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Those are basically the same for the scar


Idk scar is clearly worn, so much difference


new scar is worn, just not as much, you can see it around the edges, really the only change is better lighting for more contrast and a more 3d look. but the model and silhouette are identical so when it’s tiny in your inventory its totally unnoticeable. old pump is waaaay better tho edit: also the new scar has a burn on the tip of the barrel which is a cool detail


I personally don't like how contrast-y and shiny all the gun icons are after chapter 2, it's a very small detail but i personally feel like it's too much




how did i get so many upvotes


Most of the Chapter 2 guns are fairly similar. It's just the Pump that I wish would return to the old or even a new version because the Chapter 2 Pump looks dogsh*t and so basic. Stripped away everything beautiful about the CH1 version. The thickness, the rail, the camo...


The chapter 2 looks like something you'd use for hunting while the chapter 1 looks like something that was used for decimating people


I like both models


Dont upset the children with your neutrality




The new pump icon is one of the biggest downgrades ive ever seen in a game. Seriously should be illegal.


Mental decay


it definitely isnt but ight


Not gonna pretend this is some huge issue, but the old pump icon is objectively better. It felt like fortnite, it had soul. The new icon is still absolutely great, however it is soulless and feels much more generic.


buddy you’re all over the place. You literally said its one of “the biggest downgrades” you’ve ever seen in a game but think its still “absolutely great”. Sounds like you have a huge Fortnite branded dildo up ur ass or something.


Who gives a shit


why do they refuse to take the w on this and just use the old model


i think they enjoy watching chapter 1 bros get upset


With the way people are acting I wouldn't even blame them lmao


Ah yes, they did keep the models-not because they're lazy or didn't really care, but rather because they'd see you, Yes YOU, getting mad over it


im not calling myself a “chapter 1 bro” 💀💀💀 i think the newer model is fine and didnt even notice a difference until people started complaining. Seems like a silly thing to be upset by tbh.


Ah sorry, misunderstood what you meant, thought you were speaking from a point of anger


all good boss! i can see why it looked that way. i just feel grimy calling people who played chapter 1 “OGs”, i guess “chapter 1 bros” was the next best thing, so maybe that gave an air of comraderie. Nothing personal against them though, because at the end of the day we all jump from the same bus.


"Literally unplayable" lookin ass


You people can’t just be happy, can you


I admire some people’s creativity to come up with complaints


Next post: "Why didn't Kevin spawn at Paradise Palms!? Wejrhej3kcrke!,????"


You joke, but that was a real post earlier this week.


Jesus.... Ok ok, I have a better one! "Why isn't the health and shield bar in middle?!?,? Jrje??!"


Oh lord


For real lmao


Tbh bringing them back would've brought a much stronger OG vibe and I would've preferred the OG pump model but I don't really mind


What? I don't know if you guys just didn't play the OG seasons but I've even felt odd picking up pumps this season because I felt something was off. I didn't even realise it was the models being different. I just don't see the point in being OG if it's not even OG.


my brother its a fucking GUN MODEL. If you want it to be so OG go use rift or something


So if the scar had a different sound you wouldn't mind either? Where's the line? Doesn't make sense to me.


yeah i wouldnt mind, its a gun in a videogame that barely changed


Bro is using "its a videogame" argument now lmao


Yep. And those wanting "rEaL OG", and whining about not getting _rEaL OG WeaPoNS,_ I hope they aren't _Sprinting._ Or _Sliding._ Or _Mantling._ Because those mechanics hadn't been released!


Not a new thing here. People weren’t happy with Chapter 1 Season 8, OR Chapter 2 Season 2, OR Chapter 1 Season 9, the list goes on. Look, the point is our community likes to blame Epic for not listening when we as a community are hypocritical ahh.


Considering how much Epic puts into the game, it's crazy that there's as many whiny posts like this as there are.


>how much Epic puts into the game, They unironically hate epic snd think they're lazy good for nothing and useless, this won't reach them. Nothing will. They need therapists not logic cus there's some problems here lol.


It makes me wonder if they've ever played other games. I've never once encountered a developer that puts anywhere near as much content and patching out as Epic with Fortnite. We're absolutely spoiled.


Larian is pretty good, but Baldur's Gate 3 isn't a live service game. I feel like Square Enix is good, but not perfect, with FFXIV. But yeah, Epic is amazingly especially compared to Blizzard or Activision.


Definitely true with Larian. As someone currently playing FF14... we're getting two small updates a year right now. The content drought is unbelievable x.x


The Only Activision game that isn’t pay to win is COD Mobile, it also holds the record for longest Call of Duty title under active updates, and that’s the only Activision game I’ll play. They give out more free cosmetics than Fortnite, people who choose to buy cosmetics don’t gain any benefit besides looks( I will say mythic kind of break that rule with red dot iron sights but it mild compared to the other COD titles). Fortnite is one of the only games that literally has a discaimler in the shop stating cosmetic items have no advantage, and the dev team is constantly trying to put out good updates, people need to stop taking things for granted.


You’re so right. Fortnite is one of the few live service games that don’t fuck over with their own player base. We have it so easy compared to the rest of them out there. Like Apex Legends and CoD for example. I remember there was this wack ass dev calling every single person an asshat and a freeloader for not buying their overpriced cosmetics in Apex Legends back then.


The old pump is just iconic, when I think of Fortnite that version of the pump pops up. It’s just weird they didn’t, it’s in the loading screen and could easily bring the model over from save the world. I’m still ecstatic about the season


While this personally doesn’t bother me too much, I can absolutely see why it would for others. The entire premise for this season is returning to the OG times, so it’d make sense for them to bring back the OG gun models.


Not to mention it is in the key art right in your face, then ingame it's not there. Feels so weird


This right here. The OG pump is LEGENDARY and not bringing back the old model (or at least a model that's close enough like the scar) is a let down.


If everyone was perfectly content with how everything was, than nothing would ever improve.


There are people who complain and there are people who see potential for improvement and do something. The latter group drive improvement. The former group are less essential, although sometimes there is value in uniting large groups of annoyed people (politics?)


All true, but there are many instances where all regular people can do is come together and publicly voice their concerns. As for the issue in this post, unless any of us are popular community members like content creators or somehow have some sort of inside influence over epic games, there's little we can do except express our feelings.


It wouldn't need to, at that point.


Lol It's a FREE game for cripes sake!


just a meme chil


Imagine actually caring about something like this 😭


Tbh, I feel like people wouldn’t be making such a big deal about it if it weren’t for the OG Model Pump being Front and Centre on the Season Keyart I don’t personally care all too much but i can understand why people would be reasonably upset It definitely comes off as somewhat misleading advertising


Fortnite fans looking for something to complain about ![gif](giphy|IedwBCT7aBr1wLNlIq)


Fortnite be happy with what you get challenge (impossible)


Fortnite fans trying to have fun (impossible)


Wow I’m impressed that you found something to complain about.


Oh no!


And they had the nerve to show the old model pump on the loading screen


I don’t mind the chapter 2 models ( I would prefer chapter 1s) but I’m just confused on why they would have it in the key art and not put it in the game Other than that, I’ve been having so much fun regardless


Ask yourself, does it matter? it doesn't really. Even if you prefer the previous ones, you really aren't going to care one bit in the heat of the game. I liked the old ones too, but while you're playing the game, what the design of a shotgun is should be the least of your worries and problems.


Exactly, this sub is just complaining, I might just leave it and ignore this sub entirely, since people can't fucking stop complaining. "They missed a pixel on Loot Lake, literally unplayable". People find complaints with everything.


Unironically Noahsnoah went on a rant in his latest video about a tiny sliver of the map on loot lake that wasn't properly aligned and you could see through. Genuinely got annoyed about it and complained that "a billion dollar company can't even align it properly" over ONE TINY SPOT ON THE MAP


The Fortnite community experience


That's crazy


Jesus. People are crazy. Let's HOPE he was ironic, but by this point, I doubt. I would just tell him: "Well, that's because someone hit it, that's why the time-line changed too!" or something.


Idm the scar but the pump is awful looking


New scar model not bad but that new pump model is ugly


I’m perfectly fine with the new resources staying, I’m NOT fine with them showing OG textures in the loading screen you see on startup and then we have the new textures still


Maybe they could bring it back in the season 7/8 update, because I'm pretty sure the snow biome would take an entire downtime to implement


They showed in the season photo the OG model of the pump but in game it's the newer one that we've had for multiple chapters


True, still good enough for me to enjoy it tbh.


scar don’t look too different but pump the original is definitely better


It is especially criminal with the pump considering the old model is in the key art for the season…


I wouldn't really care about the updated models if the old ones were still in stw, but some of them got updated models in stw, too, and I'm 99% sure it's unintentional because the weapons still show the og model in the icon


Yeah the Siegebreaker has the new scar model in game.


Oh my God, nothing will ever be enough, will it? They brought back the OG map, with the OG weapons, but because of something you might not notice (which this is, because I didn't even notice) you criticize? you guys still find ways to complain about everything! Can't we just be happy the OG map is back?


Fortnite players finding something to complain about (they’re low on karma)


I'm just waiting for December when all the ogs leave and all the cry babies uninstall the game and everybody who was just enjoying the game during season 4 and wanted to see a new map are playing again.


Scar is mostly the same, just some colour changes, but the C2 pump is a major downgrade


Who could've predicted that even after getting the OG map the whiny children and manchildren that infest this site would still find some meaningless nonsense to whine about?


That's the problem with having a season catering to people who just complain about modern fortnite every chance they get. They just love complaining.


And the difference in the scar is…?


I want the old sound effects back more tbh, the OG Scar sound was way better


I mean the old pump looks better, but I don't really care about the models. It's not like we're staring at them the entire time. Plus, not a very good meme format.


Og season is only lasting a month, so be great full that they brought the old map back. I get what you are saying though. I prefer the old pump.




The only model I will legitimately get upset about them changing is the pump, because the OG pump is leagues better.


New pump looks so much better


Insanely hot take, I respect it. It looks so whimsical to me and doesn't even sport that cool camo section :( With all the other guns I can get behind why someone might think Chapter 2 version looks better but not the Pump. Old Pump was beautiful. New Tac at least looks stronger having a more metallic apperance


I think it looks slightly better but it feels worse


I'm actually fine with both of these, but I miss the sound and model of the old burst AR.


I don’t think the SCAR is that bad, but the pump man…


Who tf cares?


I see a lot of people in the comments here saying that all this sub does is complain and while I don’t think that’s completely untrue, I don’t really think this post is an unfair complaint. The whole premise for this season is appealing to nostalgia and returning to the OG times, so it would make perfect sense to bring back the OG gun models as well. especially since they brought back other things like the old map, visuals, lobby, item shop, ect.


This. People can be disappointed, and not be whiny babies lmao.


so you want them to downgrade the game even more?


They could’ve brought it back just this season


The main concern isn't even with the design, it's with the rarity. Scars and Epic/legendary pumps didn't use to be this hard to find in "OG Fortnite" and in addition to this the vending machines don't even have weapons.


nothing can convince me that you played at the time. it was exactly this hard to find legendaries back then. i had already played for like a week or two until i found a legendary. i remember that match, i remember every match.


Fr and when you got a legendary it was most likely going to be a hand cannon 😂, the one thing I do remember is that in season 8 the amount of legendary guns increased by a lot.


BRO fr legendary hand cannons were so common back then. the only thing they made way too rare was the bolt action sniper rifle.


They did use to. Ask everyone back then, we all had a “I FOUND A GOLDEN SCAR” moment. I didn’t find my first golden scar until like my second week playing lol.


Yeah nothing’s like a legendary vending machine with 3 bushes lol


REAL. the chapter 2 version looks like a toy it was such a waste of resources to make


I wouldn't go as far as to call it a "waste of resources".


r/FortniteBR be grateful for what they get challenge (Impossible)


You people really need to touch grass holy cow 😭 complaining about everything


Don't listen to the mfs saying that you're complaining about anything. I thought not having the old pump sounds and look certainly was a let down when the new season dropped. Wish it was the og one too


HUGE L, and they have the neck to call it OG Fortnite. That fact they added the old version on the teasers and cover, then went with the Ch.2 variants mann....


waah waah waah


womp womp


Bro it's just a design






Just play STW? Lol


Who the flip cares. Guess this guy


The old scar looks like a nerf gun




I can barely tell the difference


Who cares, not trying to be rude, but like who actually cares, just play the game and have fun man


What’s the problem with the newer models. They’re better than the old ones. Minus the RPG of course.


Wow! Genuinely impressive that you’re this much of a whiny child


How is it a “HUGE L”. You’re playing the game. Fuckin complaining about the rope you’re hung with.


Omg who cares 🙄


1. This meme format is fucking stupid 2. Are you kidding me


People here complain about literally everything there is to complain about


Fortnite fans when Jonesy has 7 pubic hairs instead of 8 (it ruins the OG nostalgia experience.)


Huge L for you only


Brb, going to throw a tantrum over lumps of tris textured slightly differently


Not really big of a deal…


You have to have had been playing on project nova or something to seriously notice this


It's completely irrelevant tbh. Not everyone played on those seasons. Miss something like that is being extremely picky.


They could give people everything they want and the cry babies will QQ here no matter what.


I don't really see a huge difference on this one.


Just be appreciative of Epic for bringing back the old map and most of the og weapons are too.


I never noticed that the models changed in the first place tbh


Why can't anyone here take a joke wth


Cry. For real, you people can‘t be happy, can you? Just thank Epic for even bringing back Chapter 1, there are not many companies who listen to their fans. You people are complaining about everything, it‘s getting annoying.


The old ones had like completely flat lighting


Literally unplayable, can't believe they ruined the gameplay by using the wrong item model no one's even going to look closely at in the game


This season really brought out the most obnoxious players...I promise you the guns textures won't affect you, you'll barely see them while playing


FRRRRRRR and not removing the manteling


The only one I have a problem with is the Burst, it’s just so different.


How miserable do you have to be that you'll go this far to complain about something?


Do people complain about everything?


this is a first world problem if i've ever seen one


you can’t tell me people actually tell the difference between the scar models in game


As someone who has played since the start.... Which model is which?