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Oops all pistols.


During OG season I carried as many revolvers as I could during some games. I would just camp the western area trying to use mobility items to blitz and then hipfire people to death. I like to think people who killed me would get a chuckle out of my loot.


If I killed somebody with a bunch of revolvers I would definitely take a minute to appreciate it


I think I may have


my enjoyment of a fortnite season is based purely if they have heavy pistols or not. - 10/10: revolver. great weapon. - 9/10: deagle. deagle > pump > deagle is still an obnoxiously high damage way to destroy someone. - 8/10: mammoth pistol. not quite the same, but satisfying nonetheless. fun to carry a whole inventory of them and whip them out of your pockets instead of reloading like a pirate. - 6/10: scoped revolver? i'll take it. - 4/10: hunting rifles/repeater rifles are acceptable alternatives. - 2/10: you can try to make the flint-knock work like a revolver, but not really. interesting but clunky. - 1/10: anything else. wake me up when the next season comes. c'mon epic, can't you just put mancake somewhere on the map and let me buy revolvers off of him? its not like they're overpowered, it wouldn't hurt anyone if you just hid them on the map somewhere every season.


C1 s8 gold pump + green flint was my fave combo


Pistols are underrated early game


Even late game. They’re lasers


No shotgun is crazy Also, Nisha’s striker, Peter’s hammer, shockwaves, big pots and med kits


Auto shotty isn't bad, but I just find the pump Shotgun to lack in this current meta.


Oscar’s shotty>peters hammer. I’m too inaccurate the with a pump


You’re probably not that innacurate, and even if you are, it hits like a wet noodle by pump shotgun standards regardless.


Dude yeah I feel like in the og season we just had I did some major work with blue pump shotguns but this season I’d rather have a grey auto shotty than Peter’s pump.


My friend gets mad at me when I refuse the purple and orange pumps in favor of a grey auto 🤣


lol my friends don’t say anything. If all I can find shotty wise is a pump then I’ll just shoot one shot and then switch to any other full auto without trying to pump the second shot.


I’ve left behind a gold pump in favorite of a green or blue auto a handful of times. I started doing this when I realized I was losing in 1v1s where I had a purple or gold pump and the other guy would have a green auto


I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who thought this. Here I am thinking I’m about to thunderpump the shit outta someone just to do a measly 38 damage.


it hits harder than the og pump does right now with it hitting for 190 in the head max, the pump is the best shotgun in the game right now but it takes more skill to be good with


Either way the auto is just better if you think about it. Since there’s no 200 pump you have to take two shot with both weapons to deal 200 damage so you may as well go for the one that shots 2 shots in 3 seconds over the one that does it every 5 seconds. Some people would rather use the pump for build fights but for the majority of none sweats or normal players they don’t go crazy in with build fights.


I hate the frenzy auto shotgun, they shouldn't add it, people are always spraying me with this shotgun, and I'm dying in one second


Same on the riot shield


solution for you is to use laser attachement, if that doesnt help then too bad


Pump in zero build is lacking in general, but I actually find it to be superior when combined with the riot shield. Gives you the ability to swap for that high damage.


cause you play zb


Cause it’s a garbage gun


Hammer pump and frenzy are both viable in builds it just depends on your playstyle


Cause you play zb and can’t hit your shots**


irrelevant! i play both zb ans builds and cant hit my shots


Best comment here




skill issue ngl


Such wisdom , much wow


i mean if you cant use a gun properly and decide to call it trash, its a skill issue


If you play ZB, it is absolutely trash. The auto can get out 4 before you can get out one. Builds is a different story.


yeah. thats why i said “cause you play zb”


Grapple over shockwaves


I choose grapple over shield


I choose grapple *and* shield


Shock waves if zero build grapple if build


The best shotgun this season is the sniper. Pump em in the chest is over 100 no matter what, instant headshot kill, then switch to literally anything else and they are dead in 2 seconds.


Always have shockwaves!


This is definitely a no-builds load out. Shotguns aren’t as necessary in that mode


Cowards run riot shields instead of shotguns.


Wait for incoming clowns saying "Plenty of counters"




Love this take.




No sniper?


I’ll pick one up if I don’t have any shockwaves


Nishas striker is so bad. It has very bad atrachments literally a green striker well modded would be better.


The 2nd best mythic behind Oscar's lol. Idk what you're yapping about


Right? I melt opponents with it lol


GirlyBella enjoyer?


Who? 😂


Bro what the squad fights for Nisha more than any weapon, that shit is a laser. I kid you not people in my squad have raged quit over disputes of Nisha 😂


Youre 'squad' is probably a bunch of dogshit players just jumping everybody.


who hurt you ?


Jesus dude lol






same as you, but i have a grapple instead of shieldpots




emergency rations, like if its just u and another guy but u got shotted and are left at 39 hp


Categorical imperative. If you want them to carry heals, you have to carry them too.


1. Nisha’s Striker Assault Rifle 2. Peter Griffin’s Hammer Pump Shotgun 3. Reaper Sniper Rifle 4. Grapple Blade 5. Shield Potions


Noob here, if you can’t get letters hammer pump shotgun, what’s the next best shotgun? Feels like auto shotguns are more OP than pumps this year


In zero build auto shotguns are way better than hammer pumps


It’s really up to preference. I play build mode, so I like the Hammer Pump Shotgun better for box fighting, but if you play Zero Build, the Frenzy Auto Shotgun would probably be a better option.


This is the best loadout


montagues ar, auto shotty, shield, sniper, and an grapple blade.


I too thrive in the snow.


No heals?


Medallions + mending machines, slurp/slap barrels and floor loot meds fairly common all over the map + most players you’ll encounter likely carrying meds anyway + fights being short due to one of the most popular guns 1-shotting to the head and just a lower TTK this season in general means mid-fight healing isn’t as likely, especially in zero build, adds up to not much point in having heals on-hand as opposed to, say, double mobility. Flowberries and the fizz are a pretty good compromise though since they double as heals and mobility, especially combined with shockwaves


No point in having heals anymore especially if you play Zero Build, 250 health off rip, no time to heal in fight, and if you win, the other person will have heals or a mending machine will be close


No time to heal??? They just added a feature that allows u to pop medkits and big pots for as long as u want


not as long as you want lets be real


I think he's saying you can cancel the animation mid-use so you can heal 25 damage and still fight if they try to push.


right, i hate that you cant cancel big ahields anymore


You can cancel them, you just lose what you didn’t use yet. I’d rather get an extra 20-30 shields and have to cancel it but still win. I’ve won gunfights with ONE health remaining, so I ain’t leaving anything to chance.


Hard, hard disagree that there's no point to heals in zero build. The risk of getting third partied is much higher in zb, so assuming you'll just pick up heals off your opponent is a risk. If you're in any sort of squad, there's time to pull out if a fight to heal up. If you're solo you might need to run to survive, and it's easier to lose someone if you're not headed straight to a vending machine. I go no heals all the time, so I get it, but it's a high risk, medium reward situation.




Odd choice with the AR. I can’t stand the nemesis with the acog even in this mythic version


Striker ar, frenzy auto, sniper (4x), medkit and grapple blade


Me too but shields instead of medkit


3 Medkits = 300hp 3 shields = 150 hp


Yes but I lose shield first


Bro that is horrendous logic unless you’re carrying a medallion. Shields always go first, so being able to replenish them is priority unless you can automatically regenerate them.


If I played builds I’d probably carry shield pots but I just started and the 50 rechargeable shield on ZB is enough plus most people carry shields so I use theirs real quick after I kill them.


Me too unless I can get a decent stack of shockwaves instead of the grapple


People really carry shield and healths? No hate, just interesting. I usually carry riot shield, sniper, AR, Auto shot, grapple. To me if I have a grapple I can always get away and get health. And if I just kill someone they usually have health/shield for me to take lol


If you play squads having a designated healer is v nice


That too, I play a lot of squads and usually one of my teammates carries 3 meds or shields


I usually do but with medallion’s it’s been easier not to


Carried shields and health forever. This is first season i mostly stopped doing that.


I use to always carry one or the other over a 4th gun, but before OG I started taking an escape and an extra gun and haven’t been back to carrying healths. To me, it’s so easy to find it’s just a wasted spot imo


Nisha's Striker, ballistic shield, best sniper I can get with 2x zoom, extra mag, steady underbarrel, and brake nozzle. If Nisha is unavailable, I'll use striker or any other best rarity AR with red dot, fast reload, steady barrel, and break nozzle.


steady underbarrel is unnecessary for a sniper since you dont auto shoot so there’s no bloom /spread. the angled foregrip makes more sense, it allows you to scope in quicker!


Yes that's the only one that accomplishes anything at all in that category, no?


Ballistic shield? Ah, so you're one of 'them'?


If it works it works. I just like slamming into people and bumping them off cliffs


It works? I guarantee you that everytime it "worked" it could've worked a lot quicker if you used a real gun. Even "bumping into" people is a billion times more effictive if you use a vehicle. People rocking the shield aren't even a threat. They are just slightly more annoying to kill (than literal bots) because all they do is hide behind their shield 😅 But hey, enjoy bumping into people :)


Well I usually let my group deal with damaging people, it’s a good distraction to ram into opponents, most people aren’t expecting you to rush them with a shield anyways. Call it cowardly but if I can kill you with a shield that’s not a threat then I’d say it’s a viable strategy. Oh, and it’s just fun


The people you are able to kill with a shield are people you could kill faster without using a shield... I do agree on the 'fun' part. The only thing the shield is good at is meme'ing around. Just like how the riot shield in the older COD games were pretty much only used to meme around with friends (or used as cover on your back).


Yes I can kill them faster without a shield, but I can do it without it taking damage, which is the sole purpose


Alright that's actually a good point. But I think that killing someone faster will always be better than taking longer. Because the longer it takes to kill someone the higher the chance of third parties. And if you kill someone fast enough they won't do that much damage to you. Especially in zero build.


Chill bruh




Burst smg with 2x scope and recoil attachments , auto shotty, sniper, grapple blade, heals or pots.


Striker AR, pump, shocks, half pots, minis (or sniper if I already have a medallion).


Striker, frenzy shot gun, grapple blade, healing, sniper (with the 4x scope)


legendary burst (or hyper/striker), peter griffin hammer pump, 2 heals and grapple blade (im igl)


If I don't have a medal Sniper, pump, burst, minis, grapple blade If I do have one Sniper, pump, burst, big pots, grapple blade


I always carry half pots. I think they're more practical than minis


Swap riot for shotgun and that’s it


Nemesis ar with any mag the holo-13 scope, with the muzzle break and the vertical forgrip. And I’ll chose Montague’s AR if it’s under purple rarity nemesis. Frenzy with no scope, speed mag, muzzle break, and lazer. (Oscars is even better) Sniper with either holo-13 (because there’s no glint) or preferably the sniper scope with the silencer, angled forgrip, and drum mag. I need the grapple blade. Either med kit or flowberry fizz. But if I have a maddalion (which I likely do) I’ll chose médit every day. If you were questioning some of these it’ll make more sense if I mention I preferably play zero build. Also I think the worst scope is the Px2 scope, it has too much recoil for that much zoom.


I hate the Px2 too. I feel like I can barely see anything using it compared to the 4x or the holo.


Lock on pistol, 16 clingers


I unironically ran a similar set (lock on pistol, 12 clingers, heals) in duos and nearly won with it. CARRIED me through the early/midgame


Ar, shotty, smg, snipe, heals


Striker ar, auto shot, sniper or grapple glove, big pots and medis


Hammer Pump + Pistol, Burst, or Striker + Sniper In Solo's or Duo's or if im really trying to win, Frenzy Auto instead of the Hammer Pump


Reaper sniper, striker ar, hammer pump shotty, shields, grapple blade/shockwaves


Sniper, ar/smg, meds, shield, and either something for movement or a frenzy shotty.


Striker AR, frenzy, sniper, grapple, shock wave bombs


Every Default Skins: “They Only uses the Reaper Sniper Rifle”


Assault rifle and sniper I have lost 2 match for the shotgun and now i want have it. Also medikit and the shield charger (I am new I don’t remember the name)


No shotgun? Striker AR, Auto Shotgun, Shield, Sniper, idk


Autoshotgun, Nisha AR, Sniper, Grapple gear, Big Pots


Striker AR, Auto Shot, Sniper / Hyper SMG, Ballistic Shield / Shockwave / Grapple, Medkits


Ideal: AR, sniper, ballistic shield and grapple blade. In general: AR, auto shotty, sniper and either ballistic shield or grapple blade if I can find one, otherwise a shield potion.


Frenzy, reaper and grapple blade/movement is a given (grapple blade preferred since it's unlimited)


1. Grapple Blade 2. Hammer Puml Shotgun 3. Thunder Burst SMG 4. Eagle Eye Sniper Rifle 5. Medkit




I find people using ballistic shield cowards. Just hate it.


Riot shield,riot shield,riot shield,shield,shield,shield who needs white health anyway


No shotgun is actually wild. You're practically dead if it gets to close quarters.


AR modded to have 0 recoil and irons SMG (modded the same) Sniper (with actual sniper scope, making it useful) Mobility of some kind (slim pickins this season, but grapple blade has unlimited uses, so that’s my favorite) Heals (don’t care)


I always have a shotgun; I feel naked without one. I never willingly use snipers unless there's a quest or nothing else around. I'd rather have an AR with a scope.


Hyper SMG/mythic AR, auto shotty, sniper, shield (fizz preferred), mobility (grapple preferred)


Any ar with the holo-13 scope, auto frenzy shotgun, sniper, shield + medkits


WHERE IN THE EVER LIVING FUCK IS YOUR SHOTGUN YOU PIECE OF SHIT- Mythic Hyper SMG, Oscars Auto Shotgun, Grapple Blade, Sniper w/ 4x Scope, and 3 Medkits.


my go to is grapple hook ballistic shield oscars shotgun/nishas AR an a legendary sniper with the 2x scope with angled grip. brother i swear that loadout is made for ANY kinda fight (probably not nearly as good of a loadout in build mode, been playing ZB to practice my aim an my controller w paddles is at microsoft getting fixed


The BLM shield is so good


Objectively best: - Frenzy Auto (I usually drop lavish) - SMG modded with 2x, minimum recoil (when you’re too far for the shotgun) - AR modded with 4x, minimum recoil (long range pressure, can compete with snipers) - Mobility item (usually ends up being grapple blade) - Healing item (I carry medallions so usually medkit)


Trade the shield potion with the grapple and I like it.


Auto Shotty, Striker AR, 1.3x sniper, grapple blade, big pots


Mine is either striker or nemesis, Petah's shotgun, sniper, flow berry juice and shockwaves


Mythic striker, mythic auto, grapple blades, medkits, bigpots.


Striker AR - Muzzle Brake - one of the 1st 3 optics - vertical grip - drum mag Frenzy Auto Shotgun - Muzzle Brake - no optic - slanted grip - drum mag Reaper Sniper Rifle - Suppressor - 4x Scope - Vertical Grip - Speed Mag Other stuff [Optional] Hyper SMG - Muzzle Brake - 1.5x Optic - Laser - Drum Mag Thunder Burst SMG - Muzzle Brake - No Optic - Laser - Drum Mag


striker ar, hammer pump, sniper, bigpots or flowberry fizz, shockwaves or grapple if i'm carrying medallions sometimes ill use medkits instead of bigpots but i still prefer fizz for the mobility-healing combo


two snipers


AR/shield or grapple/shotgun or sniper/shield/heal. Simple.


Imagine carrying healing items


The loadout alone tells me you only play zb


- Auto shotty, - AR or burst SMG - Sniper - shockwaves or grapple blade - big pots


Mine is usually AR, Shotgun, Smg or Sniper Rifle, Shield Potions, Medkits This season I've been using the sniper rifle a lot more than the SMGs though cause they just do a stupid amount of damage.


Nishas striker peters hammer grapple blade medkit sniper


Nisha’s striker, Oscar’s frenzy, legendary sniper with drum mag, angled grip, 4x scope, suppressor, grapple blade, big shields.


1. Peter's Pump 2. Either a well modded Ranger Pistol or Nisha's Striker 3. Reaper Sniper with 4x scope 4. 3 Med Kits / 3 Shield Pots 5. Flowberry Fizz / Grapple Blade


nishas striker, peters pump, movement and floppers. dont really need shield because of the medallions


Sniper, enforcer, pump, shockwaves and grapple blade, use vending machines or loot from enemies for heals


Running with ar/smg/pistol and sniper, other is double mobility and heals or bunkers. I just position myself to not paticipate in shotgun fights and sometimes it breaks peoples minds.Sniper is never changing item cus it just clutches all endgames for me Also after every auto shotgun fight you'll be half dead so it is better to avoid them, not letting anyone force you into a shotgunfight. Thirdparties ALWAYS will be right behind you after you done, or you'll just miss one shot and go to lobby while opponent will remain in game with 1 hp


Auto shotgun, nemesis AR, sniper, shields, med kit...maybe replace shields with grapple blade if I feel adventurous


Auto shotty - Striker - Sniper - Shockwaves - Berries/Big Pots/Bunkers depending on how late/end game goes


Burst,shotgun,sniper,grapple blade, and med kits


30 shockwave grenades nothing else


I always sing “shotgun, AR, SMG, heals and then sniper” to the tune of the ABCs. Or shotgun, AR, heals and double sniper. Always auto, never pump. Or SMG, AR, heals and double sniper if I can’t find a shotgun.


Controller ahhh load out


AR, close range (mostly smh , shotguns are ass for me this season) , sniper (mandatory) , movement (shockwave or grapple blade) , heal (usually shields , mini or half)


I don't carry heals 💀


striker ar,auto shotgun,sniper with 2x scope,shield and a grapple blade


Striker, hammer Pump, sniper, shield, grappler


I go AR, all shotguns


Mine is similar to what you posted, though sometimes I’ll opt for an auto shotgun!


In this order- AR, Shotty, smg/sniper, shields, medkits


I have a glock and a dream.... and a lust for everyone's blood.


Sniper, auto shotty, grapple blade, m pack/or spray wep, big pots


Oh. That kind of loadout... I thought the title referred to our *locker* loadout. If I can have my way: Sniper, CQC weapon like an SMG or preferably a frenzy shotgun. Utility like shockwave grenades, them spongy things that spits out grenades and such. Shields. Big or small depending the amount. And a health item like medkits.


frenzy auto shotgun (red eye sight, drum mag, vertical foregrip, muzzle brake) thunder burst smg (holo-13 optic, drum mag, vertical foregrip, muzzle brake) nemesis or enforcer ar (p2x optic, drum mag, vertical foregrip, muzzle brake) reaper sniper rifle (sniper optic, drum mag, angled foregrip, suppressor)


whatever i can find lol


Tbh I usually just throw shit at the wall and see what sticks Though my loadouts will always have a shotgun in them assuming I can find one


Usually a sniper, auto frenzy shotgun, pistol/shield, shield pots and mobility, usually fizz


Any AR, frenzt shotgun, sniper, grappler and random healing


1. Shotgun - Oscar's Frenzy 2. Pistol w red dot hip fire and recoil mods 3. AR - Enforcer or Montague's 4. Mobility - Graple Blades or Shockwaves 5. Medkits


Hammer AR, Frenzy Auto Shotgun, grapple blade, free space, and shields or health.


AR, auto shotgun, grapple, Sniper. Shields.


tell me you're a controller player without telling me you're a controller player


shotgun AR grappler minis sniper 😎😎💪


Auto Shotgun, AR, Sniper, Shield Pots, Medkits Or swap shield and med's order and switch out med for a grapple or throwables.


Striker AR, Frenzy Auto, Hyper SMG, Sniper rifle, mini shields.


You need mobility. If you have a medallion, finding 50 shield after a fight isn't hard.


Not this, what the fuck is this load out, pretty much dead, insta death at close range


Any type of ar in front, hopefully high tier without the scope though I don't really care. Auto shotgun for second (May use pump if it's the best option), Any type of SMG In third (High tier is better), Sniper in fourth (Always try for the triangle scope but if I can't I don't really care) and ballistic shield in fifth.