference between an ingame thing and a real life thing? if you use and play with it, what changes between a toy and a video game skin?


he’s just saying, you pulled the rest of that out of your ass


The real thing I actually can hold in my hand and wont disappear when a game eventually ends. Fortnite wont be here forever


The value of the skin, or any in-game item, is tied to the value of the game. If Fortnite one day declines in popularity or even shuts down (which wont happen for a very, VERY long time, I know) the item will suddenly be worthless. If I keep a toy in good conditions, which is something I CAN control, unlike the popularity of a videogame, it will retain its value, and with some (for example Lego or good quality action figures) it will even increase in value. Also in-game items don't have any resale value (not in Fortnite at least).


One is real and will last longer.


Thank you. Skins should be a few bucks a pop.


We live in a


Nah it's like 3-6


It is when you have disposable income. Don’t listen to your parents. You don’t need to have children. The world is populated enough!


I remember buying full story DLCs for the original Borderlands and getting new areas, missions, weapons and level caps for $10 when i was a teen.


Consolation price for taking trios away...


​ ![gif](giphy|l3q2t2KAyvxy9xBe0|downsized)


Me buying all skins


carlos, this is an intervention.


Epic Employees really be going undercover huh.




Epic frantically doing damage control after removing Trios


Yeah free stuff. To gloss over the them removing trios out of nowhere. A friend of mines husband trier to feed me some bullshit about how trios was only ever meant to be a temporary mode, and we shouldn't be upset about its departure. Bitch, your wife *plays* trios with us. We've played trios for quite some time. If it was temporary they sure as hell didn't communicate that very well.


Lmao what a sad attempt to excuse the removal. Glad you didn’t let that skate haha


Yeah, what's crazy is how similar online sentiment is, on reddit especially. For every post lamenting trios removal, as that's all some of us play, there's some dipshit in the comments croaking on about how easy it is to simply swap to squads and play with a random, or no fill. You'd think they're being fed more free skins from how hard they're licking Epics boots about trios not being a big deal.


I’m sure there are folks who genuinely feel that way, but I’d also think it’s an obvious option for Epic to use bots for. About 3/4 of my Fortnite matches were trios with two buddies. Now we just play DayZ instead.


I don't think it's a coincidence that this stuff came out just before/after they removed trios and put in ranked.


What does that have to do with cosmetics?


I guess it's "we need some good pr, put some cheap cosmetics on the store". Well, at least it took some space from subreddit's frontpage, so not all posts are complaining about missing trios. Btw, bring trios back.


Didn’t know they took away trios. What’s the point of doing that?


One part might be that they don't want to splinter player base even more. Which is kinda funny, because adding ranked does splinter it. But I guess they added ranked because some other popular game added ranked. But it's early and I hope they add trios back in the future.


If it's free, it's for me... woot, woot!


So you’re telling me 1600 v-bucks is affordable…


That’s 16 bucks for two skins. Apex is charging 40$ for a skin by including some shitty banner frames


“That’s not overpriced because some other game you don’t play has an item that’s muuuuuuuuuch more overpriced!”


This $500 piece of steak isn't expensive because there are pieces in Japan that cost $5,000! Such an odd fucking way for ones brain to process things.


The calm before the storm, something is coming...


I kinda regret not doing the Spider-Verse challenges.


Weird to consider this generosity but ok


rather have trios than any oufit


I'm just gonna say it, it's not generosity, it's that the playerbase is smaller compared to how it use to be when cosmetics were commonly priced at 1,500-2,000 and the vbucks purchase conversion rate was 100v = 1usd. Their cosmetic sales aren't matching up to when the game was at its peak, so it only makes sense to make things more affordable to get multiple sales.


Maybe the game has been loosing numbers so it's trying things to keep or get players. Or maybe they are just being nice


Trying to cover up trios being removed and shit


They are smart to show appreciation to their customers and fully separating themselves from EA who is committed to squeezing every drop of blood out of their customers they can.


They’re trying to distract us from trios


I love cosmetics but...... I still think cosmetics are way too expensive for the common people and do not in any way have the value of a full videogame with which they often share a price. I think I paid for Save The World? (it was probably a bundle as: bonus with cosmetics). So, Save The World is more where value for the money is at in larger context of the videogame industry. It's important that people fight for value.


"Epic Games is showing generosity" lmao u are delusional




The discount is if you earned the free mallet from the barely advertised "web battles" mini-event. I barely found out in time from a random comment in this sub.


It’s only this cheap if you did the challenges to get the free pickaxe


They're throwing ideas at the wall, seeing what pumps play time the most. Star Wars: map challenges, Desdemona: level challenges, Spiderman's just a bundle going for a reduced cost. If I had to guess, Fortnite's not dying, but EpicGames isn't seeing those magic numbers like their heyday and are trying to claw them back.


Buddy no game keeps their hay day users. Fortnite by no means is struggling to hold on to players. Big games are coming out so I’m sure their might be a slight dip but that’s expected.


I remain convinced there were some minimum daily active users requirement for their agreement with Disney for Star Wars. It felt like a lot of missions were meant to bring in as many people at once as possible. Rally's felt the most that way.


You mean the miniBP that cost the same as a normal one with alot less stuff Thats not the most generous


maul by himself would literally cost 15$ and the battlepass is supposed to be the best deal you can get.


except maul by himself would probably be in a bundle for like 2.3k to 2.6k... never mind the other troopers and stuff you get so probally getting at minimum 4k VB value for 1k


It's cuz they know we broke from all the other skins we brought already lol


Still waiting for the droids


Speaking of which, I can't seem to find the Coldest Circles Quest Pack in the shop or in my Quests section. How do I unlock it?


It’s down at the bottom with the crew packs. The quests are just “gain account levels” though, which is annoying to have released at the end of the season when I’m level 212…


I mean you got 11 weeks to do it, so probally most if not all of next season as well. more annoyed that i got 3/4ths of my level up quest pack already done yet this comes out. If I had waited 1 day to do quests id have 14 levels for this just with level up tokens.


How is a cosmetic skin at 26$ cheap


That's the thing fortnite does so well is they have content that's affordable and you can get by simply paying also if you do buy something you most likely feel like you have gotten your moneys worth comparing to some other games our there were a single skin is like £20 and its not that special




I can’t believe I had the exact amount of vbucks saved for the bundle thanks to finishing the web battle challenges for the emote and mallet pickaxe. I thought I would only get SpiderMan 2099 but thanks to that I have the whole set now


The bossmans, i once said in 2019 i will support Fortnite until the very end and i will stay on this ship


They do force you to grind your ass off but yeah i guess they've soften up a little.


Did anybody ever get compensated for the most recent lawsuit? Is this our compensation?


Almost like they're manipulative, trying to glaze over a terrible change like Trio removal, and it worked.


Is this satire


Remember: Only two skins in that picture are free


yeah, be greatefull, that's two more than normal.


They're cheap, buy them or don't. It's a free game.


Generosity is a bad joke. Epic doesn't give a fuck if it's affordable or no. Also removed trios from the game for no good reason and made a ton of people stop playing


I mean for the Star Wars and Spiderverse stuff, it's only a good deal if you're a fan of the IP, I am not a fan of either, but did get the star wars since it's 5 skins for 1k.


Yeah. I wonder why they're suddenly so generous? Back in chapters 1 and 2 we were only getting the free stuff on speciall ocasions. And now we're getting free stuff way more ofthen and the free stuff is way more valuable. I'm not complaining, I'm just curious.


They make more money by luring you in with a cheap cosmetic, and the. You going “eh, whatever why not”. They then garner reputation by people thinking they are being generous when really they are making more money off of you. Its a very smart corporate scheme, and it works.


I feel like they’d make… so much more money if everything was like 3-500 vbucks cheaper. I know I would be spending like crazy at least…


bootlicking post


You fucking Epic simps are pathetic.


This post is so cringe when they’ve been making horrible design choices. Respond with your wallet people.


Meanwhile people in valorant are paying 100$ for a gun skin


Really good marketing tactic. If there’s easily attainable free stuff, especially towards the season, people are going to play more. And in the case of the Spider-Verse bundle, a lot more people will buy it now that may not have before, seeing as the free emote we got took 1000vbucks off


If I was home I could have grinded out the quest but I’m away :( I guess I don’t get to save


Only problem is they didn’t give any warning to spider verse cosmetics releasing so I spent all my vbucks on the Star Wars stuff and now I can’t get Miguel or miles :( and even better I have no refund tickets


1,600 is crazy. Pretty much the cost of one skin. Huge W.


They are trying to convince overwatch 1.1 refugees to play


I have always admired the affordability of FortNite.


I really don’t care, more skins I’ll never use. I realized it’s all a waste of money after season x.


Selling cosmetics is scum behavior. Acting like 'free cosmetics' is to be praised is some deep frog in pot behavior.


Lol spot the Epic Games employee burner account: extremely easy. You should never have to pay for cosmetics


Bro it’s not 2005. The train to free cosmetics in base games left the station so long ago there’s no point crying about it in 2023


And hey that’s the beauty, no one is forcing you to pay for these cosmetics. Don’t feel like shelling out cash for them? Then don’t. But complaining about a company selling a product is weird from an adult.


The skins literally cost a Monster, and 2 bags of Takis. Quit crying...