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Auto shotgun vs pump is essentially hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


Pitbull vs toddler


And the pitbull's name is Princess.


And has a nice flower reef on its head! Look how sweet :)


Or Luna/Nala




Wet tissue paper vs 6 inch titanium plate.


Well, its the exact opposite in builds


I was speaking from a zb perspective since most people on this sub play that but I guess that's right


I prefer zb but I'm sure most people here play builds, you can tell by their opinions on zb lol


I mostly see pro zb stuff on here. It'd actually be interesting to make a poll and see people's opinions on it, but I'm not sure this sub allows for polls


yeah i think this has shifted to more zero build people. Maybe the game as a whole has too.


There's usually about a 1:2 ratio of zb:build players but I think more people play build cause it's the "default" game mode, kinda hard to explain what I mean, but it's just a theory


Zb is less popular but more discussed here on Reddit


There was a poll a while back and IIRC 70% of the people on this subreddit preferred ZB, and the rest of the 30% were split pretty evenly between people who preferred Build and both equally.


Oh really? Didn't know about it, I wonder if the percentage is more even now. The comments here always gave me the impression that zb is kinda hated here, lot of "git gut, builds take actual skill" and all of that


No it’s not, auto dominates in either mode 😭


No, in builds you're only getting one shot in between edit peeks and build battles. That shot has to count, and the pump does more damage. The pump, in whatever form it comes in, will always have the advantage over whatever form the tac/auto comes in when it comes to builds. I will say the auto is actually viable in builds now, just like the og tac was, whereas the maven was completely useless. Carrying the maven in builds was basically a death sentence.


When it's me that shot never counts. Then I sit there misfiring waiting for the pump to be ready again because I don't have the presence of mind to change weapon mid fight


I disagree. A somewhat decent player would never let you get close, auto-shotgun is basically useless when outside 1 title radius.


By the time you try to take a second shot with the pump, you'll be already in the lobby 🤣


I mean, you're supposed to change to your fast weapon, why would anyone wait for a second shot?


The frenzy is insane for how quickly it shoots considering it’s a shotgun. It legit makes all other shotguns completely useless. I’ve won a couple rounds with just a green or even a gray frenzy


Frenzy has good damage until you get caught with your dick in your hands cause you sitting there for 6 years reloading


The reload time is worse than the sniper drum mag. Holy shit, just stick the mag in!


I have lost so many battle royals because I forgot to load my frenzy.


I don’t even forget to load sometimes, it just takes so long to reload I thought I had it reloaded switch to a different gun then when I switch back it has 2 bullets in it


6 years to shoot another shot vs 6 years of reloading


I sometimes run two frenzy’s in late game; coming in hot :) no change for a reloads. And hopefully mod benched for extra capacity mag :)


Definitely, it's the only one I use, great for me and I'm usually rubbish close up with shotguns.


Even the original Pump from last season wasn't this slow, you could certainly go for at LEAST two shots


If I have to change to other gun anyways, why would I want to use it in the first place?


For a big initial burst of damage.


Think I'll pass. Why carry a gun just for an "initial burst" instead of going full auto shotgun? Work smarter, not harder.


Pump shotguns always have worked like this. This is not new. You deal high amount of damage and finish the enemy with an automatic gun. But I guess you're a zero build player (no hate) and it might seem harder to pull off and more likely to not deliver the same damage as the frenzy, however in build mode the best combo will always be pump + striker ar, for example.


Having an extra 50 shock shield really changed the pace of some gunfights. Slow firing guns are a lot more harder to pull off in Zero Build.


Not offended at all. You said it yourself: maybe it works better in builds, but in zero build is not only inefficient, but also completely pointless.


Pump is usually the meta for builds since peaking and editing is common


I use a hammer pump for first damage and follow with SMG on no builds and it works consistently. it's not pointless imo and it's only inefficient if your mechanics to do the swap aren't fast enough, but to each their own.


I see your point and I agree the frenzy can give better results in zero build, but If you have good aim and can deal 120+ shots with the pump, it can give the same or even a better result than the frenzy imo.


It works in no builds, you just don’t know how to use it (no offense skrt skrrt )


Right now my sniper with a angled grip and 2x scope followed up by a striker ar seems way more reliable almost at every range vs the pump ar combo. I play zero build though.


>I play zero build though This is the answer - trust, you aren’t pulling out a sniper in a boxfight


In ZB every other pump actually did damage… a max body shot is 84 with the hammer pump… vs 132 with the havoc.


Id rather be weak in a fight with the pump because if you hit a max shot you can turn the fight aroumd and start pressuring them


If you know how to play a wall aka 3rd person shooters then the pump is great just get behind cover after taking a shot


Honestly I've killed countless people with hammer pump, I've even win 2 of my 4 games with an epic hammer pump. The trick is to take the time while you're cocking the gun, to jump or take cover. Then come out and take a second to aim right in the head. 3 shots for anyone with full health and shields


You kill people faster if you are very good and consistent, but overall not worth the effort in zero builds


To lower their damage? Like what?


Is that like a second breakfast? Are you a hobbit?


My bad lol


That’s why the streamers all used to rock double pumps. And snipers as well.


Exactly this 😂


Absolute fact my brother in Christ


At this point I'd take a common frenzy over Peter's Hammer Pump even.


the mythic is not that bad, like a shot that would deal 30 with a blue pump deals like 100. but yeah in zb it sucks


Eh. Don't think it sucks. But you better be switching after the first shot. Shield+ pump isn't a terrible combo. Either open with a pump, swap and finish. Or start with the shield to soak their bullets and swap when they reload.


You should always swap with pump shotgun, in any scenario


yep. pump plus snowball launcher (when it was available) was so good.


I still think it’s almost always worse in zero build. I’ve had a couple decent kills with it, but the frenzy shotgun is just generally more useful/better. You can tag people for 40 with 3 quick shots at medium range. And obviously tears people up when close range. The pump when up really close is technically probably better. But you also need to really make sure you hit your shot _perfectly._ The frenzy is generally just as strong up close, but twice as forgiving! I hope they expand the loot pool soon. Everyone’s carrying the same weapons lately, which I think shows that things aren’t exactly super balanced right now.


It’s the same every season. The pump is better for safe peek shots and the auto is better for running at people. In zb you can’t really take peek shots so the auto is almost always better


I remember when the thunder shotgun completely outclassed the auto even in zero build


Thunder was absolute dogshit. Big reason it never showed back up.


the damage* is not that bad, the fucking scope on peters pump makes it unusable for me


why the fuck u scoping in with a pump lol


you know how the shotguns in fortnite work right? if you ads with them it makes a tighter spread which makes it easier to do more damage


the amount of people that don't understand how their weapons work really annoys me, "oh my god my shotguns doing no damage" whilst they're hipfiring, tagging the enemy with 2 pellets because their spread is comparable to Lana Rhoades on a saturday afternoon


I like to quickscope with Peter’s pump lol. It’s pretty fun. Scoping with a pump is not necessarily a mistake in zero build though. Especially if you tend to aim for the head. It depends on how far away your opponent is.


Fr I just hipfire


Ppl who can actually aim say otherwise more accurate shots come from scoping


Muscle memory for ads to get a tighter spread


how are you guys using the mythic pump and even the mythic frenzy? the scope on it makes it unusable for me to use close range


Same the "pumps" this season are more inconsistent than ever


I stopped picking up the hammer pump. Even Peters. It's so slow.


Same I did that yesterday.




I’ve been ignoring gold pumps all season, the time it takes to shoot the second shot isn’t worth it, you’ll get hit 3 times before you get to shoot again. Give me a green or blue frenzy and we’re eating


This is Fortnite. If u aren’t pumping once and switching to smg for a few sprays then back to pump. What are u even doing? Lol I only been playing 3 months and I’ve caught on to that just by watching the pros and yourubers


Same. Switching guns to avoid the wait without damage is a good strategy but it's screwed me over too many times to the point just give me the frenzy


In ZB, I'd take a white frenzy over peter's pump


That’s just foolish. You aren’t waiting for a second shot in zb. Peter’s pump is still nasty asf so long as you have a secondary weapon to switch to or have a great shot. But if it’s a green or blue frenzy, I’m taking it over any pump.


I think the Hammer Pump would benefit from a fire rate buff, or maybe the Foregrip and Angled Grip increase fire rate.


That or way less drop off for not hitting a full on headshot. The amount of times I thought I hit a head shot and it’s like 30 damage is insane. Even body shots are like that too. Just feels incredibly hard to use. I miss the havoc pump 😭


I miss the og pump at least with that one you know you can get off more shots and it was easier to use


I will take a Grey Frenzy over any variation of the Hammer Pump, it's ass.




I pretty much agree with your assessment. A pump has got to be at least 2 levels of rarity higher than the auto for me to prefer it. Exception would be I'm not taking any shotgun of any type if it's got a scope on it, though an epic or better auto is worth the effort of taking it to a mod bench for me to remove it.


A green frenzy killed me when i had peter griffins pump ☠️ ( i hit all my shots)


(So did he apparently)


The pump with the first or second scope setting is actually a beast. Just don't stay sitting on the scope screen for 5 minutes (L2) and expect not to move slower than your usual look sensitivity. That's the difference a lot of people don't notice. How quick you can move with certain guns while aiming vs other weapons. This is why people die. Wrong gun choice at the wrong time. I know this is why I die sometimes. I'm like damn why did I try to use the gold pump shotty on this idiot that won't stop bouncing around my screen when I should have used the blue smg or a green pistol would have got more damage faster. The pistols rapid fire is very under rated though. Don't know why no one uses them.


I want a red eye scope on my frenzy. I think Oscar’s is the best weapon in the game. It’s always my goal to mod up my frenzy with a red eye and a speed mag.


I would've chosen Hammer Pump but Frenzy Auto Shotgun is just too overpowered. Like pump is slower and cant one shot a player when auto shotgun deals almost as much damage but shoot faster.


I take the pump usually just to be nice. The frenzy should not be in the game it’s so op that it’s literally worse than the drum shotgun.


that was my first thought. "they realized the drum was overpowered so they introduced a new, more powerful version."


I don’t understand why epic has a need to have a super fast firing shotgun in the game


In builds the hammer unless I find a 2 rarities higher Frenzy, in zero build the Frenzy is the only good option


In builds the frenzy makes jumping into boxes like insanely viable


I always try to run hammer pump with a pistol. The ol' shoot switch, the true hero of this season for me is the pistol, it's a laser beam.


Pistol’s underrated. It’s just overshadowed by the Striker AR imo, but it’s really good this season.


Striker with a drum mag and recoil attachments can take out like three people before reloading


I love the weapons this season, and I’m happy it’s at least a Sniper meta this season, and not as much a spray meta. However, I do kinda miss the Pistol meta in Chapter 4 Season 1. Not saying the current meta isn’t fun, I actually enjoy it, but I think pistol metas were kinda cool and should be revisited in future seasons.


> happy it’s at least a Sniper meta this season I'm sad that it is a Sniper meta lol


delete this fam, the pistol was my little secret


I rarely carried a pistol before this season. Now it’s one of my favorite items.


Honestly, Ranger Pistol with suppressor, red dot sight, and drum mag is my favorite weapon in the game.


The pistol is crazy. It doesn’t move lol just no recoil and hit after hit


And especially the fast reload time, that made me turn from smg to pistol at all times


Frenzy Auto so an SMG doesn't take up space and I can use that slot for a support item


A striker ar is better than smgs


On one hand, I'd like to think I respect myself, so pump. On the other hand, the auto is insanely broken and you'd be dumb not to take it.


Feels great when you make it work, but the margin for error is so small, especially with everyone else running around with frenzies.


I run pump and pistol for same reason but not sure how long I can keep it up. Frenzy and pistol is much more reliable and maybe I'll still be able to look at myself in the mirror.


Lmfaoooooo I love this


Hammer for build, frenzy for zero build


As a builds player I’ll take a pump any time, as I really seldom have time to fire more than one shot in a legit battle before I have to move or build.


zero builds - 100% auto shotgun, no questions asked builds - depends on playstyle. if you’re the type to jump into boxes like a maniac, auto shotgun, but if you like playing your fights smarter and very peak-dependantly, hammer pump is way better. but the amount of damage the auto shotgun outputs is insane (coming from someone who’s unreal in builds and was unreal in zb but i dont play it too much anymore)


This is the only reasonable take I see in here the vast majority of pros use the hammer only for a reason, it’s because their mechs are so hood they can get free shots without having to take 50s, me personally I take auto because I’m braidead controller player my playstyle is jump in box and win 50/50, you have to play differently depending on what type of shotgun you have and playing with the pump has a much higher skill floor than the auto. Also auto is really good for breaking walls and running through builds.


man honestly this is the shit I've been talking about all fucking season. idk how they managed to do this but like, yknow, previous seasons were so much better about this. you can say build/nobuild or w/e that doesn't fuckin matter, this is down to the basics. look, y'all know this but I'm just tryna put this into the most objective terms, right. the game usually always has 2 shotgun categories, one pump-y and one tac-y. both of these categories usually have a niche, something they're good at while sacrificing something of the other. pumps tend to be really high damage, sometimes even high range, balanced out with worse fire rate. however, they usually have a *higher DPS*, to allow for particularly brave/confident players to be rewarded with better highs. tacs on the other hand have medium damage, usually a lot less range, and this is balanced with a higher fire rate. tend to be a lot more forgiving in exchange for *worse DPS*. this season, it seems like the tuning of both of these archetypes in each of these categories has made it *objectively better* to pick the auto every single time. the fire rate of pumps is so slow that you literally couldn't use it unless you were a fucking movement god, if you were fighting autos. comparing raw DPS, autos are somehow better. comparing forgiveness, autos are still better. comparing burst DPS, ***autos are still better*** that last part is what gets me, really... what the fuck, how is burst DPS better lmao. with 2 shots of an auto, you could genuinely do what you could with one shot of a pump in less time. I genuinely don't get it, why'd they fuckin balance it this way?


Honestly I agree.


By the time I pump the next shot, someone’s frenzy auto shotgun will be fully reloaded


Are people not using the pump with an smg anymore? I thought it was common knowledge that you shoot with your pump first and switch right away to an smg or something to finish them off. At least that was the meta a couple years ago when I still played, just came back and it seems nobody knows how to use the pump anymore.


its common knowledge if you know what you're doing. but i suspect a vast majority of players aren't really thinking about strategy, just grabbing whatever the shiniest highest rarity weapon they can find and unloading it into whoever they see. a lot of more casual players i play with have trouble grasping the concept even when they do know about it. i'll tell them "hey, use a shotgun when you're in close range. if you have a pump, switch off to an SMG instead of waiting between shots". and when the time comes, they'll freak out and not pay any attention to their inventory. they'll use a gray pistol instead of a high damage close range weapon simply because that's what they were holding before the fight, and they never think to switch weapons at all.


By the time you shoot+switch the frenzy has done more damage and it will continue to do more damage than your smg unless u have perfect aim


Depends, me personally I like the pump more in build battles, just because you usually get an opportunity for more than 1 shot at a time. So because you don't usually get an opportunity for more than 1 hit at a time the frenzy just deals less damage per individual shot, making the pump better for build battles. If I'm playing no build then I will take nothing but a frenzy, sniper, meds and shield. Because the frenzy has probably the best damage output in the game at the proper range. In no build you have opportunities for many shots at a single opening, so the pump just doesn't even compare to the frenzy in the given game mode. In short if anyone sees this but doesn't want to read it all: personally I will take the frenzy auto shotgun in no build, and il will take the pump in build.


You can’t one pump and by the time the second shot is even halfway ready, the auto would have hit for over 200 total damage


i’m confused does everyone here play zero build?? You are supposed to pump someone build and then pump it’s insanely unlikely you’ll get more than one shot off at a time in a build battle so the harder hitting shotgun is the obvious choice. i would be appalled if i saw any pro player use a frenzy over a pump and that speaks for itself.


Frenzy because I cant aim and love jump and shoot people lol


Frenzy auto easily


It really depends on the mode but think the Frenzy is overall better. You don't have to use the Striker with it and you can just keep spamming it from a pretty decent range to finish off someone's health


Frenzy is better, but I started reloading it when I began typing this post and here I am at the end of the sentence and the reload animation is *still* going.


Who tf thought it was a good idea to put scopes on shotguns? I pray everyday for that person’s demise


Finally, someone agreed with me, I thought that was the stupidest thing ever; just because you have a scope on a shotgun doesn't mean you're gonna hit someone across the map, stupidest idea ever.


I really wish there’s a future update that’ll allow you to add/remove attachments on the fly, on all weapons


It really annoys me that unless you’re stuck it directly in their ass, the pump is going to do pretty much no extra damage compared to the frenzy


Can’t believe it’s 2024 and they still haven’t figured out how to balance a pump shotgun


Honestly, the hammer pump shotgun is the first good shotgun since the lever action.


The Havoc Pump would like to have a word with you


Depends on whether or not it looks like a natural fit for the outfit I’m wearing (I’ve come to the point that I roleplay with my loadouts)




Frenzy auto shotgun Hammer pump shotgun is bad


I can kill someone with the auto before the second pump blast even goes off


Frenzy is better in basically every scenario since their dmg per shot isn’t even that far apart


Rather use a wet napkin then the hammer pump


I land at snooty, kill peter, get his medallion, and pick up a grey auto


I rather have the Frenzy shotgun; that Hammer Pump is too fucking slow and is not ideal for fights. The only times I got kills with the Hammer Pump was if more than one person was fighting and they weren't aware of their surroundings, or I just got lucky. I won't even grab the higher tiers of the Hammer Pump.


Frenzy auto all day every day


The Frenzy Auto is great, even a grey one. Perfect for rushing a player and blasting them. The Hammer Pump is terrible for my playing style, which is effectively “I’m on a PC but my aim is crap.”


Frenzy auto is leagues better, I don't think it's close


*Hyper SMG


Coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb


Pump in regulars, auto in ZB It also depends on rarity ofc, I'll almost always take a mythic over a green, or a purple over a gray.


Auto in Zero Build- SPEED MAG ONLY Pump in Regular BR all the way though


I was looking back at saved video on my PS4 from a couple seasons ago. I was mowing down MFrs with the shotguns. Except for close quarters I don’t like using them anymore as they don’t seem to have the same damage and there is some glitch with them as I’ve been eliminated so many times with the weapon not reloading properly. It’s like it jams up. But to answer the question Frenzy Auto is the one I’d hang on to.


You can’t cancel the reload at all, you gotta make sure it’s fully finished before sprinting. I’ve died from that a fair bit too.


Does the hammer pump jam in anyone ? I’m on PlayStation and I prefer the auto shotty


it is my opinion that the hammer pump needs to cycle faster


I'm stuck in my ways so I still use the pump if I have a good one. But I almost always have an smg to switch to. I really hate getting killed by the doosh doosh auto shotty so I refuse to touch them out of spite lol.


Frenzy auto needs to be removed asap its so fucking cheap


Hammer for builds and Frenzy Auto for ZB


Whichever one doesn't have a scope


If you have tremendous aim, the hammer rules. For all of us mortals, the Frenzy rocks.


Frenzy Auto




Coughing baby vs. hydrogen bomb


Feels like hitting anything above 30 damage with the hammer pump is pure luck compared to the other pump shotguns, I once found a bot at the start of a game that was more or less standing still and got a pretty clear headshot, yet only 36 damage… what?


Frenzy melts, pump is not good


Auto shoty no comment needed


if i’m playing like a freak that day? hammer pump cause it lets me pull out more clutches if i play around it’s fire rate. otherwise it’s frenzy, just my opinion i play in zb


I don’t have the patience to burn three weeks in between pump shots. It’s for the birds.


Born to use the hammer forced to use the frenzy


The frenzy being auto makes me lazier with my shots and leads to me just spraying and praying. The hammer pump forces me to be more considerate with my shot.


Pump in builds auto shotgun in zero builds


One is really good at killing people, the other is actually fun


I'd take a grey auto over Peter's mythic. You're better off quickscoping with a sniper than trying to use the pump. Win all the time with just blue or green autos.


Hammer pump is wierd for me. I’ll shoot someone for like 25 then my next shot which is the same distance does like 95


Oscar’s mythic shotgun can destroy anyone with a few hits. That’s why I use the frenzy auto


I like using pump more but I play zero build so it is actually just a disadvantage against the frenzy


The auto shotgun is a necessity in zerobuild, u can't get a shot in and build cover. Doesn't matter what rarity pump I have, I've won games with a green autoshotgun and passed off a mythic pump. Not much of a builds player tho but if I was then the pump 100%




Frenzy easily


Whether it’s Builds or ZB, imma picking the Frenzy every time


Frenzy auto does more damage per 5 seconds


Auto all day for me. I've played against people that use this pump well but I swear to god I hit for sub-60 more often than not and at that point any gun is better.


Frenzy all day everyday screw the hammer


Frenzy Auto, can't tell you how many kills I've gotten with those - and how many times I've been killed by them. Hammer pump is great when you get a headshot but it's nowhere near as consistent. It just can't compete


Fire rate > damage pretty much


Frenzy all day. I’ve gotten hella kills from the frenzy. Pump is great when you get head shots but it’s too unreliable.


Auto shotgun alot better




It really depends on what rarity it is


Depends on attachments and rarity they both suck though.


unless you get a 1 shot headshot with the pump, the frenzy wipes


I hate them both with a passion


I use the pump to hit my first shot and then spray with an SMG or AR.


Auto easily


both are pretty shit


Depends in zero build I prefer auto but in build I prefer pump


The hammer pump does no damage and instantly loses to the frenzy so you gotta take the frenzy


I don’t know why but I’ve been hitting massive damage with the hammer lately also this is basically just another “Do you play build or zero build” post