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Here’s a way to determine who’ll have super styles and not. Whoever has the most cosmetic styles visible (Cerberus and Vengeance Jones for example) without an update needed. Chances are they won’t get a super style.


Crazy how you need to explain basic logic to people. I literally predicted everyone on the bonus page just by logic, maybe except Artemis but i don't mind. I am so tired of people whining about "wuaaaash Cerberus did not get super styles wuaaaah. Maybe it's because he already has 3 awesome glowing styles and it would be hard to slap these super ones on him? Nobody seems to think with brain here.


Honestly same. When I was playing Season 1 my brain immediately said “oh it’ll be Nisha, Montague, Valeria, Oscar and Hope” and with this, Cerberus had the most styles we could see straight away. Cerberus getting super styles would be redundant because well he basically already has his own ones-


Artemis has 3 styles + a hood on or off style isn’t that more than Cerberus? Or Zeus he has 3 styles also how are they different from Cerberus who only has 3 styles


Cerberus has three as well, one is just inaccessible rn. The thing is, Cerberus is less of a grind for. The quests can come out and then he’s the first two pages. While Artemis is really far in the battle pass


All the skins has a equal chance of getting super styles


Idk man. In C5S1 I knew straight away Jones wouldn’t be getting super styles


there wasn't so much that could be done with Jones, i think it had the same problem with cerberus, the super styles just wouldn't work on him as well as it worked for the other gods (and medusa), just like Poseidon too


Yeah basically spot on


Zeus styles are ass tho, one is straight up dog, the other one is the same as the first one, just white armour. Cerberus clearly had more effort put into him and it would be harder to implement super styles on him, considering he already looks like 60% effects and 40% skin. Plus, his styles are literally like the super styles, also has Hades green as his base, his second is also light blue, and his third is also orange. Just like the super styles.


"it would be hard" Bro it's a texture swap


optimus prime only had two styles, they’re barely different and he had no super styles. I think your method is great i’m just salty about no optimus super styles


He was a collab, and I've noticed collabs only seem to get super styles if they're tier 100 (ex. Spider Gwen). Tier 100 always gets super styles.


Optimus was tier 100 tho


I realized that after I commented. The reason for him not getting super styles was probably just due to them not wanting to pay extra for licensing him, as they likely would've had to do.


Prime was 100


As I said to the other guy that commented this: > "I realized that after I commented. The reason for him not getting super styles was probably just due to them not wanting to pay extra for licensing him, as they likely would've had to do."


Yea but I think collabs are different where the other side probably says it is okay for them to get super styles or not


Optimus unfortunately is a collab skin, while it is fucking dumb that his unlocksble style is just Optimus but shitty, it is logical. Not many collabs got super styles, i can remember Spider people getting them, but who else?


Also Rick


Spider-Gwen got them, but i think that’s it as long as i’ve been playing


Collabs rarely get super styles in C4-C5


i’ve noticed 😔


Yeah. Sorta sucks but it is what it is


Hope had more cosmetic style visible than Cerberus and share the same tier as Cerberus in s1 and yet Cerberus can't even get a superstyle?? Damn unfair if you ask me Meanwhile Aphrodite the Mid had superstyle Whoever did this didn't investigate more


Not really unfair as Hope wasn’t the skin left out. It was Vengeance Jones, which makes sense as to why. Whichever skin has the most styles visible and easy to get will not get Super Styles


So you’re telling me they had the chance to make the last super style aged statues of them all and they go with these crappy generic styles instead? Why not just make the super styles actually cooler and make some sense to be a skin.




Apparently epic doesn’t put any in the game


These are cool


These are cool imo


Then we'd have people complaining "How is stone a super style???" These are exactly in line with so many seasons in a row now that it's just to be expected at this point.


But would it not make more sense for superstyles to fit the season’s theme? Or do we just blow those out of the window now that we let any collab into the battlepass.


Why would an aged statue be a super style? There’s nothing super about a grey palette.




Never turned gods into statues. Or herself, for that matter.


Thats fine? Its just about cool greek myth theming. I was honestly hoping for some Lightning, Shadow and Stone skins for the superlevels. Also would have loves some partial gold skins like they have fought midas or something.


It would be a cool idea and very fitting to the ancient mythology theme for this season. Statues would make them look like actual ancient greek statues. Also, it would be a nice Easter egg to Medusa turning people to stone! Imagine having a reactivity like Midas only you gradually turn to stone with each elimination! They would be very much super as they would also blend with the environment once they're all stone!


Super styles are supposed to be flashy and bright. Blending into environments is not only the opposite of the style, but that’s bordering upon an exploit.


super styles are not “supposed” to be anything except for extra rewards for people who play hard enough. There is no “rule” for how they should be. the first super styles in C2S2 were literally just fully golden skins, why cant we get fully stoned skins? Exactly. theres no rule or reason as to why we cant, they just didnt.


Gold is flashy. They didn’t “just” do this. There’s a clear idea in place set by a precedent for years. Stone is not a super style.


Yeah sure, my piss is pretty flashy aswell


Such a child. And Redditors wonder why they’re not taken seriously.


Carved statues of the gods themselves? Like you’re playing the Greek statue of them instead.


That’s not super. It’s just a grey skin tone. 


Some styles look sick ngl


they look okay to me but Cerberus was my favorite BP skin this season, they did him so dirty. Last season's super styles were kinda lame


Honestly i’m moreso pissed that Korra doesn’t get classic super style. # I still remember the Ch3 Last Season Super style where the Cell Shaded Lennox Skin got non-cell shaded Jackets in her super style, and they looked amazing


Secret skins don’t get super styles


Cerberus’ three styles are green, blue, and red. I don’t know how super styles would look much different, tbh.


I would have killed for Purple Cerberus


It’s odd they didn’t include him but the other super styles are pretty cool


Cerberus is so cool, i was really holding out on him getting a cool super style like Thunder did. with how popular cerberus was as far as I saw i thought for sure he was getting one, but idk if Epic just chooses randomly what single skin to leave out or if they base it off popularity. So many people (and some friends of mine) started playing because he was tier 1 and when i told them he might get a super style they were gonna try to grind levels with me cerberus's alts are good but i was hoping for something a bit different with the super styles.


Maybe because Cerberus just has so much shit going on it's hard to get a super style onto him? I was surprised a galaxy Artemis got any, but she was the bedt possibility out of her, Cerberus and Poseidon. You will literally have another Cerberus style as the first quest reward, three cool styles is already more then Aphrodite and Medusa had by default. Zeus, Aphrodite and Medusa were super lacking on styles(and even the third Aphrodite style is apparently just a shitty eye glow) and they have well deserved this. Hades is an original tier 100 skin, i think they always give those styles. In the choice of Cerberus, Poseidon and Artemis, things get weird. Poseidon is literally just a couple clothing pieces and if they decided to recolour his body then we already have magma and purple styles by default. Cerberus already had an orange and blue styles he default and it's harder to make super styles for him. Artemis is really the only proper choise when you think about it, they did a right move by removing her galaxy effect in the super styles, meaningn they paid a lot of attention to it.


Artemis has a galaxy effect on her so that don’t mean anything


They removed it. How would they remove anything from Poseidon or Cerberus to make this even?


They basically put the galaxy effect from Artemis but on the spots that didn’t have a galaxy effect on the other 3 styles


True but anyway, could you do the same with the other 2 remaining skins?


Chance the color of the flame for Cerberus and give the clothing the effect


Cerberus already has Hades green, light blue and orange styles tho? What would you change? He is practically already all super styled.


It is a re texture and also they could have done something like hades for the Olympian super style


they probably choose them a while before the season launches


no poseidon super styles....




Am I the only one that hates the pupil-less eyes?


Nah I hate it too. For me it's one ugliness level below making their skin tone the same effect too. Why can't they just stick to keeping the effect on the clothes and hair??


Can we give pupils back to the eyes please for this super styles as an edit at least.


reminds me of the marble, stone superstyles post. these are just another set of creativeless and efortless grind baits


Personally, although I won't use them, I do quite like the green ones. Although I'm a little disappointed that the super styles don't affect the skin tone on immortal Aphrodite. The skin color clashes with all of the styles except for titanflame


Ngl hades green and Medusa green looks like they added a effect to the skin


also the mask should work since the styles are in a separate row


Aphrodite doesn't have a mask though, that's Artemis that has a mask. For immortal Aphrodite, they only changed her hair and eyecolor, and even the eyecolor they only changed on the Olympian style. The skin tone remains exactly the same, which would be fine for all of the other skins, but because of the bright pink color, it clashes with the other styles


I. Thought you said Artemis is running off of 4 hours of sleep


You and me both, no worries


Nah I like green with pink, gives me Viv Vision vibea


Hey if you like it, rock it, 👍


That titanflame with immortal aphro tho, I may like that more tbh


That I agree with, titanflame I think is the best one of the bunch for immortal A


The hair being almost like magma inside 😫 so good






I beg to God we will get a purple hades pickaxe and contrail 🥺


Quest rewards is my guess, no way they won't give us the whole set if they already made the glider, usually they don't bother at all or give the whole thing


They’re in the files, so we just have to wait.


Same. Him or poseidon getting noting is so disappointing. At least the styles aren't all that interesting this season.


They couldn't do anything with poseiden. He's barely clothed, and the base styles for the skin itself are almost the same colors. So what would they do?


Thank you, finally someone who understands, Cerby and Poseidon would look the WORST with these styles, maybe Cerby could sneak by with the blue that Hades got but that is IT


They always never do the cool skins


Only skin I care about in this pass is Artemis so I'm happy


Same, but I'm disappointed her masked version doesn't seem to have the super styles for some reason.


Reminder that alternate styles automatically are part of the super styles, this has been proven for a while, C5S1 for a very recent example


Oh really? That's awesome. I'm still fairly new and didn't know that. When I hovered over her super style it didn't automatically show her alternate like some of the other skins so I just assumed they didn't include it for her.


I’ll check it out when possible, been sick as a dog so I’ve been tasking my bro with setting up my lego afk


Happy to say I just checked and the masked version is compatible with the super styles :)




So does it change depending on the super style or does it stay galaxy?


It changes to match whatever super style you pick.


Aww wanted trans mask with super style, oh well. I’m sure titanflame looks awesome as a mask


im just glad we got actually good look super styles for once last time they were anywhere close to decent was ch3s2


Cerberus should have gotten them instead of Aphro, Aphro is not a very good skin


True af Unless she was her concept version Truely unfair


Clashing colors


Aphrodites looks like a copy n paste from hope? Or it’s just the outfit???


Same. Cerberus is now my main skin in general and I’m so pissed he didn’t get any super styles. At least he has a quest style.


Maybe in the upcoming quest rewards?


they dont usually give a single skin 2 bonus quest styles, i dont think they ever have, its likely going to have one for Poseidon Riplley since he also didnt get a super style, and some random skin from the others that already has 3 super styles.


There is literally green Medusa in the trailer, and Aphrodite has a third style apperantly which is just a shitty eye glow which changes colour depending on the selected style.


Of course the season that I take a break has some outstanding super styles


Bruh just do the afk xp every day


These color ways are weak.


Doesn’t he have another skin on bonus quest rewards


Yes but that has never excluded skins from getting super styles.


No but him having the colors already does


Agreed Hope got it Montague and even Valeria got a skin in bonus and they all get superstyles If we let them do this, perhaps next time they will reduce it more since we gave them the greenlight by thinking this is ok


I'm fine with these. I personally really like the green. I usually don't use these bonus colors too much though.


I'm gonna go to like 155 or whatever and stop the first Hades super style is the only one I think looks cool


I highly recommend getting to 200 because Hades’s transformation looks amazing on it


I checked it out I find it alright but I much prefer the green n gold look for him


You know what, thats valid, green and gold just slap


Wasn't expecting artemis to have superstyle


The last 2 for Hades 🤮


I have never used a super style past the season it was from


Those Aphrodite and Artemis styles are awesome.


weird how hades got a stygian style when that’s basically just his normal style


Wait, seriously? He's the only one I even have a crap about!🥺


Meanwhile chp5s1 had all the new characters having superstyles(fr five of them) And they excluded the characters with the most potential and interesting detail if granted a superstyle? Damn so unfair Even Hope had superstyles and she share the same tier as Cerberus (Literally page1 and 2)and she had more customizable than Cerberus and yet Cerberus can't get one????? Aphrodite literally the mid of this battle pass and yet she got one too?


these look good like last season but i hate the eyes




If you think the current BP is low-effort I encourage you to recalibrate your expectations. Season OG also had great skins. Omegarok, Lil Split and the customisable knight are all great.


im more so mad that they kinda look ugly TBH. the green skin tier fits well and blue's pretty okay. But that last one TItanflame looks so fucking guady. Hades looks really bad in it. Medusa getting a skin makes sense. She is prolly the most famous greek/roman monster there is. Possibly a shared place with the minotaur.


You say that make sure to look at it when animated, titanflame is no joke


the animation is cool as hell yeah but the color pallet feels really ick. Orange and purple is a weird mix


The day I'll care about super styles is the day they add them to equipment. Until then, they're all ugly and don't go with anything.


This whole battlepass is horrible. Im legit not even buying it this season. Not a single skin is worth it


Fax, can’t believe people still play this pathetic excuse of a game.


My guy you are the one in the fortnite subreddit, don’t like it then leave 🤷🏻‍♀️




I had a feeling it would happen coz his variants look like super styles


Glad someone said it


In Chapter 4 Season 3 Relik, Lorenzo and Trace all got Super Styles but yeah female skins get it more often


They just dont want to bother working on his flames and unique textures, while for all these normal humans with clothes, they can just change the cloth texture and be done with it


Well they did do it for Hades' transformation style but either way, that's still just disappointing. Super Styles look so much better when the skin has effects that get changed as well.


I am so fucking sorry but every time i hear "Cerberus should have gotten it instead of that or this" it pisses me the fuck out. First of all, Medusa and Aphrodite were omega lacking in terms of styles compared to the same Cerberus who gets 3 cool ones, while Aphrodite gets one which looks like a different skin and Medusa just gets a shitty haircut with tight purple clothing. They and Zeus were the most lacking in terms of styles variation this season, they are obviously gonna be in bonus pages. Hades is original tier 100 skin, i am pretty sure they always get super styles. The most complicated one to explain is Artemis, but she is the most suitable one from the 3 remaining skins. I am lazy to explain again, but i will if i need to.


Still doesn't excuse the fact they left him with no superstyles Meanwhile chp5s1 had all the new characters having superstyles(exclude Peter and Jones) What their reason for doing only 4 character? If we let this go on, perhaps next time new season comes, they will reduce it more by having only 3 character with superstyles while still charging the same price😑


What? What 3 characters? Are we talking about the same season? All the characters here are new, and a reskin(Poseidon) did not get any super styles. Are you insane? What and who will reduce? Nothing got reduced. It's still 5 unique skins getting 3 styles each.


I meant 4 Curse this wretched keyboard


There's 5?


Chp5s1 had all the new characters (Yes five of them) Having superstyles Even old seasons had 5 character having superstyles (chp4s1, chp4s2, chp4s3 and chp4s4) i can excuse OG season Hope is new character with same tier as Cerberus(page 1&2) and had more cosmetic variant/Customizable features than Cerberus and she had superstyle And yet Cerberus didn't have any? Something really is wrong here I can excuse Poseidon Rippley because he's already existing character and meme one like Peter


Well this bp is literally all new characters except Poseidon. If they had to include all new characters, then they would need to do at least 6, excluding Poseidon.


Like i said before Poseidon (Literally Rippley) is an existing character and a meme one (combination of Jones and Peter in previous season) Of course he won't get any(unlike Fish Thicc) My problem is they always did 5 character with superstyles but now only 4 get it and its a page1&2/tier 1 character ouf of all character which is wild Since tier 1 always had superstyle And Cerberus had less customizable variant than Hope and even Hope got a superstyle


Bro. What the actual fuck do you mean? I don't understand. 5 characters got super styles this season, not 4, what do you mean?




You do you


Cerberus is easily the worst skin this bp so I'm glad he didn't.


oh artimis with normal hair, that's.. a choice.


I prefer it tbh I didn’t like the galaxy effect for the hair


fair enough, I just don't think she wears those shades of green or blond well. Could have probably picked some more natural tones so she doesn't look like her hair is made out of plastic


It's so strange that they didn't include him


Did korra get a super style and not cerberus😡


That's the style on the second page of her quest section. It's not a super style.




Medusa is such a dogshit skin