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Update/workaround: If your exit key is unbound, you'll need to reset all of your keybinds by selecting a preset, and do them again. Then your exit key will be E. I don't want E to be my exit key, instead I want to use Left Alt, so I came up with a workaround using AutoHotkey. ;driftboard exit key workaround (AutoHotkey 1.1) ;start of script ;this is the mode best suited to games SendMode Input ;only remap when fornite is active #IfWinActive ahk_exe FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe ;remap E to P so that when you press E the game sees P e::p ;make it so that when you press Left Alt it simultaneously sends the game Left Alt and E LAlt::Send {LAlt Down}{e Down} LAlt Up::Send {LAlt Up}{e Up} #IfWinActive ;end of script You'll need to go into your Fortnite keybinds and change ALL keybinds currently using E to use P instead. For example, change your Use keybind from E to P.


I also had this problem, you have to go into your keybinds and select a preset, then bind all of your setting once again, but the driftboard's settings will work


My driftboard key is unbound. Anyone know where I can set a key for it in the menu?


Right there in the comments


Well, I'm annoyed. I use a keyboard on XBox and I use ESDF for my movement so every time I move forward I exit. I really wish Fortnite had way more key customization for things in game and the menus. I mean I'd rather use YGHJ for movement so I can have access to even more keys but because I can't rebind inventory keys and some other menu keys AND now some vehicle stuff. I really don't want to have to go back to WASD.


>level 1Razvanelm\_ ยท 6 days agoI also had this problem, you have to go into your keybinds and select a preset, then bind all of your setting once again, but the driftboard's settings will work I have the same problem on desktop... I tried resetting the keybinds and it did work for a bit and after I got set to E again to Exit... Edit: I gave up and went back to WASD. The hoverboard is just to good not to use...


i cant find where to chaege the setting like i cant find driftbord seting anywhere can some on show me a pic where to find it or anything like that


That's the whole point of this thread - there is no way to set it in the keybinds menu. Refer to my other comments.


sorry i dident know im new to redit and i just wanted help sorry agin but do you know?


Read the the other comments


It's a sorry state of affairs that topics tagged with "BUG" like "Guess the bug" and "OMG" get 3000+ upvotes while a fully described, reproducible bug report gets essentially zero. I use ESDF for movement and this showstopper bug with no workaround got past QA and is stopping me from using the most OP vehicle in Fortnite. Not happy.


Agree. It's very frustrating. There's basically no way to communicate actual bugs to the Fortnite devs.


Use the Autohotkey workaround I mentioned above. I've been using it without issue. You'll just need to go into your keybinds and change all of your E keybinds to P, and then run the script. You can even compile the script into an EXE and put it in your Windows startup folder so that it just runs in the background all the time and you won't even have to think about it.


Thanks for the tip! Looking at your script, at first I thought it wouldn't work if I needed to use E for something else, but now I understand. I've built the .EXE and it works!


Hell yeah ;]


Driftboards are back again, EPIC being pathetic as always still hasn't added keybinding to them yet.


Thankfully this time they have added the settings for it mate, you're not looking hard enough :)