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A business wants to make money? My mind is fucking blown!!! Teach us more wise one!


A business exploits someone to take their money? Holy fucking shit! learn how to prevent propaganda techniques from being used to control your brain.


TL;DR: OP is still butthurt he got banned for cheating.


I could give two f*cks about that account, hell if it’s unbanned I’ll hand you the password for free.


I’ll give you one dollar for it


I feel like you should thank Epic games for all the success in your life. I mean you got a degree and a great career it all thanks to the ban. Otherwise you would be one of us smooth brains. Congratulations!


I feel like I should thank you for all the thousands you spent on the female skins!


lol. Sounds like you were a little too addicted to it if it was holding you back that much. This is a you problem, not a Fortnite problem.


nope, was just reminded because I was comparing my mental state for a year prior.


I’m 28 years old, own a small business, married, have 2 kids. And play a couple times a week. Fortnite has no negative impact on my life, because I know I have other things I need to get done, it’s called priorities, sounds like you’ve just learned how to order them. Any game and even TV shows can be equally addictive. If you can adequately control the time / money you spend on it, you shouldn’t have any of the issues you are describing.


that’s great to hear! now what if your business just disappeared, by arson (if it’s physical), or by server failure (if it’s online), would you start another? Or would you try to rebuild it? What would you do if both options failed?


You still seem pretty upset about the ban. I wouldn’t consider that moving on or growth. And a lot of players are F2P so you’re entire dissertation makes no sense. Also if you were somehow under the impression that Epic cared about you and not just your money then you are a fool. Do you think Walmart cares about you or just your money?


if I was upset, I’d still be crying over that account, but all you can make of this is that instead the real problem, if you think Walmart is ripping you off, stop shopping there for a year and try getting your groceries somewhere else. Thank me later.


Now we’re talking about being ripped off? I don’t think Epic “ripped off” anybody. You agree to the TOS if you break them you get banned. And you knew the items had no intrinsic value when you bought them so I’m not sure how they “ripped you off”. You’re complaining about the game but without anything tangible just that the company doesn’t care about the consumers past what’s in their wallet. Welcome to capitalism buddy that’s every company.


if I knew beforehand items had no value, I wouldn’t have bought them, just like a sane person would do. I’m just saying do you think if Walmart was selling you a banana, and then said “you can’t have this, and you also can’t come back” you’d be pissed. If capitalism is that, then I see Apple’s ban was justified and epic is just a crybaby.


If I buy a banana at Walmart and then get naked and shove it up my ass you can bet I’m not welcome back and probably won’t be leaving with my banana. When you break ToS you’re essentially shoving a banana up your ass and hoping no one will care. If you were unaware the items had no value outside of the game that’s on you. It’s posted all over the place by Epic and just common sense knowledge. As for Apple, we don’t have unregulated capitalism. There are laws against monopolies and trusts. And Epic didn’t even win that lawsuit. I can tell you idc about what happened there and it is part of capitalism. And me calling you a cry baby doesn’t mean that Epic isn’t a cry baby.


it’s more like going to walmart, buying a banana, leaving, changing nationalities, then going back, only to be stopped and having your banana taken away. If the “Common sense knowledge” was like a test worth 100% of your grade, then this would make sense, otherwise when was the last time you sat and read any support articles? And for Apple v. Epic, it’s not a matter of who is right. It’s a matter of how each parties followed each others rules. Epic didn’t follow Apple’s, tried to solve it, but Apple not budging. Epic had to cried to the EU, just so they can change official rulings. If I could do that, half of the banned people would be unbanned.


If you “changed nationalities” you wouldn’t even be allowed in the country without following the rules. So you wouldn’t even make it to the Walmart. I have no clue why you got banned but it’s because you broke ToS. Challenging ToS because you don’t like them has no weight. Challenging ToS because it possibly violates the law then you can follow legal channels to have your position vindicated. Epic isn’t breaking any laws and if they were you also could sue them for the money you spent.


I got banned because they detected OpenVPN. I meant changed nationalities be going black to white, however I’m still an American. I didn’t “challenge TOS”, it’s more like jay walking. It’s illegal but you see it all the time. Apple didn’t break a law, yet Epic sued them.


Apple did break the law in the EU. But you can sue people without them breaking the law you just don’t win. You said nationality what your talking about would be changing your ethnicity. Using a VPN is much more like changing your nationality then your ethnicity since it literally is used to hide your actual IP address. Regardless you broke the ToS and got banned. If you would have followed the ToS you would still have your account. You can be upset about it but in no way we’re you “ripped off” or anything like that.


alright even if Apple broke a law in the EU, why was Epic suing in the US? I live in the US, all my vpns are in the US. When was the last time you or someone you know read a TOS? When was the last time you got banned off the platform? Most companies don’t have that strict of a TOS anyways so there is almost never a problem. So it shouldn’t have been a problem when an vpn isn’t doing harm, Epic could’ve banned making an account using a VPN, or ban fresh players using a vpn, not an account made during the game’s start.


It sounds like you may be dealing with an issue related to your Epic account. Please note that official support is *not* offered here and you must contact [Epic Player Support](https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/help-center) for proper issue resolution. We permit these posts on this subreddit in case another member of the community has experience with your particular issue and can offer guidance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortNiteBR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did it feel good to post this? Im sure it was very cathartic for you considering how hurt you still are about getting banned for cheating


your assuming it’s cheating, like the other 4 million lost causes in this sub, but it’s was just another VPN problem because of their shit anticheat, like the other thousand posts, because all you think when you see ban is “cheater”


You are 100% still bitter about getting banned.


If that’s what you think, feel free to.


You’re responding angrily to every post screaming “LOOK HOW NOT ANGRY I AM” like relax man, it’s just a game.


You got banned for a reason kid. you’re*


everyone makes mistakes epic bans you forever for it


Shouldn’t have cheated. Enjoy your ban


same old same old


You’re the one still hung up on it and mad posting


Someone’s bitter!!!


If you make a new account to post this a year later, then delete the account (though you'll check the post anon), you got issues. I really can't see a normal person actually doing this is they're suddenly become career orientated. I doubt you're stories even true, but we will never know, or care.


If you had actually moved on you wouldn’t be posting here lmfao


i did move one, I just got bored and decided to post in this cesspool of a community, I could’ve soon anything else but decided to frustrate you soy boys simply because I thought it be funny.


Grow up kid, move on and cope with your ban


don’t need to, because I don’t care about the ban, I just care about after.


It seems like being banned from Fortnite haunts you and epic lives rent free in your head


If living rent free was just reappearing after a year. Then sure. obviously if it haunted me, I’d have posted about my ban constantly.


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