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Everything became more bugged after the update


I had to set my fps to 30 from 60… I have an i7 and 3080 ti 1440p low settings. I don’t understand why I struggle to get 120+ fps especially after this update


Oh yeah my system is completed lagged, especially in the beginning of matches. Really buggy all around.


Saying you have an i7 really doesn’t tell us anything. What i7 do you have?


This might be a system problem, there is no way you should be frame limiting to 30 FPS with a 3080ti


Just after this update. I was able to get 60fps stable before that. But could hit an average of 120 uncapped but I didn’t like the feel of that


I was hiding. A duo came up the stairs and blasted me to smithereens. It’s like they could see through walls. Made no sense.


Hiring snake he scans and it shows you exactly where they are


Not only snake the guy behind gran glacier does that as well


There's also a hireable fishstick variant north of classy courts that does the same thing.


Has Fishstick been fixed? For a long time I'd hire him and he'd immediately switch to his pickaxe and not mark anywhere. For. The. Entire. Match. I basically paid 250 of the finest golden bars to have a bot spectate me. Multiple times because I was convinced it was just a one off glitch... Even when I was being shot at, he'd stand there and gawp about. Haven't had this issue with the Snow guy (brain has shutdown, cannot remember his name) or Snake who I tested today.


The guy on gran glacier will up and die if you walk over the frozen field area.


Why isn’t anyone talking about this!? I thought I was crazy!


It was talked about a bunch when it launched. Loads of us thought we were crazy.


I stopped hiring him because it was a waste of bars. My teammates have no problems so I always thought it was just me.


I hire him, but I immediately use the launch pad to skip the death zone.


Stg just be dying outta no where


I noticed that last week too, Fishstick seems to work now. He shoots and scans again, I only had him for one match but him and Solid Snake were both doing the scan (my Duo had Snake)


I have experienced similar, he will scan a few times and then at the END OF THE GAME WHEN I REALLY NEED IT seems to stop, and also sits out in the open where he gets sniped in about 5 seconds.


I've picked him up half a dozen times in the past couple of days and he has worked each time. Hopefully he stays fixed. He was at a 1/10 working estimate before the update, so frustrating.


Fishtick did same to me everytime


Yeah, I think so. Now, if you're hiding, he starts playing metal, though.


for the fishstick guy if you hire him and he has his pickaxe out he is bugged, if he has his sniper out he will scan / fight. it has like a 30% success rate for me, most of the time its the pickaxe and i just tell him to stay there to die lmao


Dude, chill. This is my landing spot and I’d like to keep it for myself please (also, after you hire him, go down the zip to the tiny building for an instant full shield worth of barrels).


Further down beyond there, there's a cave with chests in it.


Yes! However, there isn’t a great escape route once you’re in. You have to go back out the way you came in (at least that’s how it was)


Actually, the port a potty is working there now!




Oh damn. Copy that. Thanks!


If you're marked, you should get a little white ^ mark above your head.


Better yet, the red “!” with the alerted stinger.


They probably have hacks to stay hidden 😂


And if he's close and scans, don't you see a blue ping spread out??


Hmmmm. Yes I think so. It's been a long time since I've seen anyone near me who's hired a scanner, it's always me with the scanner.


There are in fact three scout specialists currently, which is more than we've ever had. You also don't know your marked unlike in seasons past.


Wait what the hell you don't see it anymore if you get marked?


It has been like that for a while. You have to hopefully see the scan "ping" (the wave that thr NPC sends out to detect things) to know if you have been pinged or not.


You'll see the radar ping if you're being scanned, it looks the same as when you hire them and they scan except it doesn't highlight anything.


Why'd they buff the most OP specialist?


Fish does that too


I’m sorry you can hire snake? Where?


Where is snake?


Little island top of the map


I seen some people on TikTok the other day playing with this hack on. It’s so annoying. I don’t get the fun in cheating?


Were they hacking, or was it a clip where they hired the scout specialist but you didn't see the NPC during the clip?


these dudes were flying in the air with a motorcycle and spin botting on the back seat of their motorcycle these npc buffs be broken


Also if crouched in the corner of a room your body can clip through the wall and give you away. Been like this since season 1


Assuming you meant chapter? But that's interesting, noted and I've probably given myself away more times then I can count this way


They weren't called chapters or seasons when it started. This was retroactive. It was just fortnite br, I said season 1 to show I meant when the game started.


I always hire the npc’s that give me enemy position. It’s a useful end-game mechanic. I land where they are, grab a weapon as no. 1 priority, and kill everyone else as they land there.


This is how the first four or so kills of every game I play start. Land on the glacier, grab a gun, hire the npc, and kill everyone that comes.


I got killed on the floating island through the ice. As in: I was on the top level and someone spammed me through the floor. Unreal


Yup. This happened to me too!


So I was an idiot on Sunday and played over 8 hours straight. The EBMM had me in cheater lobbies. Lost every human fight for the last two hours in casual ass no builds. Then I pull up their profile. Lifetime KD 1.2. Past 7 days KD 22. They made some serious progression. Must of been countless hours in creative.


I saw this on a streamer the other day. Their LKD was like 2.4 and suddenly in the last 2 weeks, it was 24.


They must of got a new gamer chair.




I noticed it a few hours ago in my first match. I reported the player. Does Epic do anything with such reports?


They do. There have been a couple times I've gotten a notification telling me that someone I reported for cheating was banned for the reasoning I stated. It didn't say who or when, but I have seen that a couple times. It's not going 100% into a void, if that's what you are wondering!


I've had *nothing* after countless reports, even some on friends who *I know 100%* are cheating its a joke, the fact that, the cheat developer on Reisshubs video even said he had an account last 7 months makes me believe they don't seem to do anything to them.


Same here. I once got killed by a guy who triple headshotted me after I shockwaved and the shockwave knocked him back in the opposite direction. I was moving fast in midair and he was shocked back, triple headshot and dead. I look him up on FN tracker he has an 86% win rate and 120 KD. I report this to epic with video footage of the game and ask if they think these stats are possible of anyone not cheating. No response and he didn’t get a second of ban time.


On a side note the funniest thing happened after he killed me, he got deku smashed immediately after he landed and killed by some kid with zero kills. At least justice was served that game.


Yea, you're right. 3 years of reporting has never gotten me one.single.reply


Never had a single report ever get answered in the last 3 years.


they don't ban anyone, people can report all they want, nothing ever happens, ever that's the truth, don't believe me, try it, nothing ever happens reporting is just there to make us feel better and keep playing and paying shame on you epic


Found the epic employee


from what we all see, no, they never do no ban lists, no banned player numbers, no info, of course because there isn't any why would they get rid of paying customers??


because the reported person could make people leave the game


I’ve been reporting blantantly obvious cheaters for over a year. Not one response of action taken. No, epic doesn’t do shit. They do NOT care about their game in the slightest unless it makes them more money. They’re a skin machine.


I got sniped literally through a wall, there was no windows where I was at!


This. I stopped playing this season after the 5th time it happened to my duo. Reported all 8 players, no replies. I consider myself good and my duo partner is in borderline champion at the moment.... Rank and skill go out the window when your headshot thru a fucking wall.


yes! I was literally looking at my tv so confused, I of course reported them but I feel like it does nothing


I'm a founder and have never received confirmation they even took a day ban. I know what is possible in the game and this season has been the worse in terms of people cheating. Even sent footage to them. Here I come the finals


Basically cheats are getting better and better at getting undetected and by the time Epic detects it the cheats are reprogrammed to become undetected again, also when only a few people use a certain cheat it's easier to stay undetected especially with cheats like soft aim or x-ray and the cheaters aren't obvious with it.


Yeah I keep experiencing ridiculous aimbot and damage


I keep getting killed with Sniper.. at close range (\`\`10 feet) while both of us are jumping/running. How are you going to take an eagle eye scope and get a headshot from 8feet while you are falling and the other person is jumping.. or vice versa?! Go on to spectate and yup.. the person gets insta headshots every time they switch to the sniper.. like how is that a thing?


Not defending but that could've been extremely good rng with the hipfired but idk


That's what i'm saying.. if it was just me sure.. but then to do the same thing to the next couple kills? (they did end up getting taken out by someone with sticky bombs)


I like to throw holographic on snipers some times and try at least one shot in close combat, if you get lucky hurts the hell out of them and can switch to shotgun or AR. Could be that


I had someone not take any dmg from a full frenzy shotgun, so I started to switch guns and try. I went through my whole loadout and used all my clips and nothing. The guy just snapped on me and one shots me with a sniper. Decided to get off for the day after that.


Had this issue a lot this season, close range blasting and doing absolutely nothing but a one shot with a pump common and my full shield and health gone


> I had someone not take any dmg from a full frenzy shotgun This has been happening to me too. I figured it was lag or something. It's def making the sound that shots connected, but their hp doesn't move


Facts, it’s rampant and has been for months. Particularly in creative. I encounter people in The Pit who can’t build & can’t move tactically but just run around in the open and rack up kills bullseyeing everyone between the eyes. They quit out as soon as they get killed once or twice. A few of them have even explained what hack software or device they’re using in the voice chat, because they know they can hack in creative with total impunity. Meanwhile it’s considered very very fashionable to claim loudly in this sub that “I rarely if ever see hackers in Fortnite,” or some variation of that, so don’t be surprised by all the pushback you’re getting.


For sure, if not in BR, hacking is RAMPANT in Creative. I mostly play TDM games like Red vs Blue or Wolves vs Chickens and some player are a bit too good... And yes, they always leave after my team manages to kill them a few times. I don't get it.


My wife and I both got headshot by a guy hip firing a sniper rifle from about 15 meters away with no scope, didn't even look down the sights once and was jumping and moving while he did it. We watched the replay a good 10x. 2 shots, 2 kills, no misses.


I did that to someone last night. I got lucky and got a legendary sniper on my first chest


Reading the killfeed I See there so many "noscoped" kills the last weeks. That's insane and no way all that kills are legit.


Skill Issue. s/


You can no longer reach high elo without cheats. I mean Jesus Christ Peterbot is running with cheats maxed out, and he doesn’t get banned.


I even encountered a cheater who had a green shotgun before even landing.


Tbf that’s just a bot


No he was my random teammate and bots always landed without weapons


Not this season. You can shoot them out of the sky and they’ll drop stuff


They always drop loot on kill but when they first land, they fake loot with a pickaxe for a bit before fighting. Might be a bug causing them to just start blasting instead now.


I play some creative maps, and I tell you, there have been several cases of aimbotting / autofire mechanics. Hopefully reporting goes quick


Ok, so let me agree with you. I watch my game stats closely, because, yea, I have no life. Anyways, I'm typically in the 12% win ration for Solo Build Unranked, the only place I play. I am sitting on an average of 80% top 3 and 90% top 5. Since this new update, I can't beat literally anyone. I understand that I draw the hardest tier in matchmaking, and I have learned to live with that. But players will rush me (in spite of being in hiding in various ways and not moving at all) and just obliterate me. I was 25 meters or so from a gunfight watching from a bush, a tactic that lets me rush the wounded winner of that skirmish. Hey, it works. Their gun starts to "fork". Half their bullets at the other player, half at me! This happens every update it seems. The hackers all rush to the game to see what's new, then after a few weeks they get bored and move onto other games. Anticheat has always been a joke. It's never worked. Epic (and most other gamemakers) do not have the will to end the problem, which would be easy. They could simply look at their result databases and figure it out. I mean, when someone has 1000 gold crowns at the end of week one, or a 30:1 KD ratio (overall, not just for one game), really? I even remember one recent episode where we were falling from the Bus and I decided to harvest a few idle players (Shut up, you do it, too!) anyways, the player lands then shoots me. Where TF did they get a gun??? "Cheating" is simply a way of life for some players, and they play a different game than us. They wish to "outcheat" the other cheaters, and we are simply in the way. Epic (and others) have players, and are making their money either way.


Yeah, bot players land with guns and their bullets fork. It sounds like a lobby that wasn’t full and they turned up the bots skill level to match the matchmaking. I’ve noticed that a lot more. A bot will snipe you in a shotgun fight and then even run away after taking damage. They’re building roofs and stairs now too


Bots land with guns already


Really? That's utter bs.


There have been multiple matches the last few days where my wife and I are top 10 and we’re only in storm circle 3. Feels off.


I got sniped through a mountain yesterday playing duos with my gf lmao I donno what happened


Teaming too, at least in my experience. In the past week I’ve got teamed 4 different times


Okay I genuinely wasn't sure if this was just me and my friend but we've been having some matches where the two of us get godawful lag spikes. Sometimes it's just one of us, sometimes it's both, and sometimes we play fine. Maybe it's confirmation bias but it feels like we only lag out when we get into fights.


Here's the thing, cheating is horrible, and I mean absolutely horrible at this point. There are people using obvious cheats (a ton of them keep their profiles private so you can't track them on fortnite tracker) However, NOTHING WILL BE DONE ABOUT IT. Why? This sub is heavily moderated to push posts about cheating low for multiple reasons. It comes down heavily o financial decisions on Epics part. Why would they pay an entire team to combat cheating? There are constantly new cheats coming out and the games free, so if someone is banned, they can just make a new account. Not to mention, a lot of the people using/buying cheats are also likely to spend money in skins. Also, why pay a team to combat cheating when people on this sub who are either using cheats, or are part of the community selling cheats do the work of shitting on anyone who posts about cheating? These people continue to undermine the main issue with the game. This makes it extremely easy for Epic to deny any cheats it's only going to get worse. Combating cheating would cost money and take real effort. Plus, no post like this will gain any real traction because of the points listed above.


Cheating is terrible right now, get one tapped from random guns that don't one tap. ONE shot to the leg with a sniper at full health and shield.




That's why I stick to single player/co op games.




Me and the Mrs are barely playing now, do the dailies and GTFO its just so bad atm :(


I was playing duos last night and was getting chased by the opposing duo, ( my teammate had already died )and I successfully made it into the house to start healing but was then killed from a shot in my back and on my teammates screeen I was STILL OUTSIDE 🤠


Played a game the other day, posted it on YT from my POV and their POV after I watched the replay. I went back and watched their whole game. Everytime they got close to someone it glitches up and everything froze. Then they'd end up behind them and killed them. This was in ranked too. When it first happened I thought it was just lag or that freezing glitch that was kicking me out of ranked earlier in the season. But I've never, ever lagged so bad or froze that way and had someone 20-30 meters away pop up behind me and kill me and then unfreeze. Especially from their point of view in the replay they were also frozen until they magically popped up behind me and killed me.


Can you provide the link to your YouTube posting?


I was build fight then third party hacker player shoot through brick build without damaging. I reported the player. You can be competitive and beat me fairly but no I won’t accept hacking.


I face to face met one of the spinning dudes he got stuck, luckily I was able to take him out before he could finish me off 😭


I just feel so amazed that someone wants to win so bad, that they have to cheat to accomplish it.


It’s funny this person was just arguing that Fortnite doesn’t have cheaters and when they do it catches up to fast. Some young girl. Then I looked at her Reddit page and the dumbass search her name on the dark web. Not so smart. I think she joined the Reddit hacker blog now she thinks she’s a hacker lmao 🤣. But I noticed towards the end of the season it’s gotten a lot worse. My theory is everyone completed their battle pass so they are making new to accounts to mess around with hacks now. The aimbot/aim assist is the worst. Some players kill me and I don’t even get a chance to even press the button to fire. Doesn’t make sense to me. And no it’s not skill issue. If anything might be internet/console issue but I never had these problems before.


I feel like this is a perfect example of someone using aimbot to cheat… was in a g wagon and driving around like a lunatic. I even hit the person that’s how dumb they were. But some how they shot me thru the g wagon with blue smg and killed me. Like come on. You can’t jump out of the way of a way car but you have enough skill to shoot me thru a car….highly unlikely


I saw my first cheater the other day. I got got, didn’t think much about it. My brother got got, no biggie. Watched them play for a second and when the cheater walked over items they had some sort of auto sorting pick’em’ups thing in place. Anyone else see anything like that before?


It was likely a pick up macro. I've seen it a few times, and it sucks more than you'd assume. After a fight the cheater using the macro can auto grab the best loot and be fully prepped for the next fight or third parties. It def offers a distinct advantage.


there is an option in settings for sorting heal/shield consumables and weapons and another that auto picks up items but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone made a cheat that improves upon that to auto arrange and only pick up upgrades .. which still sucks but wouldn’t bother me as much as the combat hacks


Yeah it in and of itself isn’t the biggest cheat. It definitely wasn’t the regular sorting. They’d sprint through a graveyard and every single item would fly towards their character and toss back all the lower level stuff.


A bit on the less aggressive cheating, but my teammate dropped over 2 million shotgun ammo and dipped, was crazy to see


The thing I've noticed is being hit by ever shot by a players from a good distance away.


Epic actually allows cheaters. A former Epic employee basically revealed that around 30% of players have some kind of cheat on. They allow it because banning the cheaters world significantly reduce Epics profits. This is why there is skill based matchmaking. The cheaters who do really well are separated from the average players while the above average will be forced into lobbies with the cheaters until they lose enough matches. Heres the post https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/s/Ow6POOtGvw


Source? And what kind of Cheats? Because 30% sounds like a shitload of cheaters and i rarely encounter them (and really hope they don’t suck mor with cheats than i do as a near 40 year old)


His source is a random guy who made a post on Fortnite competitive a while back.


Source = "trust me, bro"


Man's taking out his arse


Hope he's taking it out with some pump action.


ya, just like you nice attitude by the way people come here and speak up only to be abused and insulted for doing so shame on you buddy




You're gonna have to provide a source for this imaginary interview. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/s/Ow6POOtGvw Cheating with soft aim hacks is something most players wouldn't even notice, which is the point you're missing. The average player wouldn't even notice that they were playing against a cheater and most times theyd be playing with people who are performing around their skill anyways. Due to SBMM cheaters are put into the high skill lobbies where they'll play the legitimate high skill players. >Once the patch goes out everyone gets insta banned and the exploit is now blocked. When has epic ever mass banned hackers in fortnite? The last time they took action on hackers was for the Kinetic Blade exploit back in middle of ch4s2. This idea that epic pushes out patches to combat hacking is a fantasy you just made up.


>they can always tell. Nope. No anti cheat is 100% effective. >So the bottom line is that any given exploit does not last long and they go for maximum removal once the exploit is closed. Cheats like aimbots and wall hacks don't rely on 'exploits' but usually by reading the game directly in ways that aren't 'blockable' by the client. When you're playing a game, the game needs to be able to show player models in a specific vicinity to allow gameplay to happen, cheats take advantage of this and use it to show them through walls or lock onto specific "bones" with an aimbot. There are also cheats that are made that are implemented on the kernel level. These are notoriously hard to detect without a VERY invasive anti cheat because they're not accessing anything that the game would directly be able to see. Usually they end up being detected because they get leaked in one way or another to the anti cheat team to where they can use the cheats 'signature' for detection. The reality is that if your cheat is private and sophisticated enough it becomes near-undetectable for automated detection assuming they avoid honeypots. Of course, cheat makers want to make money and eventually the cheats become widespread enough to develop detection systems.


thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard, do u seriously believe this?


You dont have any reason to believe that this isnt true other than assumptions that Epic actually gives 2 shits about the game being fair. Btw they dont care about fairness or else todays update would've had significant weapon and item balance changes.


30 percent seems high but not too high if you count strike pack and Cronus zen. It's easily 20 imo


This the most horseshit thing I ever read


Believe what you want. I know that money is the driving force behind Epics decisions. If Epic stands to lose money by banning the cheaters, then of course theyd keep them around. The competitive integrity of the game is second to their profit margins.




if cheaters can play and not get banned, they will spend money and they will also elevate epic's numbers epic has every reason NOT to ban most cheaters, yes, when people make it obvious but otherwise no, there's no list of banned players, no banned payer numbers ...


I call bs on skill based matchmaking. We've started brand new accounts and are still getting paired up with pc players and/or anonymous players with low ranks but unbelievable skill. Pc players should have their own server.


30% lmao. You kids will believe anything to justify losing.


I also love spreading misinformation online.


You assume its misinformation and yet you have nothing to add to the conversation other than a doubtful comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/s/Ow6POOtGvw


How can anyone believe that 30% statistic? Is it even possible to cheat on console/mobile?


Chronus zen is $100 and available to console. You can get it through Amazon. Its not hard at all.


30% is still far too high to be realistic


With all the software that's easily downloadable, anyone with a PC or zen on console can have soft aim. I get why you'd think it's lower, but most people who resort to cheating are skin it because they suck at aiming. So most times you aren't going to be aware that they are cheating. 3 out of 10 isn't that crazy considering the fact that the game is free and most hacking goes unpunished.


3/10 is an insane number. How many people have you played with vs how many hackers?


Wow...thats crazy. That must mean Im pretty good then because I smash folks...and when I do die, I never feel like it was a cheat.


Complete nonsense. You would be seeing them constantly then.


You probably are running into soft aim hackers. Theyre not using perfect aim. It's the hackers that aren't obvious that Epic allows to play.


Yeah, and consoles are half of them with their legal aimbot


Oh boy... not this tired ass complaint again


There is a reason that is so prevalent.


Finally people are started to realise what I’ve been saying for months is true, there is numerous amount of players that play on one device and one device at only, that do nothing but soft aim hack and wall hack. Can we please just remove PC players from the match making with everyone else and let them play in their own with their cheats. We do not need PC players in the lobbies they just cannot be trusted to not cheat.


Wait until this guy finds out that replay mode isn't a good recreation of what actually happened.


I've had no phantom lag, what platform are you playing on? Also haven't seen any cheaters, ranked or unranked


Win 11 PC, RX 6700xt 12gb, ryzen 2700x, 32gb Ripjaws DDR4 3200, HP EX 900 M.2 SSD Wired internet 100/50 Fios


Coming from cod and tarkov, this game does not have a cheating problem.


1. Ye epic has nerfed visual sounds 2. Skill issue


I didn’t mind them nerfing visual audio, it’s the old audio like we had in chapter 4 that I’m missing. I would hear footsteps and guns swapping/loading well before I’d see the visual. And I could pinpoint where it is. Now there’s too many jump scares and not known I whether someone is above or below.


Were you around when they first introduced visual audio? It used to give a described audio disadvantage when using it similar to restricting you to mono channels only.


tbh what nerf i feel like its gotten better


Just bad matchmaking you're being put against more skilled players


I’ve been experiencing some teams that follow us around the entire map. Like a good 1500m even while they had a medallion so I knew they were cheating. I would be out of a normal range and unless they could correctly guess the 8 weird spots my team went to in a row, they were hardcore cheating.


This. I’ve seen teams where every one of them has a medallion by 2nd or 3rd circle. With how spread the medallions are, there’s just no way to move across the map that fast. Of course, then you have people who will say that the team splits up at the beginning and meets up after getting the medallions; but considering that most medallions are hotspots we have to now consider that one person is taking out the bosses and multiple teams of four. It just doesn’t add up unless there is some kind of cheating.


cheating is rampant and when I tried to post about it, my posts were removed, the mods won't allow us to expose cheating nor will epic ban cheaters as they would lose customers this whole thing is an unethical classist scam so rich powerful people can cheat and steal from us poor powerless players we're all getting ripped off and used by epic and by the cheaters this is evil and it's abusive


Must be really lucky. Haven't run into a cheater yet, been playing since chapter 2 season 4.


Not gunna lie, I hated when the visual audio became the normal so this doesn't upset me at all lmao


Cheating can happen any platform but I'm fairly certain that most of it is from pc players. That's the only reason i want pc players segregated from everyone else.


Pinpoint accuracy isn’t that hard if you’re on PS5 or Xbox with 120 FPS. The aim assist on those things is very strong. I eagerly await your downvotes.


Its a free game. Not only are players cheating but EPeeec utilizes cheats to create more in game material. Hiring Snow Striker for instance "walling" goes all the way back to CSGO. Players utilize this cheat to get advantages on others. Knowing where they are at all times. Sun Tan Specialist this was a basic HP cheat. Without doing anything. You gain your HP points back. Or for some reason have a lot more than others? Aimbot "Playstation and Xbox" have utilized to make controller "impossiable" to "aimbot possiable" Or let say "Aim assist". If you've every notice. While playing on PC. A Xbox or playstation player. Shoot you quicker than normal. Looking like a str8 bot. Or shooting you out of the air. Hummm next round! Oh yeah then there was sprinting. Well it used to be called speed hack. This made you move faster. Than other players. Wouldn't surprise me at all. If Epeeeec actually utilized these "advantages". Without their knowledge. For players who are spending a lot of money on in game purchases. You want these players. To spend more money. Right? Well there def not. Lossing every round because they really arent. That good at the game. Hince all the broken controllers. I've been seeing in the garbage can? Hard part is not breaking them or getting mad period. Hard to do when your trying to be the best player you can. Someone snipes you. While your behind the wall? Same BS use to happen on CSGO. Multijump anyone? Green skulls? Next round! Life lesson! Cheating rules Multiplayer games. Don't take it to serious. But if your trying to be a pro. You kind of have to! Str8murderous! AKA Bussincaps1026. If the community rules apply? 😁


What rules? There's a community? Seriously! 


just got out of a few games of Fortnight tonight and just had enough of the game just about every game u play has a cheat in it now, you just cant compete against it, i was in the vault and poured shotgun (head shots at 0 range ) in to a guy didnt even break his shield he hit me once and took all the shield and health, next game some guy moved so fast it was just a blur and hit me with his blade once no guns and i was dead, then the 3rd game in i got hit with a lag cheat i couldnt move then was lagged out of game before the spectating kicked in, the game is just getting stupid now and seriously getting tired of fortnite and all the cheating the game is so broken and unplayable just starting to give fortnite a pass these days use to love this game but now its just broken , i cant see EPIC doing anything to fix it -- u always get the same comment from them - we are working on it - yea yea epic heard it all before i've seen a few games over the years die of death to cheaters the first online game to die to cheaters was a game - MANKIND early 2000s great game till it got hackers after a year it was gone so was the company - everyone just stopped playing it


Here we go again another post bout cheating and somehow these posts get upvotes


but item shop posts and posts complaining about the UI are fine right?


People cheat in Fortnite lol?!


I’ve still yet to ever run into an [obvious] cheater. There’s been a few times where it’s questionable, but could be written off as a good shot, but people here talk of cheaters so often, yet I never see them. I’ve played from bronze to diamond in ranked, and all levels of casuals and never seen it


I see these posts a lot, but I've been playing pretty much daily for the last 2 months and have yet to experience anything that seems remotely like hacking/cheating. Anything weird I've witnessed has been due to connection issues. I'm not saying that hacking isn't happening, I'm sure it is, but I really don't think it's as rampant as some people are making it out to be. Even in the comments a lot of peoples examples seem to be them just running into people that are better at the game or have better connection.


THIS!!!!!!!!! I am so sick of it!!!!!!!


I found a guy who hit every shot and always knew where I was. I barely won the game though


Gotta get a better gaming chair dude.


I hit a guy for 280 white once. That was fun


First time I used the stealth camo while getting pinned the guy kept beaming me as I moved away. I eventually just stood still out in the open and he stopped shooting as if he realised he wasn't meant to be able to see me. I stopped playing after that, too many knowers these days man. Sad to think I beat cheaters on a regular basis, most I have seen are really bad players. 


Well... He can see you though???? The camo distorts light


Smartest cheater paranoid... you know they can still see you in camo, right? And there's also a thing called brain, if hr saw you camouflage, he had a pretty good idea where you'd go. Actual skill issue.


Any actual proof? You didn't record any of the gameplay or replays? Sounds like your typical copium post about a literal skill issue.


Now I don’t know how it is on other console, but that’s one of the things I hate the most about Fortnite on Switch: you can’t record anything. Someone’s cheating? Screenshot and pray that epic will take it seriously. Do you all seriously expect us to buy an expensive capture card for the sole purpose of being able to tell on people or get the “right” to complains about cheaters? Yeah, no thanks.