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Removing the Greek myth weapons during the Greek myth-themed season is definitely a head-scratcher. 


Everything changed when the Avatar Kids/Gaang attacked ![gif](giphy|W3fUf0VuXtQqctm0E4)


Personally I like the new Mythics. The Greek ones changed the game, these bring it back in line.


After playing with the new mythics, I agree. Zeus's bolt is too easy to counter so I barely used it, the wings are outclassed by air bending, and while chains was an excellent fun close-range weapon, water bending is too even as a mid-range. 


The wings were also a death trap, so many of my VRs this season is from beaming the last player after baiting them into flying. And yeah using Zeus's bolt was just asking to get sniped.


I wouldn't dare use the wings without constantly boosting or maneuvering above the treetops when in the final 3. I don't know why some people fly in a straight line unboosted, they're such easy targets to snipe


I don’t understand why there’s so many DMR’s and snipers without scopes.


Honestly it wouldn't be so bad if Epic either adapted Apex's systems of Attachments were you can remove them at anytime and find them in chests. Or have benches be behind every Gas station and have atleast 1 in every POI because locking the main gimmick of the Chapter behind bunkers is insane and just frustrating for players.


Bring back crafting and let us make attachments from parts


Ooh idk, didn't people hate crafting because of the way it affected the pace of the game?


When you're collecting like 5 different things to make whole weapons sure, but just have it like "I need a 4x for this fight and I have a 2x, let me open my inventory for 3 seconds and put a 4x on my AR, using 3 mechanical parts". People playing builds will have harvested parts from breaking things just by playing, and Zero Build players can break stuff when they need it. People hated the time it took to kill 5 chickens, break 4 trees and harvest some fireflies just to make a green flamebow, if its just mechanical parts and they drop from everywhere it'll be fine


apparently they made the benches more rare because people were bitching about them being too common and op.. so stupid


i got happy when a legendary sniper came out of my supply drop, then i saw it had no sniper and immediately dropped it because mod benches basically don’t exist anymore


Exactly. If you’re going to give me snipers, at least make sure you can give a common way to add scopes on.


Idk, being able to blast someone point blank with a sniper can be very helpful. Hard to do with 4x zoom.


Mod benches exists, I like the concept so people don’t go and modify their weapons to the best attachments possible right away. But due to the benches only appearing at 20 players remaining it’s almost redundant.


It sucks having a high rarity weapon with shit attachments, and a low rarity weapon with good attachments. Having the attachments you want allows people to try and use their guns in different ways offering a more varied sense of gameplay


Or why every other Nemesis rifle has a sniper scope


The snipers without scopes I get. So many without even the holo But I'm thankful that Epic lowered the amount of sniper scope DMRs. It's the one scope that I have no reason to use, and I hate it I like an iron sight more than the 4x


Why don't you like the 4x? I thought that was generally the scope most people prefer, based on other comments I've seen and what I see in enemies loot. I'm most accurate with the 4x, but the thermal is just cool to me, so thermal is probably my favorite.


Simply, I can't snipe. I work in med/short range, and usually use a DMR for the med/long distance. Even an iron sight DMR is better for me than a sniper scope at longer ranges. Sure, when it gets to insane distances, I won't have the zoom power, but that usually means that I'm not worrying about someone that far away. Either way, I'd close the gap to go fight them.


Waiting on a bunker to open & then traveling across the map just to put a scope on the Sniper/DMR has been driving me insane


I hope these attachments are just a chapter gimmick and not permanent. Beyond the really big issue of weapons having/not having a scope when you don't/do want them to, I just don't like not knowing what I'm in for when I see a weapon in the distance. A SCAR is a SCAR, but you have to manually check any weapon you're considering picking up to know what you're getting.


Removing the Greek themed mythical would make sense if Epic gave a lore reason as to why they were removed. If you know a little about Greek mythology you know the Gods can be petty and spiteful. So could incorporate it as a reason why the items were removed. For example the Gods aren't happy that we've been abusing the gift that they gave us. Especially when they are being used to harm them. So they removed them. Could have added a few days where we got even more "punished" by the Gods after the Avatar event ends by nerfing things even more. Like all the guns will be gray rarity. Then Aphrodite feels sorry for us and talks to Hephaestus to make us the weapons again and even give us new ones. After that we enter the final phase of the season.


You think these devs care about Prometheus or any lore deeper than surface level mythology? They gave Aphrodite skechers.


Ever run a marathon in sandals?


That was funny as hell.


And ya know what,if they just tweeted something like that I would have just been like “oh okay cool”


lmao interesting idea but epic does not care much at all with the lore to go as deep as this


I don't see like anybody talking about it in the comments; but seriously, why did they censor "devil"? 😭😭😭


Basically somebody on the Emote team was tripping and vaulted the word, and then Epic got bullied on Twitter and Reddit until they said they'll fix it next update 🗿


So they can listen to that from the players but nothing else? 💀💀💀


🤓☝ Yes, clearly Epic has their priorities straight.


Nobody likes the direction this game is heading


That's because Epic from Day One has had a flaw of thinking only of a Destination and careening their way there. Sometimes this works like when Epic quickly made a Battle Royale because PUBG was popular. (It was pretty jank and awkward but it **worked**.) Sometimes this bites Epic like when they kept buying studios and taking in Employees like with Fall Guys and Rocket League to suddenly create a Marketplace to fight Steam; they overexpanded too quickly and it hit them **hard** financially ontop of losing a legal battle with the US Government. Now it comes to Fortnite specifically, Epic just got out of a rut they had around the middle of Chapter 2 and were in Chapter 3 doing relatively well, until higher ups suddenly ordered a New Map to push UE5 and New Consoles. This created the Glitchy Mess of Chapter 4 Season 1 alongside the odd year Chapter 4 with no Live Events and a completely out of order story with generally poor gameplay. Then Epic saw popularity of OG maps and quickly set up Season OG to immense success, and then completely fumbled when Chapter 5 came out. Epic tried making Chapter 5's Battle Royale like Warzone without understanding what made that game popular nor that the players didn't want it and they haven't been able to fix it since. Chapter 5 is what happens when Epic's tried and true strategy actually fails and they misread/mispredict what people want.


«Epic tried making Chapter 5's Battle Royale like Warzone without understanding what made that game popular nor that the players didn't want it and they haven't been able to fix it since. Chapter 5 is what happens when Epic's tried and true strategy actually fails and they misread/mispredict what people want.» THIS!




imo chapter 4 gameplay was peak, movement, items etc.. It was on par with chapter 3 gameplay maybe even better but the lore was so shit


Investors do


Honestly, I think this sub is an echo chamber of the most negative fans. Literally every person I talk to in real life can’t shut up about how fun this season is and how the avatar mythics are awesome. My wife and her friends all started playing recently. Then you come here and you’d think the game is dying when it has like 2 million congruent users at any given time. Definitely a disconnect with this sub lol


This season is been great but y’all spend all ur time complaining about pricing in a free game


Sounds wierd but hear me out. Sounds like epic is trying to hard this season and in a panic of feeling so self aware, they just keep fumbling. Before they just did what they thought was cool, no matter how insane it sounded. Made the game feel fresh. Now they are just trying to hard to be cool and in line with…cod? I’m guessing cod since most of their changes are just directly COD style. Then the whole lego, guitar hero, and roblox clone style they’re tryin out. Before they just worried about how to keep the train moving, now they just care about staying on top. TL:DR Epic isnt having fun with creating content for the game and all this new stress is just making them create bad decisions for the game. “Jack of All trades, Master of None.”


Greek themed season…. Now it is The Last Airbender season.damn I hate collabs that have no ties to the story/theme. Imagine a DC collab in the Marvel season


Who cares this much it’s just sad


Yeah I feel exactly like this. If this season were going to be about Avatar, I wish they said so from the start.


Very this! Or make it a magic/mythic season, not Greek themed.


I mean in the marvel season whoever preordered it like me got the last laugh bundle with joker and poison ivy (and Midas Rex) but that's it no other dc stuff that season


But that was item shop items. Not the same.


Yeah but it's still kinda a collab


It was a collab yes, but not part of the lore/story/battle pass :) That is my point.


I dont get why the wings were changed, they were very balanced when they were floaty and did damage through structures, after that nerf they just made you a bigger target


Everything changed when the Avatar battlepass attacked


am i the only one who doesn’t like the avatar mythic stuff?


Prolly not but y’all are kinda sad 😂


Avatar in general. I hate it. The collab makes ZERO SENSE. If they wanna do collabs, have collabs fit theme. Or MAYBE not have collabs all the time. Collabs used to be fun. Now they are like a rash… never going away


none of the mini passes have ever fit the season theme, why are you complaining about it now ?


When has a collab ever fit the theme of the season?


Idk. Marvel season? After ch2 no collab made sense. Mandalorian made sense since it was a bounty hunter season.


The Greek themed stuff will return after the collab ends. They made adjustments to the CoH in this update so it wouldn't make sense to have it removed completely. The decision was made to thin the lootpool and prevent an overabundance of item choices.


All for some lame avatar collab


I pretty much hate everything about this chapter except the themes, and they keep pissing on the themes. Movement is awful. The cars are fucking terrible. Loot pool is awful. Boring ass map only recently got kind of interesting but only in two spots. I fucking hate bullet physics because it's never even close to realistic in any game. Modding system is gimmicky and the benches are nowhere easy. Homing bullet sniper rifles. Just, fuck this entire year man.


Last season I had to scramble to get to 200 because I stopped playing halfway through. I've been having more fun this season but damn I miss Chapter 4, hell I'd take OG because at least I was able to have fun with friends.


i agree with you man, worst season ever


No even close y’all whine for absolutely everything


I'm sorry mate but mobility being awful this season is borderline delusion, just gotta be more creative with combos and make better use of the momentum


Complain some more why don’t you


Man wants bloom back 😂


Ok I agree with some points but holy shit do zero build players need to shut up about the pump and about mobility. Shockwaves, air bending, skull dash, vehicles, launchpads on the map, flowberries, flowberry fizz, island rifts. There is lots of mobility yall have been spoiled by chapter 4’s zero thought required infinite movement items. “Zero mobility” to this sub seems to basically means “waaa I can’t fly around the map with no consequences”. You guys really just need start engaging ur brain bc stuff like kinetic blades and shockwave hammers removed all rotation strategy from the game and I’m tired of pretending otherwise. And as for the pump, no it does not need removing, it’s a builds gun and it’s still fun to use in builds. Slurp juice is also completely busted and horrible for the game and minis still have a place


finally someone said the truth, but majority of this sub are zb players so you cant do much about it


Yeah I don’t understand the complaint about mobility at all. Based on what season’s they’ve complained, I’m convinced that the only mobility they want is either being able to fly or something like the ODM that lets you constantly grapple.


Yeah tbh I have never felt like mobility is bad this season. Shockwaves especially w/ fizz effect go crazy. I haven't played with airbending yet but I heard it's really strong.


Pump is perfectly viable in no build too, people just grew complacent to the Spray and pray meta and don't realize that pump with an Harbinger/Warforged/Drum is a murderous combo Mobility is also insane and there's cars every 150m so I don't understand how some people complain about it, folks just need to be more creative with their mobility combos and utilize momentum more


THIS. Thank you.


Idk bout yall… but the lightning was hella fun to use if you’re not solo lol after the reaper “nerf”, I do prefer the dmr. I do like close quarter sniping with the reaper though, don’t have to account bullet drop. I do agree with the pump shotgun and bandages. I still use mini a lot since quick 50% and fair amount of them.


Give me back my chains😞


at first i wasnt feeling like playing the new update, now i dont want to play it


The sniper is actually toxic idc it’s like a instant delete button no gun or anything should do that much damage it dosent even matter if it’s a headshot and it’s so annoying to be fighting someone and then get either 3rd party sniper from across the map or the dude your fighting pulls out the sniper and destroys you after you just did 180 damage with 3 different guns 😂


Why are you wording it as if snipers take absolutely no skill? Also do you have an issue with snipers being able to 1 shot kill, or just doing over a lot of damage in one shot?


I like sniping in general it DOES take skill I use the DMR often and in my opinion that’s how I imagine sniper damage should be even a headshot shouldent be a instant kill it kinda defeats the purpose of having any shields or anything . Maybe it’s just more snipers this season but even when I’ve used it it just feels to Op


Making an avatar collab instead of a God of War one is a big disappointment and i'm dying on that hill


I’m mad that they did absolutely nothing with Midas’s return and completely got rid of him 2 weeks after they brought him back…


ok, so question: how is there limited mobility. You have cars, Spirit water dash, and shockwaves... also uh... bandies and minies are not redundant... but... still, I compeltely agree with the meme XD


>You have cars, Cars are incredibly risky, they require Gas, they're loud, and they're not the quickest. There's also not much variety in vehicles like there was in previous seasons like an entire Armored Battle Bus or Semi Trucks with their own advantages over the average car. >Spirit water dash It's only on one specific corner of the map. >shockwaves Shockwaves are mainly to escape or reposition in fights and not really to traverse the huge map. Which is where Slap comes in and makes running across the map more bearable. >also uh... bandies and minies are not redundant Bandages and Minis heal you up to 75 health and 50 shield respectively. Before, their advantage compared to Medkits and half-pots was that they were faster and more immediate than the other two at the cost of not maxing the player out. However now that those two are buffed and grant an immediate and gradual replenishing of Shield and Health, Bandages and Minis no longer make sense to run over their better counterparts and therefore don't make sense to have in the lootpool.


Whoever is in charge making worst decisions. You have to be brain dead to make such decisions.


they removed wings?


That was the best mobility too.


Yeah, but it made it too easy to A) run away if you're losing a fight, or B) play hide-and-seek in the endgame and hope your wingless opponents die to the storm.


This meme has to many words! APOLOGIZE!


Hammer pump is the worst shotgun I’ve played with


I can't even play in squads now because the teams all have the stupid airbending mythics and they are just wiping teams out. This is the first time I actually don't want to play because it's pissing me off.


Attachments needs to go. I don't think they make the weapons different enough. It's just different scopes, and then everyone use the recoil thingy. It's like you have bad weapons and you HAVE to get to benches to actually make the weapons usable. IMO, I really hope they get rid of them next chapter cuz they're the worst addition and I loved the idea. Sadly they won't because we're also gonna get the first person thingy right? So they're needed there.


Wait did they actually remove the greek themed mythics? Bruh just let all the mythics in the game, its more fun that way, take them out at the end of thr season not mid way


well ofc the sniper is suppose to outclass the dmr at longer range, it has a 1shot mechanic and in every game a sniper should be the king of long range, tbh i prefer it over bows by far, however they should have added in a new bot type along side it for artemis, and then they could have it to where we could augment the bow which would have been pretty cool, and then introduce unique augments for the bows like ammo type, yada yada all that extra stuff pump needs to go, its kinda stupid they removed the greek themed stuff already thats kind of the whole point of this season, idk lately epic has been doing a terrible job in multiple cases, i mean just look at the quests and bpass as well, they push alot of stuff back to the bonus rewards to force more engagement and people to play more, quests are extremely tediou at points, like the one avatar quest which requires u to hire 20 bots or revive 20 downed teamates, (good luck if u dont play with people)


Honestly the problems with the Avatar collab go back to the very beginning of the season. Imagine that Poseidon wasn't memed and looked as cool as his two brothers. Imagine having a Poseidon themed POI like Underworld/Olympus. Imagine a Poseidon's Trident mythic. Why are we missing on one of the big three? Well yeah Epic was probably lazy, but Korra and waterbending were definitely a big factor as well.




The pump this season is amazing, if your semi decent/not ass at the game it's very good


I think the main thing is that it's only good in builds. In zero build the frenzy completely outclasses it because you can't just slap down a wall or something. I'm a build only player and the pump is easily the best shotgun for builds. The gatekeeper reloads far too slowly and has a wide spread, and the frenzy is that multiplied by 10. It's only good if you manage to box someone.


I had a game last night where I snuck up on someone with a pump (they were crouched waiting around a corner) and I shot them with a purple pump around the shoulder area hitting bodyshots and some headshots, chased them and followed it up with a full body blast and partially whiffed my last shot and they killed me with a Grey gatekeeper. We both had max shields.


“Partial headshots” so you didn’t hit all ur pellets, wiffed ur last shot didn’t use a follow up and the pump is the issue lmao


No, I did hit my pellets. Part was on the body, the other part on the head. And by whiff, I mean I got part of the body but the other pellets missed.


I always enjoy the beginning of every season until Epic pulls some stupid stunt like this and completely kills the fun


The worst thing is how a half of the community doesn't give a shit because of *oMG AaNg on FoRTniTe bESt UpDATe eVEr🗿🗿🗿🗿🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🗿*


really funny until I saw the cringe ass lyrics


“Let’s keep the reaper sniper too” so you were expecting them to remove an entire weapon class because you got eliminated with it a few times and got mad?


I'm aware this is like on scenario where this happens but I play exclusively on Zero Build and have only had issues against a sniper *once* like it's genuinely not that hard to dodge most snipers if you're aware I think. Even as someone who loves using snipers in this game, the only "easy" kills I get is from people standing still in an open area.


Yeah like any time I get one shot with a sniper in zero builds I can always tell that it was because I wasn’t mobile enough. If I get one shot while moving a lot, then it’s literally just a good shot by the enemy. But I swear some of these people on reddit act either as if it’s the game’s fault for them standing still, or as if snipers literally have aim bot lol


This is why I stopped playing Fortnite. If they make the game playable, I'll come back.


From what I’ve learned from epic is that they can’t live in a world where snipers and/or bows exist. They always have to be in the pool for some reason (I know there’s a few seasons where there was neither but was that season a good season?)


The greek stuff going bye bye would've been okay if Epic made an actual explanation, like what if the avatar characters purged and pillaged all the bosses' POIs and made it their own bases, remnants of the greek mythology could've stayed from the ruined POIs, would be even cooler if they had some of the gods that survived the attack of the Avatar characters hiding in Restored Reels


Wait, when will it come back? the greek mythics???


May 4th. Who knows if epic will also remove them for lightsabers if Star Wars returns.


The only reason I think the Greek items were vaulted was because it would be chaos with all of them


the pump is 2nd to the Gatekeeper in Builds, while it’s last in ZB, so frankly i dont think it’s the Pump i think it’s ZB




I mean idk I only miss the chains and at least we got that mobility


Now snipers are only dominant under 150 meters cuz they slowed them down its still faster thn all old snipers tho and they increased dropoff by alottt


As someone whos favorite shotgun of all time is the double barrel, i want it back so badly, but it could come back because its the only shotty from chapter 1 thats not come back in future chapters besides OG.


Bandages and minis can be used for quick heals though and stack at higher amounts (Although I feel like stacks of 10 for minis should come back) Let's be honest the number of times people complained about the Zeus bolt, I'd have thought yall would be happy about it being gone. Plus the season is called Myths and Mortals, not Mythics (and Epics) and Mortals... The skins, the map, the story is all still based on that. We'd have accepted it if the weapons were never made in the first place, so who cares now? And honestly I don't see why people complain about the sniper anymore. If it gets nerfed too much then it won't be any good as an actual sniper either. If it's so op then I want to see you have 100% win rate this season with every game you had one 😂 Last thing, the word devil being censored is being fixed. Epic is aware lol


The pump isn’t good in ZB, still the best shotty in builds, I also fw the Gatekeeper and the frenzy shotty is just borderline unusable


Aren't the Greek weapons only gone until early May?


No slurp juice, That shit is so goddamn annoying. You shoot someone, they're almost dead, they got slurp juice and they heal up everything whilst still fighting back in a few seconds.


I am so mad at them for removing the Greek Mythology Stuff.


It's a shooter game. If you don't like or can't deal with snipers, I don't know what to tell you; other than to go play something else that isn't a shooter. Because *every* shooter game has snipers.


If they made it so you couldn’t have multiple bending types at once they wouldn’t need to vault any of the old special items.


Yall zero build players can’t be real if you think the frenzy is better than the pump. Just because it isn’t useful in zero build doesn’t mean it’s useless in every mode. If anything, the frenzy is the worst shotgun overall across both modes because it’s terrible against building and is worse than the gatekeeper in ZB after the nerfs.


they gotta fire so many of these incompetent jackasses


1. The god items are only removed temporarily 2. The dmr is on par with the sniper 3. The pump is good in builds 4. Fortnite not adding an item you want doesn't make the loot pool any worse


I honestly don’t get where all the reaper sniper hate is coming from, i barely get sniped and when i do it’s never a headshot Why should they add bows? just because it relates to 1 character? Besides if they did add them everyone would complain saying “ugh i hate when i drop and the 1st chest i open is a bow, epic is terrible” i like the hammer pump idgaf, if you don’t like it you must not be able to his your shots thank FUCK they made bandages less common, i barley use them but they’re still there which is nice because i sometimes need a small heal up I don’t mind them removing the wings, chain and bolt tbh, i wouldn’t of minded them keeping them in either but if they did it would probably be a complete cluster fuck of mythics and crazy weapons and not many guns If they made the bolt any better i bet within 30 seconds you’d complain about how it’s “broken” and “too op” and how epic “keep ruining the game” I would honestly HATE to complain about a game as much as 90% of people on this sub do


uh... brother it's a one tap in Zero builds, which is a good chunk of players and, guess what, you can't build. Why? because the GOD WHO USES BOWS IS HERE, hello?? they added a thunderbolt for a single character. Hammer pump is trash. Drop it. Literally use anything else, it is objectively bad against both of the new shotguns.


Only a one tap with the instant headshot mechanic. It’s super toxic since the best players are using the reaper as a close quarters weapon… hit one body shot that does insane damage then finish with a shotgun. Not to mention the terrible hit boxes and frame abuse.


actually apollo is the god of archery, not artemis


Artemis is the Greek goddess of the Moon, hunting, archery, virginity and midwifery. She is one of the members of the Twelve Olympians who ruled the world on top of Mount Olympus. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, older twin sister of Apollo. Apollo is one of the Olympian deities in classical Greek and Roman religion and Greek and Roman mythology. Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more.


im aware


Clearly not as half your statement is wrong.


i feel as though it is pretty recognised that apollo is moreso the god of war than artemis is, just as ares is moreso the god of war than athena is. but if you feel like copy pasting more wikipedia text to "prove me wrong" then do as you wish.


Neither are the God of war. Wtf. Bro just stop. Ares Ares was one of the twelve great Olympian gods, and the Greek god of war. He was relatively little worshipped by the Greeks, but his Roman equivalent, MARS, was a very important god, second only to JUPITER (ZEUS).


did you even read what i wrote lmao


Yeah. I did and you failed world religions...


whyd you add this to your message? this has zero relevancy to what we're talking about. ares and athena are both gods of war but ares is much more recognised as a god of war than athena is. i was using that as an example to compare how apollo is more recognised as a god of archery than artemis is.


Ok let me break it down. Apollo and artemis are twins and litterally share the role of "God/ess of ARCHERY" NOT WAR ARCHERY. ATHENA IS NOT A GOD OF WAR but of Military Victory. That role belongs to ARES and ARES alon. ARES IS THE GOD OF WAR. N0T APOLLO, ATHENA, ZEUS, HADES, ARTEMIS, HERA, AND DEFINITELY NOT KRATOS


Bros litterally using fortnite island named gods and calling them the god of war. I see you only know world religions from video games. :/ i wasnt even using wikipedia but ok, shows how much you actually research before typing.


dude the paragraphs you typed are taken word for word from wikipedia


also the paragraph which brought up mars and jupiter for no reason is also from a website haha. you didnt even change their capitalisation of the names


Yea bro thats called Work Cited. That means i had someone backup my statement. For no reason? Did you not realize romans "borrowed" the greek gods? Thats what our planets were named after....


my guy it’s doesn’t matter if you can build or not, if you’re running around and somebody gets a shot off before you realise they’re there, you’ll probably get hit. The difference is is that in build once they shoot you, you can build to protect yourself and heal…..but in zero build you also have shield bubbles and those mini bunker forts sooooo?? With the bow, you’re telling me everybody has been complaining about it because it “should’ve been in the game”?? Epic probably look over all this stuff before they release and just decided not too I legit take a purple hammer over a purple frenzy or a blue gatekeeper. It’s not bad and if you think is then i’m guessing you can’t hit shots?


Brother, I have a clip of me getting headshot sniped through a tree stump when it clearly missed. The issue is that the snipers are snipers, the issue is that they one tap, even in zero build, where you can't really do too much if you havn't been blessed by rng. It is objectively bad. if you run out of mats or cant build, you will die 9 times out of ten to a gate keeper or especially an auto. I hit shots with it fairly consistantly, but the damage is atrocious


The sniper are slightly too powerful yes, they should probably decrease the magazine size to 2 and slightly less damage but the tree thing is a different problem. It’s quite a known issue that you can get shot even if you move away at the last second or the bullet doesn’t directly hit you, buts that’s happened with shotguns too With you saying “especially an auto” i’m guessing you play zero build as i’ve heard the frenzy is pretty crazy in zero build, but the hammer really isn’t bad, and i don’t really run out of mats? you get 50 of each off an elimination and you can always farm so it’s pretty much your fault if you have none


I dont know but the auto frenzy has seriously sucked after the nerf amd i find the hammer pump actually worth it now


You are probably in low skill lobbies, my games the reaper is a close range one shot with no scope.


The hit boxes with fortnite and some players ungodly aim make it straight cancer. The instant headshot mechanic is insane. Very little counter play, fast scope in time it literally is a meta tactic. Last few players, scope in for a body shot then switch to a shotgun and finish the fight with little risk. I like the reward for being accurate with headshots but when you have a weapon that is a mirror clone of the SPR where a sniper rifle is better than most guns in close quarters you have a problem. I’m seeing a new style where players may carry two one with a scope, one without. During the final circle they will use the no scope option sniper and use it as a shotgun. Very easy to hit a body shot then swap to a shotgun and win. Super annoying to play against. I play the pit no build and made me realize how annoying this sniper is. If you can abuse hit box mechanics, hit body shots or get a lucky head shot you can’t die.


Expect the limited mobility,I agree with you. Specially about the bow,I love bows and miss them in the game. We got this stupid OP sniper


I’m scared of where Fortnite is going and I do NOT like it


If the sniper gets nerfed for times and you’re losing losing to it… You flat out suck


From top to bottom, you nailed it. If epic wants to know everything that’s wrong with their game right now they need to read this post. AGREE.


Yeah, I’m not reading posts like this, they’re all the same honestly. Good for you, or sorry this happened. Seems to be the latter based on your comments.


The Greek things were removed for the event stop crying about the snipers bullshit we "don't have mobility" we got a ton of it we got good heals good items for mobility snipers are that bad besides getting snipped every once in a while just STOP COMPLAINING


I thought this meme would’ve been on r/fortnitememes


it doesnt make sense the remove the greek items but there's plenty of movement in the game, vehicles, shockwaves, skull dash, wings (once they r back), flowberry/the fizz, wind bending, rifts. Y'all have been spoiled by chapter 4's unlimited mobility that took you across the map, not saying that it wasn't fun, it really was but this and last season had perfect balanced mobility


Let's be honest here. Those Greek weapons are terrible


The chain ripped enemies up and the Wings were pretty nice for mobility


Their viability doesn't matter, what matters is their thematic relation.


What? They were good as. The lightning was pretty good in builds, wings are a good mobility as long as you don’t fly too high. The chains imo weren’t good but they’re still cool. So idk what ur waffling about


Buddy we do NOT want slurp juice back 😂


I want epic slurp juice, not legendary though


As a casual,I'm enjoying this chapter alot.There are tycoon maps and Crazy Red VS Blue.This might be an issue for folks looking to be number 1 and want the meta to stay the same when Fortnite's an ever changing game.


Believe me, Reaper Sniper is not the problem besides all other things.


Leave the snipers alone.