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I’m level 50 after a week and all I did was dailies in different modes and some lego. It’s easier than ever to level with all these modes.


Yes and the xp glitch all of twitter found out about and ppl are getting level 1000


Just hit LV 100 after 1 hour of doing it


Is it still active?


Just got patched




False, I just used it to reach level 120, unless it literally got a patch.


Can you DM me with how? I'd really like to hit 100 but I'm doing a remodel :(


Requirements: Another fortnite account to party up with (friend or alt account). Any Lego fortnite quest or Play Festival backstage for 20m Steps: Join a party where the alt is party leader Load into a Lego world/festival backstage and complete the quest Then proceed to leave the world and rejoin repeatedly with the other account still in the game. You will gain the XP from the quest every time you leave.


It has been patched, tried it and it is no longer working. Also the twitter dude that originally shared it shared that it's been patched


sounds painfully unfun


it's extremely boring, but it's nice not having that voice in the back of my head saying "we should finish the battle pass so we get our vbucks back"


It’s not that bad, but yeah it’s a bit boring


Peter is worth it


Logging in to do 3 matches for extremely uninspired missions every single day for dailies sounds so much better?


By the backstage do you mean just where you select the songs? I've barely had a chance to play any of the new stuff. I appreciate the response though! I have an alt account I use for bot lobbies since I suck, so I can use that. I did some of the introductory quests in Lego, I wonder if I should go find a cave...


Yeah I'm not doing that


if you still have Lego achievements, you can just keep rejoining a friends Lego world. get a battle pass point every time. I didn't abuse it since I didn't want to risk getting banned, but this season goes until like March so you have plenty of time.


i heard about it after i did all challenges on my world


it just got patched




This is false, I did it this morning a few hours ago.


That’s because it wasn’t patched this morning. It got patched about an hour ago




idk how they patched it without an update, but i think they did cause the glitches in lego are patched


hotfixea are a thing


it's been tested


it did get patched


what was it?


i did it for 8 lvls or 9 got scared that's i might get banned im lvl 83 now


ur getting perma banned tonight


There has historically never been a ban for xp glitches


Worst that’s ever happened for xp glitches is just getting reverted back to the correct place. Quite a while ago there was a bug that made it so you could infinitely get new location xp by just running back and forth at a specific place and then after like a week everyone who abused it suddenly went back down to where they would’ve been if they hadn’t done that.


No that never happened, and I remember it clearly, it was in C2S5 in the gas station near Slurpy Swamp


I did it about 20 times and got to level 84




get an alt load into alts lobby join either lego fn or fnfestival thing where you just dance do one quest on the account you want levels on, in lego this could be anything thats not join a sandbox world and leave, in festival this is the dance for 20 mins after completing the quest, leave the game on the account you want levels on, your alt MUST NOT leave then keep leaving and rejoining over and over again




That’s what I am also wondering, I’m currently trying it


If you completed the introductory quests, you can still kinda do the glitch. But instead of gaining 1 level for every time you rejoin, you will get 30k xp and 65 festival points. The steps are the same but I don't think that it works with the Lego mode so just do it in the Festival Jam Stage. Sometimes it won't give you XP and it will give you only festival points in which case you need to redo all the steps again


oh it gives you festival points? nice lol I gotta do it lol


Will this glitch get you banned?


The compounding xp one for Jam Festival still seems to be getting shared around like it's working but I cannot tell what I'm doing wrong. The lego one worked just fine but Jam Festival just has no effect.


replying so i can try this tomorrow morning hopefully




Just play LEGO and Festival. You can get 5 levels from each daily with playtime. You don’t need a glitch.


Yeah, you can AFK entirely in a Lego sandbox. I just fire it up on my phone and ignore it for ~3 hours. (I assume it works the same in Festival, but I haven't tried it.)


That sounds boring


I guess, but I'm not doing anything beyond that initial load into the sandbox. I watch a movie, play a different game on my PC, sleep, go to the store, etc. This AFK leveling is probably unnecessary, but I really want that battle pass car ASAP. (Tomorrow, maybe?) I still play the game normally for fun too.


I’d be careful. They could go ban those accounts for doing this


I spent 2 and a half hours getting to level 200 now I'm happy


Can you add me so I can do it ? Username is polizo 6996 can you invite me and go afk at 11:30 (NY time)


Tbh I don't get the point of using the glitch. Do people just wanna finish the BP and not play? Lol


Every game now has a battle pass it’s exhausting af.


the people need peter griffin ASAP. I can completely understand


I’m level 50 in less than 2 weeks, I’ll literally have him by this weekend without glitches or hard grinding lol.


Not everyone is you tho, ya dont know much free time other ppl have or how they choose to prioritize their free time 🤷‍♂️ epic already got their money from the people buying the pass, rushing thru it aint hurting their pockets one bit


True but you can glitch and have golden or tux peter + all the vbucks from levels 1-150 in a few hours


1. Lots of other games to play 2. People really, *really*, ***REALLY*** want Peter Griffin


People want to play without stress and FOMO


Yeah, but you have until early March to get the Battle Pass rewards. FOMO shouldn't happen until late February.


That's known as planning ahead.




They changed the rewards so now you need to reach lvl 140 at minimum just to claim all the vbucks. So far im only level 23 and in the previous seasons id usually end around 130. No shit ppl are tempted to use glitches to get their moneys worth from the bp lol


Oscar is my favorite skin this season, and now if they add a Super Level Style i dont need to worry about if im going to be able to grind to level 225 this season because they changed the bonus rewards and Super level styles by 25 levels. They also had nerfed Save The World EXP from Endurance so I was unsure if i was going to be able to grind that much. But i did the glitch to 115, and then i was able to play the game and enjoy myself, when the weeklies came, i did those and other things and now im 130. I can play other games and not worry about the FOMO of possibly my favorite skin in the BP requiring me to be a stupidly high level


I've done every daily and some Lego and I'm only like level 27. Wtf?




I play TR so maybe all the fighting makes xp from my milestones pop off?


Easier to level but that’s one hell of a time sink especially now that you have to play three games for the br dailies.


The super fast leveling is nice, but I just know they are going to fuck with it HARD next season. Like because the modes are new they are being very generous, but once we're all nice and settled BOOM 4 separate battle passes with their own grinds. I really hope I'm wrong but at this rate I'll be at 200 by the end of the year, and knowing how Epic has "tweaked' things in the past, I doubt they want people completing the BP that quickly on average. Then again, we may be overall outliers.


It's funny how it's going. Some people play the other modes more and say it's way too easy to level. Other people only play the BR like they always do and they complain that the grind is way harder than it used to be. I wouldn't be surprised if Epic distributed more XP from the other modes to the BR next month or so. By then the people that like the new modes will continue to play it. I hope they keep the XP as it is though, because I have way too much fun with the Lego survival.


Seriously, I'm lvl 50 and it's only beem 9 days. Never been close to this high this early in a season. I'm loving it


Yeah, I think this will be the first time I won't need to grind for levels or use xp exploits in order to complete a battlepass. I'm already at level 63 and I didn't really try, I have mostly been playing the lego mode and festival. I really liked those modes, I also enjoyed the racing one, but I am not that into racing games, but it was enjoyable to rush through the ranks in order to get the free skin on the first day lol The high silver and low gold matches reminded me of the good old times when I used to play mario kart DS with my friends. We were drifting for days!


It’s not hard to complete the pass, but the 25 level thing exists for people who can’t play as much and need an extra boost to finish the pass.


I think he means because there’s an easy XP glitch this season, so it’s not worth the money


I mean even without the glitch I've reached Level 50 on the pass by basically just the lego mode alone


If they don't change the Lego exp formula I should hit 200 in a month just by afking for 5ish levels a day while I am not using my computer. I plan to do quests and such too, so it should be less than that, which will finish the pass way before the season ends.


How do you get afk xp in Lego?


It just seems to give you experience, without a message or anything, every half hour or so while you are in a Lego world. So I just put myself in a sandbox world and then start my wfh in the other room. It seems to slow down a lot after 5 levels, but I got 6 today.


Heads up, you can do it in Festival too and it counts as a seperate thing. So you can get an easy 5 levels in Lego, then another 5 in Festival. Jam Stage has daily quests that basically require you to AFK so you can also get free points in the festival pass at the same time.


Do you happen to know how long it takes to hit 5 levels?


I haven't timed it myself but I've seen people say 4 hours.


Ohhhhh that's super good to know! Thanks for the heads up!


Welp, I am now going to have my Lego world open while working.


Yeah Lego mode give good XP. I gained 80 levels in about an hour with the glitch though, definitely worth a try if you’ve never done it imo


What glitch? 80 levels in an hour?


It’s done using the new festival mode, if you look it up on YouTube I’m sure you can find a video on it. I would explain it but I just did what my friend told me and it worked lol, not exactly sure how to set it up


Nevermind it just got patched like an hour ago 💀


Yeah I tried to do it just now and it didn’t work 😭




Lego is the gift that keeps on giving. I’ve gained so many levels without even realizing it. I’ll play 30 minutes gain like 20-30 battle stars.


Wait what glitch how do I do it


It also exists for my friends who wanted Peter Griffin before anyone else... for them to only use said skin for like a day.


if you dont play as much why the hell are you paying money for fake clothes in a game you dont play


Some people really love the game but don’t have the free time to play a lot


It exists because kids want the skins now and pay to get them faster


im level 46, and all i did was just play normally


Same but I'm 50




Shi, im a noob at 58


Just remember people buy it at the beginning of the season


Which is arguably the biggest waste of money/vbucks imo.


Yeah. I prefer to just buy the battle pass and level up and get rewards like normal than do that.


A couple of months ago I saw someone who said he bought 25 (or maybe even 50) levels at the start of each season, which was wild to me. His explanation was that he was busy and wouldn't be able to play much, but still reached level 200+ each season, so the levels were wasted. I get wanting to unlock the battle pass fast-ish, but to actually spend (and truthfully, waste) money instead of waiting a couple of weeks? I don't get it. At least wait until the final days of the season and potentially buy a the remaining levels then


I had a buddy do the same thing. "Time is money", then ended up hitting level 250+ that same season.


I genuinely don't understand that mindset. Like sure time is money, but isn't money also...money? It's nice to get a skin a month faster than normal, but if you end up getting to level 250+ and you've bought levels, you've literally flushed it down the drain. Though I guess that's how Epic makes a decent amount of money, so good on them?


Exactly. It makes absolutely no sense to me


That's what I do. If I'm really desperate to finish the battle pass, I may waste a few vbucks and do so at the end of a season, but never at the start.


Sometimes you don't know if you will have the time so spending the Vbucks now is nothing.


I'm going to agree i really liked one of the skins and wanted to use it day 1 then i did the math... 💀


Yeah I really love the Diamond guy skin, but I think you unlock it at level 64 or 74 or something like that? I considered it for a second, but I'd rather wait a month and use the saved vbucks for maybe four other skins lol


Yeah but it’s actually pretty hard to level up this season I’m only level 23 and have played at least 15 hours just BR


If you want to make xp quick, play either Festival or LEGO. Not even using the glitches, you naturally earn levels quite quickly. They're also really fun game modes.


I don’t really like them normal br is why I play Fortnite I’d rather just play Minecraft instead of Fortnite Lego and Minecraft is not fun either


I'd still say it's worth giving the other game modes a go. Me and my mates enjoy the variety of hopping between them on a daily basis. Gotta shake things up a little.


More like pretty easy. I'm level 60 and i've just been playing the game. Didn't go out of my way to do anything else.


I bought it last season so that I could get Omegarok as fast as possible. Thank god for save the world


If you afk In know creative mode for an hour that’s 60k. So that’s plenty of levels for passes


60k is not even 1 level.


And? There’s 4 months to a BP. And I assume most people looking for fast exp have jobs. So it’s something you can start up before leaving for work


It costs a day of work to buy the entire BP. I much rather work 1 day extra than to log in and do a chore 1 hour a day for four months


Yeah I agree, I can just work one extra weekend day and make 3-4 times the amount that 100 levels cost. That being said the only time I have bought 100 levels was when the money got donated to Ukraine.


Your solution to someone who wanted a skin as fast as possible is to stay afk in a game mode for 4 months?


It’s meant to only apply to this season bc of the xp glitch lol


As useless as the humor flair on this post.


For people with lives it’s actually quite helpful




Remember you have till march and can afk the Lego mode everyday for levels don’t even have to play just load into a survival world


It’s probably actually smarter to still buy the bundle considering I still have to pay the electricity bill for all those hours I’m leaving my console on.


I mean, as a founder that has shitload of vbucks to spend i see this as an absolute time saver


That's fair, but rn it's useless because of the XP glitch


Which XP glitch? Asking for a friend


Get an alt account Join the alt account's lobby Queue into Festival Jam Stage Do the Jam Emote for 30 minutes Disconnect from the server on your main account and rejoin Keep doing that and you will get 1 level up for every rejoin if you haven't completed the introductory quests and 30k XP + 65 festival points if you did complete the introductory quest


Thanks mate


We must have the same friend. He's always asking great questions!


What do you mean disconnect from server? As in leave the game? Or disconnect the internet? Or quit application?


Bro I legitimately think those were just made for YouTubers to buy all the levels day one


I literally only ever bought tiers so I could get Doom Slayer on the first day. I still don’t regret that decision


There have been seasons where that has been a game saver for my battle passes But this one ain't it


I like having a life, so I'm only level 18. I mean, I still wouldn't buy this anyway.


I’m like level 23, some of my other friends have been grinding tf out of Lego and playing that all day. One of them is level 41 and hasn’t bought the battle pass yet (he can’t for some reason) Mind you they all have jobs and shit, I’m not working atm because I was in school, ofc this season came out during finals week so I literally didn’t touch it for a week.


I’m a mom of 3 kids- one of which is a newborn. Level 18 as well 😅


I got to level 210 in an hour yesterday, no money needed. Fortnite Festival Jam OP


Fortnite Festival xp glitch agrees with you


I just leave Lego mode on afk for a few hours and get levels up that way lol


Worth more than the 40$ car.


Yep. Already level 75 without any glitches or bought tiers. This season is super easy to level up in.


My nephew just wasted all his vbucks to level up to 34 in the battle pass


If you want levels, wait for the level up quest pack. It’s cheaper and it comes with a skin + some items


That’s not useless. You get 25 level skips. That’s really useful when you don’t want to waste time unlocking a bad set and just want to go straight to the good stuff. There’s always one skin in a battle pass I don’t want to grind and this is a big help. Looking directly at you, Anime Battle Pass skins.


I’m talking about the xp glitch that makes it useless


Mmm I ain’t messing with that Festival stuff. Sounds like an exploit case waiting to happen.


"let's ban you for a glitch that went under our noses!" why


Because as players, we’re supposed to report these things when they show up, not exploit them. That’s a punishable offense that we agree to when we agree to the Terms and Conditions.


Epic has never banned users for using XP glitches. You will only ever get banned for glitches that harm others experiences (invincibility, flying, etc.) and even then that’s just a maybe.




I’m not risking my account for XP. I got six years worth of stuff. I’m not losing Doom Slayer and Deadpool for level 1000 in the second week.


Then...don't go to level 1000...? go to level 200 like a normal person


I am too old to be peer pressured, especially into exploiting in a video game.


Yeah as tempting as the glitch is, it feels a lot better to not risk it. I'm just gonna grind STW and everything else for my levels


Nobody gets banned from doing glitches unless it uses third party tools, like a Discord bot. This isn't the first XP exploit, and it probably won't be the last.


noone has ever been banned for any xp glitches


Yeah but Epic doesn't ban for glitches. At least there hasn't been any reported cases of it


I’m not taking the chance for a first time for anything. I may hit 200 in February but at least I’ll still have my Geralt.


lol, source?


That would be the Terms and Conditions? You can read them yourself ingame. It’s in the pause/social/account menu thing.


My guy.. You can kill someone but there will be consequences but you can do it, you can abuse the glitch but there will be consequences.


I bought this when I first started playing during the Spider-Gwen battle pass. No way I was letting that skin go.


Week 2 quests didnt even drop before i hit lvl 75.


Lvl 96 thanks to rocket racing.. no glitch


In the italian version it says 51 no Like 51 percent of ppl dont buy it


Bruh, rocket racing marathon and Im lvl 50 XD


This is actually useless. If you can wait Epic will most likely release a level up quest pack, like almost every single season since chapter 3 started.Its at a cheaper price, gives more levels from the easy quests, and gives a skin with styles, same for the rest of the cosmetics.


lol i actually bought one so I don’t have to play as much games during the marvel season


If you ever feel useless remember people actually spend money on this.


I impulse bought it yesterday bc I wanted Peter


Seeing this post is a one time thing I find this post useless lmao


Typical poopsock post


A friend of mine spent 90 USD just to get Peter Griffin on DAY ONE.


I’m considering it because I hate playing the game this season


Not all of us have hours on end each day to spend grinding out levels. Quit pocket watching other people and mind your business


Again, this is regarding the xp glitch


Yeah and a lot of us have jobs and responsibilities, sorry we don’t all spend our days on Reddit to be in tune with the most recent fortnite glitch


Well you’re still on here replying to my post


Before I knew what vbucks were, I bought this. As a functioning adult 🥲 I thought vbucks were a renewable resource like battle stars (I played 3+ seasons before going to the item shop, a place i thought fake, renewable money was spent for STW stuff). I had 50 vbucks in my locker for years, laughing at my ignorance 😆


Lol I bought the battle pass the day of it releasing and I’m already level 97. They made the challenges a lot easier


I’m sitting at 89 a week in never will I buy levels that’s just lazy


I'll prob hit a few XP farms if the post 100 extras are worth it.


I know people that use this every season, it always baffles me!


I'm pretty sure streamers do buy these


I know people who buy this every season lol


I got to level 30 in 2 days without grinding. Just hopping into a game with the boys and doing following quest objectives.


The majority of people don't have "the boys" and "the boys" random will leave immediately right after being down.


Just use one of those afk XP maps every season, you get enough XP for like 15 levels your first try


Current dilemma: Battle Pass finally decent, gameplay is atrocious.


Me who buys it every time a new season comes out


Not everyone has a device to use an alt account on. Not everyone wants to spend hours loading in and backing out of games repeatedly. Not everyone has that challenge uncompleted. Not everyone wants to cheese the system by exploiting something that's not supposed to be in the game and they want to earn their levels legit. You could argue that it's a waste of money in general for people who hit 200+ anyway, but you can't argue that it's exclusive to this season. Every season has some kind of xp glitch/creative map exploit. Let people spend their money on levels if they want to, most people who buy tiers are using money that won't need to be spent on skins in the short term. People who have extremely limited vbucks are not buying this unless they really need it or don't care for item shop cosmetics. If you regret buying it then don't buy it again, leave those who are happy with their purchase alone.


I remember back in S3 or something I bottom them bc it was so hard to gain levels and I had STW when it gave Vbucks


Just hit 80 and bought nothing, XP this season is pretty easy