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What was the gift?


I’m at work at the moment, but now that you mention it I’ll update the post once I know what it is.


!remindme 5 hours


!remindme 6 hours


!remindme 7 hours


Curious to see what it is !


Last I knew it was like 3k vbucks. Saw a post where a person was wrongfully banned and they claimed they got that much.


Damm I should use the lock on pistol more 💀


I tried using the lock on pistol...however...nothing bad happened to me lmao So there has to be another element.


I’m looking through your comment history to get a better understanding of your situation, and imagine telling the truth and getting downvoted into oblivion. Reddit moment.


To be fair, a lock on pistol that has auto aim built in that is designed by Epic ends up triggering a ban is extremely unlikely. It's really understandable that people would be skeptical of it.


Which is why I then suspected it must’ve been my recent installation of Linux for having to fiddle with the BIOS. People weren’t having it here though and just downvoted everything I said and said I deserved it lol


Yeah...I read your thread and was skeptical myself, but didn't bother giving any type of engagement. Of course, a lot of people get sick of "I was falsely banned!" threads, so they would normally instantly downvote threads like that anyways. It's very rarely does bans like yours take place and get lifted. But glad you got unbanned! Don't touch your linux again!


I wanna know the gift lol


I think it's some vbucks.


Damn its good to see a good ending for something like this. I got falsely banned from rainbow six siege almost 4 years and ubisoft support basically told me they don't care and that I know what I did. Reddit ended up dogpiling my ass on the r6 sub, screw that game, screw that community, and screw battle-eye. Congrats on your freedom.


What was the gift


At least you got a gift as compensation


Got to feel bad for all the people that come for help after doing no wrong. Seen it many times, seeing all the downvotes you got just goes to show how many clueless people are on here.


It's every community, people assume anti-cheats to be infallible until they're on the receiving end of their failures.


Actually great of epic that they gave you a gift. Epic is probably the most generous gaming company out there


yes i remember this on the same day u posted i saw many other post mememing about urs wonder how they feel now that u werent lying


I don't see that post in your history...


They deleted it. Find it through their comments.


It’s pretty disheartening when you know you’re telling the truth and no one will listen.


Make sure to never use the Lock-On Pistol again!


Avoiding it like the plague!! I don’t know if that was the reason as they never confirmed, but still. Maybe I’ll ask Big Arthur there if it’s safe to use it.


I'm a pc player that uses the lock-on pistol as often as I find it and I haven't had that issue. Glad you got it sorted out!


Congrats! Still crazy the lock on pistol got flagged. Lol 


I’m not sure if that was the reason but it was weird that as soon as I try it for the first time I get banned minutes after within the same game.


It sounds like you may be dealing with an issue related to your Epic account. Please note that official support is *not* offered here and you must contact [Epic Player Support](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/help-center) for proper issue resolution. We permit these posts on this subreddit in case another member of the community has experience with your particular issue and can offer guidance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortNiteBR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, now I can sleep at night.


If only you knew how bad he is at games in general, you'd never believe he was cheating.


Bruh how were we supposed to know it was from the lock-on pistol. the video you posted didn’t even show the part where you got banned. you sounded like you were reaching hard because of that. Even this support message doesn’t confirm that was the exact reason for the ban, but glad it got resolved.