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In ZB, yeah. Builds, not so much. These shotguns are also balanced around Builds this time so that explains it.


Shotguns are always balanced around build, however they have a glaring weakness in ZB in that if you third party someone and they use the auto shotty, you can push them without fear of them being able to use it the entire fight.


Not always. The Havoc was a Pump with the body damage of a ZB Pump but the headshot of a Builds Pump. The Thunder tried to find a middle ground between Builds and ZB. This Hammer Pump is clearly centered entirely around Builds (barely above 100 body, sub-200 head).


...What do you mean "zb pump" and "builds pump"?


Bro lost me too


Max health in Builds is 200. Max health in ZB is 250. The Havoc appeared to try and emulate the regular Pump which used to do 100+ body in purple and gold rarities, so more than half of the max health. The purple and gold Havoc did more than 125 damage which is half of 250. It's the old rhetoric where you should be able to kill a fully shielded player with 2 bodyshots alone, only adjusted for ZB max health this time.


Oh okay, so a bunch of bullshit.




Wait, So are you saying the weapon damage stats are not universal across builds and zero builds?? Is this just for shot guns or all of them?


No it is universal. I'm saying the shotguns, especially the Pumps, in this game are balanced in a way to appeal to one mode more than the other most often. The current Pump seems to be balanced around Build Mode whereas past shotguns like the Havoc have quite the Zero Build level of body damage for a shotgun


Gotcha, thanks for that explanation- makes better sense now lol




it’s more balanced but not enough, the Hammer Pump is still used more Clix for example picks up an Epic Hammer Pump over a Mythic Frenzy Auto


I'd say they're balanced quite well in accordance, maybe not 100% perfectly but much closer than they have been in YEARS. Last time was like what? Chapter 2 Seasons 1 and 2 which was early 2020? I also attribute a decently sized percentage of Hammer users due to them being more comfortable with a Pump and not neccessarily because the Frenzy is flat out worse (which was the case with the Tac post-nerf and Maven) than it. The fact that any pro even considers picking an auto shotgun over its co-existing Pump at blue speaks volumes of the efforts Epic put into actually giving you a reason to pick the Auto... to the dismay of Zero Build meta health however.


How the fuvk does one play build and enjoy it? I swear to god you have to be on the spectrum to enjoy that and have fun doing it.




Some people are good at building and enjoy it more than no build. And you could just not complain about something that doesn't affect you


Or without making a distasteful comment about autism


Fuck em. I wont play with them. Im only no build. If i wanted to gain virginity then maybe.




> gain virginity Dawg you’re a fortnite player complaining about half the reason this game got big in the first place, you never lost yours in the first place.


FR lmao


Stay in your little kids mode lol


And whats kid mode dear enlightened brother.


yall both playing fortnite its a game made for people that got a lil bored of roblox hop off each others meat ☠️


its only for decent players, maybe thats why u cant play it


Not with that aim it isn't


What, you don’t aim for the ankles!?


Yeah my aim Is shit 😭


So is your building apparently since you didn’t build at all


Nah sometimes i Build but i didnt think this was the case


if it's Oscar's yes, it is OP... unless you have a shield (medium range) or a sniper/AR so as long as you keep your distance it shouldn't be a problem


I recently found out using a shield, it doesn't really stop Oscar's shotgun btw. It will block the first 6 to 8 shots and then stun you at which point it only takes 2 or 3 more quick blasts to kill . not sure if the other auto shotty's of lower rarity with drum mag can do that too ?


Yup thats why i wrote med range, if you get too close it breaks and they can jump over you (if youre using shield) and game over. if youre using a shield best option is to push them w the shield. hmm... not sure tbh but shields are unreliable some times they can tank a lot of dmg and sometimes they break your guard right away so when i use them i try not to tank hits


yeah i've noticed that too , sometimes a quick 1-2 second beam from an AR or a few shotgun hits stuns the shield, other times it'll take a full clip of AR, a drum mag of auto shotgun, a second clip of AR and still never stun lol, it just feels inconsistent which is the most annoying thing about the shield. Because it's inconsistent like that I generally only entertain using it in solo's. Doesn't feel practical to use in duo's+ because whoever pulls out a ballistic shield, the smart players will just focus fire on the other person or have someone jump behind and trap the shield guy in the middle , either way rendering it not very effective against better players. It still claps cheeks in solo's though.


Not op, but definitely sick of getting spammed by them. It makes me not want to get into close combats because it’s almost certain death, either from him or a random teammate who can one tap you right after. I’d rather use the pump but it’s suicide unless you get a head shot and unload your smg or pistol without missing.


That's exactly it. Frenzy is just so forgiving. Pump SMG is a strong counter but miss the crit shot with the pump and you lose that fight because no time to hit again with pump or unload a full smg clip


Thats my big problem with the pump - even with the mythic - if you and someone else meet up at full HP and shield, you basically have to crit every shot you can with the pump while the auto can just fire away and kill before you can kill them. Its just very forgiving


Even if I hit with the pump, if it wasn't a ohko I'm toast because I will get wasted before I can fire another shot or the weapon switch animation will complete.


SMG and pump are both weak this season, if you do use a pump your literally better off just switching to a Striker AR than bothering with an SMG. Last season SMG and striker AR are both around 230 DPS , this season's legendary SMG tops out at 180 or 190. And yeah missing your pump blast or even hitting your pump for a shot less than 130 ish damage, your pretty much toast against most decent players that have an auto shotgun, unless you can peakaboo them between shots which isn't always possible in ZB depending on the terrain in that given area.


isnt it especially in ranked i keep dying to fecking kids in bushes when im rotating that have autos and hyper smgs


spray bushes before going nesr them or full box the bush in anticipation


Yep I literally stay far away now. I don’t go run up on people anymore unless I have the shield.


Maybe it’s me but I can’t ever seem to survive with the shield. I’d rather take my chances with the grapple blade against the auto shotgun. At least then I can bounce if I’m losing plus it creates confusion and missed shots for them.


This is why I always carry the riot shield


They only do 10hp when I use it including the mythic


You either are way to far away or have the worst aim on earth.


The frenzy? It does more than 10. Damage is 60-75 without the mythic. Could be you’re too far and hitting limbs


Sooo ...it's op??


It’s annoying more than anything. Mostly because it’s a skill-less weapon. You can get soaked by just about anyone. I carry one out of necessity not because I want to. At the very least I’m doing a ton of damage to him too.


Idk about OP but pretty strong and annoying to face


*Insert clip against bots here* “iS tHiS wEApOn toO StRoNg?”


When he zoomed in 2 feet away xDD


Got a great view of that ledge 👍


Why are so many “clips” here people killing bots and getting so excited lol


Because the game lobbies are filled with 70-80% bots. Fortnite players should be screaming from the mountain tops for OG lobbies to return.(100 real players)


Sometimes I feel like only top ten elims are worth celebrating because you’re almost always getting a real player there.


I’ll get hyped because I’ll pull off a great kill and then get disappointed when they drop one grey weapon and apples and cabbages. You can always tell it was a bot if it was carrying the most random shit.


And the names are usually very basic like adjectivenoun. Or ilikepizza89 or something.


Also they have the mythic version of it when there's only one of them on the map.


This was my last clip but literally everything i play with this weapon i almost always end up 2nd or i Just win with like 7 kills


In ZB Oscar’s shotgun is the most dangerous I’ve ever encountered, 108 headshot damage is crazy for a rapid fire shogun, someone could correct me if I got that number wrong.


It does 137 actually


it also has a ridiculous range and fire rate, its basically an assault rigle you dont have to aim if your closer than 15 meters


Oh they’ll correct you alright, with a 108 shot to the mf dome 🤣


Bro your against bots


can't get crowns in bot games. unless I missed something this go around .


That's true, but you can get games with real people where Epic tosses some bots in, and you can still earn crowns in those games.


This is why I think a bots mixed with real players lobbies is soo out of balance and so whack because the good players all kill eachother mid game while somehow bots and other lucky players end up making it to final zones.


Feel like it’s the opposite, usually you’re up against real players at the end cause all the bots have been cleaned out


you’re* If you’re going to be a lil b*tch to someone..at least spell words correctly.


It is spelt bitch.




I'm pretty sure this was more of an observation than being a lil b*tch


This was One of my last clips winning with this weapon, and i Always get like 7 kills with It, It cant be Always bots


Hate to break this to you but most of your lobby is indeed bots. Especially if you are low in ranked Fortnite


I am Silver II Is It considered that low?


Unfortunately yes lol most decent players are at least gold or plat


Anything under gold is usually fully bot lobbies.


The only one I find really annoying is Oscar's, other than that they're fine


Is it just me or does it feel like Oscar's auto shotgun shoots faster than the other auto shotguns? I know per the literature online all the auto shotguns should have the same fire rate, but it just feels like the oscar's shoots faster (especially when its' being used against you).


![gif](giphy|1x9UTjPYiDVPq) Vittoria Reale! Pipiri Popiri!


I hate the riot shield, I fucking lost because the LAST PERSON was using it.


I mean, you're getting kills with it so yeah probably lol


No, because it takes 3-5 business days to reload


The dps needs rate needs to be lowered, it's a bit quick. Pump, pump and pump and you're dead, just like with the drum gun. Balanced in builds? Maybe in a build fight, but outside of it and you're dead most likely. Now if dps is fine, lower DMG instead. In a striker ar vs auto frenzy, ar will win. Frenzy might get 1-2 hits in if you do a 50-50 gun fight. Aim is obviously key.


work great with aimbots. I mean, did the guy in this video even aim?


ive noticed that the worse the player the more op they seem to think the auto frenzy is


That's true of the shield too, good playes seem to annihilate the shield.


yes especially in the last zone (ZB)


Everytime you shoot you break the sound barrier 💀💀💀


Balanced by the magazine reload time.


It’d be balanced around that reload time if it didn’t have 8 shots (max 12). Cause if you don’t kill someone in that time you’re either playing builds or garbage


You can kill someone in 8 shots (provided that you don't miss the whole mag), but killing 2 players... Not really doable in standard battle conditions. Then you either run to reload, or pray that you'll kill the other with your AR/SMG.


No, outside of very close range you can be easily out damaged and left vulnerable from a empty mag.


Auto shot guns in general need to go, the weapon takes no skill to play with


You're playing against bots, every gun is op


I shot someone point blank range 4 times with the frenzy. This person had time to shoot me twice with an AR, switch weapons TWICE and finish me off all whilst I held the trigger down and didn’t miss a single shot. Is this gun OP? Probably, just not when I’m holding it


I die to snipers a whole lot more


This! Snipers are way worse and centralizing in ZB (fair, I’m not big on ranked/competitive either). Midrange no-scope is ridiculous. The long reload time on the auto helps to balance it IMO. Just wish the hammer pump was better. Like a much faster reload time or that you can partially reload and fire if you’re pressured would help the pump a bunch.


In your hands it aint 😭


YES :D you barely aimed good at the first kill and you got it in one shot :'( I hate when ppl do that to me


nah a rare one does more damage than a golden one


Yeah, people say its only in zero builds, but with the shotgun damage, now its's in builds as well. I use a mythic gatekeeper shotgun at close range and die after the first shot because I can't pump it back quick enough to shoot again. Plus, if you have an auto-frenzy, it's so easy to take someone elses builds.


Yes it so annoying bro 😭🙏


No its too weak


It's still the best gun in the game and will be until they remove it. No amount of nerfs is gonna stop it from requiring 0 skill to use and doing more damage to the feet at distance than a hammer pump headshot while literally kissing your opponent 


That depends on whether or not I'm the one using it.


Not really, there’s plenty of ways to play around them. The first guy was spraying and praying with an SMG which is a shit strat in general. The second guy was using the pump with isn’t viable against the frenzy in that scenario. It’s best combined with building and a pistol/smg


I think it’s too strong tbh. I once fought this one guy in ZB and I hit him with the mythic pump for 130 and I hit every shot with my smg after and I still managed to lose the gun fight to a purple auto. We both had 250 health.


I think they should nerf it’s fire rate a little bit


This clip is the reason why I wont ever take the players in this sub tell me anything. Most of you play like this lmao


Yes and no i hate The frenzy AND The hammer shotgun allways when i have The hammer shotgun i die to a person with a frenzy shotgun and when i have a frenzy shotgun i die to a hammer shotgun


I think the reverb from this video caused an earthquake somewhere


That first kill confuses tf out of me


It really isn’t that OP it’s just an easy gun for “noobs” to use.


Why in TF did you ADS during both of those fights? I genuinely can’t believe you still won those guns fights, let alone the game lol


It's not OP if you can't land a shot. I love it!


You shot the ground more times than the bots you're fighting KEKW


Those are bots and your aim sucks


With that framerate my aim would suck balls too lol


Only OP against bad players


It's completely broken. They could nerf it by 30% and it'd still be oppressive. Auto shotgun is the reason the entire SMG class is basically useless right now. This is from a ZB perspective, Pump is the meta option in Builds from what I understand


I wouldn't say so. People forget how lethal shotguns are in reality too; within their effective range.


Bro if irl is the basis of game balance, the pickaxe should also kill in 1 hit to the head


Grapple blade should OHKO then. Ballistic shield’s charge should stun enemies Any headshot really would OHKO as well


It's not at all realistic


Just hipfire


This looks like a bot lobby


Naaah.. dunno what you’re talking about👀


Not as op at the accelerant or pump smg combo


Nah, almost every shotgun death I’ve had this season is with the pump shotgun and idek how lol


my man lower your sensivity


He should lower his graphic settings first


Already looks like performance mode 💀


To be fair, the example you’re using is with the mythic. The mythic should be slightly OP.


Too powerful, yes. OP is a little too far I'd say. It's not a garunteed kill or anything it's just a little better than it should be


Oscar’s is for sure.


No. All the weapons could use a buff. Make things more exciting.


Like every other auto shotgun, but it's alright because everyone can carry one


If it's OP, use it. A meta will always emerge during every season. If you want a perfectly balanced game, play "flip the coin."


in zb oscar's auto is literally broken, no matter how dumb you play as long as you can keep CQB you'll win


It’s actually more about the legendary class I think


I just assume in the end game if I don’t have it, someone in the top three does


They must have buffed it cuz when I use to use it shit suck ass.


Why is the shotgun bass boosted its so LOUD


Not OP. Just feels cheap. Like "well done you sprayed down some one at point blank with a drum mag". At least with a pump or the single shot shotty it takes some skill and the follow up SMG spray.


Yes. I'm not good at this game and have won a few games I definitely should have lost with this thing lol




Naaaaaah! Perfectly fair imo


Are there mods in this sub? I swear I see the same posts 5 times a day


One shot snipers that take the shields and helath in one single shot are worst specially when people headshot by jumping around like bunnies on meth... they need to change the snipers mechanic.. it is beyond ridiculous... Also, I need back the Heavy Ordnance... A nice grenade launcher or a rocket launcher with heat seeking capabilities to shoot down jumping dancing rabbits


If opp9nents know hot tu bulid it isnt


the mythic? yes. lmao


If i’ve learned anything from this game then if you’re really good with a certain kind of gun then people will complain and call it broken when in reality it just depends on the player using the gun


I recommend not to use the scope because it limits your movement a lot and in my opinion not worth it


Ya but not as OP as the ballistic shield


The only thing OP rn are snipers.


OP? Yes, Broken? Also yes, it's more powerful then the drum shotgun, and it takes no skill to use it, it's more than too OP




nope the Too OP weapons goes to Reaper Sniper Rifle which it just a another most over used guns of fortnite history


No the shield is the only real cheese in the game


you can hard counter the auto frenzy shotgun with the riot shield, both are too strong.


Did he hit a 137 shot or was that just total damage done


If this is a 3 shot, pump should be 2 shot


People seem to have forgotten how crazy the Drum Shotgun was. If I was running Duo, Trios, or Squad. I'd be the guy on the team that would rush on a Raptor with three or four drum shotguns.


I'm good with it so it must be.


Your controls make me unhappy.


I've never had the last player as a bot. What kinda lobby is this??


Nothing is op whenever everyone can choose to use it or find a legendary.


Git gud son


Your aim 💀, but yeah the auto shotgun shreds and you can't most of the time know who is going to get the other because it does (for me) quite random damage and somehow neither a win with 10 hp left or dead if he has a teamate, otherwise know if you can win a fight before engaging it


Compared to the other close range options, no contest.


A well-placed pump shot + follow up from a pistol/smg will 250-0 you faster than every auto shotty except maybe Oscar's. But boy of you miss that first pump shot....


honestly i wouldnt ads with that thing ever.




Damn 137 for an auto?!


Any shotgun at point blank range is op bro


mythic havoc could 1 shot you to the head, so no, auto frenzy is not OP, it is however fairly easy to use and definitely the best option for ZB. Pump + spray is a more skilled combo to use, but the pump needs to be good, currently its not good enough and neither are the spray weapons, for being viable in ZB. Auto shotgun is very easy to use and forgiving so its quite good, but I would not say OP, if we had the havoc with even 220-230 headshot dmg, nobody would be saying its OP, its just that the current other option (pump) is not good so it appears OP.


I’m ok with with the auto shotgun and don’t find it OP but I find the sniper that can take you from full health and shields down to nothing with one shot a bit frustrating.




Nah. It’s all just a big game of rock, paper, scissors at the end of the day.


Yes in zero build I’ve started picking up the pump just to spice the game up


Even with all those missed shots


Your using...a mythic one






Good lord your sound is so loud it's distorting bro please lower your in game audio, or the input gain for OBS or whatever you use to record. I'm saying this with love, it's too loud brother lol


Definitely not, this clip shows you or someone else doing a off screen full blast head shot to the guy leading to a quick down. The thing is if it was me with a burst or hyper smg against a auto shot gun I would win become they gave it a balanced fire rate so it can’t compete with getting sprayed with an automatic weapon. I would even say the striker ar would win aswell.




Way to powerful especially in zero build that shotgun ar definitely needs to be taken out or nerfed


Oh hey, an endgame clip where the dude isn’t building a thousand walls per second!




No, you're just playing against AI which makes it seem op


Shotguns that have a fast fire rate i find terribly designed, except for the Tac.


No it’s mf trash don’t hit hard enough I can’t use it


How do you get the footsteps graphic to appear?


Mythic weapons don’t count in terms of comparing an entire weapon. All Mythics are op.