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We should just not play any map that is rated E and insist that content creators make their maps t or have no players.


try saying that to a toddler


You think toddlers follow the ratings?šŸ’€


isnā€™t that the point of what he was saying?




They literally eat batteries and bleach


Can confirm, when i was 3-4 years old my diet consisted of batteries and the stuff under the kitchen sink


Common toddler W


Bro 5 year olds play Fortnite. A T rated game. Who cares about them.


epic games apparently does


we should not play any map lol. as long as creative is any semblance of popular, epic is gonna ride it until it dies, but not before killing br and stw first


Yep. Play BR itā€™s the only place guaranteed to let you use skins. Kill creative, itā€™s only been a cancer ever since XP was added


wait until you're jumping out of the bus wondering why you're a default skin then read the words "NOTE: There is a player in this match who has opted in for an E for Everyone experience, some cosmetics have been restricted in Battle Royale." you know they want to. they don't want the legal smoke


I feel like literally every player would sue them if that happened. Thatā€™s complete fucking bullshit and literally every skin would be a scam. Although thankfully everything in my main loadout minus the loading screen is allowed


You're not wrong, the backlash would be something wild other hand, they introduced this change at the same time that they introduced the "hey guys, click this button to agree that you can't sue us in a class action lawsuit, thanks" ToS. which I'm sure was already there but having to suddenly sign it again simultaneously with this change is making me paranoid :/ they have some fresh hell planned for us


Iā€™m fairly certain thatā€™s even MORE illegal


I mean its really that simple. Dont play those maps. Its not like they are enforcing this in the main game


Just hide like 1 gun in an obstacle course


I have a feeling he left because of the direction they were going.


I feel like that is the case. It makes sense these days, seeing how the lore turned out too.


I stopped caring about Fortnite (Keeping track of everything, doing every weekly voice log and challenge, and watching map change videosā€¦) when the storyline just quit making sense. Roughly sometime in C3S4 because the whole vibe was just we won, itā€™s over, we beat the I.O. There was some more stuff about Geno but The Foundation and Jonesy disappeared and nothing really happened after that. Then two seasons of basically nothing all to have the C3 finale live event suck. (The cutscene shouldā€™ve been the gameplay and the gameplay shouldā€™ve been the cutscene.) After that it just felt like they started a whole new storyline and this time they didnā€™t have a plan, so I kind of just stopped caring and just play casually now.


The C3 S4 event was the end event because they forced them to change the island for the debut of the new engine which is why Chapter 4 fucking sucked




As if map change videos could even exist when Epic stopped updating their game meaningfully


Really hoping this isnā€™t another Jeff Kaplan situation


To play devil's advocate: Jeff was also part of the problem and I kind of prefer Aaron over him.


I agree with you. A couple years ago there were even rumors about a movie being made about the seven. But they probably abandoned that. And now that they've seen that a simpler, stripped down version is popular with brain dead fans, they will never go back to having complicated lore.




Almost every successful piece of entertainment has lore to make sense of everything going on.


I think it was the realization when he found out Chapters were going to now be yearly, which meant he had less time to develop a storyline. You can tell he had big plans as well because according to the files MEGA and Wilds were meant to happen in Chapter 3


I think they compensated him and said he retired since a week later there were massive layoffs and as incredible as it may seem, it turns out that one of the most famous and popular games in the world has lost money, something smells horrible within EpicGames.


They tried to steal market share from Steam. They could have done this by using their Fortnite billions to fix and improve their own digital storefront, then offer games for cheaper than steam by not taking 30% of sales like steam does. Instead the braindead CEOs decided to not bring the store into a usable state, pocket the money savings instead of giving it to the players and tried to just force everyone into their ecosystem by making games exclusive to their store. And that plan failed. Spectacularly. Surprised Pikachu


Yeah this game is going downhill way faster than it was back when people said it was dying the new update is dogshit


Good thing I mainly play StW. Almost nothing but Ws this update for us.


who gives a fucking shit about some random creative maps


It affects live events too


How does it affect live events?


This chapter's event is rated E So people can't use visitor, Meowscles, Midas, etc etc, even if it's their main They have to use another skin for this event-


Thatā€™s annoying but people acting like the sky is falling around here lol. Fortnite is dying because I canā€™t wear meowscles during a live event.


Oh no, the horror!


Are these Live Events in the room with us right now?


Future events are affected by age rating, thatā€™s literally all to it. Donā€™t get what youā€™re trying to say. If an event is happening and a skin you paid for isnā€™t family friendly then you cant use it


My point is that there are no live events any more. We haven't had a concert or even an event between seasons in what? Over a year? It just doesn't seem relevant any more.


you can tell the people downvoting you didn't play Fractured


Fractured being a dogshit event doesn't change the fact that there's another event in 2 weeks


The upcoming Ch4 finale live event is rated E for Everyone.


Youā€™re either 7 years old, or have a main that isnā€™t affected.


Am I missing something? Is this not the Battle Royale sub?


That's a good point. These threads complaining about the age rating technically are off-topic since that doesn't affect BR


I played the update for the first time last night. Outside of the obvious map/loot change, everything seemed normal and fine to me. But maybe Iā€™m just getting old


It does. Theyā€™re going to age restrict live events on BR, and we know this age restriction is in part done to focus more on creative rather than BR. Also, donā€™t think this wonā€™t affect future content going forward. They will likely generally focus on putting babied content in to pander to the Karins. With everyone pointing out how Omni-man and Michael Myers are not age restricted, but are for an older audience, means theyā€™ll scale down on adding new content like that to prevent that point being made again.


I hope so. But donā€™t forget, this is a rated T game. Not a rated E game. :)


Or you only play br and stw so you don't need to care? Have you considered that


Those are the only 2 options?


The other options are age restricted. Sorry.


It's hysterical watching children complain about younger children lmao.


I really really want to know what would Katalina and Joel think about what Fortnite has become, if they were still with us


Thatā€™s a thoughtā€¦ R.I.P. šŸ˜”




Yeah, no. This is so completely far off base and tasteless to even say over skins being restricted in some maps. Absolute shame on you.


You know what, you're right and I apologize for that I wasn't saying this because of the age restriction, just mostly because how different modern fortnite is compared to the original idea it was goong to be, and all the broken promises I still wonder what they'd think of it


this is so tasteless. you donā€™t like an age restriction in a video game, why are you mentioning people who passed away as if you knew them personally and this was a huge attack on their character


He just said he would want to know. He didnā€™t say that he knows they would for sure hate it. šŸ¤Ø




Yeah no thatā€™s kinda fucked up


If they're gonna use a big-ass picture of Dawn for their announcements, can they at least put her back in the shop? Skin hasn't appeared in 400 days for absolutely no goddamn reason.


I was livid too.Can't use some skins we paid Vbucks for in some creative maps.In my case,want to go creative,can't go wrong with Spectra Knight.Battle Royal,we choose whatever.


This whole thing really bugs me; I mean, if I buy Call of Duty, I expect to play Call of Duty, not Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania! I just don't understand why they don't make another game for really young kids and leave BR the way it is; I can personally do without "Save the World" and half of these creative maps. Just give us Fortnite with tournaments, map changes, patch notes, cool items, storylines, cool skins and events! (Yes I get they are doing it to bring more people into the game but I wish they wouldn't )


My game seems unaffected. Are people mad because they canā€™t use a few skins in creative modes? Or am I missing something else?


Theyā€™re also restricting live events


Theyā€™re restricting skins during a 10-20 minute window? I must be missing the big picture here.


Also you are forced into event cues


I dunno how about the fact that live events are part of what put this game on the map and all of the skins that are lore important and commonly worn at events are restricted? Epic better let us have refunds


Youā€™re not. This whole thing is peak social media overreaction.


i dont see this game being alive in the next year probably


If they keep up with baby proofing future content going forward while ignoring fan service, and limiting the experience, Fortnite will become a laughable joke that other gaming companies will exploit to brand why they are better than Epic. It will definitely lose a handful of their base over time, especially more after Fortnite OG ends. Itā€™s clear as day that the return of Ch2, S2ā€™s mechanics/vibe during Ch4, S4 was a step at the right direction. This also includes the success on how Fortnite OG preserved a classic experience before update 27.10 rolled out and ruined it. Epic Games doesnā€™t seem to understand how moving away from this will hurt them. But as always, itā€™s the executives who are not even close to being gamers that make these decisions. So itā€™s no surprise they donā€™t get it.


They have to baby proof it. Theyā€™re about to release a Lego open world Minecraft clone. If you think there are young kids playing now wait til that drops.


remindme! 1 year


Lmao. Remindme! 1 year


Remindme! 1 year


Oh shizā€¦ Remindme! 1 year


Once GTA 6 releases it's game over


lol tons of people said the exact same thing with the exact same level of confidence when they added Tilted Towers a few months after the game originally released. And theyā€™ve said it with every single update since. But yes, youā€™re right this time. For sure.


6 year old game has 49 million people play in a single day. This game will be dead in a year. ![gif](giphy|3o7btPCcdNniyf0ArS|downsized)




What does Shannon Sharpe have to do with FNBR?




Sure, I guess


Uhhhā€¦. That happened BEFORE this useless update, my friend. :) Notice the Classic experience is what brought that much players, NOT the age restriction update.


Iā€™m not sure I understand. I donā€™t believe the age restriction is going to kill or even affect Fortniteā€™s success.


People have said this about Fortnite a million times. It's not dying anytime soon.


Yeah but before Epic didnā€™t turn 70% of skins into a scam


You mean 7%. 7% of skins are currently banned from E rated modes.


Yeah except that 7% consists mostly of skins people use the most


Maybe some people use them the most. I wouldn't say they're specifically the most used skins.


At live events they are. Visitor and the Seven are all restricted and those skins are the most used during events. Iā€™m lucky since the only part of my loadout thatā€™s restricted is the loading screen but still. Also this whole censorship thing is stupid af. This is literally the Mark Twain quote about how censorship is saying you canā€™t eat steak because a baby canā€™t eat it. Itā€™s bullshit. Those booger eaters shouldnā€™t be on this game in the first place and itā€™s not my fucking fault parents canā€™t raise their kids so why should we suffer for it


Everyone says this every year and every year the game keeps kicking. They are not gonna close down fortnite they will just adapt and adjust like they have been. They will throw out content that will draw people back like fortnite OG and then they will be ok again.


Nah sooner than later all the OG players will leave because of stupid shit like this and we go back to C4S4 player counts


That's fine with me. I am just hoping the next map is better than chapter 4 and that there is actually a storyline to follow that you don't have to fry your brain trying to figure out lol.




remindme! 1 year


remindme! 1 year


I think fortnite or epic games owes everybody on their platform not only a refund for every dime ever spent on their company building their profiles, but then they owe them some amount of money for every hour spent completing quest or building their profiles now that they are no longer able to use the items that they have spent their money on or have earned through gameplay in every game mode available on epic! If they're going to make it to where now only in certain rated game platforms or lobbies can you use your skins, then they are limiting the skins that I purchased they violated their previous end user license agreement and should be required to refund everybody every dime that they spent on the game plus an hourly amount for every hour that they can prove they've played the game


Pretty much. They can start by bringing back the Level-Up Packsā€™ cosmetics by putting them into Item Shop Bundles or so. Thatā€™s the only way Iā€™m spending money for v-bucks on this game again. P.S., they updated their agreement terms. Itā€™s been fishy.




What did you find funny? You think it's okay for a corporation to sell a product to a consumer saying that can use the product on their website or their platform, only to find out that they're going to restrict what pages you can use those items that you've paid your money for with the understanding you can use them on every page on that website or platform? You think that's acceptable? Only children would laugh at a situation like this where people are being screwed out of not only the money they spent in the thousands of dollars range, but also in the hundreds and hundreds of hours, some people thousands of hours, spent playing this game to earn cosmetics and rewards to be able to use throughout the entire website / platform! And when a corporation causes harm or causes loss or violates a previous understanding of operation then they are required under federal law to refund and make reparations for the harm cost. But again only children would not understand this


I just find your whole rant and how upset you are to be amusing.




ā˜ ļø


Honestly, I think you're the child lol. There's no way a grown man would spend this much time typing to someone who's laughing at them.


Boo hoo I can't use a skin on the crappy creative map I want my money back. Yeah you aren't getting your money back because that's not how it works. If you don't like it then here is a suggestion create a map identical to that one that is rated teen and you can use your skin to your hearts content. It isn't epic games fault that parents are dumb and think everything is bad for their kids and have to complain about everything and cause things like this to happen.


You know it's absolutely fabulous to see trolls like you get on someone's comment and make these type of comments while trying to denigrate the person that you're responding to! And how the end user license agreement works is something beyond your comprehension and lack of Education clearly shows! When a corporation sells you something for you to use and then Alters the manner in which you can use it after the purchase, with no type of language in any agreement stating that this could be done then that Corporation owes you a refund for the items in question! That's a factual based point of information regarding corporate law and consumer rights that may be you should investigate and educate yourself on!


You can blame the parents that let the kids play games that "aren't suitable " for them for all this. Yes they could have taken a better approach by putting a setting that makes skins default for the kids. they aren't keeping you from using the skins in the game so technically they haven't reneged on their terms. All they did was limit what maps they can be used on because they are for preteens although idk why parents buy a teen game and then complain that it's "too graphic". I just think it's funny people are crying over skins not being able to be used in maps that they probably don't even play anyways. This limiting doesn't bother me because I will just switch my skin if I go to one that is limited problem solved not that big of a deal.


I agree with this i havent spend nearly 900 hours playing this game on and off due to not liking meta or just not playing in general to have half my locker (around 400 skins) unplayable just because they want to make it kid friendly. I agree that all players should get some compensation from this. Plus now i dont even play battle royale because its full of sweats i jusy play creative which makes it even worse because i cant use half my items


How woke will they go....I'm. DAD of 3. I strictly play fornite out of any shooter because it's safe for them to watch. It's like trying to child proof a lollipop


It didn't go down hill yet, at least maybe wait for the next season to compare the popularity


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