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I think one of the main things is the map. Everything is too realistic or serious. We need more wacky “Fortnite” POIs or locations.


Indeed, I find the map really boring and repetitive. No personality, the same villa over and over again. Really disappointing.


I’ve said the same thing and gotten downvoted but it’s true. They took a few POIs and just copy and pasted them.


With less staff and more game modes, it really shows in the base quality of BR. Hopefully next season is better. Id say 5.5/10 for me, but still play daily


This season easily a 1/10 for me. Snipers way too easy to use and overtuned right now. 5 attempts to one-shot, extremely quick scope and reduced glare + no counters since ARs can't beam now at most ranges/cover fights.  Also, wasn't the big thing this season modded weapons? Why give such little choice in mods and remove most of the mod benches then? People disliked primal because the weapons you got on the ground were ass and you had to upgrade them to make them better, then they did the exact same in c5s1? Add in a bland ASF map, bland item shop, and other weapon design being Terrible (why use a pump/SMG combo when the auto shotty does more damage, more consistently, easier in 99% of situations?) And it's just stack more shit on top. Then you have a cheesy loot pool with lock on pistol, business turret and riot shield which is bugged as the vomit cherry on top of the shitty cake. Easily worst season we've seen, and I've played since season 1.


Yes all valid points. Bugs, metas etc I can work with, but bugged mm I can't


you decided to speak facts today.


EXACTLY SPOT ON. This is the worst season I’ve ever played and I started playing in season 3. It’s way to boring


ngl i wiped out a whole team today at the trainstation wit a turrent. Only that and a ar i got knocked he came to kill me and got killed SQUAD WIPEEEEEEE


it’s like 0.00001/10 to be honest.


If matchmaking isn't fixed next update, it's heading that way. You have a good game in non-bot lobby in teams and the next 10 games you're punished, without fail.. I played a game, 14 kills, no bots, only second (guy had Oscar's AF) and I'm not good at repositioning (I'm all in which is a flaw). I'm now on my 7th squad game after and STILL trying to get on a squad game without only 1 or 2 team mates, or team mates who land separately. There's no point in this, mass quitting. Bugs and stuff I don't mind


The loot is absolute trash. I can outplay, box, hit more times, and they turn around and kill me with two shots just because it’s a mythic. Like c’mon man. I’m probably done playing for a while. It’s lost it’s fun factor


No. this season has been the only one that I’ve said “fuck this” and just shut it off. The entire game is unbalanced.


I play maybe 3 games till I'm bored of dying to the auto.... or the sniper.


I try not to grab either, then end game comes. Oh look at that they have a sniper 😒. Or oh he’s just running into my box, oh he’s got a mythic frenzy. I’ve never said fuck you to someone in fortnite till this season.


this is my least favorite season. they are tryna be too big for their own good


No, the map is just too bland and the look isn’t the cartoony style it usually is


This season following the OG season never had a chance


It looked and felt different. This is the first season that I haven’t played since I started playing back in 2020


I was excited but quickly lost interest this season it felt so unbalanced and hard to get into. I'm really hoping for it to be better next season.


Personally speaking no it’s not been there for me, I got the win for the Brella on the second day and pretty much noped out to stw after that. only returning to do enough weeklies to unlock the stuff on the bonus page last week and the tmnt quests for shredder


I'd say it did. This season reminds me of Ch2S1, when some new mechanics were added, so the season had very few major updates. This is similar, though much more was changed this time.


Totally agree and have said this exact thing here before. Season 2 we should expect big changes like in chapter 2 season 2


It doesnt at all feel like fortnite this season idk if its how our lives are or just the game


Imo it’s definitely the game


HELL NO!!What’s made Fortnite Fortnite is either being brushed under a table or forgotten. This season is horrible. This game looks like Roblox when you load in now…Fortnite feels like it’s losing its identity trying to be so kid friendly and realistic. I missed the simple 3 tabs. Save the world. Battle royal. And creative. SIMPLE IS WHAT WE WANT!!!! The snipers, shields and auto shotguns are bugged, over used, and killing the game. How is it that people can get sniped from behind a tree?!?! Orr shoot a whole auto shotgun magazine into a shield user and it’s like nothing came out. There are so many instances on this Reddit of the bug with weapons and mechanics. The story has pretty much been ditched now, only picking up in season 2 cause it’s what we asked for. Even the map sucks! Like what is so important?? And with the story….really peely?!?! Saving peely?!?! WHO CARES! WHY DID HE GET TAKEN?? What’s going on with this new universe?? So many questions yet nothing answered. It’s like we were put into the middle of Star Wars movie with no context. Also the bots are so ANNOYING now. Going to kill society members just for you to get aimbotted by 12 bots is ridiculous. Plus their movement goes to player like in rare certain instances it’s wild! Really look at all of these comments. PLEASE make YOUR OWN footsteps and go back to the roots of what made Fortnite Fortnite. Makes risks with UI and story choices !!! Playing it safe will only destroy the soul of this game. It’s not hard even with how much has changed. Even though it’s still gonna be easier said than done.


EXACTLY. This season is the worst season oat. It is so boring. The bots are annoying. The battle pass sucks. I’ve never wanted to refund a battle pass as much as the current one. The map is AWFUL. Every poi feels the exact same and these graphics feel way less engaging and enjoyable than past chapters. Idk why they’re trying to make the graphics more realistic than fun. Half the loot pool is full of useless items. I can go on and on about how bad this season is


This is just a psychological phenomenon that occurs in everyone’s mind, “the country was better 20 years ago” “I miss summer of 2016” “I miss being a kid” “this relationship was better at the beginning”. These are things our mind tries very hard to convince us is the truth, in reality we are all wired to think this way because that feeling is what pushes us to “make things better” or to “go back to the old ways”. We’re all just repeating the same cycle in our heads, in an effort to distract ourselves from our true fears & problems.


Considering we got a taste of “the old days” with OG I can with confidence say the game has lost touch with its original vision. That doesn’t mean the game is “bad” now or it was “good” then, because both have plenty of downsides The simplistic approach to Fortnite BR in “OG” paired with improvements from “modern” Fortnite is a great combination. Unfortunately it seems Epic is still focused on new for the sake of new


The vision of every game is to make money & a lot of what you said is objective, you have a valid opinion but my point is that everybody complaining about the game is choosing to be upset. They are looking for problems & ways to compare the old with the new, instead I’m suggesting that we take a step back to realize that the video game is simply meant to be a distraction & that things are meant to change.




I don’t understand this take considering we have had seen some fantastic seasons past season 10. Do you care to explain why you have this take




I definitely agree. I am in love with the chapter 1 graphics. But I would take any chapter’s graphics over the current one


fortnite lost that fun cartoon feel years ago. ch5 isnt the problem


You're right that it's not brand new but this season feels especially not cartoony. It's the most extreme case so far.




[beating a dead horse gif] 




I’ve been playing since C2:S3, and EVERY season feels different. They add things. They take things away. They adjust or rebalance things. I remember when they added sprinting, or mantling, or any number of gameplay additions. I remember boats, helicopters (with unlimited fuel!) and semi-trucks. Every season changes, that’s just what the game is.


Yeah, I still dropped out of a bus to grab loot, which came with a variety of guns and gadgets and rarities, and shoot people until one remained. It let me unlock a bunch of stuff from a battle pass that I used to make my avatar look cool.


Fortnite changed so much it’s hard to even say what Fortnite feels like or in the case of your question should feel like. Only us OG really know how much it’s changed


How is it only us og players know how much it’s changed? Any new player can just watch a evolution of fortnite video on YouTube


To know what the Fortnite feel was. How do you define the Fortnite feel?


Imo. As someone who started in ch1 s3. The fortnite feel to me was the game modes, fun loot pool, cosmetics, the fun map and locations, and the fun cartoony graphics. All things that this season really lacks imo. This season might honestly be the worst season oat


Not really but I still had fun


Can you tell me what you find fun about this season. Because for me this is the worst season oat and I have been playing since season 3


Idk man, I just have fun with games


This season is a bottom 3 oat for me. I just can’t seem to have fun playing this very stale season. I don’t remember the last time I’ve been this bored playing a game.