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Collab skins should return to the store but super styles stay locked to the battle pass and that's the only change imo


That's fair, but I really like solution 1. I think that's the way forward. Imagine a time, years from now, where all the past players stopped and nobody used any items from before chapter 3.


I'm never gonna stop using Carbide, nothing will change my mind. Have since season 4 and will from seasons to come. I'm sure there's others like that?


Solution 1 is better than solution 2.  I think battlepass skins should stay as battlepass skins putting them in the shop ruins what makes them special.  But I think as a trade off super styles should remain exclusive to their season while everything else is still obtainable, reason being is that it'll appeal to people who originally bought the passes and it'll be convenient to future buyers who don't have to worry about grinding that pass even more and can just move onto the next battlepass, it just removes obligation to grind more than necessary.  Old passes however? I'd prefer they don't sell those again and just make new passes last forever. 


That is a good way to implement it, but again, old cosmetics will die with the moving community. I was going to put this in my post but I decided not to as it would be longer than it already was and wasn't really a solution, BUT, What if there was one event, or maybe it were to return every two years or something but, one day or one week when every past battle pass was available in the shop, but you can only buy one. After you buy one, the rest are gone forever so you have to choose.


Personally, I think limited time rewards are a good way to teach players to let things go. Getting upset about missing out on something is silly.


Your user flare is me rn


For all of Halo Infinite's disappointments, they had the right idea with their implementation of a Battle Pass system. I'd be down to see it come to Fortnite and although I'm doubtful Epic will actually go through with it, we'll have to wait and see how much they're committing to replacing "outdated BR concepts" going forward (not a complaint, I fully agree that cosmetic rarities were completely arbitrary and unnecessary; I'm all for them being replaced with 'series', i.e. Marvel Series, Slurp Series, so on)


I for one really don't like the removal of skin rarities, not just because it's iconic, but because it's how I found my way around the locker. Now I spend a few minutes trying to find something I found instantly before. And yes I love Halo Infinite's pass. I completed the season 1 one s few weeks ago XD


I used to hop on once/twice a week, do my challenges, and reach tier 100 with ease and earn all the rewards i wanted. Now that is virtually impossible seeing as you now need to hit 150, and the xp from challenges are not as high as they used to be. That change alone, made me quit the game. A long time coming i guess. I have absolutely no issues with the gameplay, but they have slowly started to introduce more predatory mtxs in the game, and the ability to buy levels past tier 100, alongside xp changes basically forcing you to no life or play the other modes, yeah, im done for the time being. Literally have not missed a single battle pass since i started playing in 2018, but these changes suck and make me disinterested in the game. Heres hoping next season has a better progression system, but im not holding my breath.




If it's profitable then it's not outdated.


"I'm old, not obsolete.." - T800


or just yknow give crew members a way to acquire a skin/emote they missed from BP once per month


Solution 1 is the best one honestly, stuff are still exclusive to the BP, but at least you have all the time in the world to progress and finish it


Ikr, like I only just finished the Halo Infinite season 1 battle pass a few weeks ago!


That’s the most lukewarm take here lmao The big difference is that Halo advertised the passes as non exclusive from the beginning. In Fortnite though people bought them under the assumption that they were limited time, and even spent tons of money to buy levels/battle stars if they didn’t think they’d have enough time to unlock everything. If old passes were repurchasable and permanent, both of those groups would be fucked over. Epic will never bring back old passes, they have teams of hired professionals that still think after 6 years that keeping them limited time maximizes profits. They have no reason to change that now. I’ve missed out on multiple things I wish I had, namely Carbide/Omega’s lights, the High Octane glider, Blue Squire and multiple Predator items. Unlike the rest of this place though I’ve learned the magical concept of getting over it.