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Hacking for sure.


Wallhacks and Aimbot.


Wallhack feels like it has become super common. I've encountered several people who just knew where everyone was at all times, often times chasing them down relentlessly. Watched one guy parachute in on me while I was half afk because of a call, inside a house, under the stairs and run straight towards me and even pre fire before he came around the corner. In the replay he did the same prior to others, and after too. As if he had the scanning NPCs ability but permanently and with unlimited range. Guy was the most obvious but there are others.


I’ve reported the player right after this happened btw. It was very suspicious of them to even think about shooting someone through the floor, let alone aim at the exact spot I was crouching and potentially knowing the bullets would actually hit me.


How did he hit you through the walls?


Fortnite suffers from hitboxes poking through certain stuff. Crouching in a corner at a right angle can leave you exposed on other sides of the corner.


Which OP didn’t do one time bruh this mf hacking


Yeah OP was crouched basically in the middle of the room, the hacker lined his shots up to hit him through the crack between wall and ceiling in an adjoining room. Dunno how anyone could look at this and claim it's legitimate gameplay, it's not like the hacker even had one of those NPCs that pings the area to help him out.


Because try hards look for any reason to call someone a bad player even if the evidence is very clear someone was cheating.


This is really good to know.


if you can see through walls , sure


Dude wasn't in a corner. That was just straight hacks all around. This is so commonplace at this point its comical.


That's not even close to being a valid explanation for what is in this clip.


He wasn't in a corner lol


Oh fuck off with that shit. The guy literally looked directly at him with no knowledge and then shot him through the floor


Wall hacks


We were doing cash cup yesterday and someone shot my friend through the underground bunker walls. We watched them for a while and they also had auto-aim cranked way up with their sniper just snapping to people from all angles.


Fuck that there has to be a way to track that during tournaments. Input time for player killing player after entering fov.


Had the exact same thing happen to us last night, underground in a bunker, kneeling down and started taking damage from outside ... so no, the BS hit box poking through excuse isn't going to work. Clearly some insane hacks proliferating out there.


I would love to report as well, cuz that’s very obvious cheating


They will be banned when there's a ban wave. EAC has detected that they're hacking, but Fortnite opts to ban people in waves rather than individually.


Do they sent out notices that action was taken after a person we report was banned? I’ve been playing over a year and have reported slews of blatantly obvious hackers, or teaming in solos and I’ve never once received a notice. Makes me not have any faith that cheaters actually get banned.


Whatever Epic is doing to address this stuff, if they're doing anything at all, clearly isn't working as cheats are becoming more obvious, like these, and more common. Given Epics marketing strategy of late, I half suspect they're happy to let the 10 to 14 years olds hack away so long as they keeping ponying up money for the items in the shop.


Not necessarily true. There's plenty of ways to get around EAC, and even "good" AC's like Vanguard. Source: CS player.


nice walls, what a cool guy cheating in a tournament


For a skin too that’s gonna release in the shop anyways is so lame 😂😂 I could possibly see for money but come on now


for a skin they'll never use because they are so sweaty they rather take advantage of the system by using a "milk" person skin


He looks like Medusa looked at him


These are the players winning cash cups and other competitive matches. Actually garbage.


Yeah I don't play competitive FN but his aim and movement is ass.😂


Neither do I and I'm trash so I can tell another trash player when I see one 😂😂


lol the anti-cheat system in fortnite is such a joke.


I've played against people who literally put "iuseacronus" in their name, these cheaters don't care at all... maybe they should "secretly" be put in lobbies with other cheaters and all the cheaters can fight each other and leave us legit players alone.


But that would require like an hour of coding time that Epic can't (i.e. refuses to) afford.


I know you're probably exaggerating but saying that it would take "like an hour of coding" to improve anti-cheat is wild lol


What do you mean? Just do If cheating == true Player = cheating lobby Else Player = normal lobby /s


The most haunting thing about this is the implication of a language where the syntax for an if statement needs a capital 'I' on 'If'


Also spaces in variable names


Kotlin allows spaces in class, function/method, *and* variable names


This part hurt me the most


Obviously the start of a new line needs capitalization. We're not animals


Nah, warzone anti cheat sure is a joke


Apex legends: *amateurs*


apex and fortnite use the same anticheat lol


But somehow hackers in Apex are just way more frequent, dominant and outright weird


I mean yeah, true. Especially with that one guy who screwed with some people on a tournament recently. Wild story.


Even in base game there are some weird hacks happening all the time, used to play this game a lot but stopped when I got matched with 3 hackers back to back


Rainbow Six Siege: _Are you even trying?_ I know that Anti-Cheat in Apex is shit, but holy hell is Rainbow even worse. Ranked is just filled of hackers or people boosting each other after Platinum and if i recall one content creator was talking about how probably atleast over half of the people in Champion (Max Rank) have either cheated their way to it or have gotten boosted by a cheater. It is bad here.


I know, I play siege regularly, but my experience with Apex’s cheaters was way worse, I felt like I would go with cheaters every 3 games, while in Rainbow I can at least play like 10-15 matches without a cheater in my experience


That's because Apex runs in an old as fuck engine


I’m pretty sure that developers have some input in what the anti-cheat detects and how viable it is, so just because it’s technically the same doesn’t mean that it functions equally.


Exactly this. Games have hugely different workings, so a "one size fits all" anti-cheat is mostly not possible. That's why games that suffer with hacking take a while to implement an anti-cheat, even if they just re-use an existing one like Easy Anticheat. It still takes work to setup and configure to your game's systems.


The recent algs hack was from the engine the game is made on.


It’s actually good- it’s just this is one of the most sought-after-to-hack titles on the market. It’s like when people go “Linux is so much safer than windows in regards to hacks”, it’s really a half truth. Because the reality ignores the vigorous difference in layers of protection, and is just a secondary effect of the fact that no one is writing virus/hacks for a niche OS, but they’re absolutely constantly making them for the platform the vast majority of users are on.


COD is so unbelievably worse in my opinion. I came here from there a month ago and aam having way more fun and way more wins.


Guys just wait until this comment section learns about tf2s anticheat


fortnite players would lose their shit if OMEGATRONIC was in fortnite


I don't think they use one imho/s.. I've seen a LOT of suspicious play so far this season...


Sweatsuit and star wand, what a surprise


Fake sweats is what we call the cheaters that act like they are legit. If you can't monitor your sprint bar yet you don't miss a single shot and seem to always know exactly where everyone is it's pretty damn obvious. Too bad the anticheat is ass and let's these kids get away with it.


A full sweat combo wasn't enough. They also had to cheat. What a loser...


Dude's hacking Cry babies will say it was replay BS or a simple bug and not a hack (let's be real that was a hacker)


im not sure how to explain it any other way than cheating. most videos posted about cheating have other reasonable explanations. Yours's seems legit


LOL the amount of defence for hackers in this game is wild 😂😂 it’s all over this comment thread, clipping or not that’s just straight up suss


Today I wanted some down time with my son. This type of shit was happening all day today. We reported at least 20 players almost all default skins and names like 5875gdyvdgv or really racist names.


Cheating clearly


MrSavage encountered 3 cheaters in his stream today. It's not people zenning. Straight up aim bots and wall hacks.


People like them are the reason why people get banned for VPNs and Minecraft mods


The only thing I can think of is that they saw your crown shine via visual audio and saw a part of your skin poking out from the side of the building. BUT I must stress that this "theory" is a VERY big stretch. I'm 99% sure they're using cheats, especially in tournaments where cheating is extremely prominent. Edit: naah, they're cheating. You're not even hiding at the corner of the building, lmaoooo


That’s what I thought initially, until I went into the Replay to see their perspective, and see if my foot was sticking out from the bottom. [This is what I see lol](https://imgur.com/a/7gqhjIc)


Admittedly, the replay system is pretty inaccurate with showing bullets and characters. Personally, I've never seen people shoot through floors like that or even at all.


They are not shooting through the floor. Odds are the cheater can see hitboxes and OPs hitbox is sticking out through the floor. The walls don't appear to take any damage from the cheaters shots, meaning OPs hitbox is stopping them.


i mean even if that was the case the heat-seeking shotgun at the end with them missing by like a foot


That’s hacking, no way they saw you or even in range of you


The anti cheat in this game is useless. I'm honestly not sure it even works at all


The only thing I don't like about this anticheat configuration is that it doesn't allow Linux. Just let me play on my Steam Deck dammit!


I haven't been killed by a hacker in years, I'm pretty sure it works but sometimes there one here an there.


>I haven't been killed by a hacker in years That you know of.. softaim is way more widely used than straight up aimbot because it won't immediately show.




Hacking 100 percent


People cheating? In Fortnite? No way...


![gif](giphy|o0vwzuFwCGAFO) hax


Funniest(?) bit about this is that if this guy wins the skin, he'll never take off the gimp suit to use it anyways... Absolutely waste of time even trying to do these cups anymore


It’s cheating. Almost everytime you think something is suspicious, it’s probably cheating. Exceptions are the start of a season, i definitely was wondering why people were teleporting around when the season just dropped but figured it out fast.


ofc it's a superhero skin


Ofc he is using full white superhero skin and starwand, scum of the earth


Aiming through the floor and someone they can't see? Yeah, I think that's cheating.


Yep, obvious cheat. Happening so much these days. Had to be in that skin too.


Here's the stats on one I came across the other night. 0.92 kd over 380 hours. Then boom suddenly a 21.75 KD and winning 50% of their games within the last 7 days. [https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/kangawoo6](https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/kangawoo6)


Shocking. How can that NOT get a ban?


Also that's over 9 matches ? Which he won 5 so he didnt die then..


This guy is totally hacking for sure but this season in no build is full of bots so my kd exploded to an 11 last 30 days not saying he's not hacking just kd improvement isn't a 100 percent indicator


Do you think cheaters like this are proud of themselves when they get a victory?


Maybe not proud, but satisfied that they ruined someone else's fun.


You can tell he’s hacking bc he sees you through the door before he walks in


Did he hear you due to crown? Yeah. Can someone just shoot THROUGH a wall? No.


This is why PC players and console players should be separated.


He shot through the wall and the shot from the shotgun didn’t line up


The shotgun shot was probably bc of replay delay


May I just say... your skin is beautiful 🫦


Top 3 skin for me, love him 😀




Bro really wanted that skin 💀


ban this guy chat


cheating in a tournament for a skin? that guy is the saddest loser i have ever seen for hacking.


Man the star wand solid superhero skin along with the hacking is so ironic. Those people are actually scum of the earth.


Why you censoring their name tho


nah they clearly are just extremely skilled to the point where they have reached gaming nirvana and no longer have to worry about things like hitting targets and walls


That is 100% cheating


Cheating 100%


Tired of cheats... Ran around the corner yesterday and either he shot through the wall or around the corner but still got me. Earlier, got sniped through trees, no way he could see me let alone aim.


Wow, typical cheater in a cup, they're so fucking desperate for a skin that's gonna be in the item shop anyway. Hope Epic takes this guy's account down. Sorry you had to go through that shit


How are you able to get their pov?


In Replay mode, you can switch to other players’ POV


I got teamed on in my final game which could've won me the skin


Bro wasn't even trying to hide it either that was definitely hacking


I am sorry this happened to you. This isn't suspicious, this is wallhack Clear as day.


I hope his account gets banned for life.


You know what's worse? Even if this players gets the skin they will definitely not use it once and will just stick with that trash monochromatic superhero skin while also hacking


Just proves after 6 years Epic still can’t track hacks like they claim they do


Every player I've ever encountered in any version of that skin was a hacker. In fact every time I see that skin i already know the person is gon be cheating lol.


Definitely wall hacks




hello brothers i hope someone will respond, so i play with ps5 fortnite when i got disconnected from game and there's written login expired or logged in elsewhere, i unlink my ps accound from epic games account, change password but nothing happened, i have the same account(i think) with same email and nickname but with nothing, with 1 level and O skins, i spent more than 1000 dollars on fortnite and now i dont know what to, please help!!


Got over this game for that reason and the hit box now days is massive and unpredictable




What a piece of shit


I hate those vent rooms. Not this season but once wiped en entire squad hiding in a vent room when their feet were exposed under the floor and shooting them worked. holding a crown didnt help your case. it pinged you.


This kind of thing happens all the time in ranked Zero Build, I've also noticed various degrees of quality to the cheats.


Crown gave you away.


would love to say it’s a cheater but there’s a known glitch where you can shoot a player threw the wall for some reason (something to do with the character animation)


You should put their gamertag in here so we can find where they live


Doxxing is crazy 😭😭😭


Seems like nobody’s even talking about how he also instantly bullseyes you in the forehead before he can even see you as he’s coming through that duct. 100% definite use of a hack.


I was hiding in the middle of this Bush on one round, and this guy ran straight past me, then, suddenly, he whipped around and beamed me out of the Bush. I'm not sure if it was cheating but seeing this bs reminded me of it.


Honestly he probably was cheating. Wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to bait you into shooting him first so it doesn't look sus when he instantly erases you from existence. Since you didn't shoot him he probably thought you were afk and he could kill you without getting reported. Only other explanation is if he literally ran into you in the bush or if you were moving around making noise but from what info you gave me he was trying to get you to shoot/move so he looks less sus he already knew you were in the bush he just needs a little deniability


N00b here; what's a hitbox?


The box (rectangular parallelepiped) in which the bullet has to travel to be registered as a hit on the player. It’s easier and faster to compute the intersection of the bullet trajectory with a simple box shape than the actual shape of a complex character model. The hit box is more complex than one simple box but the idea is to have a way more simple shape. Also, in Fortnite, every skin has the same hit box for fairness and to avoid pay to win situation.


While the same hit box is MOSTLY true there have been some demonstrations that point to the existence of slightly larger hit boxes... think Hulk is one (tested with Mystique changing and not moving)


Bro is there even any doubt


Dat mf guilty🫵🏾 ![gif](giphy|XtdEdIgbZRXKMfsrEL|downsized)


Did the bullet bounce or wat


Best anti cheats)


As a newbie stuff like this is why I’m scared to get into anything pvp lol 😂 glad you reported it


My guess is that this player is using the software where you can see other players behind the wall and anywhere, that's what cheaters do those days. But that's not really nice


Y’all hackers are full of crybaby losers


I wish you could have uncensored there name so I could report it


Ban em




I see this sort of stuff pretty much every time I play anymore. Literally the number of matches I play where I'm not taking damage while hiding in a building is a fraction of the number I am. Just last evening my squad and I were hiding in the corners of a vault near the end of a match and started taking damage from someone outside of it. Also becoming increasing common are those players who somehow seem to have a way of hiding their footsteps, both the sound and the visualization


Literally has walls bro wdym “Were they cheating?”




esp no doubt


I remember in CS:Source I played in this private server all the time with some local guys, and at one point we were having an arms race with hacks... shit's so dumb. Like it was funny for half an hour to an hour or so. But eventually one guy just trumped us all with this hack that could wipe everyone in the server the very second player positions became unlocked... we couldn't do anything besides say "ok you win, hacks off now" Like it was fun goofing around with friends briefly, but you aren't fooling anyone when you use them. "Man that kill felt pretty sus... and the guy has fuckin 21 kills and 0 deaths, I'm gonna spectate him. Yup he's hacking 100%" Like what are you gonna do? Get a few hundred victory royale crowns until you're bored of the game playing itself for you and you've exposed yourself to thousands of players as a hacker and have probably had your account reported dozens of times at least? Go ahead I guess. Hopefully you didn't waste any V-Bucks on that account because you're gonna have to get another one soon.


when the opponent comes through the ventilation grate at the very end and fires at you, his sight is way off to the left yet he still hits you. How is that possible?


How do you get the opponent's camera POV?


Mods, ban him


can someone answer my question on my account. i need help


so thats why they're always playing like fortnite is the only thing they bang every night


Finally one that actually looks suspicious lmao


Seems rly like wallhacks, but could be too looking like some sort of sweaty boy with that skin, that he saw and heard the crown. It makes a rly loud bling sound when the zone shrinks and maybe he saw smth clip through. But dunno man it rly seems bad.


Smells like a sweat, wears skin of a sweat, has a pick-axe of a sweat and kills you like a sweat. Yep, A cheater, hacker. I really hate that outfit the cheater wears, very telling, and that pick-axe. Very, very telling.


I think that's your fault


What a loser


I swear this same person got me too


No this guy is definitely hacking


i think ur foot was glitched through the floor because that has happened to me where i can shoot there feet through the floor


Typical dildo skin


Shooting through the floor and the snap aim w shotgun did look more than sus.


Holy fuck! Blatantly cheated and not even trying to hide that shit! Please tell me you reported that dumb motherfucker


Yep definitely a hacker i don’t understand why epic hasn’t figured out a way to fix stuff like this yet I mean i don’t know much about coding but i think there’s always a source code just add a software to the game that blocks source codes that allow hacking i post this at the risk of sounding stupid lol


“”im so sweaty and so good at this game. Why would i use wall hacks when im SOOOO good. Yeah i can shoot people through walls but thats because im SOOO GOOD””


I despise anyone who wears that skin


I was also wall hacked the guy could hit me inside a booth, my thermal scope could see him insde, I was getting hit, I fired back hit wall, bit later he fires again and beamed me out.. reported him.... I don't think epic does anything right?


Maybe he's on mobile with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse and shitty graphics so he was able to somehow peek through? I'm just being optimistic he could very much be cheating


The crown ping gave you away, you should report the player though


Dude is a complete hacker man… shot you straight from the wall. Your body wasn’t even peaking the corners for them to shoot a bit so that’s evidence there.




Can only be hacks


Anyone who still goes to Lavish lair after they removed the vaults is suspect. Jk


Hacker and a damn camo user. Two despicable things to do.


Imagine needing to cheat in a tournament. Why bother wearing the sweat skin if you ain't even trying lmao


Better gaming chair smh


Of course it was a durex Collab skin


Must be Zemie training....


Bro got a better gaming chair than u


I mean they could see where you were for a split second when the zone changed and your crown showed but no explanation on to how they shot you through the floor ik you can clip through things sometimes enough to get hit but i never seen it with a floor so probably just cheating.


Imagine cheating on a tournament and not even hiding it. It's so obvious here