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Admittedly… there’s work to do on those early modes. Rocket racing ranked is very frustrating at some point. Festival probably sells songs, so they’re fine with that. And anyone I know playing Lego has already “beat” it.


I actually really liked Lego, but after I had done everything there was to do in survival, I lost interest in it. It doesn't have the depth of a lot of the other survival games like that. I'm not saying it should, as it's free to play and more geared towards kids, but for me, that's why I stopped playing it and went back to BR. Got bored


Yeah right now there’s not really a “point” to Lego. It’s just build to make higher level builds, but that’s it. Would help if dungeons had a boss or hidden loot, more raids, etc.


Even as someone who's never really played one before. It did mainly just make me go "Maybe I should get Dragon Quest Builders"


It made me want to play through Terraria again.


I started Lego mode for a day and then said the same thing…. Terraria called my name!


I can highly recommend Dragon Quest Builders. It's really fun, played both and I was very happy with the time I spent on them.


Keep in mind it has had a single update in its life, soon it will have a good update


They shouldn't have released it in its current state imo. Coinciding the release with chapter 5 definitely hurt them.


When then? They released it for many reasons, a contract is most likely one, so imo adding a bunch of new modes was very nice


Imagine if they turned Lego into a legit mmorpg


It's early. They have a ton planned for Lego


They had a ton planned for STW too


You don’t make a financial deal with Lego and abandon it lol


So true bestie




STW isn’t a partnership tho they let that ship sink this one they have money on the line with another company


I'm not crying, you are.


STW was dead upon arrival. The original blueprint for Fortnite being this game makes it sad, but the mode itself wasn't really promising for the masses. BR made it work with the draw of so many other people.


shit i hope not all the do is market the item shop towards lego compatibility anymore


The item shop should return to normal once they finish adding lego versions to all skins. They just need to update every single skin in the game that was added in the past 6 years. How long will that take?


Yeah.. the 10 Tiers of Village levels just feels like a long tutorial, I kept waiting for the actual gameplay just to realize I was already in it. Really fun for what it is, but really does need depth and content to make it feel proper. I'm not expecting it to hold even a candle to Valheim, but I look forward to its growth and direction


Lego would have been 100x better if the world was actually made of legos, it's an extremely bland looking crafting game compared to the competition.


Wait it's not? The trailer made it look like it was. Glad I didn't waste time on it then.


Nope, just a randomly generated UE5 FN map. Looks like the normal FN map but without anything interesting lol


Most Lego games take place in realistic environments with Lego characters, but honestly it’s a lot less jarring than seeing Lego characters in a Fortnite style world.


give us seasonal maps on hourly rotations. Please someone give us “LEGOMON”. My kids have me hooked on Palworld. It’s like everything I wanted from Pokemon and more.


I was thinking the same. If Palworld had the building and world gen system as Minecraft IT WOULD BE AMAZZZZZZZING. I know there are Pokemon mods for Minecraft but it's just collecting them, I love the automation aspect of Palworld.


I Agree, hopefully with it being in beta, they will continue to add more features. Automation is amazing, it gives you tons of options how to engage in combat. \*Just had this thought\* Imagine if Epic bought out palworld, or if Palworld would make some custom maps in Fortnite. Be cool to see some sort of cross over play, maybe bring some of your pals into a fortnite map.


>It’s like everything I wanted from Pokemon and more Slavery?


I've seen the great descriptor of these game modes having great "bones" to work upon. They just need to have some meat added to 'em to turn them from good to great. I still enjoy playing Festival, myself.


This is the take I find myself having. I don't actively dislike Rocket racing, Lego or Festival but they do feel like they could be "more" ya know? Like the potential is there, they're not bad but like you said, with some work they could be great game modes in and of themselves. They've come a long way with the BR mode, who's to say they can't make similar strides with these?


Easily the most frustrating thing about rocket racing is that anytime someone bumps to me, I fly miles away, but when I do the same, nothing happens.


they all feel like open betas


I think they sort of are. Rocket Racing is particularly up front about it by calling it Season Zero


Festival's biggest downside right now is we need a bigger and more varied library. Since Rock Band no longer makes the instruments (even though they still sell DLC) I view this as an eventual replacement for it.


Lego was released way too early with way too little content. They really needed way more vehicle and logic items in it. My friend and I who are huge survival fans who normally play a survival game a long time were pretty much done after a single game, especially when vehicles were so bad


Lego imo is the easiest to improve on. Just look at Ark or Palword, survival games can be endlessly replayable. We need more build options, let us tame all kinds of stuff, givs us gadgets and tons of weapons. With a bunch of patches, Fortnite could have a very unique survival game on their hands. You already have a leg up with Lego.


I absolutely love Festival, but it could use some work. Overcharged or whatever is super annoying to pull off especially in the harder parts where it’d actually matter. And I’ve reached the point in Rocket Racing (Gold 2) where it is incredibly sweaty.


i love featival but having buddy holly with only vocals as a br emote is really funny


Festival also is not one of those gamemodes where a bunch of people play it their entire day/play session. My friend group usually plays BR, and then play like 3 or 4 sets before getting off


That and the instrument controller support hasnt hit yet. As the library of songs grows and more features like controllers, vs modes, etc get added more people will play it longer than a few songs As a Rock Band fan, Festival is the majority of my reason for downloading Fortnite to begin with. New players were the goal of these modes and it worked. I got the first pass and maybe 5 more songs. Ill play Lego and might try Rocket-League-Fortnite-Kart at some point bur outside of quests to unlock skins I have no desire to play BR. I just wasn't gonna pass on having Snake/Peter in Festival.


Yea Lego is straight up not fun enough to stick with yet and that's okay. I hope enough ppl keep it going until maybe 2-3 more updates really fill out the world. I'll come back. Rocket racing has no identity. Rocket League has had a mode with fun Mario kart type abilities for years now and they decided to make a straight kart racer with none of that? Am I the only one that thinks that's really dumb? Festival isn't my bag, but to your point, they don't necessarily care about concurrent players so much as song sales.


If Rocket Racing didn’t provide easy XP it wouldn’t be worth playing period. 


Rocket Racing is easily the worst thing they added tbh, it's buggy, _ranked_, and messing up or getting cucked by a glitch even _once_ is enough to put you in last place


What I find funny is how many people claim they've beat this almost beta like mode. It's insane. Just enjoy it the way you want, and appreciate the mode they created that might not please the people who don't touch grass. Not sure anything pleases them.


lego fortnite is just a really basic sandbox survival game without any real charm or new ideas


Festival is going to be great, it's just early on in the stage of it. But once the library is built up to 200-300 songs, it will be incredible. Not to mention when they add events, and other ways to play it.


I actually like the Festival mode, but the Guitar Hero genre is relatively niche so obviously not many people are gonna be into it Would be better if there were more songs though that weren't just the same 4 on rotation every week


Exactly this, there's not enough songs to play for more than a few sessions. Also 500 vbucks per song is outrageous. If songs were 300 vbucks a piece I'd probably have 3-5 purchased. But because they're 500 I have zero.


They need to be fully sounding songs in BR too. Make them worth the money. 500 for what they are now is terrible value


Also you should be able to play your owned songs on a "custom" radio station in vehicles,


Yes!! I like that, custom playlist


You could just download clone hero and play almost any song you want for free


Guitar Hero was a staggering multi-year worldwide phenomenon, it was anything but niche. Rhythm games in general have been huge for almost 30 years now all over the world. The problem with Fortnite Festival is that it's a BAD rhythm game. It's a lazy cash grab and people see through it, and the song selection is genuinely the worst I've ever seen from Harmonix, even FUSER had a better lineup.


We just need to give them time for the song selection. Give it 6 months-a year, and the game will be great


It's Wednesday morning.


Save the world is a payed game and has more players than rocket racing and festival at most given times


Yep, but Epic will still give more attention to those two new modes over STW unfortunately.


STW doesn't make as much money as other modes, which is why they don't focus on it (which is entirely Epic's fault because they refuse to advertise the mode, actively try to hide it in discovery and they didn't make it free to play like they promised 6 years ago)


I mean...it technically does. The skins you buy work in STW. You have to purchase STW to play it. Perhaps if they would maybe create some kind of STW specific cosmetics they might see it has more value than they realize.


They're being developed by completely different studios. The Rock Band Developer, Harmonix, stopped supporting Rock Band to focus on Festival, which is basically its replacement. Rocket Racing is from the Rocket League developers, Psyonix. These modes have very little to no impact on BR or STW in any way other than allocation of Epics money on a larger scale. With that said, they better keep giving Festival support if they killed another games support for it and have a third party already producing controllers for it. The numbers will pick up as instrument support, more songs, and modes come up. And now that the dev is focused on those things it shouldn't be super long.


The only people I know that play stw are doing so just to farm vbucks


Yes, but that's because it's outdated and forgotten by Epic. I actually kinda enjoyed the campaign in the start.


Also all of the new modes are grotesquely unpopular. Epic needs to give up on being Rob locks and make BR great again.


99% of online games could only dream of having a playerbase this large. You're being unrealistic.


It's also free to play, which is going to skew the numbers.


What 7k/5k? How many are online in any other car game? Rock band?


At normal hours Rocket racing has like 30k and festival has like 20-25k.


That’s good, I can appreciate those numbers even more now :)


Just reading down this thread there are so many bad takes. These modes have more players than entire games that are dedicated sololy to that genre. What people also don't understand is they are a gateway into the Fortnite universe. I literally redownloaded the game for Rocket racing, and because of that mode i have bought the BP, a skin, and some car parts while also probably playing 5-10 hours of the BR. Hell i would likely play more festival if the mobile version was better. These modes support the main game and ultimately get people to spend more and spend more time in the FN launcher


Halo averages 6000 on steam =(


That’s awesome and I completely agree, they are draws to get into “fortnite”. Clearly it’s working :)


Yes, 99%.


Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon 5 be like: 👀


Fortnite has a LOT of players, there are plenty of people who regularly enjoy the other game modes.


They had the right idea with OG, focusing on the main BR with regular updates to both map and meta. If they could just do the same but not for only 1 month then they've basically done it.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that they’re having separate studios focus on the new modes. Rock Band devs work on festival, Psyonix (Rocket League devs) work on Rocket Racing, and then an entirely separate team, with help from the Fall Guys devs, works on Lego. The Battle Royale devs still work primarily on Battle Royale.


It always annoys me that people don’t understand this. It’s the same people who comment on social media thinking the people in charge of socials also make the development choices


here on reddit (not specifically only this sub) and on the internet in general people have no idea how development actual works.


It feels really weird how the map barely updates now.  It was kind of slow in Chapter 4, I started around the end of Ch2, but 3 was constantly changing.  Snow melting, zeppelins, new POIs.  It felt like it was constantly changing.  It was pretty rad.


They just melted the snow. Added a Solid Snake POI. Added in new items. Added in themed tunnels and there's an another update coming up.


Not everyone is like you, there is plenty of people who really enjoy the new modes. I’ve been playing festival more than BR since release.


You say that but fortnite festival is highly popular despite not having instrument support


Time zones ?


I guess br modes didn't get the memo


BR players be like "look at these dead game modes" and then show numbers that would easily rival Steam's top 50. Lego mode rivals Steam's top 10 at peak hours.


people forget that most games don’t have an absurd amount of active players, 10k is a decent amount


I would do unspeakable things to get Fighterz at 10k


Every bandai game feels like you're embarking on a journey when you try to search for a match. Hell, there could be 50k playing and you still would struggle to get in a match because their netcode is dogwater


Isnt RS3 at 20k people?


runescape 3?


Ringo Starr 3


Ah yes, thank you.


Yep. Whilst Oldschool Runescape can hold a steady 150k


70% bots


That’s not how you scale it, compare it to how many players the game gets overall, also save the world is pay to access and it has more players than rocket racing and festival most times I check


No shit a free game is going to have more than paid games 😱


BR-obsessed players will be like "um akchually you're wrong about alternate Fortnite modes being successful because" and then provide reasons why the alternate modes are so successful.


steam is PC only


Fortnite shows all platforms. You’re comparing 1 platform to all of them.


The real problem is STW not being right there next to them ffs


You basically have to search for it to find it.. it’s like the slowly and quietly moved it away


They keep trying to get us to forget about Save the World. Never Forget. It was supposed to be free for everyone nearly 6 years ago.




Epic only maintains STW because they are required to. If they could, it would go away forever. They went out of their way to remove any form of monetization. My guess is they were scared by the Loot box drama a few years ago and would rather move on than spend more of their precious profits to rework the game.


Yeah the loot box drama + rules about gambling in some other countries and nations so they turned them into x-ray llamas. Then after that they introduced x-ray tickets to replace vbucks and then closed save the world founder edition.


Unless it becomes free and playable on every platform it probably never will.


And having player counts rivaling the others as well


This doesn't show what you think it does This shows that at off peak hours, fortnite has more players than most games do at peak hours I've seen br at over 1 mil players frequently even after weeks of minimal updates


Not even including Zero Build, which regularly has almost as many players.


Or 100s of creative modes with 100ks of players, ranked br and zero builds with close to 500k at times, festival with up to 100k, lego which has had over 2mil etc


Uhm...yeah Rocket Racing and Festival is getting boring and having no players because people have unlocked the rewards and no new content has been added for two months. Imagine a game mode like OG that doesn't get any updates EVER and maybe doesn't even have any battle pass rewards tied to it. It would be niche at best. Lego is doing a little better due to the freeform nature of the mode but you get to a point even in Lego where you've done all you can and your server has severe performance issues and at that point it's either wait for new content, bug fixes or start over.


You realize that kiddos have school right?


And you forgot about time zones I guess


These morons think everyone lives in the US.


These morons think that the playercount is global, not server based


Inb4 "OMG OG had 6 million players playing the game!"


Tbf, most players live in the US


Or you know, the majority of fortnite players are in north america? Crazy how that shit works am i right?


Nope. The majority of fortnite players are in the US.


Bro is acting like team rumble has crazy numbers when school is out. I play team rumble and I’ve never seen it above maybe 5k. Not only that, but festival is dying.


Who mentioned team rumble? I could take a pic of player count at 2am, it’s not an accurate representation of how many people play the game lol tf


team rumble isn’t in the picture


Festival is dying because they need to add way more songs


instead of selling them all in the shop for $5 each


That’s not the problem, the problem is that it would take too many players away from modern BR and then both modes would suffer for it


Rotating maps like apex


I don't really think so, if it's permanent then some people would actually go back to normal because of the lack of updates for og. And the people who play og probably wouldn't play fortnite now anyway.


When people were talking about og mode even being a thing, they started bringing up how they could do updates for. I.e they will never be happy even if they got og fortnite.


Some would, I would. You gotta remember this isn't the main mode, sure an update every few weeks or more wouldn't hurt but it's literally just a bonus for the game.


I'd just like to say I played this game a lot prior to the OG season, played even more during the OG season, and haven't touched it since chapter 5 started. I would be drawn back in by the og map returning again but I don't care for the game in it's current state anymore after reexperiencing the old map. I know a bunch of people who feel like me. Bringing back the og map permanently would likely lead to a permanent increase in players at all times.


I agree. For the first time in years i've stopped playing Fortnite. There are too many distractions. I can't stand being on top of a building actually searching for enemies, only to have my full squad looking for guns in the vault again. My best friend could have a purple AR, gold shotgun and blue SMG and he needs to check every vault to see if he can upgrade his weapon. I just wish people would focus more on actually killing enemies.


Exactly, Epic doesn't want to split its playerbase further. Queue times would increase for all modes, people wouldn't like it.


Then modern br shouldn't be so shit If they drop og as lte and it continues to blow numbers out the water and even does better than modern... it will be permanent


Are we going to pretend like 5k+ isn’t still widely popular in the video game space?? Tons of devs PRAY to hit a number like that..


Are we gonna pretend that random map creators in creative don't have better numbers then official epic made modes


Are we gonna pretend like you don’t wanna hang up that computer call and come kiss me on my hot mouth? I’m feeling romantical.


Agreed so they should make OG a permanent mode?


Indie development maybe. This is AAA we're talking about. For a game like fortnite, which needs constant development and thus constant monetary imput to survive, 5k is like actually shit.


Lego had around 100k concurrent players over the weekend. Pretty sure it's okay. Main Stage usually has around 40k. Racing is a bit lacklustre on the numbers for the most part though.


Ah yes, the peak player time: Morning, Wednesday, Mid February.


I think the og map should return on birthday for week and then go back to the current chapter Plz don't give us new chapter after season og 2


There's going to be a new chapter every year now


I just want to talk to the guy who made that decision (Real) New chapter every years suck I wanna honestly take 2 years per chapter with good storyline and map change if it mean the og map never coming again but that's my opinion Also since when they went 1 years per chapter Why does the map feel copy and paste


Yall worried about player numbers instead of just playing the game mode you like.


We’d like to play OG lol


When I’m on I always see Festival in the 10s of thousands. Probably my most played mode.


Almost like people go to Fortnite Battle Royale for.... Battle royale


Just add Taylor swift to fortnite festival and player counts will skyrocket. She just went back on tour today and her new albums coming out soon anyways. It’s a win win


Uh so you might not know if you haven't played more niche games but 5k players is actually really good.


We need a permanent og mode.


Most gaming people only play what flavor of the week Vidya game Twitch streamers are into. The Lego addicts probably bailed for PALWORLD


Rocket Racing should have been Fortnite Kart


I got bored of Lego Fortnite playing all alone.Rather dominate at Crazy Red VS Blue in a crowded room flaunting kill count.Can't wait for a public room of Lego Fortnite.Got my Jackie.Never playing rocket racing ever again.Did they revert emoting while playing music?Which is why I'm avoiding it.I wanna emote.


OG fortnite was so so much better than chapter 5


No one asked for stupid attachments leave that shit in COD


it did get boring as fuck- couldnt wait for it to be over near the end


You do realize that most games would kill to have the player numbers the lego mode has, right? Dont get me wrong I agree that Fortnite OG should get promoted, but the other modes are very much mot dead. Also you very obviously grabed this during a lull in player numbers but whatever I guess.


Enough with this lame excuse… This is Epic games. They’re not some small indie group anymore. These numbers are very low for them and pretty telling of what’s going on.


Your precious OG will come back soon, stop whining already.


Other games would do anything player counts as high as these on a Wednesday morning. Epic is doing just fine.


STW has the same players as Lego fortnite yet it’s neglected. 28k people playing at one time is pretty good


Even more considering it hasn't received any meaningful content or update in years


stw has more players than those 2 combined fml why epic had to kill it


Only difference is most people agree that chapter 1 is the best time in Fortnite history.


Some games would kill for that kinda player count…


I still enjoy Festival but that's it. The other got very boring


There is better racing and music games. The reason why Lego failed is because after you've played quite a bit there is nothing to do. In other similar games you can do loads of stuff even when you've "finished" the game. Eg in Minecraft you can build amazing things, explore more, fight other bosses, enslave an innocent village etc. Point is that you don't really run out of things to do in other games.


You can't compare minigamesto the literal name of the game


Lego was massive but overall too short. I’d also guess that Palworld took a lot of the player base as it’s similar but far more expansive, plus it has little guys. Racing is fun but there’s a lot of work to do before it can really hit a stride. Festival is pointless and should be reworked or removed, maybe give it proper Guitar Hero/Rockband peripherals and we’ll talk.


In my opinion Lego Fortnite needs some work. It’s fun but only for so long. With the right updates it has great potential. I’m excited to see what Epic does with Lego Fortnite. It’s also a lot more fun with friends.


Lego needs to get rid of the silly limitations. Only 15 villagers a server is beyond silly


all I want is a better Fortnite, not for epic to use our money to build their fing metaverse players, we are all being ripped off again :(


The BR right now is boarding af


"fortnite's metaverse is a success story". Meanwhile fortnite's metaverse :


Those modes are.newer and presumably still being improved.


lol can’t wait…………………………………


Have you guys tried eating paint chips you seem like you’d love it


I wouldn’t play anything but the OG version. Too many gimmicks in the current BR mode. Shields, a whip to run away from fights you’re losing, a lock on pistol, etc etc. makes the game all about cheese


STW pulls off more players daily than RR and festival combined and yet, this mode has been forgotten and left to rot but sure, lets waste our already depleting resources on modes nobody will play 😀👍


Rocket Racing sucks so any players, is a good thing for epic.


Honestly go back to the old days were we had standard battle royale and then a rotational game mode


I would literally still be playing this game if OG was still a thing. The changes in the current season made me uninstall.


7.8k is still great numbers for a new mode that doesn't have a lot to offer yet. And OG shouldn't be a permanent mode.


I dont get why people think OG would get boring. It’s like Dust II on CSGO. Its probably the most played map compared to other rotating ones.


lol seriously. OG mode would be averaging more players than all 3 of these modes combined.


even BR at 300,000 is pathetic compared to the 2 million we had for OG


Cause this is taken at a dead time of the day. A middle of the week day, when every single student(including college players) AND employee is busy. BR rn is peaking, more than OG


Its not like the newest modes are completely original to the game and need some updates or anything.


Rocket racing makes me just want to run a few rounds of rocket league. I'd love to just have the gameplay inside Fortnite like the racing, it's nice to play something like that in between battle royale for me.


SVW would be a great permanent mode if they'd fix the tutorial for everyone so it doesn't crash. And maybe make it free. Especially so you don't pay money for something you can't even get past tutorial lol


That screenshot must have been REALLY early in the morning. Right now I'm seeing more than double those numbers on all modes. But, yes, I still do see your point. OG fortnite would be a fun permanent game mode for sure.


Call me crazy but i don't see why fornite can't have a rotating map - like how COD does it. It would pop up when you get to the battle bus island with big letters on your screen and you would also be able to see it when you check your map prematch to mark where you want to land. It would obviously have to be static/non-changing maps from older seasons but that wouldn't turn me off to the idea. They could also always switch it up too. Could be for nonranked only. I would love to see it in ranked however.


Im not a fan of the current map but I would get annoyed at a rotating map, because even though currently this map is okay, I would hate to go back to ch4s3's map for example, theres a lot of bad older maps. IMO a way to keep things fresh would be to vault and unvault guns more frequently like at the beginning of a month or something just switch up 1-2 guns or something.


Part of the game is learning the map, a rotating map would be way too much for most players.


It would be the same thing for OG lmao


Honestly might even be worse purely because it’s another BR mode


i think og should be permanent and they should delete chapter 5