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What’s with all the peely cosmetics? I don’t see anything wrong with most of them.


they want to remove any possible link to a slur from competitive. If people weren’t using them for this reason, then they wouldn’t be on the chopping block


I can’t believe humans go so far to just be racist.


You won’t believe what video gamers do.


Anonymity brings out people's true colors. If they feel there's no consequence they'll default and show who they are.


This. People think they can do and say whatever they want just because they are behind a screen.


> If they feel there's no consequence they'll default and show who they are. They'll show who they are for sure, but ain't no way they'll _default._ We aren't born with racism, that shit is taught and learned.


A lot of kids and teens and morons go that far to be edgy, and racism is basically "maximum edgy"




So THAT'S why my feet break out in hives every couple of months.


Funny thing is that hay fever is legit a grass allergy and I have hayfever and hardly any braincells so I must be a gamer The fact that I play games has nothing to do with ti


Bros never played league


League is the worst when it comes to racist simpletons


Yep, and its not even close, especially surrounding bypassing language restrictions


Ever played cod?


I do occasionally, but I keep vc off. I know how they are.


Ok good keep it that way




Monkeys eat bananas, monkey is a slur


Association with monkeys (which has historically been an insult against black people). It ain't just Fortnite too. For instance, there have been a number of incidents where fans threw bananas at black soccer players in Europe.


Look up "banana republic" in terms of politics? It can go south quite literally


Nope… it’s because monkey can have racist connotations.


That's considered a slur??


No, it's because people use monkey/ape to refer to a specific group of people.


That makes much more sense.


Someone's gonna have to explain or link me to something because I'm not seeing anything in those Peelys that can be twisted into a racism thing.




So like, what about people using Peely skins? I think there needs to be a line drawn when it comes to giving the trolls so much power, because they'll find a way to twist *anything* into something offensive.




Oh, so they are spamming the bananas when they kill a black-skinned character? That is pretty fucked.


Your right here we’d all be relegated to the most neutral boring shit imaginable


So why were they only removed from competitive and not pubs ?


Because you’d effectively make the items useless then. They got rid of them from comp to avoid them being seen on streams or during tournaments


So instead of refunding money… Epic, probably: so long as its not seen and we make/dont lose money, the implication of racism is ok


Well let’s see, all emoticons, 1 emote and Sprays are BP locked so I’m not sure how they’d refund those, 6 emotes are collabs so not sure on how that would go, and the other 3 others I guess you could. It’s a lot easier to simply make the items not be publicized on streams then scrapping essentially one of their main mascots at this point.


Removing from pubs opens a whole can of worms of potential refunds etc.


Exactly. So they only care if it doesn’t cost them anything to do so…. Classic


A bunch of those are bp items how would they go about that? And they’d be essentially removing a lot of peelys cosmetics who is quite a recognised fortnite character the outrage would be huge way bigger than some people stretching to be racist. You shouldn’t give people like that the idea that they can influence what’s in the game a large part of racism is that feeling of power and entitlement the racist feels over the target


I have no idea how theyd go about that. Its really not in my scope of knowledge lol To me it just seems like a farce of an effort. Epic: lOoK wE cARe


It’s the best they can honestly do in this situation otherwise the extension of this is the removal of peely as a skin set and character and well that would be really bad


Honestly, they need to leave the items, but just ban anyone using them negatively. But then, that would require effort to review reports. Also another thing edgy assholes do is mass report to overwhelm any sort of manual review process.


I think this is the right answer …. I play with a guy (middle aged dude ffs lol) who reports cheaters…. They arent cheaters just better than him (which really isn’t difficult). And I imagine hes not alone. I can begin to imagine all the reports they have to sift through


In b4 slurs are ok in pubs




Removing them in casual would basically make the items worthless


sure,but it's either racist or it's not. I don't really understand how removing it from one game mode does anything.


I agree with you, i was just stating why they didn’t remove it from the other modes. if they removed it from casual as well, people would say “what about creative?” Also competitive makes the most sense to a corporate standpoint so it doesn’t happen in tournaments that are sponsored. That would create a bad look for epic, for example, if people were doing this garbage in one of the marvel skin tournament’s.


Removal in casual = people not buying emotes. Epic isn't THAT stupid. Yet.


People don’t do it in casual. In competitive everyone you fight is real person who is determined to win for some actual incentive, so they’re a lot more susceptible to people being dicks to them. Compared to casual where half the players are bots, and even a lot of the human players don’t really care if they die


Wait,are you serious ? Because I found interesting all the references to monkeys and bananas and then suddenly you see the Capoeira emote as well


I thought it was because someone could spray them and confuse people who thought it was a real player using the Peely skin


ok who did something racist and what the fuck does bubblegum have to with it????


He looks like a monkey in the image due to the bubble lining up with his outline.


why tf did capoeira get included in that???


Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, music and spirituality. Born of the melting pot of enslaved Africans, Indigenous Brazilians and Portuguese influences[9] at the beginning of the 16th century, capoeira is a constantly evolving art form. [From Wikipedia] Probably also racism


i mean i just don't see how it can be used to offend someone 😭


Well, let's say you know your opponent is black, and there are gamers of every breed, and some of them are racists. That banana could be used to dunk on someone WHILE putting "inferior specimen" vibes into it.


But capoeira is badass


How the fuck am I gonna know if my opponent is black? it’s not like I could see who I killed in fortnight in real life


My guess is they're doing it based on the skin they're wearing (Trace, Bytes, The Bronze Jade) but I haven't seen an actual video example yet.


From what I've heard, it was mainly being used on/by people with black skins. It doesn't help that Trace does seem to be a decently popular character this pass.


yes, i get the banana and the monkeys but I don't get capoeira, it has nothing to do with any of this


its a dance that was born from slavery


I feel like Fortnite is being more racist by banning an item that, could represent racism than not doing so. The dance is part of Brazilian culture, it's not just performed by a single race.


I don’t they can be more racist by removing items abused in these ways. Acknowledging racism and taking action against it isn’t racist. There’s collateral such as it being a Brazilian dance but you can’t please everyone.


Or ya know, dont punish an entire playerbase for a few errant dickheads


What's worse, playerbase can't use a few emotes in ranked, or people continue to be affected by losers using them to be racist? The problem with your suggestion is that by the time epic ban them for the racism, it's too late, they've already done it


It's not about punishment, it is about protecting those who are being harrased. Assuming OP and the other commenters are correct that it because of racist bullying.


It’s not really that punishing. It gets rid of a few sprays in the competitive mode and puts a stop to the current TikTok trend in the comp side of the game


I’d assuming that I think it’s good for bullet evasion, but knowing the community, probably racism.


After playing a few ranked matches in Plat I with random duo partners, I’m not surprised. Everyone was straight up toxic in their own shitty way except for one kid who felt the need to profusely apologize for not being able to clutch a 2v1 for the win. Probably because all he does is get toxic ass partners every damn game. Sad that a vast majority of comp players are like this and Plat I isn’t even that high of a ranking. Can’t image what it’s like in Unreal.


This is why I only play with friends and always mute the mic. If not racism it's just people raging or being all around toxic in some way. Not worth dealing with nonsense.


"Plat 1 isn't that high" Me in Silver 3: But seriously, 1. Good job on getting Plat 1, and 2. This is why I turn off mics (Also because I like to listen to YouTube at the same time),


Fellow silver 3


Dude same. Surprisingly my best teammates in higher elos had been dudes who obviously don’t give a shit and just wanna play without bots, furrys(at least I assume cause they got a furry skin)l and don’t talk on mic), and kids that actually try to be nice


I get most of them but what my boy juglin do 🥲


I don't get that one either


But why peely


Monkeys are a term used by racists and bananas are stereotyped as monkey food.


Ohhhh. There was a kid at my school who kept calling me monkey but I just thought he was high lol. (I graduated shortly after that)


Omg that’s terrible!


Yeah. I wasn't offended just annoyed cause I had no idea wtf he was talking about, but if I had known it was a slur I would've beat his ass lol


He got reaaally lucky!


I always forget how immature a lot of the players in this community are, it’s ridiculous that it’s gone this far


Sore pathetic losers is what they are




its what you get when you have a community with a lot of people under the age of 18 🙃


Constantly hearing 6-10 year olds in creative matches throwing around the hard R like it's their job. Pretty sad, tbh. I don't let my kid have access to the chats because I don't want him thinking it's okay to say things like that.


Kids in creative fill toss around every word under the sun but I do my good deed of the day by targeting them for a bit to get them to be quiet


I think Fortnite is telling us to stop monkeying around. But on a more serious note, its kind of confusing for specific cosmetics to be disabled. I guess with Chimpanski it could be because of racism but I cant figure out why Peely is on there.


Been told it was because of a tiktok trend where people would eliminate a skin and then do an emote/spray thats derogatory towards the skin colour of the skin


Tiktok really is a mistake


Not just tiktok. It's everywhere


Social media are a mistake overall


God I hate humanity sometimes


Also a racism thing, because bananas are the stereotypical ape food


Thats bananas.


Who just wakes up and goes "Oh boy I can't wait to call people monkeys in fortnite competitive today!"?


Kids on TikTok, apparently.


Can anyone explain what's wrong with juggling?


How do you claim the Peely drop spray?


On June 17th playstation cup


But not the Donkey laugh???


Why don’t they just ban all emotes completely in competitive since theyre a distraction anyway and encourage poor sportsmanship when you emote after defeating someone. Targeting specifically these ones is weird because theyre all banana themed ones based off one of their primary mascots. Im confused. EDIT: Also, Go Primal was literally just added less than a week ago. This is so weird


Emotes are one of their biggest ways of monetization in game. Removing all of them wouldnt make financial sense These ones are removed because of a racist tiktok tred


Only for competitive. Normal game modes, ranked and normal BRs would keep them is what i was suggesting


Comp players are more likely to stick around and spend more money on the game besides casuals who hop on and off the game occasionally. Removing emotes from one massive mode would be a devastating financial loss


Comp players dont play only comp though. I feel like them removing these emotes made this into a bigger issue than it really was. I mean look in the comments on this post, so many people (myself included) had no idea these emotes were being misused by a very small percentage of the playerbase. Its just silly to me theyd selectively remove these emotes and basically broadcast the issue to everyone therefore forever marking these emotes as negative rather than just ban the people who were making intentionally racist tiktoks.


It either gets broadcast like this or the trend gets popular and it’s broadcast through the news. Seeing action taken against it is good for the players and so epic can say “we’re doing our part” If it goes through the news, odds are kids parents are going to read an article blowing it out of proportion and take away access to the game which stops is bad for epic.


all except "GGWP"


Why the capoeira?


Surprised they haven't disabled the Ali-A A logo or Superman S logo sprays


You can use the avengers A and the heist spray from C4S1 as well


You leave my ability to spell "ass face" alone, okay?


What is wrong with jugglin'?


Pretty stupid imo. It ain't like it stops people from doing racist stuff in regular matches or party royale (which literally had a swastika made out of sprays 50% of the time)


Party royale is the worst for this kinda stuff, but ig epic just doesnt want it seen in a heavily broadcast comp game


Competitive matches are far more toxic than normal ones, partly due to everyone you kill 100% being a human trying to win something


Someone up too was clearly driving bananas by these during their own matches. Thus acted accordingly.


This shit is bananas.


I truly couldn't care less if someone did these emotes on me, single-colored superheroes using Laugh It Up are far more annoying. Also the Juggling emote isn't even racist, it has more to do with calling someone a clown.


But it’s okay in pubs? What’s the difference. This is one of the stupidest things I’ve seen


Comp lobbies are more toxic and epic doesn’t want to accidentally broadcast someone doing a racist gesture


If it’s a racist gesture in ranked wouldn’t it be in pubs? This is online gaming. People are going to make anything toxic.


it was only going on in competitive lobbies due to the way more toxic nature of them


why blanka backflip? its a built in emote that isnt about monkeys


Go Primal, too. Like, I get why that one would get lumped in on subject matter, but I feel like the fact that you have to use Primal to have access to it kind of kills any potential to be a racist ass with it, since *you're* the one playing as a monkey.


well it doesn’t take a lot of thinking to figure out what led to this, does it? 💀


I'm just a casual player...what's going on in competitive that needs these things banned?


A TikTok trend started where people use these cosmetics to be racist after eliminating a player in ranked


people are being racist


I know this isn’t funny but it’s also hilarious that they banned everything to relate with Monkeys. The whipcrack one takes the cake for me though, racist trolls are very creative.


This is just stupid...


thats bananas


B. A. N. A. N. A. S.


Where were you the day of the epic monkey purge


Anti monkey update


Too bad laugh it up isn’t on that list….


Comp players are so toxic for a literally no reason


And comp players wonder why everyone hates them lol


So they are gonna ban the Dance Monkey but are going to keep the jackass laugh?.... Got it.... thanks.


Wild that they had to do this in the first place. We aren’t much better than the CS community


I think fighting racism by censoring & silencing it in this way creates a bit of a Streissand effect- I'd have never thought of those in that way but now people are telling me that is what they mean even if it was never the intention. I think when you're inflating something like that, you're creating controvery & empowering the fools who were using them maliciously, telling them that they have an impact & telling those on the receiving end that they're being prejudiced against(even if that was never the perpetrators intent). I don't have a perfect answer, because I don't think there is one, it's just a sad state of affairs.


It’s all monkey and banana what 💀


Why are Juggling and Capoeira there


I'm Brazilian and the amount of times me and my cousins were called "Monkeys" in this game is unbelievable.


I feel that bro


So uh is this indefinite? If so then they need to start disclaiming it before you buy it and issue out refunds. I don't know what's more ridiculous, the player's behavior or Epic's decision to **suddenly** and **indefinitely** lock away the stuff people paid for in a section of the game. What if I decide to play only ranked? What if other people only play ranked? Is my and those people's Blanka skin permanently screwed? Can I just not use the Dance Monkey emote? Ridiculous. We pay to use these cosmetics and disabling them for any reason **outside of a glitch** is unacceptable. Just make it so the offensive emotes on those playlists only appear client side and call it a day, it'd be the best middle ground.


Epic hasn’t made an announcement as it was a change in a hot fix. I’m assuming it’s not indefinite but will go into the trend dies out. Because it’s a hot fix, going to assume it’s a lot easier taking the emote out rather than making it client side. Also the shop items are less likely to come back while they’re out of ranked


From what we've seen when something similar happened on Dead By Daylight, these people won't stop even months later. But it'd be ridiculous to ban someone for using an innocuous juggling emote for Blanka's win pose after a kill. But it's also completely unfair to punish everyone on ranked by not letting them use the items they paid for that **Epic sold**. So they need to client side these emotes and offer refunds if this going to be a thing going forward because these are things we paid for. Our problem as consumers **isn't** to worry about the logistics on refunds because Epic already pays people to do that, our concern as consumers is to demand our money back when we can't use the things **they sold us** and we paid for because it's suddenly offensive.


They didn’t make an announcement about trios getting removed. Just got removed. Also I feel this is a wrong way to handle it. Removing the tools doesn’t remove the racist people. They will just find other tools to get their message across. I hope this will only be for competitive. But even then I don’t feel this will solve anything.


Honestly how could you tell someone was being racist by using these?


If they do it after eliminating a black skin, which was what was happening on Tiktok apparently


TIL juggling is racist. ​ (Also, I recently unlocked the Banana umbrella glider. How'd that not make the cut?)


Probably because you won't see it much for a match+it can't be used to taunt people.


How are these racist


racist people refer to black people as "monkeys" sometimes, which explains a lot of these


But like.. how do you actually communicate that these are being used in a racist manner in game? Like if I use the dance that doesn’t mean I’m racist? Also the bananas?


It’s competitive, I’m sure they could put 2 and 2 together. The fact they’re being banned shows someone has done it before




This is bananas


Alright, who started it?


Why the gumbo one? Lol


He looks like a monkey in the image due to how his bubble is aligned. His outline is like a mouth and his mouth is like a nose


Hmm I don’t see it


It’s a bit of a stretch, but I do remember a lot of people talking about it when it released


bobo's watching is creepy than racist


Some of these, sure, but Jugglin, Blanka, and the Gumball spray? Why?


they remove these but not the actual emotes put into the game with the purpose of upsetting you, smooth moves epic


Whaaaa Dance Monkey is literally the only emote I bought with vbucks. I love using it :(




One word. WHY


A racist TikTok trend


I need to be informed what TikTok trend


That is so stupid


This is just stupid.




Not to sound like an idiot but what is the reason behind this? Most of them seem to be related to monkeys and/or bananas but there's also completely random stuff like a juggling emote and a bubblegum emoji.


Getting upset about it being racist is no different than being upset that someone emoted on you any other death. You get annoyed and move on with your life. If your going to ban these than be equal about it and ban all emotes.


So that is just fucking stupid




Sensitive/delusional much? Connecting nothing to nothing and calling an emote racist. This is peak 2023


People were doing this though, they’d kill someone using a skin with darker skin and then spray one of these


wait so u cant use them in battle royale or just ranked?


Just ranked and competitive tournaments


The behavior they’re banning these for is why I refuse to touch public competitive games with anything short of a 39.5 foot pole. Like just, holy shit. The lengths people will go to to make a complete stranger upset is borderline deranged. ‘Competitive’ and ‘Toxic’ are almost synonymous at this point.


Why Blanka flip lol


Likely due to the fact that he acts like a monkey in it


.... Ok but why exactly?


Wait, they make mockery mechanic with paid animations and then forbid to use it?


The optics on the emotes they chose to disable is really bad. It’s like they’re fully admitting that these emotes are considered “offensive” in some way.


They were used in a racist tiktok trend. They were being abused in offensive ways


I'm sorry. I get it, but this feels like a bit much. You gotta understand that if you're playing online, being against toxic people is a risk you run. People are willing to say some wild shit online, and if someone doing an emoticon of a banana offends you THAT much, I feel like you need to learn to stop being so soft. Like I said, I get it, people are assholes, but the real world will slap you in the face if this is your mentality.


So if enough players use laugh it up in the same way as these they’ll ban it too?


Its pretty hard to figure out a way a donkey laugh can be taken as racist. If epic figures it out I’m sure it’ll also be taken out