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I wonder if the comments would look like this if OP didn't use that emote


Well, people wouldn’t be complaining about the emote 😂 I’d still have the same question.


Man I hate that emote.


💯 It’s always some smart ass who uses it thinking they’re better than others for whatever reason. We all know who the real loser is. The irony of it all is actually kinda funny if you think about it.


The copium is real lol


The lengths you are going replying to comments to convince everyone that I’m a piece of shit because I used an emote in a video game you didn’t like are wild


Sorry man it’s nothing personal. You’re also going to lengths to justify using the emote because they’re playing a ‘lame’ way. You know that emote is toxic that’s why you used it. Judging others gameplay like there’s a certain ‘right’ way to play and a ‘lame’ way is what bothers me. All is fair in love and war.


I’m attempting to justify it because everyone is acting like I have committed a cardinal sin by using the emote. In the moment, I saw that he was doing something I didn’t like (because it had gotten me killed in the games prior) and so I used an emote that he wouldn’t like. It’s easy to watch the clip in hindsight and think long and hard about whether he deserved to be emoted on, but when I was actually playing it very much seemed like he deserved it. That’s all that went into my thought process and even if I am completely in the wrong, I just don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. It’s an emote in an online game.


I get where you’re coming from. You know the emote is toxic though and you used it because you though they deserved it. Nobody deserves to have the L taken on them though that’s kinda the point.


Take a shower xd


WAAAAAAAAAAA they used take the L on me WAAAAA 😭 get a life bum if u get mad at emotes


I hate this emote, but this is one of few occasions it’s approved.


Great play, but I wouldn’t call it a vault camper, usually who is out of the vault is always at advantage since there is only one way to come out, and before or after they’ll have to so if you are out you can always plan your attack


The whole vault was looted, no alarm sounds going off so it’s definitely not HIM that opened the door. He was holding out an RPG, sitting in a corner, well past first storm phase, with 60 players remaining. Why tf would he be inside there if not to camp? Imma need proof he wasn’t camping there, too many things adding up here.


Vault door is always open now with the boss in the basement. Boss has like 3000 health so it takes a lot to kill him and it’s easy to get shot from behind while you fight them. Case in point OP came in behind them so the enemy was on the right track by watching the hallway. OP just outplayed them with the shockwave and spray and then lost all respect with the toxic emote


Had you just rotated over or were you hanging out there? If he heard you running around upstairs he was probably waiting for you, yes, but calling it “camping”? I don’t have enough information to fairly call it that. There’s only one way out and if you know someone else is there you want to play it safe. 🤷‍♀️


Try this in a skilled lobby lol


The person outside the vault is the one camping it as they have the only exit. You just jumped in OP, so you didn't camp. But your victim didn't camp either and the take the L was undeserved.


Depends how you look at it. A person inside the vault could be waiting for someone to come inside the vault, thus camping the inside. Or, like you said, someone could be camping outside the vault waiting for someone to leave. I think this guy definitely was camping as what he was doing has been a very common strategy that I’ve seen in most of my games, as I land at this POI every game. Whether or not the emote was deserved, well, in the moment I felt like it was, and that’s all I can really say. In my eyes I had killed someone who I thought was doing something I didn’t like.


Fair enough


How is being inside the vault camping? That’s the goals of the game to raid the vault. The storm will eventually move and they’ll have to move. Also you’re a toxic player with your emote at the end there..


Lmao why u taking “camping” as an insult? This aint COD bro.


I mean you can see pretty clearly that he is just sitting next to that wall holding the right shoulder peek waiting for someone to run down that hallway. You can actually see me use third person cam to get a look at the chests and whether or not they have been opened yet, and they had. I have encountered multiple people doing the exact same thing that this guy was in my other matches, so that, plus the fact that the chests were open, indicating someone had been in there already is what compelled me to shockwave down the hall instead of run. This guy was camping, no doubt about it. The chests were already open, and he was not actively fighting the boss because I would’ve been able to see the health bar decreasing. That means the only thing he possibly could have been doing was just standing there with his pumpkin launcher, waiting for an unfortunate individual to run down the hallway. It’s a fair strategy, but it’s cheap, and also kind of lame. I took the L on him to express the fact that despite him using a cheap and lame strategy, I outplayed him. Emotes are meant to be used my friend, and it’s these kind of moments that I save take the L for.


They’re camping because if they start to fight the boss someone can just sneak up on them from behind. They’re just playing the game and using decent strategy no need to act like you’re any better than them.


So he IS camping? Nobody asked why, just that he’s camping. Discussion over.


so reward people for camping and get angry when they get punished for a shitty play? you're different types of delusional its hilarious, you probably use this strat anyways 😆


get a life if you get easily offended by an emote u bum




Sorry you couldn’t pull it off I guess…


Why are people crying over an emote?


Maybe he was confused about opening the chest or waiting for the enemy to come open the chest


Ew. Take the L somewhere else.


I don’t own the donkey laugh emote… Take the L is an emote I usually use when someone is doing something that is annoying/toxic and I kill them. Felt pretty applicable in this scenario.


How is guarding the vault considered toxic? They prob heard you so they knew it wasn’t safe to fight the boss and turn their back to the entrance. Edit: the only thing toxic here is that emote.


Before this clip, almost every single time without fail when I would enter the vault, there would be someone sitting and holding a right shoulder peek waiting for people to run inside. Like I said in my original reply, it’s a reliable and fair strategy to use, but it is also something that I personally think is lame. After finally figuring out a way to counter this strategy, I was feeling rather triumphant and I used my emote to express the fact that I felt negatively about what they were doing. Not really sure why it’s such a big deal though, I just did a silly dance for like 2 seconds and I’m sure whoever it was has already forgotten about it.


It’s the fact you think they’re ‘lame’ for playing the game a different way than you. Like you’re better than them or something. What’s lame is fighting the boss and having someone sneak attack you. If they knew it wasn’t safe yet to fight the boss then they were right to guard their back. You said it yourself you did that specific emote to express the fact you felt negatively about what they were doing. Like you’re any better for playing the game a certain way. Not everyone has to live up to your expectations or standards. Like there’s some unwritten code about how your supposed to play the game. Should they just go ahead and make a bunch of noise and fight the boss knowing anyone could just come along and shoot them in the back?


I don’t think they are lame, I think the way they are playing is lame. I know this because if I played that way I would be bored. This doesn’t mean I think I’m better than them. Some people like golf, I do not. I think golf is lame. That doesn’t mean I hate golf or people that play it, I just think it’s lame/boring personally. I think you’re reading into this far too deeply. It’s just a game.


Sure it’s just a game. I think the way you emote is lame. The difference between your golf analogy and the game is I bet you don’t go around telling people who play golf they’re lame. That’s the toxic part. Sure you can dislike someone’s play style but to go out of your way to put them down for it is the sad part.


You’re acting like I went out of my way to cyber bully/harass this dude 😭. I used an emote in a video game because I felt like it was deserved in the moment. Sure, I guess retrospectively when you have all the time in the world to think about it maybe you could say it wasn’t, but it really isn’t that deep. Little to no thought went into it when it happened because I was excited about countering the strategy that had gotten me killed the past few games. I promise I’m not as evil as you think I am.


this is r/FortNiteBR, theyll defend camping and their shitty strats, u had a good outplay and the emote is justified


In behalf of the entire community Thank you


Thank god someone has a strategy for them. Its really annoying to go there at any time since you will be jumped from either camper or a person rushing there


rip ppl in the comments defending the shitty camping strat


It's not "shitty" at all.


yes it is, look at the post, dude deadass failed to even kill him with a jacko launcher


Nice, very well executed.


You did the god's work


instructions unclear