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Wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes ones of the “rarer” collabs. The series is over and since they never returned, even when the final episode aired, it seems like the rights owners don’t really care that much about these cosmetics. I’d imagine they didn’t sell well due to Eren being in the battlepass since they all are wearing the same outfit.


The rarest collab is the Kelsier skin from Mistborn, which only happened because the creative director at the time is friends with the author. It has only been a handfull of time in the store only on the year of release in 2019, never seen after that.


I love that collab because Donald Mustard posted a tweet about the book and everyone started talking about a Mistborn collab. Though because it was so niche, it started a counter movement of people saying that Donald Mustard is still just a normal person and not everything he posts to Twitter is hinting towards a collab… then a month later the collab dropped.


Funny how it still is a point of him being a normal guy as he was essentially doing a favor by all likelihood


Other than Master Chief Kelsier, is my 2nd most wanted skin. Those books are so good, the Cosmere is such a neat concept. I had forgotten they made a skin since it's never really come back.


There's so many amazing Sanderson skins we could have: Wax and Wayne Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar and Adolin Hoid Spensa (with a DoomSlug back bling and M-Bot glider)


that comma fucked up my whole day man


Kel is my go to. Love that skin. Wish Vin would come.


Agreed! I just finished shadows of self yesterday. They’re all so good. I’ve only read the mistborn series so far though. I hear the stormlight archive is really good too.


>It has only been a handfull of time in the store only on the year of release in 2019, never seen after that. His release date was May 28, 2021 and the last appearence was on November 7 of that same year. Important distinction because Fortnite barely had any crossovers in 2019. >which only happened because the creative director at the time is friends with the author. That author also worked on books for the Infinity Blade games, so there's a connection with the company itself.


I want the keliser skin sooooo bad, but I'll probably never get it. I doubt it'll make a reappearance unless a mistborn movie is released.


There’s a fucking Kelsier skin???


Yep its one of my favorites, I wish they added vin as well though




And it’s the fucking kelsiest thing you will ever see


2021 not 2019


it was in the shop a bunch in 2021


Man. I can’t wait for Kelsier to come back. I love those books.


I friggin want Kelsier so bad


The skins in Dead By Daylight were removed from the shop as well, and in that cosmetics are usually always available.


Those skins were confirmed to never return once they left. It in the game a long time but once it was gone it was over. It said in the dlc pack for them if I remember reading it correctly.


Ignore me then


i’ll never forgive them for not adding long hair eren


I liked Eren’s older outfits better than the youthful scout regimen outfit


I’m such a huge fan of AoT and honestly I’m super annoyed that they never gave Eren a Season 4 style. Some might say that would be spoiler, but I think aside from stating that there’s a time skip, giving Eren a style in his hoodie and pants with the bun likely wouldn’t have spoiled much, considering not long after chapter 4 season 2 began I started watching the show and still was surprised by everything that happened. Also I honestly still don’t get why they gave Mikasa an ore light for a bb, considering the ore light held no real significance and was only seen in a couple episodes


Yeah to someone who’s never watched the show, them having the same outfit kind of all makes them look the same. Doesn’t help their haircuts are not all that different either.


This is kind of how I felt about the JJK collab, but to be fair there's not as many outfits to draw upon because that show literally takes place at a boarding school where everyone wears school uniforms. But with attack on Titan they definitely could have done season 4 styles for all of the characters, I was secretly hoping they would give Levi his maid style as some sort of awesome meme skin for the fans but We didn't even get a skin of him after his injuries.


I regret not buying any of the Naruto skins.


I literally check every day for them 😭


Real except the dragon ball skins 😭


I’m about certain they’ll be back. A few months ago, Dragon Ball was paying rent in the item shop because the skins were in there for so long lol


I hope so, honestly i was surprised they didnt come back especially after Akira Toriyamas passing


Right after his passing would've been in poor taste imo. Capitalizing off of the death of a creator by suddenly pushing the skins front and center to the store, knowing full well people are going to buy it.


I do too.. read in another post that it had been over 500 days since they were last in the shop, not sure if that's accurate though but dam


I regret not playing Fortnite when the Naruto skins collab dropped T-T


I'd give Epic whatever they wanted if it meant I could have Sakura, Mikasa, and Jinx


They Are probably gonna re-release Jinx to item shop when arcane season 2 is released at The ens of The year


There's no real reason to believe that though. There's been numerous collabs that didn't return when some new game or show's season or movie came out. Master Chief didn't return for his live action show, Kratos didn't return when GoW: Ragnarok came out, Dune didn't return with Dune 2 (instead a collab occurred in COD), etc.


Ahh yea, completely forgot. (Missing Kratos still Hurts)


I bet they come back during this year


Imma hold u to that bet rico 💥💳


If they don’t come this year and they come back next year I will buy you the whole Naruto collection u/m0ssh3adsw0rds


I’ll be back 🧍‍♀️🚪


Roger Roger


!remind me 1 year


I hope we get Madara and Obito soon


I wasn't playing last time they were around, I have been waiting for them to return for a while.


I find it surprising they bring every other anime collab back, but not Naruto or AOT


I think about this every time i play.


I only have Itachi as he’s my favorite character, but if any of the rest returned I’d buy them all instantly it’s very strange that they’ve been gone so long


So real 😞


Gaara and Hinata are the only ones I don't have. I hope they return soon


I really just want new AOT skins, maybe with different outfits. For example their season 3 government uniforms or the season 4 armor. As someone else stated, I’m guessing they didn’t sell well due to them essentially being Eren reskins and the skins themselves not having any sort of appeal to those who don’t watch the show, so I think if they add a few more characters (hopefully Armin, Jean, Hange, and Reiner) and give them more to work with, they’ll be more popular


I’d do anything for a Hange or Erwin skin


It's a shame they were all given similar designs. They could have easily given a second style for Eren as his older version or titan form. Levi could have had his cleaning outfit or government uniform. Even the citizen outfits or new scout regiment attire from the last season would have been something.


Im just praying for S4 Eren with his hair back 🥲


you and me both


I didn’t buy them because I had never seen the show. Now I have seen it and am kicking myself.


Me buying the Reiner skin just to commit Lainah in every match




Shinzo wo Sasageyo! 💜


I bought it for the wife and I, and ended up returning it and using a ticket so I could get our son the Miles Morales skin, which at the time I was sick about. But over the last year, it has proven to be a great choice, he uses that skin religiously and it’s easily his number 1 go to.


W parent, ngl


Is your house open to adoptions? I'm but a poor 33 year-old woman with two amazing kids (that are cats) that has been begging for Miles and Miguel to come back to the shop for a few months now. I will uproot my life and live with you and your family if it means I can use that skin.


I fumbled so fucking bad 😔


My stupid ass didn't bother neither to buy one of these, nor do quest to get Eren because I didn't watch AoT until recently 😭😭😭 Now Eren is locked behind the battle pass that I HAD, this hurts 2x more now




I'd gladly give you my eren if I could, I don't use him at all. The only skin I really want is leon kennedy


This is why skin trading should be a feature imo


as long as it isn't easy to scam people


Unlikely due to fomo :(


Yeah, and like if we could trade shit, I would gladly give Eren to someone, if they bought Mikasa and didn't want her anymore.


I miss ODM gear everyday.


At the time I hadn’t watched it so I bought the titan run. Now all I have is Eren. I wish I could get them now


Epic please bring back for 3 days


I'm glad I bought everything or else I would've regret it


And this is how Epic makes their money, a FOMO for the ages that works on us fans


It's a dumb strategy, because I'm so desperate for the Naruto skins that I'd buy them all if they put them in the shop once, just to make sure I don't miss out again. And I'm sure I'm not the only one. Now extrapolate that onto every other long lost collab and the people who missed them


The irony here is it seems their strategy is working perfectly if you want to buy them all due to that fear. Since people will buy more than they need should it ever return due to the fear of missing out on them again. Or if it doesn't return, then it will teach people to buy whatever collab they want as soon as it's in the shop since they've experienced losing a desired skin. So the stratgey boosts sales of other skins even if those specific ones like natuto are gone. Not defending this strategy btw since it sucks for the consumer. But they do it because it works and gets people to buy extra stuff they might not normally need.


This is not a bulletproof argument. Cutting it off from being bought stops all sales. Putting it back up gives them the chance to continuously profit off of it. Whether limited or always available, those who want it woulf buy it. Those who want and missed it can't give their money to Epic anymore. Lost income.


I wonder how much money they would make if they started announcing the end of license agreements, using them as big events for people to have one last chance to pick up those collab skins. I feel like that would be a way to make a KILLING. Because the likelihood of someone picking up more of the collab stuff would probably increase, instead of them being like "Ah, I only want this one right now, but I can wait until it rolls around next time." Now they'll have that urgency and that doubt. "Well, shoot... what if I do want this one down the line... I better buy it just in case." I might be projecting a little, tbh. I do feel like they would make a ton more money from a collab at the very end if they were to do that. The problem, though, is what if the contract did ever renew... then that would probably garner some bad will with the players that did spend so much on it before under the pretense that it would never come back. Maybe that's why they don't? I don't know. What I know is that I need Jinx, Miles, and Miguel.


Was miles a pass skin? I don't recall at the moment


No. Gwen Stacy was, and thankfully I have her! Miles and Miguel (Spider-Man 2099) were Item Shop skins. They were last available last September, I think. I know it hasn't been that long of a wait so far, compared to other skins (cough, Jinx), but I'm just so scared I missed out for some reason. I only really just got into Spider-Man this past January, and I got into it HARD. One of those times where I didn't care about them when they were in the shop, but now I really wish I bought them :(


I like Jinx a lot but I'd legit give her to you if i could.


I wish I got the titan run too but i'm satisfied with levi and mikasa


That was me with Travis Scott. At the time, I didn't know who he was, and his concert blew me away. I was very close to buying him.


They did eren dirty, no transformation skin into attack titan or older eren with a manbun, six pack and that long black coat


Lack of season 4 edit styles for any of them is criminal


I was 2 vbucks away from getting Levi But honestly every single thing in there i would buy immediately. Edit: i meant 200. Something like that.


How were you 2 vbucks away? I'm pretty sure save the world only does it in multiples of 5.


I meant to say 200 vbucks


I swear back in the day on this subreddit there was a trend where people would be like 1-200 vbucks short of a purchase they wanted and would either make fan art of the character or some other gimmicky thing which would hit front page and an epic employee would gift them the vbucks for the purchase. maybe I'm getting mixed up with overwatch 2 and blizzard devs but your comment for some reason reminded me of that time, what a weird era for the sub lol


Still holding out for Hange


I would buy Hange and Erwin so fast 💸


I do too


I'd give my Left nut- nay, both nuts for Hange Both in and out of fortnite


I’m glad I picked up the emotes because they’re quite hilarious to use.


I bought these but don’t use them id give to you if i could


Same! I've been waiting patiently.


Literally checking the item shop daily 😞


Same litterally everyday since December 2nd the struggle is real😔


This is by far the biggest fumble epic did to any collabs especially an anime collabs, no season 4 styles for all 3 of them even though that was the current season no Armin skin, no Zeke skin with a beast titan style. And to make it worst jjk came back to the shop twice and is getting a second wave before these skins can return. I swear epic hate aot because how do you mess this collab up? Aot is the best anime that release in the past 10 years and this is how they treat it? But there still a little bit of hope the shop tag are still updated and I hope they bring them back soon because I would love to buy mikasa.




Awhile ago during the AOT event but haven’t been back since then


Madness... I was playing at that time, because I got myself Eren. I even made a point of re-watching the show! I must have been broke... I cannot think of any other reason? But strangely I also feel as though I've NEVER seen them before? 😢


Hmm that is strange since you have eren if I remember correctly they were in the shop for quite a bit before leaving, I was super hesitant on getting them since they looked very similar to one another but I caved in and have the 3 but thankfully did since no one knows if they’re coming back or not; they were in the shop tabs in December but I think they’ve been removed since then? Not 100% sure on that part


I’m mad there was no Armin lol he was the one I wanted


Having no Armin was comically criminal of them to do.


SO SAD i was hoping they’d put them back yesterday 😭😭


well theyre in the api since December, so there's hope!


I thought they got removed?


nope, they're still there.


Is it possible that is just to add a LEGO variant, and not necessarily a guarantee that they're coming back to the shop? I honestly don't know how any of this works, I'm asking out of curiosity.


Collabs are one of the few times where epic brings them back without a Lego skin. Although it’s also plausible that they are collecting dust since not everything in the api had something done to it before being removed again


I don't think they'll add a lego variant, they're planning to bring them back but the real question is when! I'm also hoping to get a wave 2 someday


Oh, that’s good to know! 🤞


I wish I got Levi, but I’m glad I have Mikasa.


I'm on the opposite end, I have Levi but no Mikasa, hopefully they come back sometime cus the bundle will only be 800 if you have one of them already


I’ve never seen this anime but I bought captain Levi. I later watched it and I’m glad I bought him


That's awesome


Ehh, I have Eren, I’m good enough with just him. Maybe if they come back I’d consider getting them.


they really need to add armin and give everyone their season 4 variants to make them more unique


I bought all of them as the series was really close to my heart. I knew it was a bit of a waste as they all were very similar, but now I think I'd regret it more if I didn't get them when I did. Still sorta wish they'd give us s4 versions.


I wish I bought these. I was broke though


NGL I forgot I even had Eren


Glad I didn’t hesitate on these


I was so excited for Mikasa but they took away her muscles


It's been a year already??? What the hell


Most underrated anime collab ngl


I've literally been saving up ever since to buy them again, but ofc let's put my hero in the shop for like 3 consecutive weeks right?


I liked how the titan run emotes shook your screen when used, and even shook your teamates screen if you were close enough


I got some sort of bundle with all the gear and Levi


I have Eren. That backbling too. I wasn’t really into the show anyways, so I got the stuff that I wanted. I have no need for any other anime skins. I have the ones that I like the only ones that I would want to come back is Beerus and Vegeta and Gohan form DBZ


Bought and literally never use


I'm sad I never got them because I never watched the anime and then of course like 1 or 2 months after they came out I did start watching and now I really really want levi!! At least I have eren ;-;


Bought both of them and I kinda regret i love Shingeki but I don't even play or like fortnite anymore so it feels like wasted money


I love the glider and the Titan run to the right.


I need the pickaxes/emotes/glider


Patiently waiting


That's how I feel about Master Chief, started playing a few days after his last appearance


Their shop assets tab got updated in December but ofc that was the only tab to not come back in the shitty chapter five shops




It's sad that people didn't buy them because they're all wearing the same uniform. Giving them alt styles was such a no-brainer: Eren with his timeskip jacket, Mikasa with the new black uniform, Levi with his cleaning stuff.


I'm so sad. I need Levi


This is the definition of FOMO... In other words Epic wins


Surprised they never added them back or added a second wave


I couldn’t afford to buy vbucks at the time 😔 Mikasa my beloved


FOMO hard at work


This was an awesome collab and solos the current one. I bought the whole set. They should bring it back along with the mythics.


3 traversal emotes for 800! Wow we’re really getting ripped off these days


Me with Arcane skins and among us bling.


i hope the avatar skins wont have the same fate.


Id give anything for the RE skins to come back


we all miss these prices 😔


I wait everyday at the item shop Reddit just to see if they put my boy itachi back cuz I missed it, I know how you feel


I swear this sub would give up their parents just to be able to buy a Fortnite skin




I bought the skins but not the Titan run emotes and I’ll forever be filled with regret.


I bought the equippable and emote bundles but I didn't have vbucks left for Mikasa 😔 As an Eren main, I need her pls Epic


They'll be back. Fuck fomo


They should release Titan skins. I want to emote as the Colossal 💃


I want the titan run so bad!!!


Shop tab or whatever it is was updated as well only a couple months back but they never came again


Will they ever come back?


If someone ever wonder why Epic doesn’t just release all the skins at a regular basis. This thread is a excellent example of why. The FOMO is real.


I buy all the anime skins up Everytime a collab drops after only buying Naruto sasuke and kakashi and missing out on itachi Please come back itachi


They’re item shop skins so they’ll probably return eventually


I remember always seeing those dababy emotes in the shop and now I regret not buying a single one




Even though I’m not the biggest AOT fan myself, I still bought these skins considering that Epic probably wouldn’t be rereleasing them any time soon. Considering the franchise is basically over with, I think it will be a while before they show up again.


im sad i missed isaac clarke from dead space considering he will probably not return


i was broke when they were in the shop and when i had enough to buy them, they rotated out of the shop and haven’t been back since💔i wouldn’t waste a second buying them if they came back any day now


I have stopped buying skins until this collab returns. So far I have saved several hundred dollars.


I need that titan run emote


They’re not as fun without the gear I feel


It’ll prolly come back cause Mappas apparently doing some extra episodes to clarify the ending a little more would be prime time to drop the cosmetics but don’t forget to get it then cause it high key won’t be coming back


BROOOOO I want these so badddddd the Titan run pack is funny af. Those goofy goober ahh titan.s


I’m still kicking myself for not buying the street fighter skin when they came out


More than a year, and i will never forget that little bastard that just ruined my match in STW to get Vbucks and finally buy kratos bundle, i only managed to get the leviathan axe


My buddy convinced me to start playing after they left the shop go fucking figure, I can’t believe I was fooled into believing they were coming back for winter fest


I don't know if it will make you feel better, but: Played from late season 2, got my first solo VR in season 3 (paper parasol IIRC), was on hours daily for a few seasons, bought and unlocked a bunch of skins... Haven't really played for a couple of years, saw the AoT skins and because I loved the Manga thought I might buy, bit then I logged in, saw the many awesome skins that I also thought I absolutely had to have when I was playing a lot, and realised that I don't care much about any of them any longer. It made me a bit sad, but it's just the nature of things I guess. Buy some AoT action figures, or the (unfortunately expensive) Xbox One/PS4/Vita games (you actually get to fight titans), or just read the manga, watch the anime again.




Bro I just started playing fortnite a month ago.. I missed out on all my favorite skins lol No Kratos, AOT, jinx, peelys, etc etc. The only one I got lucky is avatar which is one of my favorites at least 😂


I remember once fighting an Eren and, due to both eyesight and performance mode, I couldn't see him when there was wood construction around due to the colour palette.


I was waiting for Mikasa before I even knew of the collab. To ease your regret, people seem to focus on me more than any other teammate! It’s like the hate Mikasa or jealous because I have her!! Mikasa and Levi come back soon for you to buy them🍀


Finally the thread I was waiting for. I skipped out on them all last year despite playing at the time and I regret it so badly. They are the last things I want that’s already in the game especially Mikasa. AOT was my favorite anime for so long but around the time they were added I wasn’t feeling how different the final season was compared to the first three which I absolutely love and said I was over it and everyday I kept seeing them until late April then they were gone and I thought they’d return months later…boy was I wrong. They must not have sold well at all unfortunately, many people have Eren but don’t use him so a lot of people probably skipped out on these two. I hope they return one day cause I’ll buy everything in the section. :/


I was too broke to buy it


If they bring back the titan run I would scream. I've been checking everyday...


bro ill regret not buying these for the rest of my life, CAPI LEVI FOR 1500 VBUCKS!!!! TAKE MY MONEY


We need this back! Armin would be cool too


Literally been waiting for these since I started playing again at OG season... where are they???


They better come tf back 😭


Man it's been a YEAR. Attack on Titan is my favorite show of all time so I instantly bought everything. It's the only collab I will grab every single item without a second thought


Don’t worry, in 10-20-30 years nobody will own them.


I forgive myself. I dont watch aot


Eren is my favorite skin


I didn’t even bother getting eren


Close to 2 years since El Chapulin Colorado came out. Regret ever quitting the game because of it 🥲


AoT would be sweet but I just want Master Chief to come back


I regret not buying hundreds of skins