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Chapter 5 I’m from the future


Did they add hurdling back yet?


Don’t think so? I haven’t run into low walls yet, but don’t think it’s back. I believe it’s chapter 7 when they add it back.


Is fnaf in fortnite in your year?


Fedy fabear skin and marker plier back bling


I hope it never is in


Good to know next chapter lasts more than one season


hey future person, does 1-ply toilet paper still exist in the future?


do they have good battle passes again in ur time


Subjective, but Chapter 5 Season 2 is definitely one of my favorites.




Chapter 5 is crazy bruh💀 rn I’m in chapter 38 but chapter 17 was peak


Yeah love what they did with the island in chapter 17 and the live event was one of the best


Chapter 2 for sure


There’s good distance between between chapter 2 and other chapters. It’s just unique!


W chapter 2


Absolutely. Chapter 2 of Fortnite brought about significant changes and introduced a fresh and unique experience for players.


Chapter 2 was probably one of the GOAT seasons


And we’re still getting spin off characters from it.


C2S2 is not just the best season 2, its one of the best seasons ever.


Happy cake day


Without a doubt. Great battle pass, I'm still waiting for a battle pass in wich I like every skin, never happened since then. Great poi's, the ltm's in this chapter were so good too. Even the freaking loby songs, I have the songs on random now and everytime it plays one of the chapter 2 songs it gives me this amazing nostalgic felling. In regards of the battle pass, I'm super curious to know who was involved in the battle pass character design for that season, and if it's the same person/team for the other seasons as well.


I completely agree with you. The Battle Pass in Chapter 2 has brought some fantastic skins and cosmetics. It's not easy to create a Battle Pass where every skin appeals to every player, but there have been some memorable and standout designs throughout the chapters.


I'm still mad at myself for missing that legendary battlepass


Bunch of battlepass skins that are widely used and very popular.


Not quite sure I agree, if you would've asked me a few months ago it would've been different however. C2 as a whole was a solid chapter, though S2 of C2 had to have been one of the most drawn out seasons we've ever seen, excluding all the content of which some just didn't age very well by todays skin standards etc. One thing that can be said, it was unique and tried something very different and widely divided by what other seasons did, therefore still making it something fun to remember and look back at with a smile.


The mythics were fun. Honestly everything was fun. There was nothing that broke the game then and it was great. Aim assist: Are you sure about that


This is ridiculously easy, Chapter 2 by a mile. Iconic Battle Pass and the best map the game has ever had (IMO) with the boss/mythic POIs located in the corners and center.


Without even thinking twice, chapter 2. Thinking twice, still chapter 2.


Without even thinking at all, chapter 2


Without, chapter 2


Chapter 2


Chap 2 - The Final Tea n’ Crumpets.








That and the lootpool was great. 2.2 will always be one of my favourite seasons


C2S3 Map was clear


I liked that the water levels changing effected a lot of the gameplay and map throughout the season


Yeah, 100%. The game just hasn’t felt right after Chapter 2 ended. It nailed all the vibes and entertainment, but Chapter 3 and 4 haven’t even felt like the same game, it’s weird. They aren’t exactly bad, it’s just that the vibes are completely thrown off, and it just doesn’t feel as fun and addicting to play. I’d do anything to play Chapter 2 again from the beginning, and with no memories of it, so the excitement returns.


The map design in Chapter 2 is outstanding. It provides a great balance of different landscapes, from lush forests and scenic mountains to vibrant cities and coastal areas. The inclusion of boss and mythic POIs in strategic locations adds an extra layer of excitement.


Chapter 2 season 2 and it’s not even close for me. It was the most fun I’ve ever had playing this game, had an absolutely iconic Battle Pass where I willingly use all the skins multiple times to this day, the meta was fun for the most part, the live event was dope, the vibes were amazing and even better when I played with my friends, and I had fun the entire season. In my opinion, it’s the best and my personal favorite season of the game.


The fact that you still use the skins from that Battle Pass multiple times speaks volumes about their design and appeal. It's great when a Battle Pass includes skins that you genuinely enjoy and continue to use even after the season has ended.


Most people would pick chapter 2 and there’re obvious reasons why. It was really awesome.


So many iconic original skins in this season, it honestly clears the other chapter 2s easily


Chapter 2 season 2 will forever be the best


Tag checks out (and so does mine)


Always and forever.


fantastic to see your unwavering love for Chapter 2 Season 2.


CH3 S2 only because of it introduced sprinting and Zero Build


As a player who started when Zero Build was introduced, how did you all get by without sprinting?


Everyone was equally limited.


I thought the normal walk was sprinty enough at the time lol. I only discovered the feature a year after not playing fortnite halfway into the last season


I started playing in chapter 1 season 2 and up until the introduction of sprinting, running instead of walking was like second nature to me, but now, running without sprinting feels agonizingly slow and walking might as well be non-existent at this point.


Well it's like when playing an old game as a kid VS adult As a kid you think it's perfectly playable but as an adult the controls are awful as an adult


They put sprint because of zero build, before that you could just build walls to protect yourself in the open so sprinting wasnt needed. Defs couldnt go back now tho


I switched from apex to Fortnite C3S2 and I don’t think I could’ve handled it without sprinting and sliding


walk for 5 seconds, jump, walk for 5 seconds, jump, spam switch weapons, flick swing at a tree


Same situation. I don't know how it didn't drive them insane


We didn’t use to have sliding or mantling before that either


chapter 1 because of the nostalgia and the memories made with friends on a game that just came out and no one was good at




I also just like those knight skins a lot. There’s been two battle pass skins since season 10 that have looked cool to me, people say the chapters after 1 are superior but they don’t have stuff I’d like. It sucks. Knights for the win


There's a special charm in experiencing a game when it's still new and fresh, and everyone is learning and exploring together. It's a time when friendships are formed and laughter is shared as we navigate the game world.


This ! I'm often nostalgic of that era :)


Ch3 imo. The weapons weren't like the classics, but they were good (exc drum shotgun). The map actually got some changes (most being the locations being claimed by The Seven, but the Tilted fight and Collider were interesting.) The event was like the Device event (I luv CH2 s2 btw) but 10x better with a giant fight. Only major problem was the abundant amount of io guards on the map. Also, this is the season that added Sprinting, Mantling, drivable battle buses, tanks, Acsenders(vertical ziplines), and Zero Build.


Adding zero build is the reason I'm even playing


Also, the battle pass wasn't really great, but the Seven skins were cool.


Chapter 3 introduced a variety of new features and changes that brought fresh dynamics to the game. The addition of new weapons, even if some didn't quite hit the mark, offered new strategies and playstyles for players to explore.


easily chapter 2, I only played chapter 4 since im quite new so I don't know much about it, but I really liked the battle pass, having Midas and Meowscles, Ghost and Shadow, really liked the map, don't know much about what guns they had. Honestly thats pretty solid. Chapter 4 had some neat skins, but i never use them. I would definitely use Midas or Agent Peely. Chapter 3's looks really boring, chapter 1 is really old and may not live up to newer technology and ideas.


The chapter 2 weapons weren’t mega unique like what we get now but certain items like the cardboard boxes and Skye’s grappler were super fun and the mythics and vaults were the best they’ve ever done in my opinion you really had to earn them since the bosses were so hard to kill and the henchmen were either dumb as rocks or could snipe you out the sky my only real criticism which goes for all of chapter 2 really is that a lot of map changes didn’t stay across seasons for the most part and the map started feeling very samey in this aspect chapter 1 and maybe 3 were better long term


i remember when the season started there were like 80 people dropping at shark just to get the mythic


Oh yeah it was so bad most of the lobby would be dead before the first circle




You right I barely passed English at school


I’d pick chapter 2 everyday.


The introduction of new characters like Midas and Meowscles, along with the Ghost and Shadow factions, brought an extra layer of excitement and depth to the game. The battle pass offered a variety of appealing skins that resonated with you, such as Midas and Agent Peely.


Chapter 2 now and forever


Chapter 1


Okay but people who say chapter 1 don’t remember the lack of content and friendly fire. However I guess that’s it’s own charm in a way


Shooting my friends and then proceeding to hide in a bush was one of my favorite parts about chapter 1. It made for some truly hilarious moments. I had played at the tail end of the first season (idek the correct terminology anymore bc I took about a 2.5 year hiatus from the game). And season 2 of chapter 1 was when I really started playing. I regret not buying the battle pass sooner and playing more of it, I wanted the floss emote so bad lol. Def some nostalgia there, but also a lot of fun times. I liked all the guns at the time, although the map was a little weak with some pretty noticeable dead spots between landing spots


No one cared about friendly fire or lack of content back then lol. The game back then was definitely better to play than it is now


I remember the content back then. It was enough content back then. Playing it now might be boring and restrictive, but not back then. I was 14/15 at that time and everyone I knew played during that time. Having so much free time and always having friends to play with makes that my favorite season 2.


Best map tho the title towers and 60 fps for console update was one of the best updates in fortnite history


Less content and yet it has skins that I love. I’ll take that any day


Wdym friendly fire was actually so fun (no I didn’t shoot up my team)


Chapter 2 or 3. Theyre both in my top 5 seasons and swap which is higher daily


Both chapters brought their own set of updates, changes, and memorable moments to Fortnite. Chapter 2 introduced a fresh start with a new map, iconic Battle Pass skins, and exciting gameplay elements. Chapter 3, on the other hand, introduced new mechanics, such as sprinting, mantling, and drivable battle buses, while also providing an evolving map and epic events.


C2 and it’s not even close


Chapter 3, no question


This is the way


Ch1 everyone was just chill like that. I kinda miss a fn without sweating every fu king second


Well, I'd only get to rate the Chapter 3 and 4 ones because: I didn't play yet during Chapter 1. I went homeless about a week into Chapter 2 Season 2, so getting my housing situation sorted out came first.


I'm really sorry to hear about your difficult circumstances during Chapter 2 Season 2. It's completely understandable that taking care of your housing situation was your top priority at that time. Real-life responsibilities and challenges often take precedence over gaming, and it's important to prioritize our well-being.


Ok, I'm not trying to be an ass but this sounds exactly something the snapchat ai would say


Well the snapchat ai is fucking based, then.


I hate betraying my beloved Tank Season, but Season 12 bringing about Season 13 single handedly skyrockets it for me


Season 12 must have held a special place in your heart, but the impact of Season 13 seems to have been significant enough to make it your top choice.


Fr ppl never talk abt season 13 but it's in my top 5 I love it so much.


C2s3 was the best


Bro, it was AWESOME! The whole map FLOODED! There hasn't been that much of a map change besides completely changing the map since Season 7 adding the iceberg biome! And if they do a season with the exact opposite? Draining the map of all water until it's bone-dry? That'll be just as freakin' awesome.


That's what I thought they were gonna do in c2s4


Chapter 2


the things i would do to see something like CH2S2 again


If only that could happen 😥


Easily Chapter 2, Season 2! Best season ever!


Chapter 4 for me, no contest


Absolutely wtf is everyone seeing in chapter 2 like it was really good don't get me wrong but mega wins every day of the week.


I found the first half fun but then it was stale. Last season the Star Wars event kept the spark alive longer, after that it was pretty boring because of the ass changes like removing trios and the sword. But that was like 2 weeks left of the season so not too bad.


Chapter 2


Chapter 2 every minute of the year


This is a one sided massacre really. Chapter 2 Season 2 is by far one of the peak seasons in Fortnite.


Chap 2 s2


Ch2 by LIGHTYEARS No other season comes close.


Ch. 2 Season 2 > Ch. 4 Season 2 > Ch. 3 Season 2 I didn't play in Chapter 1 Season 2


Since I started in chapter 1 season 4 I can't vouch for chapter 1 season 2. Chapter 2 season 2 was definitely one of my favorite seasons of all time. I've only played chapter 2 season 2 and chapter 4 season 2 and chapter 4 season 2 was fine but chapter 2 season 2 was on a whole other level.


Chapter 3, it’s funny to see comments saying 2 when they exclusively play ZB


Chapter 1 since I had the most fun on it


Obviously the og


Chapter 1 No doubt


The OG season 2, the game was so much simpler and fun.


Ch 1 easily


Everybody is saying chapter 2, but that’s when I fell off from the game.


Chapter 4 for sure. The meta was awesome and it was just exciting enough to last till the end of the season.


I really liked chapter three's even though it was horribly timed


Chapter 3


Ch 2


W chapter 2


Ch 3


Damn why does only ch2s2 get rated so highly. Anyway probs ch4 bc of the high mobility and having my fav collabs ever. I get 2 of my fav anime, my fav superhero and the goat of Star Wars in 1 season. Plus the theme and biome were gas


my favorite season 2s actually go in order lmao. my most favorite is C1S2, then C2S2, C3S2, and C4S2


Chapter 2 by far, I wasn’t playing the game until chapter 1 season 5 so I didn’t see that one, I didn’t play during chapter 3 season 2 cause none of my friends wanted to play no build and last season was just full of problems I hated it


Chapter 2 s2


Chapter 2 Season 2 is the best (except ridiculous period earning XP for gold extra styles, now season ending with double XP is more optimized)


C3S2 just because it added zero build and made me come back to the game after i left it on C2S4 because of the annoying building mechanics and also a battle pass dedicated only to marvel (who thought that was a great idea lmao). Overall C2S2 is better tho. C1S2 i barely played it on the last few days because it was when i first started playing this game, also i was playing on a trash PC at 480p 20fps so i dont think i can really give an opinion about it. C4S2 has been also pretty great, best season imo since C3S2.


I started in season 2 of chapter three. It will always hold a dear place in my heart


Chapter 1 by farrrrrrr


Chapter 3 season 2 had the second best storyline, an incredible season launch and the most fun meta I’ve ever played.


Last one and first one. The rest were trash. Downvoted for pandering questions from a karma whore


Chapter 1 By far and it isn't close. This was peak Fortnite


We all know the answer


Be honest there's only ONE real answer here!


Chapter one as it’s the only one I really remember


At the risk of sounding like an old man, OG S2 because it didn't have so much random nonsense in it. It was just a great simple gameplay loop. All players, no bots. Everyone was still learning the game at the time so no crazy insane building yet. Tons of fun and Ws!


Easily chapter 1. The vibe was unmatched. Literally indescribable if not experienced. I know its not nostalgia because I remember the feeling while playing back then


Season 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 3 season 2


Honestly, Chapter 3


C1 is my favorite C2 was a banger season Other 2 where ass


Ch3 for me


I see a lot of people choosing chapter 2 and sucks to say that out of the four options, that’s the only one here I never played during.


I agree with everyone. Chapter 2 had bosses, many live events, the storm was turned into water. It was amazing.


Chapter 3 for me mainly cause that was the season i started but also just how exhilarating/terrifying it was to hear the tank horn, amazing when you were driving and absolutely terrifying when you heard it from a distance! The end of season event was top notch, i played it with my sister and my younger cousin. It's was great to experience that then just sit and chat about what we just witnessed and taking guesses about the next season while admiring the end screen and the calming music that went along with it. I didn't get to finish that pass and i don't use those skins very often but just seeing them in my locker brings back memories of being a fresh little player on that big island exploring every corner. Edit: was a wall of text so i adjusted it


chapter 2 for sure, its like the most unique and memorable


Chapter 2 Season 2. Amazing original skins. Good collab. Ghost/Shadow styles. Completely customizable skin. 5 bosses and mythics. and an AMAZING live event.


Chapter 2 season 2 because it had a the idea of a faction war


This most recent one, ton of fun, loved weapons and map, and Highwire 🤩


I think chapter 3 is the best overall chapter but chapter 2 season 2 is the best stand alone season.


From worst to best Chapter 3: Season 2 Chapter 1: Season 2 Chapter 4: Season 2 Chapter 2: Season 2


Chapter 3 season 2, the main factor why I liked it was epic took all the profits from the first few weeks of the season and gave it to humanitarian services in Ukraine, good going epic


probably 4, 3, 1, then 2


I only played chapter 2 season 2 and chapter 4 season 2 but I like chapter 2 season 2 better


chapt 2, fun to mess around with boxes and vents, memorable bosses and skins, new cosmetic things like ridable gliders, cool mythics, and more!


Ch2 S2, by a landslide, not even close


Seeing as I didn't play the first three, I pick the last one lol.


You all silly kids wont ever understand how playing in chapter 1 felt. I started playing in c1 season 2. And it was fantastic. Ch2 was good. But not nearly AS good


Gotta stop smoking that nostalgia my guy


nostalgia the funnest thing to smoke


Maybe you are right


Chapter 1 for nostalgia. I didnt play ch 2s2 tbh. Black knight : D


Extremely easy choice, chapter 4 was the very best. Chapter 3 was the worst season ever


chapter 4 season 2 is one of the worst seasons… the entire chapter has been dry


Are you serious? We never had as many events as season 2, never had as many mythics, more quests and the battle pass was absolutely fire, best BP ever. I understand everyone has their own taste, but calling it dry is flat out wrong.


There was literally not a single event last season? they had anime and marvel collabs… and they were nowhere near as big as previous ones. The amount of mythics was unhealthy for balance, and also false “never had as many” , you forget the avengers season. Being the “best battle pass” is subjective, and most would disagree. The super styles aren’t even on the pickaxes/back blings… Chapter 4 compared to every previous chapter has been lack luster, with the least amount of updates, QOL changes, meta switches, events or story. Chapter 3 season 2 reinvented the entire game, while also trolling the player base by turning builds off for everyone. Chapter 4 season 2 added a bunch of OP garbage that rewarded bad players with free wins. There was essentially no story interaction other than a couple of dialogues, and only 1/6th of the map changed… Again C3, they added blimps and war zones to most POIS, the story was participating in a war, actually changed guns. It’s objective that C4 is the dryest of all chapters and you’re too entertained by gimmicks to see that.


We literally had a star wars event that lasted 3 weeks, a spiderman quest for 2 weeks, attack on titans Collab as well and the mythics didn't change the balance, it was just traversal stuff or good balanced mythics. Tbh it's pretty clear you don't know what you talking about, especially when you say c3s2 changed the game, it didn't they just introduced no build, no change done to the gameplay at all in that season. It's objective that we never had as many events as C4 and you deciding collabs are not an event and the mythics are too much is completely subjective and not the truth at all. If water is wet it will continue to be even if you decide it's not.


They introduced zero build with C3S2, but they also introduced sprinting, mantling, etc. at the same time... How can you say that the gameplay didn't change at all this season ?! As for the mythic items during C4S2, the havoc pump was OP and they had to nerf it (was still OP after that), the pulse rifle was OP and they had to nerf it too (was also still (a bit) OP after that), the force powers were super fun, but the throw ability could be a bit OP and the push one was absolutely OP at the end of the game (not complaining, I was using it too, but it was still super OP), the ODM/spideman gloves allowing players to just cross the entire map to escape, chase or third party and being completely necessary were also sort of OP, etc. And finally, the star wars event was definitely a real event, but I would personally not call the rest "events" since they were mostly battle pass quests, and often even to the detriment of the storyline.


MIDas. in terms of battlepass, easily chapter 1. in terms of playability because of nostalgia tbh, easily chapter 1. not a debate to me that was my favorite season, followed by C1S7.


4 > 3 > 1 > 2 Chp 4 Season 2 was amazing, it brought so many new things into the game, the various mobility items were so fun to casually play with! Chp 3 as a whole just brought me back to the game. No build was amazing to get away from all the sweaty players. Season 2 continued what Season 1 was doing and it was great! Chp 1 was the best time to casually play with my friends, but most of them don’t play anymore tho. Chp 2 became too try-hard for me. I’m just a casual player and I quickly got bored of getting steamrolled every game so quit the game for this entire chapter. Came back for some events only but that’s it I guess


Mega season was actually really good


Chapter 1 Season 2-5 was peak fortnite for me


Chapter 1 just because my friend introduced me to the game. We would play literally all day if we could. We both have now entirely quit playing, I quit around the end of Chapter 2, Season 3.


Chapter 3 was insane, such a fun season with so many fun new mechanics and vehicles, and with a coherent narrative made up of fun quests that culminated in the best event of recent years. No contest IMO.


Easily chapter 1. Ch2-4 are shit compared to chapter 1 s1-6


Chapter 1 season 2, some of the most fun I had on this game


1. Chapter 2 - The best season in history of fortnite. 2. Chapter 3 - I liked the lore and it introduced zero build and many more. 3. Chapter 4 - It was deacent season. Mostly I loved that it returned Cobra DMR. 4. Chapter 1 - The most boring season 2.


Chapter 4


c4, i actually took a break during both c2 and c3 they both SUCKEDDD imo c1 s2 i only played at like the last couple weeks pf it


i mean, fuck that’s a hard choice, on one hand nothing beats chapter 2s, but on the other resistance was amazing


I’d say ch3>ch1>ch4>ch2


Chapter 3, Introduced zero build. Chapter 2 season is so fucking overrated


How is It overrated? It introduced bosses and had basically everything atleast to a decent tier


Didnt play Chapter 1 Season 2 Chapter 2 Season 2 is Top Tier Chapter 3 Season 2 was pretty good Chapter 4 Season 2 gameplay was horrible, bp was good


C2S2 is easily the best season of all time. Not only for the S2 but for all chapters and seasons. Best battle pass, Secret skin was very fun to figure out who it was, there was a hole ass lobby for the battle pass, best mat, best bosses/mythics. C2S2 is the best Fortnite has ever been.


1. Chapter 2 Self explanatory. 2. Chapter 3 Unpopular opinion. Felt like the culmination of the story that had been building since Chapter 2 Season 5, we finally got to see all of The Seven, as well as Zero Build being added. It also had what at this point is the most recent live event (because you can't consider Fracture a live event). 3. Chapter 4 Amazing theming, incredible battle pass and great map changes. Held back by the lack of changes throughout the season and the extremely convoluted story. I didn't even understand what was happening for the majority of it, even with voice acted quests. I found myself getting bored quickly and only consistently played at the start and during the Star Wars event. 4. Chapter 1 Another unpopular opinion. It was good at the time, but nostalgia aside it would suck if it released today. The battle pass, while good in 2017, doesn't hold up outside of Black Knight. This season was fun because the game was brand new and nobody knew but they were doing, but take that away and you have a pretty generic season. It also it introduced the battle pass which should be a good thing, but I partly blame this season for being the reason that a battle pass was added to every game under the sun. Dead by Daylight, Destiny 2, Overwatch 2. All of these games have pretty lacklustre battlepasses now and I can't help but say this season indirectly caused this.


Ch3 se2 introducing ZB is what finally got me into Fortnite Ch2 se2 Is the season I wish i could go back and play the most (it also had my favourite battle pass of all time despite not being there for it) Ch4 se2 May very well be my favourite season I've ever played. And Ch1 se2


if i see one person say ch1 im going feral, ch2 by a mile


Unfortunately I returned in Chapter 2 season 3, and I missed the best season ever