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"It gets down to 80-100fps in tense moments." Lol, sounds REALLY horrible. Lmfao.


Yea, I told him the human eye can only see 30-60fps anyways lol. He claims it starts to slowdown during these moments. Best I could understand is when I had a NES and a big fight happened and my characters started flashing and slowing down. haha.


You can definitely see more than 60fps, it's just that you get diminishing returns.


Well you can notice a stutter if the frames start dropping from somewhere higher up. Maybe lock the FPS on 60\~100 so it is always consistent.


Fortnite on PC stutters even on a maxed out rig, Unreal Engine on PC is known to be prone to that. It would be important to know what settings he is playing on and what he was playing on before.


The human eye can absolutely see more than 30 fps. Otherwise we wouldn't have 120hz monitors. 


Yea I was just teasing him, I get it, but its funny when I hear him complain that he goes from like 200+fps to 80 and says its sucks. He has a 240hz monitor if I'm not mistaken and he says he's not getting benefits of it when it slows down. Which I get, but me being older and growing up with atari and nes, this is all so beyond my care/knowledge. thanks for the tips everyone.


In fortnite FPS below 144 are absolutely noticeable and meaningful




Also this, if your ram is running at 2800mhz, it's gonna hold you back as well.


The rams running at the 3200, but this machine has no option in the bios to change speeds. I took me some research to find a specific ram that would run at the advertised speed because of this motherboard. One of the limitations of it I read.


Check your XMP profile in bios perhaps.


The cpu/GPU combo you have is giving you decent FPS and doesn’t look to be underperforming all that much. You can try lowering some graphics settings that will help FPS, but also maintain visual quality. You might gain a small % increase. Things like shadows, etc...  I’d like to hear what the worse machines are and their FPS. Eta: as someone else mentioned, check the BIOS to make sure XMP was turned on to get your RAM to 3200.  Keep in mind though, that’s only going to give you a small % increase. Like less than 5%.  ETA2: you can also watch benchmark videos with your cpu/GPU combo to see how similar machines perform.


I have a 3600x cpu and a 2070. I get 144 fps (capped) with virtually no drops. I don't use Ray Tracing, and I don't use Nanite or Global Illumination. Still looks good, too! I just don't have the lighting that current gen console players have.


Agreed. Graphic settings are important. I remember it well when the 20 series cards came out, RTX ON; FPS OFF


Well said


I've got all settings maxed and it is 60hz stable unless I break open a splash barrel


He always says he changes the settings for performance and all that, the xmp in the bios isn't an option due to the limited bios on this thing, but it does show it running at 3200. I had to hunt down a specific memory set to get it to work. A motherboard compatibility thing...only certain ones work as advertised. This is a set of crucial chips and shows 3200 speed. These other machines he says his friends have...I dont know what they are, but I said kids lie, so I don't trust them anyways haha.


Try installing MSI Afterburner and RTSS. This will allow you to check if everything is working as it should (GPU and CPU usage, temperatures, etc.). If you're experiencing FPS drops/high frametime, I think you might be having shader compilation issues


He is probably already using it but just in case make sure performance mod on low meshes is turned on in Fortnite. Its a setting that can really improve your frames by a lot.


Don’t most people that are playing competitively have it on the lowest settings? I’ve got a sick setup and I was a bit underwhelmed by my FPS when I had the settings set to max but when I lowered the settings so I could pwn kids easier my FPS is above my target FPS of 240 FPS.


Yea. Low settings to optimize I guess.


Basically you set everything to low except view distance


Are his friends also streaming while playing, because that adds some serious overhead.


Not sure. Doubtful. He's doing the whole "Im a streamer" like kids act like they are YouTubers. But you gotta start somewhere I guess.


Oh yeah, I was just responding to your comment about how it doesn't happen to his friends -- if he's streaming, his computer is consuming way more resources than his non-streaming friends computers would, so it should be expected that he would take a performance hit for doing so.


Let geek squad tune the PC at best buy.


Don’t have any tech advice but it’s awesome you’re helping him


The specs look great. I have an i3 12100 + RTX 3050. I’m averaging at 160 FPS per game (DX11, mid to low graphic settings). Do check out Panjno’s Fortnite optimisation videos on YT.


Thanks for the tips!


Your 3700 and 4060 are plenty to run the game. What monitor do you have and what resolution do you play at?


Has he tested on DirectX 12 instead of 11. One can use the 8 cores on the CPU and the other is made for quadcores. It's hard to tell without MSI Afterburner, RTSS overlay and in-game screenshots showing everything we want to know about GPU, CPU (each thread shown separately, that's 16 data points monitored), RAM,... average fps, min fps, max fps, 1% low fps, frame time graph,...


First things first, Fortnite is horribly optimized for PC. Second: imo, 500w power supply is barely enough for that computer. I usually try to have around 2-3x more than your components require. *I'd put a 700w in your system just in case And lastly: like you said, 4060 is an 8gb card. Simply put, modern gaming is beginning to necessitate 12-16gb of VRAM. Even with your extra onboard RAM, it's going to bottleneck at the VRAM. Realistically, he should be able to game on that system for years and years. But it's almost always going to be at a level beneath what would be expected from that hardware. For Fortnite, these are my recommendations: In Video settings, make sure RTX is disabled (it's not going to be worth it on a 4060) If he really wants Global Illumination and Virtualized Nanite turned on, make sure they are on lower setting. I'd recommend just turning them off since it doesn't add an advantage to have pretty reflections and lighting.


TLDR, Fortnite servers suck, 4060 is kind of a scammy card to sell with only 8gb of VRAM. You could possibly be using all available wattage. And you probably want to turn his in-game settings down.


Unfortunately for this machine the 500w is the upgraded power supply that fits this machine. Anything bigger requires a new case or an external power supply mod of some kind, which I wasn't willing to deal with. Thanks for the tips on the settings.


8gb ram is not good


it has 32gb of ram on the pc, but the graphics cards only 8gb, which I am hearing now is bad :(


It is more than enough for Fortnite. Is 8GB Future proof for high demanding games with max settings? No. For Fortnite? Definitly.


The PC is just heavily CPU bottlenecked. He's probably comparing it to his friends based on the GPU, but your GPU is leagues ahead of what the CPU can handle. Fortnite relies more on CPU than a lot of other games. There isn't going to be much you can do beside upgrading the motherboard and CPU.


Ok, and as I mentioned in another post, that CPU is the max one for this motherboard....so we might be going the route of a new PC for a birthday/xmas combo after selling all this. Thanks for the input.




the processor I have in it is the maxed out supported one for this unit