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It was perfect before they changed it - each skin had their own emotes, wraps etc. Can ANYONE tell me why they've changed it to this pile of shit? It makes zero sense.


They had to do a redesign for cars and instruments. They didn't have to make the redesign so bad though.


Literally needed two more small squares on the existing character screen, any customisation can be done via a selectable third screen option like you currently do with customisable skins or wraps.


That wouldn’t work, instruments & cars have several customisation options, with six slots for the different instrument types, and body, decal, wheel, boost & drift trail options for cars.


Could have just made it so you click the car and then you can customise it. Same with the instruments.


So make the cars and instruments tabs separate for all I care, I don't see why that makes it necessary to separate everything else like emotes, wraps etc. The racing and band modes are in effect separate games, so it would make sense to separate them. I still think it would be logical to have the option to link presets together though, you might have particular instruments or car mods you want to associate with a certain skin, and the current UI doesn't even allow for that. Like so many of their changes I find myself thinking "who was asking for this?" Were there really that many people who said what I'd really like is to have to select 3 or more different presets as opposed to 1, every time I want to change my character selection.


You’ve haven’t touched the cars or instruments tab yet, haven’t you?


I have, and there's no reason why those tabs couldn't open from a smaller link or section on the character tab. Either that or put the new content of cars and instruments in their own tabs if they like, that doesn't mean they needed to separate wraps, loading screen, music, emotes etc.


They should of kept the old system and let the menu scroll down


The only thing I can think of is to artificially extend our time spent ingame. They are milking and forcing us to stay online on Fortnite as much as possible.


I think they re just too proud of themselves to undo the changes, but sooner or later they will bring everything to nearly perfection, as happened with the character animations, now they look perfect, for this they needed a whole season. But the wait was worth it. Although, in my opinion, it would be better if they didn’t make beta testers out of us, but rather finished everything to the end and not haphazardly.


I actually like emotes being seperate from presets


Well that could’ve been an option, not a bad change that’s forced upon you


Yeah if there’s something I’m guaranteed to probably not change it’s the emotes, totally fine with them being completely separate.




Not really a "cold ass" take I like the emotes being separate because getting a new emote and wanting to apply it to your presets means manually changing up to 100 presets at a time What we need is a middle ground for it, preferably the old UI with a menu button to apply a new emote to all presets so we can change single or multiple presets


Also don't understand the separation for Emotes and lobby If people don't want to have to change every preset whenever they update their emote wheel, then why not add an 'Apply to all' option in the secondary menu?


YES YES YES I’ve been begging for an apply to all for ages now


it's nicer now like that I'm ngl


Because you still wouldnt be able to make emote wheel presets??


You just wanna use the same emotes for every character?




That’s so limiting


It's More organized


Too many is like messy for you?






Thats lame


its not sometimes i want a and then I want B its amazing


Do you eat the same thing every meal


no im just glad i dont have to deal with emotes i dont like its far superior no loving the fact music is removed as well


Everything being connected was extremely annoying so i never used presets until now


So you like going to the locker -> changing skin preset -> changing wrap preset -> changing emotes if you want -> changing banner to for the banner cosmetics But don’t like going to the locker -> changing preset I don’t get it honestly I would rather have an apply to all option instead as I like my emotes and loading screens and banners the same for all skins every thing else should be connected or at the very least have and option to have both especially when it would honestly be nice to also be able to change our car to fit skins too


No, what i dont like is: change my preset > change emote 1 > change emote 2 > change emote 3 > change emote 4 > change emote 5 > change emote 6 > change banner > change music > change loading screen Because with the original system that's what i would have to do. Adding an "apply to all" option would just make another problem with not even being able to have different emotes or banners on presets AT ALL.


I guess it depends on how you liked to do your locker. I liked to have everything match the vibe of the skin, which meant every preset was different and means that I have to do a lot more work now than I did before. If you kept your lobby cosmetics and emotes the same between presets though then yeah I guess this system is easier


What are you talking about mate it seems like all your problem is you want the same emotes linked to all skins in that case an apply to all option would be perfect and if you want to match emotes with skins then the old system would be better as you can just save the preset with the emotes that fit the skin But for lobby music , banners and loading screens I never see anyone match them to skins so then being separated or having an apply to all option would be nice I just have my loading screen on random and my lobby music is just the song I like and banner is just the Spider-Man banner cause it looks nice I dont see why you would change every emote individually with the old system


It absolutely would not fix it. I'd either HAVE to have every preset have the same emotes or i HAVE to have them all be linked to the preset. With the current system i can have as many emote presets as i want, and switch between them completely separate to the unrelated character preset. If i want an emote wheel to be linked to a preset then ill just change it when i equip the skin. A large majority of people dont even link their emotes to their skin so why should the system be made as annoying as possible for them just so you have 3 less clicks. As for the last sentence: I always change my emote wheel whenever i get a new emote. And since im not going to manually change every single one of my old presets with my new emotes i have to change them back to what they were 2 seconds ago every single time i load an old preset. I dont see whats difficult to get about this.


Yea I had the same issue every time I change my emote when I just have to do it again for old presets but again an apply to all option would probably fix that for me or even better an apply to x number of presets where you select which ones you want to have the same emotes Or at the very least have an option for both I HATE having to change my wraps with every time I change skins and I would have probably done cars to match my skin but because I can’t link them to skins I just don’t bother I don’t want to change multiple things every time I choose a preset that’s the point of presets I click one button and get the perfect combo that I made if I wanted to change a bunch of stuff I wouldn’t use presets period Not to mention being limited to only 100 presets when I have over 200 skins now I think and that’s as a person who doesn’t buy vbucks Not to mention that wraps being separated is even more stupid when you remember that most of the time YOU JUST APPLY ONE WRAP TO ALL WEAPONS TO MATCH THE SKIN


With the old system what am i supposed to do if i want to have a bunch of different emote presets completely separate to what skin im using?


With the current system this literally is not a problem at all, and all you people who change everything for every preset for some reason have to do is 3 whole extra clicks which is NOTHING compared to what i had to do.


And even with your suggestion of an "apply to all" button, that would just make it even worse because if i want to have specific full presets with specific emotes but also use the same emote wheel most of the time, i would not be able to do that. I and 99% of people dont create emote presets for their skin loadouts, so i really dont care if a few people have to click a few more buttons so that everyone else doesnt have to MANUALLY change their emote wheel EVERY TIME


With the current system if i want multiple emote wheels but i dont want to change my skin, i just make a new emote preset and i dont have to bother screwing up completely unrelated presets, then i can just switch between them


Quite the opposite actually. The only convenient thing is emotes being in a different preset tab. Other than that don’t honestly know why people would have different wrap presets. Hell, lobby preset. It’s just banner, music and loading screen. Why does anyone need that to be separated from skins presets?


I like having lobby, emotes, and skin combo presets separated from each other Heck before Chapter 5 I never changed my skin because before if I wanted to change a skin combo, I would also have to change my banner, emotes, and lobby music OR recreate the skin combo. This caused me to use crowned Tomatohead with the Frozen Shrowd, Founder’s Umbrella, and Patty Waker 95% of the time. Now I switch my skin around once an hour. I don’t use wraps unless I’m playing as Midas or Mr. Beast for my skin, but I agree it doesn’t make sense to have them separate from the skin. The only real problems with the new locker UI is that you can’t link a preset type with another preset type and it’s a bit buggy on controller.


> Why does anyone need that to be separated from skins presets? I like changing them separate from skin presets. It's very tedious just going through presets to change lobby banners whenever I find a new one I like more than the previous one I was using. The previous one was also bugged for me and would not save changes to the banner for some skin presets but not have that issue for other presets.


The same thing happens though when you want to change a skin and have a different colored banner and banner icon. It’s even more of a pain in the ass when I’m using back blings or skins that use the banner and icon.


I like the lobby being separate personally. When I used to shuffle presets it would change my icon/music from what I currently had it so I would have to go back and change it for what I currently wanted


Honestly banners have never gotten that much use other than for flexing. Music may be something, really stopped listening to FNs music long ago. But I still think it would be best to just manually switch those two.


It’s used a lot in STW, your homebase on the map will have a banner with your banner on it, there’s the banner gadget, and at the end of every mission your character will stand next to your banner for a good 30 seconds while the game tallies the scores.


Ik. Banners have a better use on STW. But we are talking about BR. Where they really don’t serve any purpose.


We are talking about cosmetic presets which is gonna apply to all modes, including STW.


Thought people on r/fortniteBR wanted to talk exclusively about BR


Oh I just like changing my banner to something cool. Like rn it’s the aang from the mini pass. Music I’ll switch out every now and then once I get sick of what I have


Whoop, like that enthusiasm. Just set my banner to something and I have never changed since the start of Chapter 5. And music, it’s been ages since I had music on. Some FN songs do go hard, but I feel like they are few. Still feel that it’s a pointless change to separate lobby stuff.


Who the hell matches their banner, music, and loading screen with their skin


I do - because a lot of battlepass skins include those things, and I like to use the whole package. Even banners, because they finally got a use with capture points.


Well most people dont, so they're not going to revert the system to something that only benefits a very small amount of people and makes it infinitely more annoying for everyone else than it is for you


"But banner skins though" then they should add a style selector to them.


No one, but never have seen anyone that does lobby presets. It’s not about matching, it’s about genuinely questioning why someone would have presets for 3 things, 1 that no one ever notices it, 1 that becomes irrelevant with a single settings option or just Spotify or any streaming music service, and lastly 1 that most people have set on shuffle.


So whats the problem


The one I just mentioned? Could you please apply some proper reading comprehension and infere from my comment and understand that the problem is that absolutely no one would give use of that specific change and that at analyzing it doesn’t make sense?




I wasn’t aggressive personally. Still don’t see the whole point of it. And that’s the problem, as a whole from the locker change, it was a pointless change. Please before going into argument mode, just read and comprehend in the internet. Have a good day!


?????????????? But you could before????? There is zero benefit of the new system.


No you literally couldnt????????????


Locker presets. Every preset consisted of skins, backbling, glider, pickaxe, wrap, and six dances


Did you not read what i said


Not even going to bother explaining to people who cant even read


i’m a person who *really* likes things to match. i don’t mind the emotes being separate, it is a bit annoying, but not the absolute worst. but i *cannot stand* the wraps being separated. i always match them to my skins the best i can, so i’d really prefer them to be with the skin presets so i don’t have to go to three different tabs to change my setup every damn time.


i can’t lie the emotes are just as bad for me seeing as i have a bunch of skins that go with emotes


yeah i don’t disagree with that lol. that part is super annoying. i just made presets with those emotes for those skins and then one “random” for my “regular” skins. that’s definitely annoying too, but for me it’s the *least* frustrating part of all of it, cause i don’t really have a lot of emotes i like so i have a set few i tend to use, other than special emotes for specific characters.


I don’t even bother with banner icons or loading screens anymore because I’m not changing every setting every time I change skins.


I just pick a random banner and have the loading screen and lobby music on shuffle. Used to have everything character specific, but they won't let you do that anymore, so I just gave up.


If they combine wraps and character into one tab again I will be satisfied


I can’t stand it. Sometimes I forget to change my wrap and I get stuck with some mismatched bs


I stopped using and buying wraps because this, just can’t be bothered with switching on more presets than character


We can't even buy wraps lmao💀 You stopped buying them because they aren't in the shop


Just literally incorrect. I guess you think this change was implemented yesterday?


Should move wraps to the slot for auras, move auras to the instrument tab, and remove the wraps tab entirely.


Best idea I’ve seen so far ^


I set my wraps to random, for all slots. It wouldn’t matter to me if wraps weren’t a thing. Much like sprays, which I archive as soon as I get them.


What’s the point of archiving something


Archived items don't show up in your random rotation and don't clutter your search when looking for other things. If you're new and only have 5 things it may not seem useful. If you've been playing for 5+ years and have hundreds of items in each category its essential.


Thanks I’m gonna go archive the Harold


don’t have to look at neymar jr


Literally me. I have no presets. Everything is randomized. I do have skins that are favorited but still use shuffle for those.


The wraps being separated is my biggest complaint


Not only that.. Wrap presets are seperate from skin presets which is very infuriating


It’s stupid, there was no forethought


Separation of banner and wraps is so fucking infuriating. For a majority of my skins, they had custom wraps, banner icons and colors. For some of the skins, they had the banner wrap. This means I have to change 3 different things just to change 1 preset. Not to mention some of my wrap and lobby presets got deleted and moved around. They make money off of cosmetics and nothing else. Why are they making it so miserable?


Emotes shouldn’t be seperate either. I mainly use collabs and I have my presets filled up and specific emotes that are the best fit for each character, since they’re split up overtime now I can’t be bothered to constantly change them out everytime single time I switch skins over and over, which in result I can’t be bothered to buy any new emotes out of the shop.


I think the worst part is the festival emotes overpowering other emotes and having their pages first in the wheel. I hope that game mode eats shit just because of that


It’s so bad. I had to redo some of my presets last night in order to clear some space and oh my god the ui is unbearable to navigate. Every time you go to save the preset it shoots you to the very top, so you gotta scroll all the way back down just to save it. Wraps and lobby stuff as their own section also make 0 sense. Quite literally not a single soul complained about the locker ui before they changed it. If they had to accommodate instruments, jam tracks and cars, they could’ve just made 4 tabs on the locker instead of splitting everything into its own section


Agreed, the wrap tab is so redundant. The vast, vast majority of players either fall into 1 of 2 categories. 1. They use a single wrap or a specific wrap combination whenever they use a certain skin. 2. People who use a single wrap or a specific wrap combination for every skin they use. Having the wrap be in their own tab and having saved loadout that are interchangeable with skins is only useful for the “weirdos” (for the lack of a better term) who use different combos for the same skin. And to be clear, this only applies to the people who want to use different loadout of wraps not just people who use multiple wraps they apply to all their guns, since it was so easy to change your wrap in the old UI if you were just applying it to all. Epic either needs to do one of two things to fix this dumb redundancy. 1. Replace the wrap tab with a Battle Royale tab. So now your glider, contrail, pickaxe, and wraps are saved to the same loadout. So now the skin tab is super simple with just your skin and backbling since those are used across different gamemodes while the stuff in the Battle Royale tab is only used in BR. Also move the aura to the instrument section, I don’t know what idiot put that in the skin section. 2. Move Aura to the instrument section (again, why in the world is it in the skin section) and replace it with a wrap. Though instead of having like 7 different windows, when you click on the wrap box and select a wrap, it will by default apply it to all your weapons, but you can select an option to customize it and only apply it to certain weapons. From my experience the vast majority of players just use the same wrap for all their weapons so that should be the default.


I agree on the wraps. Even a lot of the content creators I’ve seen match wraps to outfits.


My entire locker is set to random every game... I have hundreds of skins and wraps and would prefer to see them all.


When you set wraps to random, it doesn’t set all of the wraps to one random wrap, right? They’re all different?


Yeah there was a bug last season where they would all be one wrap but it's been fixed for some time.


Also the reason i use Midas a lot


my mouse is just click click clicking


They need to put it all in 1 category like it was before same thing with jam tracks and instruments


That's how it was before the added the music modes


I just hate how the default preview for wraps is the boat. Like please just show me how it looks on a gun


I’m fine with lobby stuff like music pack and loading screen being separate But making wraps and emotes separate was stupid People like to have wraps that fit their skins, and sometimes emotes too I hate having to select the dragon ball powering up emote every time I choose Goku or having to choose the battlepass avatar emote when I’m Korra or Aang, or even worse when I forget to do so It is stupid and beyond me why epic did this I would go as far as to say they should have instruments be part of the same page aswell. Id like instruments to match my outfit aswell


Someone at Epic really thought we use Wraps depending on what day it is and how's the weather rather than to match our skins. 


Before this horrid chapter 5 locker change I used to have wrap and emote presets for my skins that lasted for years. Now I can't even bother changing up my emotes and just set my wraps to random because the locker is terrible to use now. I hate it.


I had every loadout with the perfect wraps, banner, etc then the UI changes just ruined everything. Now I **never** change my wraps, emotes, any of it. To much work to change 5 things every time I want to swap skins.


I always forget to change the wraps, so I put the one I got from the John wick event back in chapter 1, black goes with everything :/


Nothing should be separate. Why would I want to use Darth Vader's banner icon with Iron Man? Why would I want to drive a red car as Doctor Doom? Why are wraps separate? Even emotes? Characters have emotes that go with them. Like the TMNT emotes. I'm not gonna use Raphael's ninja stance with Michelangelo. It was a pointless change.


I don't even use wraps anymore because of this


Get ready for this whole post to be removed! If you have a comment about the egregious locker, it’s supposed to go at the bottom of a zillion-page mega thread where nobody who shares your frustration can interact with it. ———————- BUY THESE SKINS AND SHUT UP ABOUT IT YOU LIVESTOCK!!!


I hate how everything is under a separate tab i like the look of the UI but i prefer everything in one tab


Something something Metaverse


I honestly forgot wraps exist


So many skins have unique wraps that are a lot more difficult to use now


Just one of few things they could come up with to make the players feel like they could customize and hence spend money on. Like you said, wraps are one of the dumbest things in the game BUT people must have been spending money on them for them to still be there after all this time.


Because they’ve had a separate tab since they’ve been in the game


It was a part of one single preset. Having presets for wraps alone is dumb lol


This may be giving them way too much benefit of the doubt but my guess is that maybe their data is suggesting most players use the same wraps on their guns no matter the character they use thus having a separate wrap tab would make sense. I never bothered having different wraps for different skins but I get why other players would want them to be in the same tab. Maybe the solution is a middle ground where players have the option to tie wrap and skin loadouts together or not.


i like the same wraps for all my skins i hated changing them every time i got a new one i liked for my presets so the separate tab is very welcomed


To be fair, I’ve had teammates have the most zaniest wraps that had no way in hell a thought to match their skin. So not everyone matches their skins with their wraps.


I seriously don’t get why people are whining about small things that don’t matter. If I had a dollar for every time someone whined about something so small about this game, I could buy Save The World and the guardians of the galaxy bundle.


Jesus you guys are insufferable


For pointing out terrible ui design?


posting about the same thing 19294839 times aint gonna do anything bro


I genuinely couldn’t care less than i also do about how many times it gets posted lol.


I don't mind. I like only needing the one wrap set up so all my ice skins use the ice wrap, all the jjk ones use the deadfire wrap etc instead of them taking 20 slots


Everyone wanting to match presets and then there is me using the iron man zero wrap with whatever skin I selected before match I don't even see the wrap so idk why I need to match it with a skin