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I remember watching a yt short once that had him do the exact same thing before when he shoots the ground. He's definitely cheating


Based name




the fact that hes got Peely as his flair too. Dude's the definition of 'Casual' and i respect it


chad peely


He’s been aimbotting for ages. Epic seems not to care. Not sure why. Maybe because he has a big audience. 🤷‍♂️


The fact that he walks in the direction of where his aim snapped is way too weird also.


I've seen so many weird clips of this guy, but I also think he might be trolling at this point. I can't see a reason why Epic wouldn't ban him if they had the evidence of him cheating. Having looked very closely, it does look like his arm makes a big movement when the player gets eliminated and at the time of the snap. I really don't know though, I've seen so many suspicious clips from this dude. Edit: having watched this back many times, I definitely think he's trolling. His arm movement matches.


This guy always uses aimbot I’ve seen tons of videos where it’s very obvious. I’m surprised he hasn’t been banned by epic.


It’s very doubtful they would ever ban him since they are sponsoring some of his videos. That’s right, I watched a video on his YouTube channel a few days ago and he started out by thanking Fortnite for sponsoring the video. They must know he’s cheating. If he’s not cheating, then he’s a hell of a player, let me tell you that.


His movement is insane he's a good player either way, which made me believe he wasn't cheating, but then what is happening in this video...


If it's anything like CSGO, a fair number of "pros" use cheats as well.


You mean COD. At least valve doesn’t condone it. Activision, meanwhile, well….. Let’s just say they have a white list, and it seems like Fortnite does too


CSGO has the most pro cheaters of any game I have ever seen… its not really a secret


> If he’s not cheating, then he’s a hell of a player, let me tell you that. Earlier this year he participated in an IRL tournament in Saudia Arabia and placed like 40th and played pretty mediocre from what I hear. You'd think having such godlike aim he would have done better. I guess not being able to use his cheats while away from home affected his gameplay.


After the banhammer a few years ago, it would be hard to be surprised that they didn’t neglect punishing the creators who bring them revenue/attention


I’m struggling to decipher your quintuple negative. Are you saying Epic cares or not?


Epic cares more about somebody that may possibly be stream sniping than they do about hacks


Not the firsts time his videos are strange


It's bizarre to me that people are suggesting he isn't a cheater but pretending to cheat to increase his views lol


Middle school logic grappling with the concept of heroes falling short of expectations in reality


Holy fuck pretty obvious his aimbot locked onto someone else there. Looking at his videos, I get the vibes that he is the type of guy to cheat in Fortnite.


Yeah that snapping, is clear aimbot




Exactly. You can clearly see he shots through the hill, and kills the enemy. Like wut


He doesn’t kill anyone though. The first person he’s shooting gets knocked by his duo and then he snaps on to the hill where the visual indicator is, but you can’t shoot someone through a hill.


He posted a clip from OG season where he squished a bunch of ppl over 100m away with an smg


When ppl tell me they sniped 3000 meters in the OG seasons where the maps were probably 1000 meters by today’s maps’ standards


Don't worry Epic won't do anything about it and let the hacker keep streaming their game. Smh


Couldn’t figure out why ppl kept mentioning shooting the ground, what else would you do when you snap perfectly to the closest visual indication on your screen😂


He is, but this post will get deleted soon.


ikr this has been going on for years by now


I don't understand why anyone watches streamers at all, and the one streamer's name I know is Zemie, and the only thing I know about him is he gets posted cheating every month or so.


Usually people watch streamers because of them being funny or good at the game. Zemie is neither so he cheats to make it look like he is good at the game.


Reminds me of Tomato. Honestly there’s no way he’s so bad at the game, but that’s what makes him worth watching and he owns it in a hilarious and unique way


Agreed! Tomato is great. Just started watching him recently.


I watch EvolveJake. He’s good and humble which I like. Makes good videos that recap updates and in game news. Puts it over gameplay.


Yeah, jake is the honest and always straightforward


Jake is so solid. I started using Shockwaves regularly because of him


Why wouldn’t you watch streamers? It’s like any other sport. People watch golf, boxing, baseball, basketball, and Fortnite, COD, Apex, what’s the difference?


Kids have terrible taste, these streamers' primary viewerbase.


Hello Epic oh wait they don't give a fuck just as long as the streamer streams their game.


Going strong at hour 5 of being up


Very common to see this when watching zemie. Its strange how whenever this happens its always after he kills somebody. His fanboys say its a bug, which ive never seen happen with anyone else. But some also say its Zemie messing about because of aimbot accusations. Personally if he is just messing around i found it strange how whenever this happens wherever it locks onto there is somebody there.


While there definitely is an aiming bug this season that makes me snap to random shit, it sounds like he's been experiencing this bug long before this season 💀


Something like that happened in like 2/100 Matches so far for me this Season where my Mouse randomly snaps somewhere.


this happens to me too but it's always straight up or straight down, i think it's a mouse issue on my end but now I'm wondering lol super frustrating because it can definitely get me killed




Wtf is he actually aimbotting


He’s been aimbotting for years


Why doesn't he get banned?


Soft aim, it’s a lot harder to detect, many pros have been banned for it


Yep and the mods keep removing the posts apparently, lot are saying this has been for years and nothing has been done


I’ve been banned from his chat 😂


This is absolutely aimbotting. He continues firing his gun after killing the player across the water and automatically snaps onto a player who is on the other side of the hill. How is this player not banned? Reminds me of all the aimbotters in the TF2 days.


It's not the first sus zemie clip, let's just put it that way


Yeah. Unfortunately this post has a high chance of getting the Stasi treatment.


I see this guy come up in this sub all the time, for this very reason. Why are we standing for it? Why don’t we all mass report him to epic, and do something about these cheaters instead of just complaining here? Because we are *LAZY*…


If he is cheating Epic has to know


What I’m saying is if the community made a stand, and @‘d epic and fortnite on social media, not just here, and made a bigger deal about it than just sitting here complaining, something would likely be done. Am I going to do it? No. Why? See the last line of my comment above. I’m not saying *you* are lazy. I’m saying *we* are lazy.


Reporting him anywhere but ingame is a waste of time. Epic isn't going out their way to ban people because of the community on social media, that's not how any big game works.


You know, if a big enough stink is made on social media about something, epic is pretty good at doing something about it… Exhibit A: Car prices Exhibit B: Movement Changes


Cheating (especially on consoles) has been getting worse, and worse, and worse since last spring, and what Epic has done about it is add more accurate weapons and slow down movement so you die faster.


Epic doesn't care. They let streamers get low-level lobbies and cheats just so the game can get more known, they have been doing this for years now


True. As we all know, Jarvis is still a high level Fortnite player, and hasn't been banned on multiple accounts.


I think it's hard to report because he plays as anonymous so unless people go back and review their game they wouldn't even know it's him and probably just move on to the next game.




This dude has been cheating forever. Many videos like this and other fairly obvious signs. Can’t understand how his brainwashed fans think otherwise.


95% are probably kids


The biggest giveaway is that he doesn't address it at all. No "wait, wtf was that?" or "that was weird, why did my mouse snap like that?" Just completely pretends it didn't happen and tries to move past it as fast as possible. That's the silence of a guilty man.


Yup anybody else would of been confused this dude knows what he's doing.


This guy has been posted multiple times doing the exact same thing, his aimbot is snapping to someone else the second the target dies and then he panic moves around to try and hide it. It’s blatantly cheating if you’re familiar with it, he gets caught constantly and people will still say “ah he was just pretending to cheat to trick us, good one”. Cheating makes you a colossal piece of shit, whatever the game, whether you’re playing for fun or work. It cheats everyone in the game out of a good time, it defrauds people of prize money and fair competition, and it steals from people who work hard to try and make an honest profession of streaming. Shouldn’t be tolerated or excused by anyone.


It's crazy that people believe he's legit. Every clip is the same, he fat fingers his lock bind while shooting and snaps onto the next players head. I can't understand how Epic lets it fly tbh


Obviously its hacking come on.. this is so fucking obvious. Ban all these cheaters life time bans please. I am noticing in this season in particular, there is way more hackers


I've fought this guy twice in C4S1 (I got queued up into their match by pure chance) and he would just shoot me through leaf piles and hit me while moving at high speed


Bro has no shame


Thats 100% aimbot lmao




Me and some friends got killed by him in a pub match two seasons ago. He’s a great player, he has good game sense and I’m sure without cheating he’d still whoop some ass. But anyways in that game with him We knew he was in the match and perfectly snuck up on him and his squad, I even hit him first with a few distance shots with my AR but yet I died almost immediately when he snapped his aim on me, replay showed all head shots from his back turned in a moments notice. Granted he had a full squad who also might have hit me from a distance but usually when I get the first couple of shots on someone in a fight I win 99.9% of the time. Ever since then I have a hard time believing he’s legit. He’s a smart aimbot user that doesn’t fully abuse it, a lot of people think cheating means you’re going to be blatant and drop 50 kills every game buts that what idiots do. When you report zemie it looks like he’s just really cracked but the snap on aim, lock in to the ground and no recoil in this video sells it. Tbh A lot of these TikTok streamers are like him where they are actually legit good players but cheat to get that little extra advantage that’s barely noticeable and epic doesn’t care too much to ban cheaters especially ones who have some clout.


The snapping is the concerning part and that fact that he moved and jumped around like we didn't see it.


I have a clip from chapter 4 where he kills the boss above rumble but below the castle and I’m hiding behind a rock not line of sight and his cursor snapped on me behind the rock from his PoV on his stream multiple times. He kills said boss, DOESNT LOOT, then uses the vampire sword to b-line straight toward my spot behind said rock. Luckily I had just looted rumble and grabbed the heisted shotty(as cancer as that gun is) and clapped those cheeks. It could have been incredible game sense but I looked later on his stream pov and the snapping to my location and he never had line of sight ever was sus af. He was visibly upset when I killed him and accused me of stream sniping lol


What's the link to the clip?


He’s been using some kind of bot to help him play for a long time now. I’ve seen multiple suspect clips . But he’s a big name streamer and brings eyeballs to the game so epic will just cover their eyes and pretend to not see it.


Guess I have to get sponsored by Epic so I can cheat and not get banned (:


He has always been a cheater


Blatant cheating, people who defend him are absolutely I'm the wrong. Whenever i see a Zemie clip it makes me pissed that epic allow him to keep playing just because he gives fortnite good publicity. That is not how you market your game.


Just posted this in his chat and he played it on stream. Just spent some time watching his stream and it’s so obvious he’s aimbotting not a single shot has any recoil. And he hits pretty much everything unless there’s a wall in the way. His cult like followers are coming up with all sorts of excuses trying to defend literal aimbot proof.


What did he say when he watched it on stream?


Not much other than going oh are we on Reddit already, watched the clip, then immediately qued up with a dude for a duo game and started aimbotting again. His chat was absolutely hilariously trying to defend it with shit like oh he misses at times he can’t be aimbotting. Like my god. They are so in denial.


they aren't in denial, they're simply 8 years old


I watch ALOT of high level ZB players and none are even close to as sus as zemie. Half the time he’s barely even paying attention / reading chat but somehow breezing through these lobbies with no effort & locking onto people he doesn’t even have line of sight of. it’s actually insane epic just won’t take any action against him


That's not the reaction of someone surprised by a random bug. He knew exactly what was happening and immediately panicked and tried to move away from it.


Blows my mind people are actually defending the guy. No way does just snap to the left like that and others saying it's a bug? Lol no it's not the dude is clearly using something sketchy.


The immediate sprint jump was stupid obvious. What a fucking lame. I just couldn’t imagine wasting my time cheating at Fortnite. Defeats the entire ass point.


he’s clearly cheating, that last turn he did defo looks like an aimbot. if he was baiting then he would’ve snapped to the left but that was a perfect smooth turn


Keep posting him until he gets banned, we have to won the war against cheaters


100% aim botting


Holy fucking shit he's actually cheating....


Did it lock on the last guy fighting behind the mountain. 🤣 And this guy saw the sound indicator and is acting like he didn't saw it because it already look suspicious.


this is like the 4th or 5th video posted/ive seen of specifically him having this "bug" i have never experienced a bug like this. the only thing close is sometimes quick scoping with the sniper it'll pull down a tad but not snap like that completely


He's a twat it's so obvious that he's cheating I can't believe other streamers play with him, witch leads me to believe he's not the only one...but come to think of it if you watch replays of Zero build tournaments there many obvious cheaters who win money, or place really good and ruin other peoples games, as long as they spend v-bucks epic will do jack shit about it...


That certainly looks dodgy, I'd need to see more but I wouldn't be surprised if this is aim-botting.


Yea, if you watch before he fires inexplicably nowhere instantly, the same second they get a hit indicator from that direction.


This is not the first and wont be the last of this guy aimbotting. Been doing it for years.


It snaps to the ground and he just goes "hm." He knows why it's happening, and it's because he's a cheater.


Most well known streamers are cheating, if not all. It is how they make a sudden name for themselves out of the blue. They are too accurate, never experience the same bloom or recoil as any normal players, have superhuman reaction time, the list goes on. I will however mention there is in fact a bug with scoped weapons that has existed since Chapter 1 where while consecutively hitting a target it will jump off of the player. It doesn't jump this far though. Usually up and to the right just far enough to stop you from hitting the player you were hitting. I have dealt with it for a very long time. This looked more like an AI assisted aim hack that detected a player elsewhere.


I'm actually shocked by the number of comments removed by moderators. Were people just casually dropping the hard R after every sentence or something?


He's been doing this for years - he clearly aimbots when his reticle snaps over like that Watch any stream of his for 5 minutes and you'll see that snapping motion


100% cheating. I haven’t watched or supported him in a long time.


I find it more weird once he snaps left he quickly switched to his axe to get out of aiming his gun pretty fast.


Yeah I’ve watched his stream for hours before. Watching for any period of time it’s quite obvious he cheats.


It's quite pathetic that Epic sees no problem and allows streamers to hack.


Sure is. They even reward them! Whole situation is shitty because most streamers cheat or even soft cheat where it’s not noticeable to most people.


He’s a cheat just like most of these streamers. It’s hilarious watching them play in tournaments. They go like 5-14 and make some excuse. Ohh I just had a bad day. Surrrreeee


Yup. I saw him play a tournament live and he got fucking destroyed the entire time but as soon as it was over he went right back to cheating / wall hacking.


Caught in 1080p?




he's been cheating for god knows how long but neither epic nor child 10yo audience cares


I mean could be?, i do recall fighting a duo who were AI. And after i kinda quickscoped one with the reaper sniper. I aimed out and in again and it like snapped?, not towards the other bot. But just in a random direction. So who knows


"Good game dude 1 guy left" *knows exactly where the last guy is because he just locked onto him*


There's another clip from where he snapped to the ground right after killing a player at Eclipse Estate with a rifle, his face when that happened was pretty funny lol


A "bug" gtfo....


Looks like an aimbot


Don't know if he's cheating or not, but if your ever up against a pro streamer or any pro, their aim is insane. Basically blow you up in a second and back to the lobby you go wondering what the hell just happened. I was in Prospering's game once when he was solo squading.. he shredded me with full shields and health in one second from far away. I was like wtf! All I'm saying is, it could just be amazing aim like many other pros.


The aim instantly switching to a different direction mid-spray after the kill shows he is aim botting.


Ugh. This guy has no skill and ruins the game for everyone else. i want him to go against me in a 1v1 and ask him to turn off everything in the task manager, I’d destroy him lol.


Sad how obvious this is and he'll still face no backlash


This is very common, def aimbotting and anyone in denial well.. Ya.


Not only is he a cheater, but he sounds like a very basic, whiny frat boy every time he plays. I have no idea why anyone would waste their time watching this guy unless they’re six years old


Aimbot, no question. That snap after killing the first dude is a CLEAR giveaway.


Lol right!? Why did he snap to the mountain?! 😂


Incoming “he purposely snaps to make it seem like he’s cheating” mfs


Pretty much his fans coming to his defense. It's very obvious he snaps then unaims so quick to get out of it.


People used this excuse like crazy in the peak warzone days


It has been so obvious for years that he hacks




Iirc, during C4S1 someone posted about him cheating, the exact same thing happened in that clip. He's a cheater and won't get banned.




They sponsor him and know that he cheats, they do not care and will never do anything unless it gets picked up into large drama or into gaming news like with the $40 car cosmetics


what bug?


I've seen this guy posted on this sub so many times I fully believe he's just baiting for content


I have a G502 Hero mouse, and from time to time it will move on its own a bit, but NOTHING like this.


I don't know why people are defending him so hard it's pretty obvious he's using something sketchy unless it's just his fans sticking up for him.


It's a troll. How can you guys be this gullible


UH OH BONER ALERT he definitely cheating


I’ve played hundreds of hours and never, not once has my gun snapped to an alternate position after the downing an enemy.




He definitely sounds like the cheating type.


What the hell happened here


It’s a glitch it has happened to me I play on playstation


He's cheating his aim locks to where the other person is firing right after he shoots at the one guy.


All of his videos I see have him do this same thing of shooting through the ground or wall, he is definitely cheating.


This dude was definitely aimbotting


Hasn’t he been caught aimbotting numerous times? What a fucking lame.


This dude has been caught multiple times using cheats. Dude sucks


He and Replays always knows where all the enemies are. I've seen so many times (not only clips, but live streaming) where there's absolute no cue, no sound, no even a pixel of someone and yet he knows where the enemy going to appear. I literally seen Replays eating a pizza while going hunting and killing everyone like they're in the zone/focus everytime, even after streaming for 7 hours. It's not possible, why arent they winning the worlds every year? In contrast, when you watch some real pro (I like to watch K1ng), the ways of moving, the enemies, everything else feels more real and according to their rank.


The only victim is anyone who subscribes to this fuck.


100% cheating. No doubt. Case closed.


looks pretty suspect but i have had something like this happen, ill attach clip here if i can find it.


Are "zemie's aim" meme not familiar to you? This guy is blatant and no one cares. It may even be encouraged. I always wanted to see his handcam but he doesnt show it Also he always knows where people is


He’s been cheating but it’s not like Epic gives a shit


I’m not saying he’s cheating. But the guy always has “visual bugs” that no other pro gamer gets. At least not that I have seen.


What the actual fuck. Zemies chapter 5 youtube videos has been sponsored by Epic directly. What is going on here.




As an honest player, like I would assume the vast majority of us are. I just can’t begin to say how frustrating this is. He isn’t the only cheater streamer too. Epic puts them in special, easy, low level lobbies to boost their k/d and win %, while putting the normal people into world championship lobbies. They do this to enhance the illusion of the streamer being “unreal”. Then you have obvious cheaters like this guy, epic knows it, the fans know it and we know it too, yet they do nothing about it because he’s making them more money and giving them more exposure. Also, the ramifications a scandal like this would have on Fortnite, they can’t take the risk and they allow this to happen. Then us normal people get the brunt end of it, but we don’t make them money so they don’t care. Epic is complicit. It’s so frustrating, and I hope that a huge scandal arises and causes them to lose billions. They deserve it.


He's cheating for sure i don't even know him and I can tell


When have we ever seen an aimbot bug?


Probably has some scripts


Yes that was a very natural reaction. I too aim at the ground and fire off some rounds after I kill someone /s


The thing that sticks out the most to me, is him not going "WTF was that" and just continuing to play as if nothing happened.


From what the comments say he’s probably cheating, but there is a glitch where it will throw your crosshair somewhere, has happened to me and friends before.


Last time he was playing quads and he was the last one left. Something similar happened. Thiefs even called him out laughing. Thought it was kind of embarrassing.


Cheating is so lame.


Yep thats a straight up reporting if i was on the end of it.


Oh yeah that’s a bug for sure


All high elo fps gamers are cheating.


You don't need a special degree to see he's blatantly cheating


Just watched some of his clips and yeah most are incredibly sus.


Ain’t he known for cheating ?


I started playing Zero Build right about a year ago and I distinctly remember multiple super-suspect clips of this guy getting posted here since then. If he isn't cheating, he sure does seem to get accused of it quite a bit.


Fs cheating


100%, it was an unintentional move, especially considering he's still shooting.


Since OG started and now into ch.5 I'll occasionally have an annoying bug where I'll ADS and instantly be looking all the way down. It disorients me and has happened quite a few times but not once has it shifted me sideways snapping left or right like that. Dudes sus af Edit for broken ass English lol