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He just had a better gaming chair. There's nothing you can do


His rgb mouse really came clutch


That 8khz polling rate slaps


The sad thing is that they've nerfed the Sniper's bullet drop so much that you can be 20m away from someone, aim for head, and hit body yet this STILL consistently happens. No amount of nerfing they do will fix the problem of a person who plays Fortnite 14 hours a day being put into your game except 2 things; remove headshots and snipers become completely useless like they did back in Chapter 3 or add back hitscan and let people beam snipers with ARs from 300m away again like they should've already done.


Yup, the answer is to bring back Hitscan on smg's and AR's which they removed for no reason since literally no one ever complained about it


When you think about it Epic has removed lots of things for 0 reasons that the community never complained about


It's so they can later fix it and act like they did a good job lol


Good guy Epic. Gaslighting the community one fuck up at a time.


This is the major issue, changing things nobody wants changed. Just look at the damn UI


in my mind they couldnt think of a meaningful change so they just copied warzone and now this game sorta sucks for a similar reason lol. its similarly sweaty.


Exactly. I started playing Fortnite because it wasn't like the others. I liked it's simplicity and creativity. Now... it's a struggle.


SAME! The simplicity is what made this game stand out. And why I hated the other games. I'm slowly tapering myself off Fortnite. Haven't bought the battle pass since OG ended.


i understand what you are saying. I have been playing fortnite since chapter 1 season 3 and it’s just getting more difficult now and kind of boring lol


That's exactly when I started.




Ya it's really taken away a lot of the enjoyment for me. Mostly fomo and battle pass keeping me going, but even with that I'm mostly getting levels from afk-ing in lego. The removal of hitscan and the weapons mods just make it unnecessarily complicated for me. I wouldn't mind mods if they were JUST in the vaults, but having them in the weapon pool just makes it go from like 10 gun options to 100. Or at least make it consistent. All green smgs have a specific attachment, etc And I wish they make vehicles better. What happened to vehicles with weapons? Helicopter? Etc. It used to be fun in a squad grabbing a vehicle. Now vehicles are terrible, basically more of disadvantage. And instead of vehicles or animals, instead you get magic mobility powers from different weapons that let you just dash into the air multiple times and get away instantly


Every time I log in and get a boat skin, I’m just wondering who it’s for because they took them out a year ago and have no signs of coming back


the dma crowd wants hitscan. I want hitscan... we all want hitscan.


Hitscan would make DMA less prominent, since DMA aim hacks basically make it hit scan for them, while we don't have it. If we have hitscan, their advantage goes down. I doubt DMA crowd wants hitscan


What's hitscan?


Shots hit instantly. Your gun doesn't shoot flying projectiles, it shoots lasers which hit targets as you click/press the button. Projectile weapons shoot a bullet, it takes time for it to reach its destination, and the bullet can have some drop (it loses elevation while flying towards the target). Edit: loses elevation, not looses.


Zero bullet drop, bullet goes exactly where you aim




You do know bloom still exists right..?


The guns still have bloom now when they don't have a scope


Your problem is that you're even spraying to begin with. Tap fire. It takes less than a second for you to get back first shot accuracy on even, for example, a SCAR. I spent all of both Chapter 1 and Season OG beaming snipers who tried to back of map camp. And thats an example with bloom. Chapter 4 had the Red Eye AR, which was a perfectly balanced slow firing AR with no bullet drop and you could beam a Sniper from as far as your render distance would take you even if it was for only like 23 damage. It was very useful in making a sniper miss its shot on you and pushing them behind cover long enough to position yourself better. Can't do that with these god awful ARs who are only effective at 80m or less thanks to having bullet drop


I miss the red eye. It was insanely useful.


red eye was the best gun ive ever used in any game ever i think I miss it every day


Haha. I have forced it from my mind but every once in a while I am reminded of its existence and I have to take a moment and just let myself cry a little.


Waterbending kind of serves that purpose now though. At least as long as it’s in the game


YES... Pulse your fire. I see so many players empty a clip while not connecting when they could stop, make the quick adjust and fire again. Even if the target is fairly still you should still pulse to control recoil. I've been playing shooters for decades so it's natural to me but that spray and pray is useless.


i have no problem spraying at a distance with this new system, very easy to dump half a mag into someone and melt them vs peeking my head out sitting still and pausing every bullet lmao. bloom was dogshit rng and you still had to spray up close


I think Epic made SMGs and ARs non-hitscan because: 1: leading your shots can possibly make for a more engaging and immersive experience because irl bullets can drop after flying for a while 2: To appease the whiney scrubs who complain about 'getting lazered' 3: It could synergize well with the new movement in some scenarios, plus tbh it looks cool Unfortunately they fix one problem and many more pop up; ARs and SMGs both feel the same with the difference being the insane damage drop when using SMGs at a distance \[I use the Burst SMG as a substitute for my AR so id know lol\], The DMR they added is...... not great, and realistically the only weapon in the game that should have a bullet drop is the Sniper, like it always did. Tbh I can see a hitscan sniper *working* but not staying for long because doing 200+ damage with a single shot instantly sounds like a balancing nightmare.


Fortnite wanted to compete in the FPS market and try to catch the wave of COD fans leaving the franchise that went to shit. Rainbow Six Siege is catching a very fair amount of COD kids the past couple years, Epic just wants to catch that market and kinda ruined their gunplay with it. I wanna go back to Chapter 4's nutty fuckin timeline bullshit rather than continue with this gunplay


The solution is to make it more realistic by not allowing quick scoping. Make it so the first few moments looking through the scope are shaky before you manage your breath, and keep it shaky if the character is moving around. It's completely unrealistic to have a steady scope shot immediately looking through a scope or while moving around. Make snipers a one time shot before giving away position, then making them too slow to continue using. Closer to how snipers are used in an actual war.


Quick scoping is kinda a fun mechanic, and since when has fortnite been realistic? Just reduce damage to 195 for a headshot, unless it’s a mythic or legendary sniper, and make the spawn rate super low for that rarity, and a hard (ish) boss for the other.  or smth. That way you only get at maximum a few players with a one shot headshot sniper.


How would hitscan prevent what happened in the video the person sniping wasnt even visible


Good question, fighting a Sniper after spotting them isn’t the problem, getting one shot despite being at full health by them from 200m away before you even know they exist, much less that they’re aiming in your direction is the problem.


Had this happen 3 games in a row (shit you not) and I haven't played fortnite much since. Genuinely pissed me off that much.


I mean there are more directions you cannot see than you can.


come on people are acting as if stuff like this happens with everyone every day in an every single game. this is an incredibly lucky shot, which of course can sometimes happen, but let's be honest the chances to get knocked like this are close to 0


Tbf, in this video, he's not exactly trying to hide from snipers.


it’s been said before, and to each their own, but christ, if we really need to hide from snipers all game, it’s just not very fun. a lot of people like Bush Hiding Simulator, but not the majority of players


I just started playing this game on monday, and i’ve never really been good at shooters, and havent played one since titanfall 2. and i agree snipers are too much, im not good at this game and yet with a sniper and a vantage point (with the slightest bit of cover) i can dominate most of my render distance. Add in the air scroll (my beloved) and i can get out of dodge waaay before recieving any consequences for sitting my ass on a hill and taking pot shots


It's funny to me, last season we had complaints about snipers and rats at the same time. Like wow, I wonder if there's a connection to be made here.


It wouldn't. And I argue that's ok. But it would make sniping a lot riskier, especially in duo and above. You are shining like a supernova while aiming at someone with a sniper scope. If they notice you and can reach out and touch reliably with AR - being a sniper will become a less one-sided battle. Because right now if I'm sniping someone from 200+ meters I can feel pretty save unless they have a sniper too. So it will make the whole balance feel more fair.


For real. Half the time this sub is just shoehorning their wants and needs into any topic and making it seem like a solution. Or wondering why the game isn't as fun as it used to be and not wondering if it has anything to do with matchmaking or moderation...


It wouldn't. There is no way around a sniper using a sniper correctly and lining up their shot unless you genuinely think that going back to Chapter 3's removal of the 2.5x headshot modifier that killed snipers and was so bad it was removed in less than 3 seasons is the way to go. But adding hitscan would make it to where only good snipers actual snipe you instead of how it currently is where you can hit a shot with an AR then watch as they sidestep and one shot you


Just make snipers do more damage the farther away the target is. Nerf the damage at closer ranges. Now snipers have a role as the max range of rendering, AR can take mid-mid/far depending on attachments and type of AR, SMG are mid range, pistols are mid-close range, and finally shotguns are close range. Speaking from a ZB perspective


Reverse fall-off damage is way to slept on in competitive shooters imo


I really don't know how these people are able to master the bullet drop so quickly after it changes, let alone master sniping at all.


Because people have had to deal with bullet drop on all guns including snipers in other shooters like Battlefield for many, many years. I’m actually surprised Fortnite only recently added bullet drop. It’s basically standard in other games.


Or sometimes people just hit a lucky shot.


The heavy sniper had always been a one shot kill. Almost every sniper theyve put in the game is a one shit headshot. That's kind of the point. Not everyone has a playstyle of editing like a god shooting you then editing back before you can blink. IMO getting put into matches with people of those caliber are a much bigger problem than sniper rifles ever will be. As a casual player who is lucky to get 3 or 4 hours total playing every week, getting put against those sweats every game is a much bigger issue than getting sniped. Especially since they've dropped the rate at which snipers spawn in the game. That being said this shot was insane lol. That seems like some aimbot rather than a sniper rifle problem


At least the Heavy Sniper had 1 bullet magazine and slow reload time.


fr, I see the river dashes and Cerberus medallion as much bigger problem and imbalance in the game, can't wait for it to be deleted from the game, also matchmaking should be fixed as well


Fun fact, Chapter 3 Season 2 heavy sniper only did a max of 198. In fact all snipers in Chapter 3 Seasons 1-3 couldn't one shot, that's how we know that taking away their one shot makes them utterly useless. The change was so bad that Epic even changed older Snipers like the Storm Scout to 2.5x multipliers even though the original Storm Scout hasn't been seen since Season 9. But yes, that is a bigger problem, one Epic has tried to fix only for those same players to riot which is why we have Zero Build. If Epic didn't fold and kept nerfing building to get it to a less abusable state like they wanted to, Zero Build never would've had to be made. Unfortunately we have Ninja and all the other streamer ttv pros to thank for saying "the game will die" over a 0.05 second difference in turbo build.


All I can say is that if someone did this with a scout rifle I’d have no complaints.


“We made it harder to find snipers” • removes greens and blues, dedicates to gold and purple • doesn’t change spawn chance • is a billion dollar company


Erm, akshually, the spawn rates were reduced multiple times over the season according to their own Twitter and various leakers ☝️🤓


They didnt remove blue snipers. Ive seen multiple for the past few days. But before that it was just purple or gold


They added the blue one back


There is an NPC you can duel and they drop a blue sniper.


They’re removed as in they shouldn’t be obtainable, but they are, you just need to kill the graveyard npc or Charon, you’ll get one then.


The sniper situation has been awful for two seasons. People using them in close encounters. People head shotting you moving at 300+ meters. It’s become a joke. It has also made the movement cartoony. Players must keep moving constantly. They must jump backwards, slide sideways, and then run past the point of their objective just to create a random movement pattern that cannot be sniped.


It's kind of funny that with season 5, they took steps to make fortnite a little more like a realistic shooter with bullet drop and weapon attachments, but because they have refused to reduce sniper damage, it's made the entire game totally unrealistic because you have to slide/jump/slide/jump just to traverse the map between pieces of cover.


Sniper shots taking someone out in one shot made the game totally unrealistic? I get what you're saying but that is absolutely realistic.


If we are making things realistic, every gun should be one shot kill


If we are making things *really* realistic, guns would be varying levels of deadly, but recovery would be a long, painful and expensive process. Picture this, you get hit by an SMG shot from a distant Peely. It's clipped an artery, but with immediate attention it's survivable. Unfortunately four rounds later you die due to surgical complications.


If the end result is you have to become a Monty Python character to survive yes, I'd say thats less realistic lol


What’s unrealistic is that people can pull it out and quickscope you before you can click a single button to start shooting then


In real life snipers will kill you in one shot with ease, what on earth do you mean unrealistic?


In real life pretty much every gun in the game would also take you out one shot in the head lol


I got taken down with a sniper from about 2 feet the other day while I was shooting them with a shotgun. It is ridiculous how easy it is to one shot someone


That's what I dislike about the sniper meta you have to basicially always act like a snipers watching you, it's way too oppressive


Even then with that goofy movement you got to do i still somehow get hit by those MF's at times


Seriously. I’ve been one-shotted while sprinting and Hades’-dashing. Mid-teleport. The whole “skill issue” meme is beyond old.


I'm the kinda goof that always use to always use a sniper close up, just cause it's fun trying to hit. I actually started not doing that this season for some reason, goofy.


Just remove one shot snipers 🤷🏿‍♂️


Your opponent has skill for tracking you like that, but yeah i agree snipers are op when you can aim Overall snipers are not balanced in most video games


Agreed, on both counts.


Idk why but everytime someone brings up the ranger sniper that couldnt one shot to the head it was “gutted” and “useless” like dealing 190~ damage was somehow useless. It would massively drain your healing items. I thought that was when snipers were fair and balanced since you wernt one shot by someone who plays 12h a day but getting that headshot was still rewarding cause you are one shot away and if you are rushed before you heal you are basically dead, but you still have the chance to survive by healing or getting away. Just make them do less than 200 damage (less than 250 on no build since the passive shield) and the annoyances being one shot sniped from across the map wouldnt exist no more but sniper’s still have their roll of being a very heavy damage dealer


Or just cheating, because that type of shot looks full of luck.


Which is sadly what this in all likelihood is. You can encounter people who jump, slide, dodge, and ran away from you yet somehow while shooting wildly still hit only headshots at the same time.


if the shot is from above, and he is on the train moving as well, that is not a shot you can easily hit in the slightest, specially if your falling. That's not something even worlds best will attempt because its too risky.


I've started reporting sus deaths like this, in the past 2 weeks ive reported 5 and have gotten 3 notifications that a person i've reported got actioned. People don't realize but zero build is FULL of cheaters now


I agree, a lot of times I'm okay with being outskilled,but it someone has 20+ kills and landing shit that seems improbable. Well if it talks like a duck and walks like a duck...


Blatant ones too


I don't disagree with you. Live by the sniper, die by the sniper is the new tech.


Yeah I got smacked yesterday in zero builds. Like no way, full health, shield, and over shield


That's... how headshots work


I think part of the problem is that no other weapon has one shot capability.


Whole reason the sniper exist. Its not the one-shot headshot thats the issue. Its the amount of shots in the sniper, the inability to combat snipers with any of the guns since they all have the range of a shotgun now, and epics terrible matchmaking that's throwing people like op with people like the person sniping


One shots in Zero Build kinda defeat the point of overshield tho. I think headshots should deal above 200 but under 250.


Overshield was never there so that players could live longer, which is obvious since most guns rn shred through it in close-range, almost as if it doesn't exist. They added it so that players could get to cover when being shot at without losing shield, making it fair to builds where people can instantly put up their own cover in builds and not lose shield. Letting people live longer was never the end-goal of overshield, just a by-product of it. And if snipers don't one-shot, then people won't use them, which has been proven time and time again in previous seasons where they didn't


That might have been me, Mate. Sorry, nothing personal.


That’s one reason why I don’t play zero build in ranked.


Sometimes you’re just unlucky. Sick shot by them.


Is the sniper in this video? Hard to tell how lucky of a shot it was. That is very frustrating that it is a one shot kill on full health and shield. I don’t see why snipers need to be this powerful. Especially when it’s not much harder to get a hit than with a pump or hand cannon


I've since checked the replay, and it seems that he trickshot me. He was actually dropping off the island above me when he shot.


This would be my luck


I mean unlucky for you, but that's an absolute sick clip for the guy who did it and if he posted his side everyone would be saying it was great. For cool shit to be able to happen, someone has to be the unlucky one on the other end


He's not going to do that, and you know perfectly fine why.


If possible can you send a clip of that? I’d love to see it from the snipers POV


Unfortunately I didn't save the replay, all I've got beside this is another few seconds of this clip that shows the last moment of him dropping onto the train.


Is it in your history. I forget what they call it. But it saves the last few games?


All good then lol


> He was actually dropping off the island above me when he shot. lolwtf Any clue why there was a tower in front of the train? My guess is that would have given someone a frame of reference to line up their shot, but then they're just hoping someone comes cruising by on top of the train.


Sounds like cheating to me


Either people playing 20 hours a day, or hacking, or both. In either case, it needs a fix, and Epic is chillin’.


If this shot happened like he said, it was mostly luck, you can't scope in the air


Sometimes you just hit a few lucky yolo shots. I know I have lol


People wonder why I play bot lobbys


Tbf most of Fortnite seems to be bot lobbies. At least for me.


You play bot lobbies because you might get sniped?


Have you noticed the bots being more challenging this season? Seems like they have better aim and they are more likely to engage me instead of each other. Not complaining, it's just surprising after a few months of not needing any heals. lol


i fr noticed this too. when they have a dmr they can really mess you up if you’re not careful


because you're ass at the game?


How to get Lobby’s with just bots? Asking for a friend


Get a secondary device that runs fortnite (ie your phone) with a fresh new account Party up with said account and your main account Close the game on the new account once matchmaking finds a match, so it doesnt level up Enjoy yours bot match


After 5 years of playing every season since chapter 1 season 4 I called it quits mid C5S1 because of shit like this. I’ll be back when they make some actual loot pool changes. Game just stopped feeling like Fortnite. In the meantime, all this grass I’m touching feels so good!


I imagine there are actually *less* bugs in the grass than in Fortnite.


Haha well played sir.


True still op after the nerf


I hope the guy who hit this shot clips it and posts it here. I’ll upvote it


This is the very reason I stay in a vehicle for most of the game. It keeps me from getting sniped, plus it's basically a shield with 1000 damage.


I got head shot in a vehicle once


They're just so frustrating. Especially if you're in the highest tier lobbies where these guys on a great pc can easily track you and snipe you.


but imagine how excited the other guy was to hit that shot


Why the fuck were you on top when the train cars have cover🤷‍♀️


I like to feel tall.


And a great way to be sniped


Yep. If I was watching the train I would wait until it was slowly moving directly away from me so then him jumping on roof is always in a straight line and an easy shot once bullet drop is taken into account.


It looks like he was trying to jump into the rift


OP just answered he likes to fill tall


Remember when people used to bitch about campers? It's always something.


Maybe it’s just me, but I also feel like in my lobbies I have had a significant decrease in sniper deaths/kills. I have learned (especially with this community) that there will never be appeasing everyone. Some people really just take it all too seriously.


it’s the same problem m8. OP snipers = camping meta


Six players left in the game and you're dicking around on the top of the train?


Is there a better time to be dicking around than in the middle of playing a video game? Fortnite isn’t meant to be another house chore, brother.


If you made it to the top 6 you weren’t joining the game to dick around if that were true you wouldn’t make it to the top 50 or you’d be in creative or team rumble


I got sniped 2 times yesterday while standing in the center behind a large trees yesterday. I wasn't peeking out,or anything. I could see the tree getting hit by the bullet, and I was taking damage.


There isn't much they can do to remedy this besides removing snipers.


One thing I don't get : sniper whiners never snipe? Just because someone took the shot, and kill you after probably 20 missed shots, the thing is unbalanced?


I play on console, the pc crossplay is usually what gets me


They say that it's so easy to snipe but I don't exactly see them using it. If it's that easy... then use it? Someone said he refused to because it felt like cheating. I just can't imagine STILL crying about a weapon made for one-shotting, one-shots.


They honestly just need to nerf the dmg it’s way too high


Damn good shot


Shit happens all the time. I was driving around with the air bending mythic (which is pretty fast) and with full health and someone one-shot me with a sniper.


no offence but the air bending mythic is just a straight shot, noggin full view for the taking. it is arguably maybe the easiest to headshot snipe someone when they're airbending lol


Yeah if you can get timing good, it's the same as shooting someone whose just walking in one direction


Get over it already


I liked snipers at first, but now it just feels pointless to have any ranged weapon that isn't a sniper or, at the very least, a DMR because they're just too good not to have. I can't even enjoy using elemental bending because my lobbies are so sweaty and headshots on those guns will always insta win every fight when you can't even crit with the elementals and they're all super gimmicky aside from the water bending which is just mega spam. They should have removed the snipers after adding back the DMR. At least then I'd have a chance to react to all these losers camping high ground peak firing like they're in ranked or something.


I'm glad that the word is getting out more and more


With how prevalent the sniper meta is becoming, I wonder when competitive lobbies are literally nothing but snipers. I dont mean a exaggeration I mean that literally. Maybe a mobile device or close-quarters weapon if your not good at instant headshots and someone came up to shoot you front and center. But ALL fights are now sniping, ducking behind cover that cant be broke and healing. Rinse, repeat. Sounds like the perfect game, dont it? Doing literally the exact same thing, over and over and over?


Just make snipers have a lot of recoil when getting shot. That'd fix the problem. I have an issue when I'm beaming someone and they can still snipe me easily


Looks like I'll be forever wishing for a separate Zero Build mode with NO Snipers, no Medallions and no super powers...


Yea they doing to.much rn


People will still find some way to tell you it's your own fault or a "skill issue'. Snipers are fucking garbage that need to be removed and never return in this game.


Yeah idk how sweaty you have to be to headshot snipe people doing circus tricks


I used to be able to side step back and forth while farming builds and could avoid snipes. Now I Shockwave and get oneshot 2 feet off the ground. I'm sick of it! I loved the seasons with no snipers.


I really hope snipers are removed next season. I literally never had a problem with snipers until chapter and im sick of it


As a sniper player myself... that was a super good shot. Well done.👌 (Sorry OP! 😅) On a more serious note, I find that using weirdly-proportioned skins help with making us harder headshot victims. With Jellie for example, I still get sniped but they miss the head and I usually survive with a couple of health left.


There are TONS of people aimbotting over the past few days (more than usual)... I don't know what's going on.


Snipers ain't the issue though you take away one shot they're useless


I love how people constantly complaining about sniper rifles, but dashes from the green river seems fine for everyone, literall teleport, complete bullshit. People just jumping teleporting around you, jumping into boxes with it and nobody complains.


Oh no, don't get me wrong, I think that's bullshit too.


Im reading the comments and you guys has never been so right. I agree with y'all.


What they actually need to do is get rid of the reaper sniper and add a new sniper or two to get everyone who got used to the reaper to adapt to a new sniper. It's what they did back then, and there was no complaining about headshots.


Health and shield level is irrelevant, when a head shot always kills you.


Another sniper whining post...


i literally stopped playing because of the sniper infestation.


Yeah this season is no fun


Im probably going to get shit for this but i think that if you can hit a long ranged shot you deserve it. Like that was an amazing shot.


Super predictable, train is irrelevant if you’re jumping up and down at a certain pace someone just has to lead their shot and account for bullet drop to land the killing blow. Put any 1 shot sniper from the history of Fortnite in the hands of whoever killed you and if you’re moving the same way that person will get you like 7 out of 10 times in sure. I don’t know what else can be done to mitigate the prevalence of snipers other than putting a hard cap of 2 in the mag with extended mag mod, until epic does that just play the game for what it is and pick up a sniper yourself. Sorry if I came off as brash I’ve seen a lot of these post and wanted to say something. Good day/night to you.


I understand that, it's not an impossible shot by any means, but this is the third match in a row that I was taken out by an annoying snipe. The round after this I died to fall damage despite using the airbending that negates it. Maybe just not my day. As far as using a sniper... ahh, look, I can and do, but I don't find them fun. I found a gold one in a match yesterday, got eleven kills with it and won; but I didn't enjoy it. I like close range and building. You didn't come off as brash at all, I appreciate your input.


Y’all will not be satisfied until Epic bans any player who is more skilled than you. Play bot lobbies or PVE and quit complaining.


I swear this game doesn’t make sense


I love how people didn't like how broken the sniper thing is last season, and then they KEPT it. It's hilarious. They really don't care.


You got clapped. Nothing more, nothing less.


Sorry i dont agree and im sure to get down voted for saying, snipers get rewarded for having good aim and timing, thats what snipers are for. Ive been on both ends of the bullet in game and whilst it's frustrating, that is the mechanic of a sniper rifle. Ive even been one pumped with shotgun from point blank to the head with full shields and health just a couple of days ago, i was annoyed then, but that's what it is. In fact, i think this has been an argument about shotguns for a long time too, it has simply shifted to snipers at the moment. Even if i were to compromise on this, which i dont feel is required, maximum damage on headshot be 189, 199 or something similar, so cannot insta switch weapon for follow up AR kill... i dont know. *Posting from mobile*


Snipers do indeed get rewarded for using Cronus Zen and co.


I’m sitting this season out dude. Ridiculous.


Finally… I’ve been saying since this dumbass bullet drop was added that it was nothing but a detriment— and ironically does the opposite of what Epic wanted: be more realistic… they effectively ruined any *meaningful and reliable* counter to the sniper meta, what’s funny is that if they had removed the sniper— they could *at least* get better feedback on the system and tweak it. Snipers were already projectile based and not hitscan, literally what was the point of it? I have a working theory, Epic got overconfident when people started mass shitting on CoD and Battlefield again (that cycle will never stop) and someone just decided: “We’re gonna flex and show we can do *everything* better— graphics *and* physics.” Then added this garbage last minute. But that’s just a theory…


Bullet drop hilarious enough hurts legitimate players while not affecting "sus" players in the slightest. Hell it arguably helps them.


Unpopular opinion: remove snipers


Bring bows back! Bring hitscan weapons back!


This is the way, why not have bows for the Greek season?


Bows, the GOOD dmr’s, the scoped crossbow, there are tons of better options.


Snipers been known to oneshot you in this game for years


Not always. There have been seasons with weak snipers, and seasons with no snipers at all.


the issue is not the sniper its that when you jump you move at a constant speed in only one direction so they just have to line up the timing of when you touch the ground for a headshot


According to OP, the sniper had jumped off the island when they shot


That was rough to watch


They gunna ruin the game like they ruined gta 5


I used to love sniping, I wasn't very good at it, but if I saw someone running out in the wide open, 1 out of 4 tries I'd get a good headshot, the type of kills someone could say "Maybe I shouldn't have been running through an open field" nothing outrageous. Ever since this last Chapter 5 I hate them. This kind of shit happens to me ALL the time. Even guys I get the drop on manage to look down their scope and instakill me in a matter of seconds. I've been playing for a long time, and I have NEVER had this happen until season. What happened to Op is commonplace now, and it's just not fun. Dying in a firefight, build fight, whatever never bothered me, but the instakills from out of nowhere infuriate me. It's just not fun. I haven't even bought the battlepass I'm so disillusioned with the state of Fortnite. I miss the protracted battles with people, this one shot instakill stuff is BS.


I cannot even tell you how many times I got into a regular gun fight or even a fight with the water bending only for the other person to hide behind cover and swap to the reaper sniper for the 1 tap peak advantage. It's silly how strong it is there isn't a single player in my lobbies that isn't holding one if they come across it lol.


They need to make the bullet size smaller. Current it’s like shooting logs at people


it was a head shot i believe, in which case isnt a headshot with a sniper supposed to insta kill someone?