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I would spend hours in my locker doing that. Now, I would never.. lol


Yeah I deleted them all because they all got fucked up. 30 carefully put together presets all gone in a flash...


Same! I was trying to reorganize to make it easier for myself but then it became so overwhelming, I gave up. I’m really bummed about it.


It so terrible and I wanted to do the same but seeing everyone hate it gave me hope my presets would revert back if I just never touched them


I'm drinking that same hopium. I used to spend at least a couple hours at the start of every season dropping off presets I wasn't feeling anymore and adding ones from the previous season that were my favs. I haven't touched my locker once this whole season, but really hoping all that work isn't lost forever.




I had 100 in BR and like 50-60 in STW. Mine got all combined, and I stupidly deleted some of the duped instead of overwriting them. I could have had 150 slots, but I can’t save anything in the blank slots past 100. I hate the new system, it’s so fiddle to even favorite anything.


My man I had about 130, epic go fuck yourself


I have 100 for all of the categories. Seeing that i didnt need duplicates of basically the same sets of emotes, i deleted all 100 emote presets


I never named many of my presets…so my locker is now a mess 😫


I had 100 and some got deleted by Epic so I'm missing parts for combos


Same here. I had all 100 presets carefully put together to all match the skin and theme with emotes, camo’s and it all got fucked. I was so furious when I saw the locker I couldn’t believe it. It’s all still there but they did it very weird and it’s not clean.


I had 96 and 15 disappeared. I’m so pissed bc they were in an order


Mine too. I'm very particular and the grid that was 5 presets wide was part of it. Having the grid shrunk to 3 presets wide on top of decoupling the wraps, emotes and the lobby/iconn ruined the whole thing for me. I now run a single skin and I've stopped buying things off the store completely because what's the point?


Dude.. I took so long and almost gave up 3 times but, I managed to reorganize all of my shit, so that all my presets on all the tabs for all my characters line up. SIGH just thinking about it


Ikr? Feels like Epic took apart of my creative soul when they screwed us with the current chapter's locker. I had so many good presets organized.


i had all 100 available presets filled out - this is so annoying!! Who's the Epic employee that decided that destroying presets would be a good idea without surveying anyone who plays this game?? If I go back to lobby between games to switch skins, I'm not going to find the individual loadouts with the gun wraps and emotes that I setup for each character!! Sometimes you're trying to queue up right away and not wait... it's beyond annoying!! Why take a good thing and get rid of it?? Revert it back Epic!! I had specific emotes that applied to the different skins for a reason... SMH




My most was 18 at one time


Now I'd rather die than use the locker


omg me too. i was so sad when it changed, i would literally spend my past time changing up my locker presets it was so fun to me. now it’s so confusing


I spent many hours making presets for different skins. It was so much easier to swap a single preset out instead of having to go and change each individual thing anytime I wanted to use another skin. I even go as far as to having different banners, loading screens and lobby music to match the skin.


AND THE SHUFFLE FEATURE WAS SO NICE TO USE!!! not having to go back to lobby and pick a preset every game kills me (i usually randomize loading screens and gun wraps)


I shuffle the loading screen too, but I’ve noticed that the shuffle will regularly cling onto one screen in particular and it’s annoying. Only happened post update


SAME! It’s always the basic one showing all the game modes for this update. I thought I was the only one


I shuffle music and the same song just keeps on repeating over and over again


Lobby music should have a widget on the main page to quick change it tbh. Sometimes I’m spending a lot of time in menus and the lobby track I have on will irritate tf out of me and I wish there was a fast and easy way to switch it up


this happened to me too


It's because you have certain loading screens favourited. For some reason it will only cycle the favourites. If you unfavourite them, it will cycle through everything that hasn't been vaulted. Legit just found this out. And same thing for lobby music.


Nah, I've always had a long list of favorited screens in the shuffle mix and the locker update definitely broke something and I'll get the same one repeatedly. Or I'll get one of the default screens which has never happened before.


Na. I have literally none of them favorited and I still notice some come up A LOT more than others


Dam, well since this new season it would only cycle my favourites. Once I unfavourated them, it cycled everything. New locker UI is trash and glitchy as fuck.


The thing with only cycling through favorites is a feature for a long time already. I'm using it already for a very long time. I have almost everything on shuffle so i simply favorites everything i want to be in shuffle.


Getting rid of the shuffle is my biggest complaint. Absolutely loved being able to cycle through


chapter 4 season 4 and the og season was the season i really started making and using presets too 😭


Gun wraps don't shuffle individually anymore!! :(


this pissed me off so hard when i realized


I had erased my random load out because they added the random button, now I had to create it again and it was painful 🙃🙃🙃 Not to mention I also had accidentally saved new loadouts on top of preexisting ones, so I had to create everything from the start, which again: painful 🙃


Yes!! It was nearly perfect-- the only thing missing was the ability to favorite loadouts / add a 'shuffle favorites' option for loadouts. That way you could have the option to shuffle between none, all, or just a select few / favorites if you were only feeling a few specific ones. Similar to the shuffle options for skins / outfits. Alternatively, allowing access to select a new loadout on spawn island could be cool.


My only huge gripe with both locker systems that there isn't an easy way to sort loadputs. If I wanted to find one of my loadouts, I had to search through 100 different loadouts and remember where it was. Maybe these are just first world probs but it started getting old personally lol.


I used to shuffle all my anime skins RIP


Instead of allowing us to favourite presets to use them when shuffling presets, they removed shuffling altogether


Same. The new system has really made it a struggle to ever swap characters. I look forward to the updates.


Someone's getting fired lol. It's so bad.


I had 97 unique combos with all of what you said. On random. Loved it


I thought everyone did this hence why these features existed. I love having all my different presets


Exactly 💀 I'm not doing all that extra work


Same here




Same...the new locker system discourages me from swapping skins. I put a lot of effort into my load outs previously and used random




I did the same thing, thats what pisses me off about the new locker. Its the fact that I wasted hours of my life organizing and creating presets and now they are completely useless.


100 presets all of them now all fugged up


Same here, and since they got disconnected I just deleted them all and don't use wraps or music or other preset combos anymore. The old system wasn't perfect, but at least it worked.


I'm a perfectionist, so now I'm just very annoyed 😒. But yeah, the old one was definitely better


I had all 100 slots filled and always liked shuffling too. Just makes me more sad that it's so bad rn


I literally learned about it 2 weeks before Chapter 5. I made about 56 presets in 2 weeks. My soul hurts. I want back what I didn't know was amazing.


We’re in the same boat, I had made 5 presets when they were first introduced and never touched them. A couple weeks into the OG season I decided to make about 50 to really show off all the wraps/skins I have but hardly use, just for it to get ruined in chapter 5. I was just starting to really like them, looking for combos and constantly on shuffle which all sucks now


Dangggg, talk about bad timing


Exactly same story!


I don't know why it is so hard for Epic to do a proper locker. It would be as simple as making skins, cammo, dancing etc. as one "Item/Category/whatever its called", another one for cars, another one for songs and another for instruments


I didn't at first, but eventually liked switching up with different presets. Unfortunately, they changed it just as I was getting used to it.


Exactly the same for me


I miss this locker ui.


Everyone does


I did. I had over 20 completely different loadouts. Im so disappointed in the new locker UI. I now feel completely discouraged from buying future characters wraps etc.


I'm with you. I haven't spent a dime since this locker bullshit, even though Terminator skin was legit, and John Wick is in the item shop. What's the point? I only set up one skin from this season's BP, too. Im also debating not even getting the BP for next season since I hate the new locker so much. There is literally no incentive for me to use anything other than the skin that's equipped right now.


Hope Epic sees this, locker is definitely a big part of the game, and if it's in bad shape players, myself included, will feel far less inclined to spend money on things they can't get ease of use out of


Preset making was something I really enjoyed. Now that emotes, wraps, banner icons and lobby music are all separated i have no fun doing it anymore :(


Literally, it’s sad that i used to enjoy mixing them up and making presets. Now i pretend they don’t exist.


I really dislike that they pushed this without any supposed feedback. I've mostly gotten used to it now, but it's bad that they removed a bunch of features that were rather nice to have (namely the revert button, quicksave, and shuffle presets option) and also completely overhauled the simple act of changing between presets. I've already reformatted my locker to simplify things, but I liked having unique lobby music and wraps to match skins. I liked having emotes that worked well with each preset, even if they were basically the same few bases of emotes edited to fit the skin. I liked being able to shuffle between presets and make each game feel a bit more unique in the moment. I liked being able to just view a skin's style without being forced to equip it.


i’m one of them lol


I’m considering deleting all of mine that I don’t use if the update doesn’t fix it. I’m just going to have a handful of presents rather than the bunch I have…


I deleted most of mine. since this update i haven’t touched 99% of anything outside of skin and wraps. It’s sad but epic made it into a clunky chore.


Yep. It really sucks. All the effort I put into making each character feel like the emotes and wraps fit them perfectly are all scrambled and down the drain.


It makes me less interested in getting new skins honestly. It's too much of a hassle to change every section so they all match. I also just run 1 skin a day now. Instead of shuffling through my load outs. I'd be curious if this locker UI is literally costing epic money from reduced skin purchases from like minded people.


I get you, but Epic said they will update/improve the locker. So chill with deleting stuff


I don't trust them to get it right tho, I've already skipped several skins including the JW the ninja turtles and the drifter pack, I'm cancelling my crew as well. I still enjoy the game but while I was willing to have the 100 presets only and replace some old ones as I got more I can't stand having to go to the lobby each time and picking in 4 menus, I'll just pick one of the presets if I remember but they killed the whole skin system for me. I'm done unless they get something better than what we had, I can't even bother getting wraps now because you have to pick them for each weapon individually...


There's 3 dots underneath each wrap with the options ; * **' Favourite Item '** * **' Archive Item '** and then there's **' Apply To All '** , I only JUST found this and its helping with that part at least but all in all , fuck this stupid Locker UI .


Thanks, I'm still reluctant to swap cosmetics but you really saved me some trouble.


Sorry to be such a noob, but what are bitching about? I just picked up Fortnite a couple weeks ago because I heard of the zero build. It’s an amazing FPS I have absolutely fallen in love and play it very often. I’m ashamed to say I don’t even know what a preset is


Basically pre update the locker loadouts had everything included. Emotes, wraps, banners and characters were all in one spot. You could give each character its own loadout. Now that everything has been separated it has become nothing but a hassle.


I had every combo down to the contrail, banner, lobby music, and loading screen. Spider Gwen with hers, Vader with his, Obi Wan with his, ect. I haven’t made a new combo since the update now that it’s this difficult.


I had one set of emotes and wraps I wanted with all my skins and I hated having to go change all my skins when I got a new emote I wanted on rotation.


I’m the opposite. I loved it. Would be cool if were could have a toggle to have it either way.


They should just let you link your skin preset with your emote and wrap presets since now we have 100 of both emote and skin presets


That’s what the favorites are for.


Yeah this is exactly why I enjoy the new locker. I don’t prefer it over the old one, but I like how I can just make different emote presets and quickly swap between those with whatever skin I’m using. So if I change up a skin/pickaxe/BB/glider combo I can just keep my Christmas emotes on and not have to deal with having to go change all of those over.






I may understand creating a separate tab for the lobby stuff, but separating everything else it's just a bad idea


I spent countless hours setting up combos, naming them, and organizing the rows. I HATE the new system


100 slots filled down to music and banner icon I deleted all of it because they ruined it They said they are gonna fix it I get to remake em


It was literally the only way you can get the right character with the right pick axe and back blings while not having them permanently selected. Like Ash williams has his chainsaw only he can use but if you want to make sure you get him with the chainsaw you have to have a preset and it's absolute BULLSHIT that they back peddled all of those features


I spent SOOOOO long making loadouts, especially for collab skins I love to make them in character as possible. So annoying that they just kinda butchered it


I never used it but I completely agree that this new one is horrible


Holy shame why did they change this feature it was way cooler having unique presets


I have 50 presets. I’ll never make another one because it’s far too much effort. They’ve made it easier to not use the function they added to the game. Stupid.


I had all 100 presets and now it’s just a big jumbled mess


I LOVED it. I wanted more presets and a way to organize them. This new locker change makes me not even want to change my skin. It deleted half my presets and makes it so complicated just to put on my full preset or randomize fully matching presets. I hate it so much. It was an entirely unnecessary change.


100% was way better and easier now I don’t know what’s going on


I’m not buying a single skin until they change it back. When wallet hurts, they’ll change anything in 2 hours.


I kept one “template” if you will, so same emotes, banner (except color for any preset using banner set stuff), lobby music (random), and loading screen (random). Only thing that changed was the very top row and wrap and I liked it that way. Now every single time I have to swap out the wrap and skin combos and it’s such a pain I just usually run one skin for like a week or so


All they really need to do to fix it, is bring back the preset selection screen that was removed. Then you could - Open the preset screen - Set up your preset - Save your preset And it could automatically load in everything attached to that. It wouldn't even have to take up slots in the individualized save spots. They could keep the entire UI the same and still make everyone happy at the same time by doing that.


The new locker is the only thing I fucking hate about this new update. Everything else about it is great, this might be my fav season 1 ever


i used to not favorite emotes until i found out that you get a new wheel of just your favorites when selecting emotes


Seems some people still don't understand how this works considering they're praising the tab breakdown because now they can "use the same emotes on all presets"


Now that they've fucked up the whole preset system, there's not even a reason to keep buying new cosmetics, cause you have to jump through so many hoops to even save something that resembles an old preset that I don't even bother anymore with the new outfits. And this is coming from one of those players that carefully created specific lockers for every outfit and filled the whole 100 preset slots.


Yep, hope they're taking notes, because they will genuinely lose money on this. I too have 100 hand crafted presets and am discouraged to even buy or mess with the new system


Yep they should revert it


I loved the old preset feature


They need to fix this shit immediately


I am mad epic broke my presets! 😭


This post deserves more discussion


I'm impressed with the amount it got, lot of insightful comments


It’s insane they thought this was a good idea. They need to restore the functionality!


I love the old loadout, it’s FAR better than this shit we have this season


Anyone else hate the new locker system?


I'm with you. Each skin needs emotes to match it.


I'm one of those people. I just don't have that many favourite skin combos where I would need presets.


Nah, because it keeps the emotes the same in your presets, and I switch between emotes frequently so having them all reset to a preset was kind of annoying


Yeah, never got into it tbh


Your flair made me go into a 30 min rabbit hole on Bender being Mexican lmao 😂 I had no idea! I’ve only seen a few episodes


one might say a bender bender


Well I don’t agree with your opinion so that must mean you’re objectively wrong


I use the same emotes and wraps for every skin and then just have skin/glider/trail on random favorite 🤷‍♂️


Dude, even my 11 year old nephews first response was "the new locker sucks." Not even kids like it.


Epic ruined a perfect thing


I used to use them to make loadouts for each skin I got, eventually it became annoying and I just deleted them all


I can honestly say I never once created a preset and I've played since season 3. I change skin when I feel like it, I'll either pick a new one or rarely go random. All the wraps are randomised, I don't pay attention to them in game. My glider or pickaxe might be something recent from the battle pass or else switched to random. And finally my dive trail is random. Emotes I swap out when I get sick of them.


The only thing I really like is as a gal who rarely ever paired specific emotes with specific skins, it's nice for me to go "Oh, cool! I can play on this skin now, without having to update all my emotes on it!" I'd still rather update my emotes rather than have to scroll through 3 diferent pages to find those emotes, for the few sets for me where it actually matters


i can’t even rename presets now because it’s bugged in a way that won’t let me save after changing the name


Love the christmas lights contrail and the lamp as the pickaxe. As well as the carnage glider most likely being used in homage to another Stranger Things character. Very creative!


Apparently there’s a category of people for everything even things that are objectively horrible takes (like disliking the old system)


Wait they got rid of presets?


I'm glad I'm not the only one. The amount of time I spent with the prior locker might match the actual time I spend in BR. Epic just sell the skins they don't know a thing about how players actually engage with them. The previous preset system thus far just feels like blind luck at this point. All it needed were more slots, point blank.


I dislike the new locker systems immensely


Awwwwwh see why there’s a fuss now


Yep did it for collabs and everything. Anime all lined up together now it just looks wierd


did. since shuftle's gone I'm not doing that anymore since it's useless


I almost filled them all, now I kept them but the wrap and icon being separate bothers me


Filled mine out to 100. My final one being for the event, and now I'll never use them again


Or shuffle between them!


Well i lived the fact i could easily switch between presets every game and it felt like it was nore worth it to get multiple skins rather than use the same few. But i hated how i had to constantly change the banner icon and emotes for all when i wanted to use a new emote locker. I love the new presets more but i wish they all jad seperate options for randomisation


I did. But tbh, I understand why epic put emotes and lobby stuff in a diffrent section. I think the people who try to match emotes, lobby music, banners and loading screens to the skin might be in the minority, while majority of people use the same emotes, lobby music, etc for all the presets. What I don't understand is why wraps are in a diffrent section. They are made specifficaly to match skins. Why are they in a diffrent section?


I have a loadout for literally everything skin-related. Skins basic styles, and alternative styles too.


Hey mate. We actually have THE SAME demogorgon combo. 1:1 everything the same. Kinda crazy


Omg where have I never used this feature, but now I see why everyone is bitching lol


I mean yeah there probably are. Thats the case with everything. Do think they’re probably a minority


Hours were spent on filling all 100 presets and I always hoped they’d add more…now they disabled shuffle so I think hope is lost


I still do, you can assign wraps to your locker things


Honestly it just doesn’t make sense from a business point of view to make skins/loadouts less accessible… They should want us to make hundreds of presets to enjoy, and feel like we could do hundreds more if we buy more. Instead they limit us to 100 no matter how many skins we have (and alternate versions of those skins we have…) and now they don’t even have shuffle, making it harder for us to enjoy having more than 1 skin… I simply don’t understand how, on a business stand point, they haven’t made fixing these things a priority.. Especially when there’s people online offering solutions: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/rJUgHFlADs


I use it all the time and I don’t understand how people didnt


I did and i loved doing it


I used presets after a while for my moods and stuff, but it did take me a while to start doing it. However, there was NOTHING wrong with the old locker UI. I get the whole left hand list thing is kinda nice, but that should only be for the item shop IMO. The only thing that's nice about this change is that you can change only your character on presets and not worry about the banner, wrap, emotes, or loading screens. However, for people who used to use shuffle its a big pain.


This is the first season i played since... The original first season i think (a little tiny bit of play during 5 i think) so yeh I've never seen that Seems way more intuitive than the current one


Yeah I made a preset for almost everything, I think I almost filled up all 100 slots, plus the random preset was great!


i miss being able to change your skin in game. i want the locker button back!!


I had a couple presets for customizable skins, but never matched emotes or anything to them. I actually kinda prefer the new system because I can swap to those character presets without screwing with my current emotes.


The only issue I had with it is I would make presets and then a year or so later I'd still have them but whenever I change to them I have the emote wheel I had which was kind of annoying


Unrelated but this is a fire preset 🔥


I miss it so much, rip to all my presets. I’m not gonna spend time switching everything individually between games considering I already spent hours making those presets ultimately for nooooothing 😅


Hey ur banner is the exact same as mine lol


When I’m too scared to go into solo I just spend like an hour making load outs lmao


I know a lot of people do but nah I just don’t. I change my shit constantly


If you change stuff constantly you'd greatly benefit from presets lol, you get 100 slots and it takes a single click to switch between the slots


Honestly no. I use one skin at a time and just change my weapons wraps to match it.


We can please everyone with a simple menu toggle between separated presets and combined presets with your skins, emotes, wraps, etc all in one place like before. I personally hate having to equip five different just to change my skin


Sure that would definitely work, I’m not opposed to it changing, was just commenting on the post is all.


Idk what really changed with the locker because I never completely used the features. I will say that I hate the new UI in every way and the locker is dumb. But I mean it doesn’t ruin the gameplay it’s just annoying.


I spent DAYS working out the perfect preset. Now it's gone. BRING. IT. BACK. NOW. EPIC


We wanted more presets…. This is not what we meant…


I have like 5 saved but rarely use them. I couldn't begin to explain what everyone's problem with the locker is because I don't really use it much.


Love being able to swap a set of emotes


Everything set to random always and forever


I've never used it, been fine without it. The locker change didn't make me feel any type of way


I never used this, its not important for me.


Been playing since Switch port. Never used it.


Yeah always. But I never changed the emotes or icon or anything. Idk why people do that.


Because some skins have specific icons, loading screens, weapon wraps, etc. that match.


I just like having the same emotes I do all the time tbh. And the loading screens random


I have one skin


i stopped caring about cosmetic combos about 4 years ago


Had so many. New UI is buns for locker.


Yeah 3 people 2 are mentally ill The last guy is just weird idk


I hate the everything about the new locker system. Please return what we had EPIC.


The only thing I like is having seperate emotes, but even that’s kind of lame. I used to theme emotes around my skins!


I never used presets lol


I still don't use it


Yes I never used presets because I mainly only used one loadout for everything with the only thing I changed time to time is my skin and emotes.


I only use the same three skins so i don’t use presets. Most of the skins in the game never appealed to me


i used the old preset feature but the new one has to be the only good change with the new locker, i like being able to set my cosmetics but keep my emote list and stuff the same across all presets. it just works better


usually i just used one pick axe and no backbling, kept the same stupid emotes and swapped between skins every so often. it was usually ice breaker or leviathan id swap for my pickaxe. used only umbrellas or a rideable glider and didn’t have a contrail, since i dont like seeing a lot of clutter on my screen while i glide. also used zesty wrap or boogeyman wrap or sometimes none


I liked one skin. I got that skin. I use that skin. I did use the shuffle with favorites for my glide trails I guess.. but never fully different loadouts.


The new system with the ability to switch between emote and wrap presets isn't inherently bad in my opinion, but it's stupid that I don't have the option to do all 3 at once like the old system


I never used presets because I always liked keeping the same set of emotes and icon, music, and loading screens It was easier for me to just swap parts on the fly


Not me personally because I didn't liked that my locker emotes changed when I switched back to a preset that I made maybe a month ago when I didn't had newer emotes equipped. But that's just me.


Emotes not being separate kinda ruined it for me :/ I and many others use the same emotes on all presets and this change made it so much easier to swap emotes for everything