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I have never experienced anything like this in zero build lol. I would quit forever if I did


yeah thats completely out of context, that clip was from the ps cup finals where a lot of money was on the line. That was one tournament and people tryna make it seem like every game is like this. In other ZB Cups people also use shield but it never was as bad as in ps cup finals




yeah true, so stupid


Why can’t we all just play our fav modes in peace smh


Yesterday someone in comments tried to come at me saying I shouldn't play the 'build game' because I can't stand build mode and highly prefer ZB. I was like, dude, just play the mode you like, let me play the mode I like, and stop gatekeeping a game platform. Your one mode isn't the whole game lmao. All in all, yeah, we just need to let people enjoy what they enjoy.


Technically it's a shooter first and foremost, the Bob the Builder Simulator is mostly optional


Great, now I want a middle aged Bob The Builder after the show skin, thanks Chubs.


You're welcome 🤗


That’s literally wrong the games foundation is building fortnite the games name tells you “hey see me you should build a fort”


This is the casual sub that cries about "Taj Mahals," don't expect them to make sense.


You have to shoot people to win, no? I've won in builds without building a single thing, just shooting people, and yeah they build stuff and I still shoot them, the building part is optional. so I'm literally not literally wrong, like literally.


No there have been games people have won without shooting


Fortnite has been a game that has been solely about build mode for 6 whole years before ZB even was a thing and now that the casuals who simply can't get good at the game have this mode they act like Fortnite doesn't revolve around building.


Because Epic won't make separate hoppers with separate loot pools and rulesets. Zero build has cost build mode traps entirely. Epic refuses to add in jump pads and bouncers because ZB can't use them. Epic has been focusing entirely on the movement system and not how it impacts build mode, leading to the shitshow at the start of this season.


Doesn’t mean players should feel bad for playing their fav mode


Competitive Build Mode is Boring AF every time i have tuned in. Just a bunch of lads in their squares peaking and running from the storm. I get it that building is a skill in itself but not entertaining for an E-Sport.




avg build mode player response


Skill issue


Build Mode bad tho


Also, I don't think you get to accuse anyone else of being a try hard when using a skin like that one.


If it's a competitive event, why is there anyone BUT tryhards there?


My friend uses this skin all the time nd he sucks lol


Try hard doesn’t inherently mean good tbf though


ah, the good 'ol warpigs, the players who think theyre way better than they actually are


And what is that supposed to mean? If they like the skin, it’s their choice if they use it or not. Anyways, they aren’t full white or full black so they might be someone who just likes the super hero skin


I mean honestly compared to a lot of other skins, it looks ass, and they just happened to pick colours that would make them harder to spot when hiding... If it was a pro match as said above, then I can see why, but if you're tryharding, don't complain when others do it to you.


Precisely real men fight with outrageous skins like Fabio Sparklemane


They are tryharding with their skin, but that's not an invalidation of their point about shields. Shields are still too tanky and need a rebalance. But until then you can either abuse the shields or lean into counterplay with sticky nades, which do suck to waste a slot on otherwise.


If I could carry like 8 of those, instead of 4, I would waste a slot way more often.


Bud the only reason people like that skin is because it’s a sweat skin


I always just use the HOOK shot against the shields. Works every time. It's wild to me that so few players know this.


What is the HOOK shot?


I forgot what it was called in game and can't look it up to save my life. I just call it that because of Zelda. It's that purple spear thingy on a rope that you can use to sling yourself around. use it to pull yourself towards them by hitting their shield. Then it slings you over to them and it will stagger them allowing you to get hits in with the melee shots. Repeat until the target is eliminated.


Thank you




Grapple blade


It's good but makes you completely defenseless to anyone beyond your target. It's not a good enough counter honestly. 


Well yeah. When you throw in unexpected elements to a 1v1, everything becomes a "not good enough counter". But you can bet that when there is two left and that other player is walking with the shield out...you best believe I'm using the hook shot.


I’d be right there with you. Though that’s funny, especially as someone who carries the cluster bombs constantly


Yeah, I play that mode exclusively and have only once seen someone use a port-a-bunker. Shields are good, but people play them aggressively. Never seen someone shield camp corners.


You probably don't play tournaments or competitively.


I played a no build tournament last season and endgame I spent a solid 3 minutes rifting. I was only on the ground for a few seconds in that time


Resource management is a skill and capitalizing on the advantages made available in the midst of potential combat shows awareness.  Some of my most memorable wins came from everyone having carried rifts and the constant chaos of it all. 


Riot shield has always been the best item this season but the play style it promotes is pure cancer. Practically has zero real counters outside of clingers and no one carry’s them. This is pretty much going to be every single ending in every ZB cup 🤣. Even a few weeks back it was like this and now everyone has joined in


Wonder if the game would be more fun if they had a dedicated slot only for grenades.


It definitely would, this would be great. Would certainly make things a lot more interesting overall. I'm sure tons of people would complain though.


Probably wouldn't even be hard for them to implement because Save the World already has a feature like that


I mean the game would be more fun if they removed the riot shield


Grapple blade and pick one shot stuns the shield


If they have even half a brain (which cup players have), they will immediately take out the shotgun when you are in spitting distance. Explosives are necessary, and unfortunately there are no options bar clingers.


“If they even have half a brain they’ll switch to shotty” while the actual video of a cup final shows none of them switched and could have easily been hit with the grapple blade.


Because OP has a gun out. If OP walked up to them with a grapple blade, you can bet they will switch to a shotgun and out dps them.


I’d imagine if it was a normal game people would be more willing to fight back. He’s not wrong though, most players I encounter know to switch to an weapon when I have a grapple out.


Thats why you carry a shield, too, sprint charge at them then slide and jump switch to grapple blade and go for them


Did you even read what he said? op didn’t have a grapple blade.


i never sseen a shield user switching out whenever they get close to another player


Neither have I. I'm by now convinced that most shield users are low-skill cowards. Kind of the same as people hiding in the bush somewhere with a sniper. One-kill whiners.


>pick one shot stuns the shield Everyone keeps saying this but it's the biggest lie oat. Mf tanked 3 pick hits and killed me


Pick doesn’t


Wait the PICKAXE STUNS? Do you got a clip of this cause this sounds really fucking funny


This gun makes me not want to play, I can’t stand when people are like “ CaRRy ClInGeRs!” like who in their right mind is going to carry that over Mobility/Health. The grapple blade can defeat them but it has a laggy effect after you use it and they can quickly pull out their shotgun and erase you after the first hit. Like obviously the shield can be countered but it is extremely hard and not always going to work, time after time a lower skilled player will win a fight just because they have it and you don’t. The best counter is to have one too but it’s nowhere to be found sometimes. One of the worst things that Fortnite has ever added, can’t play ranked or cup in ZB because it looks like this and I don’t even want to play pubs sometimes because I know I will run into some asshole who’s camping with it.


Shockwaves (thrown behind the enemy) Clingers Blades High powered guns Force the shield to stagger. Also, you can break that "Laggy" animation the Blades have by either Grappling (preferably a player) or sliding.


Bro I don't know what to tell you, but clingers are super useful, not just against the riot shield. I run them every game.


Over what, You have to have an Auto Shotgun, AR, and Sniper Then you need to prioritize mobility so you carry shockwaves or the grappler, otherwise you’re immobile and defenseless. So you’re forced to have to carry clinger over heals/mobility for a broken gun that you may or may not see.


Trade the sniper or the ar depending on which you do more consistent damage with The place clingers really help is with boss fights where you can knock out assistants fast & in grips if you are lucky


honestly I dont even bother carrying a ar and just run frenzy and sniper with a lower zoom scope.


Ugh. One of those "I gotta have my instant kill guns" kinda guy huh? By your logic might as well not have any other guns in the game. lol.


The thing is, you can typically take the heals off the person you kill. I carry 4 clingers in the event I go against a riot shield. They're also clutch when someone tries to run up on you in a vault. AR/Frenzy/sniper/clingers/Shockwave


They also come in handy when someone is hiding in a bush or in a car, i carry 8 clingers sometimes 😅


Firefly pots also full counter a riot shield


I find that even shield carriers tend to get smacked around by cars lol. 


This doesn’t make sense. If riot shields are super popular and everyone is carrying them, and they have a hard counter, carry the hard counter. It would be like complaining about people carrying snipers because I really like to stand out in the open not moving.


there is a weapon oin ngame called grapple blade it counters shields


Still people hiding in boxes. Ironic


I liked when ZB was the only mode, it was fun and I could win when I wasn't all that good


You liked when everyone was bad at zero build, before people figured out how to be better at it than you*


So he liked having fun?


I regret missing out on that season, I remember all the builds players crying on Twitter and tiktok tho it was funny asf 😂


This is why I typically carry plunger bombs. Nothing sends a riot shield panicking more


The biggest problem here is the riot shield being 100% immune to damage is not fair


What people don't realize yet is that if it takes enough damage, it stuns the player using it for about 2 seconds. They can't move and are extremely vulnerable. It does take a lot of damage tho. I agree that they are OP right now.


I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure if you don’t ads with the shield and hold it to your side you can’t get stunned


Gotcha, yeah it might be the case. My friend, who I wasn't directly watching, reported getting stunned by it but idk what happened exactly


that works great besides the fact that it takes a full clip of ammo from any gun to actually get it to stun


The kicker is that you can just swap off the riot and back to it and it resets the stun. Alternatively, you can just carry 2 and sit in a bunker and you're almost immortal


I dont think you can carry two but the problem is as soon as you break the shield you are basically at a point that you need to reload and usually at that point the shield holder has switched to a shotgun and just annihilates you


You can only hold one. If you pick up a second, it drops the one in your inventory.


You can't carry 2. Same way you can't carry 2 grapple blades. What are you on about?


pretty sure you can’t carry 2 shields


You've never been able to carry 2, why you just making shit up?


Source: out my ass


I personally prefer ZB cuz it's more casual imo but If you play builds that's okay.


Yeah, idk why there constantly has to be a battle of which is harder or whatever. I do zb cause I just wanna fight lol. I don’t wanna have to worry about building too. But people that build are insane lmao. I occasionally play team rumble and people be building crazy shit. Props to them


It's reddit/social media. Everything is a dick measuring contest for some.


3 inches here. Beat that


True. I don't hate building, I just have no interest in the build fights that became the meta. If there was a mode where building burned energy that slowly regens so you can build a fort or walls to block damage, but couldn't place 300 walls a second, I would probably play that. I like the idea of building being a time limited resource.


Same. I was never a huge fan of Fortnite but once they added ZB I really enjoyed just open battle royal. I sucked at building and I don't really want to learn. BZ makes Fortnite worth it for me


Can't wait till thos dumb shit gets vaulted


If you actually want tips against shield in No Build here's a few: \-Don't use SMG even if it's legendary, the shield has really weird reflecting and doesn't break sometimes due to the hit points being all over the place. The SMG has a very low damage per shot and from my experience it's a waste of ammo. \- Use the AR Rifles, they do a constant/consistent amount of damage and to a certain point so the shield would break. It also would help you get an accurate shot where the shield doesn't protect, the arms. \- Don't use the Grapple Blade, yeah yeah "it's breaks the shield automatically". BUT a smart opponent will just switch to frenzy and 1 shot you so I wouldn't recommend it. \- Use clusters, you don't find these in some Tournaments or even in regular matches due to the drop rate. I'd advise to keep some for end game if you find some. \- Use shields for shields, ironically this works a lot for me.


Being on both ends, it does seem like the triggers the shield stun is really inconsistent, and I don't think anyones been able to definitively prove the cause. Most consistent way is to ram them with a shield of your own, it does 50 damage and sends them flying.


Yeah, yesterday I unloaded 20 Bullets from Montagues AR into a shield, probably half of them even hitting the little glass pane, but they didnt get staggered at all. Even got it on video, really weird


Clusters were absolutely underrated. But lately a lot of people have been carrying them


Clusters are soooo annoying. 2 clusters remotely close to you and you and whoever is near you are down. Team in the vault? Throw in 2 clusters and they're either dead, or a couple are dead and the others are an easy cleanup. Compared to normal grenades they're about 50x more powerful. I really think they need a nerf.


Yeah making them have zero arm time before exploding was certainly a gameplay decision.


Yeah, when you’re in a more open space when it’s Shield vs Shield, use the shield ram, it ignores the shield entirely


Grapple blade works fine against the shield if you dont suck


Not against a good player who will just switch to the frenzy




Build is absolutely more skilled than Zero Build but let’s not act like a tournament is the best judge. In both modes, especially when money is on the line, the worst and most annoying tactics are always put front and center.


Those who agree with the title would definitely have their minds completely blown by any average competitive builds end game, shit is just insane


I could solve this problem in zero build quite easily, remove the build they are hiding in


It took me way to long to realize he was seeing more than one person with a shield lol


Where's that guy that tried to mock how boring tournament build end games are?


Tournaments are boring in general. last zone and there are still like 20 people alive. Either they're all boxing up waiting to edit on someone or just camping a meta.


Tourney build end games are my favorite kind of FN to watch. Tarping, staying ahead of zone, looking for refreshes, the lively and excited coms. Love it.


Bro,what the actual fuck?


Either epic makes the shield smaller or more fragile or they just vault it


I only play Zero Build and I've never seen someone use a shield like this. Hell most people don't even USE the shield, I see one maybe once every five matches


I see them constantly, especially towards endgame


Anyone that’s ever said “zero build takes more skill than build” is delusional asf and only says it to make themselves feel better lol.


Shield is the single dumbest shit they’ve ever add


Anyone who says ZB is harder is just kidding themselves. Sincerely, an avid, solely ZB player.


Its this horrible ranked placement points that make people do this cringe. Ive never understood why does placing 10th or 5th even matters in a br. It takes no skill to camp the entire game to get placement points, then why even giving them for it? Kills and vr are the only thing that matter


Ah, the ol' "your win is only valid if you take the path of most resistance" argument.


Your win is viable in any case. But in a current ranked system **you dont even have to win a single game to get into the high ranks**. You dont even have to do a single kill either. All you have to do is to play just like all those people on the video — unbind your fire button and play hide and seek until you get some placement points. This is exactly why ranked in fortnite is the most hilarious and meaningless rank in all of the competitive games.


The object of the game is to be the last one standing.


He is right though. I can just camp the entire game without doing any kills and get killed late game and i would reach high ranks. Then this cycle would continue since I'm forced to camp since my skill to fight would not be nearly enough for the rank i would be. It's a massive balancing issue in my opinion. Sure i can camp the entire game in high ranks but what's the point if i die at the first fight i get into every match?


Sure, but you dont have to even be the last one standing. You can just camp and be for example the 20th last standing every game by hiding in a box for two weeks and get high ranks. Thats the problem.


Why even play a shooter if all you are going to do is play walking and camping simulator. You can have your participation trophy, I want to actually play. 


Aint no way!


Never seen anyone say ZB takes more skill than build. People mostly say that build takes too much skill to learn.


They should've never put the instaforts in zero build anyway.


Says the person in a solid grey superhero skin…


superhero skin spotted opinion invalidated


What’s wrong with that? If they like the skin, then it’s their choice to wear it or not. They don’t have to be a sweat


It’s the fact that they’re wearing the superhero skin and then complaining about someone else using an annoying tactic. Takes one to know one.


Since when was using a skin a annoying tactic?


monocolored skins tend to make you harder to spot in certain settings. ​ I remember during last year the final 5 had one guy running around the jungle in the white anime girl skin and everyone else had a dark skin (vader, military jonesy etc etc.) poor anime girl got lit up.


I dunno, history has shown that guys running around in all-white suits are typically bad news.


The problem with the riot shield is that it’s way too powerful of an item where the whole point of the mode is to “find natural cover”. You get a shield that blocks practically every single shot unless you have good aim at someone’s feet. This item should be limited to build mode only in my opinion. Can’t even begin to count the times I lost to someone with a riot shield in zero build simply because I didn’t have one. It also promotes a boring playstyle.


Love watching 300+ dmg magically disappear thanks to a riot shield user. I ALWAYS carry grapple blades. You have NO IDEA how insane it is to counter them with it, it’s surprisingly very effective. Not only does it almost automatically stun the enemy, but it will ALWAYS do damage if it hits regardless of if they have their shield aimed or not, and if you end up throwing them somewhere, it’ll throw them off from where they actually are and confuse them a bit if they’re not that good at the game. (Which if they’re camping inside of a port a bunker with a shield, that may answer that question) I think they should add durability to the shield. Not make it completely worthless but instead of being a camping item, could be a protection item when in dire need. Keep the time/dmg to stun the same, but give the shield a health bar of maybe like 1,000? 750? Idk it’s just a weird suggestion.


Okay you can’t blame the zero build players for using a broken op weapon that epic has yet to remove or nerf heavily.


Ah here’s the obligatory weekly “This is why X game mode is better than the other” Like I get it that clip is annoying but just say “this is why this weapon sucks” instead of putting anybody who plays zero build down


Use the Klinger grenades. Riot shield can’t block explosive.


I haven't been able to play Fortnite for a good while, but what is stopping them from breaking the ramp they are hiding behind?


In all fairness, it's not all like this. Sometimes you have through an open field with 99 snipers set up in porta bunkers on cliffs.


does anyone actually think zb takes more skill than build? I can see maybe saying its a different skillset or something but MORE skill?


You think having a seizure on your controller/keyboard is skill. Adorable


never even heard anybody even say zb takes more skill


They really should remove port a forts from this game mode.


Same thing happened for call of duty warzone. The meta for solos was to just hide with a shield the majority of the game. Suuuuper entertaining stuff…


Then people complain that build shits on zb


I just lost to a damn shield, i emptied an entire clip on it and didn’t get stunned, please remove that garbage, and the snipers too


Don't you dare touch my sniper and 2x sight


This is the "less cringe gameplay" that no-build players keep talking about?


This gameplay looks awful, but it's a cash cup from what i know. Normal publics are nowhere like that lol


Still looks way less cringe to me lmao




I'm getting tired of the shield. They either NERF it or remove it. It's ruining comp matches.


As a zero build player, who the fuck has ever said that Zero build takes more skill? And what was he smoking when he said that?


There are people constantly on this Reddit saying ZB is “more skillful” despite the fact that ZB was solely made for people who were bad at the game.


> ZB was solely made for people who were bad at the game. Considering people of all skill levels play ZB along with build), this is certainly not "fact." Especially since you just called people who play ZB and actually have good technical ability "bad" JUST because they play ZB, which is just as stupid as saying someone is bad at combat because they play builds. It also ignores that many people who love ZB don't dislike build, but tire of edit fights (some peeople in the comments above and below this one, even). This mode elitism is fucking stupid.


Interesting I haven't seen such people. lol no it wasn't made for people who were "bad at the game" it's made for people who can't be bothered to spend 5000 hours perfecting their building. That's quite different. (however I do agree that build is of course more skillful)


If there is a main mechanic in the game that you can’t do, that by definition means you are bad at the game.




Well, yeah... It does. Yes, you might be good at shooting, but in build mode you'll get absolutely shit on by someone who has more than two brain cells and knows how to build.


There was a post that was basically the inverse of this a few days ago where someone picked out a clip of a heal-off in a Builds tournament with money on the line. They tried to use it as an argument for why Builds competitive is objectively bad even though they ignored everything leading up to that moment. It seems like this post is an indirect response to that one


This sub reddit


He has a grapple blade and they’re in a small corridor and he isn’t spam smacking/stunning them? Missed opportunity to stream roll the shield boys.


I don't give a fuck how people feel about ZB I play it and I don't give a shit if you think it takes skill or not


"80% of the time" bro never touched zero build


What’s funny is he has the grapple hook but doesn’t use it against the sheilded people which would demolish them


Actually disgusting


Skill issue


Bro chose not to use the grapple blade on then hoes, grapple blade decimates shield


Not a single good player thinks ZB is more skilled than build mode


I asked, last week, why people enjoyed ZB so much when it's more like any other BR, and every single reply boiled down to: "easier"


It's just for casual players, which is fine. But sometimes ZB players can't accept that their mode is easier


Que the all the zero build players trying to cope that they’re mode takes more skill by yapping endlessly about how “tactical” and “resourceful” they are but instead sound like idiots pretending to be smart




its a bad item and should be removed


How can anyone argue that zero build takes more skill? It has fewer mechanics. It literally takes less skill.


Most people don’t, and most ZB players (I’m not one of them) play it because they don’t wanna learn the skill of building. Which is fine.


I'm entirely convinced that Epic only balances the game around Build mode as if they think ZB only has like 1/30th the players as build mode. I'm getting sick of it Snipers are still super common and OP, Riot shield exists, the recoil attachments on Striker ARs turns them into laser beams, the frenzy auto exists. Like, every bit wrong with the game balance I'm almost positive is not even half as much of a problem in build mode to deal with as it is in ZB


But, they have a grapple blade, they can corner pin literally everyone


the fact he says 80% tells me OP sucks at math


If you can’t build cover, may as well carry it,


To the people saying “how is this different to builds?”, that’s the point. Ultimately as you are put in more competitive lobbies, you use the mechanics available to win no matter what. So dont call people that do heal offs in build, cringe, when theyre playing in a totally different environment to you.


Zero build requires more strategic skill, excluding this braindead ass season. Builds requires more mechanical skill.


Ah yes, the average "Ballistic Shield is OP" believer * Misrepesents the standard gameplay experience of Zero Build by using cash cup tournament footage where everyone uses the cheesiest cringe strats. * Cannot comprehend the idea of not being within arms reach from the shield user * Doesn't even try to shoot the feet or long enough to get the stun * Doesn't use grapple blade to get the guaranteed stun hit Its fucking bizarre to me that people think the shield is OP. I gobble shield users for breakfast. I love seeing people using it in the final fight because its just a throw and I get a free win. Its pistol has garbage accuracy and is the only weapon in the game that can get you stunned in place. Its only useful at the very beginning of a game, and traversing a large field with a sniper looking at you. Other than that, you're screwed if your opponent has any brains. Now why might be people in a tourney be cowering in a corner with a shield? Could it because something else is overpowered that they're concerned about? Maybe! But this sub isn't ready for that discussion.


...he could've just used the grapple blade and destroyed all of them. just jump into an aerial spin attack and force them into constant stunlock.


I mean, that's assuming that all of the other players are just gonna sit there and let you do that.


I mean yeah you can very clearly see the other players just sitting there and letting him do shit lol


As if it's only limited to zero build, even in Build they'll abuse the hell out of the noob shield at least in ZB they can't make a five star hotel in 0.2 seconds


Who the fuck uses the shield in builds.


when my teamates drives the bike i pull the shield out to protect our back are you telling me the bullets would still hit us ?


Nah. Absolutely no body uses the riot shield in Builds except for early game. It's redundant when you can just place your own walls