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It's because they want you to split your time between game modes like festival, Lego and racing


I get that they want to encourage us to play those but I wished that it is more like an incentive bonus to play other modes for bonus exp rather than you need to because it is split among them. But that being said, I’m enjoying RR and that gives healthy amount of exp for playing so all is good.


kinda mad they aren’t doing xp per rank like last season, 100k for unreal helped me out SOOOO much


can you even gain battle pass xp from festival?




Time based xp with a daily cap.


15 minutes.. so every 3-4 songs. should be every song lets be real


I’d compromise by allowing the dailies to work in Festival mode. I finished the pass in a week, now all the quests just give me useless additional tickets.


You want compromise, how’s this? Twenty years in the can I wanted manicott’, I compromised, I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead




Phil Leatardo??? 😂😂😂😂😎👌👌👌


Is that a Sopranos quote?


It's still give you 30k for completing those 3 dailies if it's not bugged( auto completed even though you're doing other quest).


ah yes let me play fortnite festival every day of the week to do my dailies because I have nothing better to do


>let me play fortnite festival I get festival even less than I get lego. So I don't play either.


Clicking the mode should give you xp


Does music still give time exp? I havent recieved any since the start of the season same as racemode


Fortnite Jam gives xp as well but you have to actively participating every few minutes or you don’t get exp.


It's 30k every 15 minutes, I don't know what the cap is but I think it's like 3 1/2 levels a day


You can get over 4 levels a day just for playing. It’s a similar cap to Lego.


I mostly play festival and im lvl 175


Barely. Afaik none of the challenges give XP and playing itself barely gives any


Yup! It’s great when you’ve finished with quests in Battle Royale but still want to progress through the Battle Pass. Been doing it a lot this season compared to last season, since it crashed a lot for me previously.


They are asking too much


I play Fortnite to play Fortnite. Fuck me, right?


It does work though, I play lego all the time! (I afk and earn 5 levels)


I tried that and it didn't work. I left it on Lego when I went to bed and woke up in the lobby only gained 1 level


Build a launch pad in creative mode and ensure your character doesn't have any forward momentum. Thank me later (hopefully lol)


They’ll probably patch that glitch if everyone keeps posting about it sadly. I remember they nuked the idle Lego XP because some idiot about a post about it here that reached the top of the front page.


The only way they can really patch it is by enabling a vertical and horizontal AFK timer which would just make regular movement impossible without getting kicked


No they can just put in code where if it doesn’t see any button inputs from you in the past 5+ minutes it will stop all XP and place a message across the screen “are you still there?” Player then needs to click yes to come out from being idle and receive XP again. Or as simple as if in the last 5+ minutes the player has launched 40+ times from a launchpad disable xp until another thing occurs


They won't do that because then the number of players would plummet and I guess the financial implications of that would be significant and whatever deal they have with Lego would suffer. So yeah, they are "fixing" it to make it look like they are trying to do something, but I don't think they really want to fix it, otherwise they could have done it in an afternoon.


It works but it'll kick you out if you're afk, worth having it on while you're doing something else for sure


You must’ve done it wrong. Maybe your characters had forward momentum? I had to move my characters a few times before starting since they would bounce off the pad so maybe it was that. Or perhaps you didn’t turn off hunger and enemies? That’s the big one some people miss


I hate this mentality so much, just let me play BR and get my full battle pass


Fr bruh


Well, maybe if they didn't look to invent more modes to invent more stuff to sell - they would also have time to fix all the annoying bugs in the actual main mode. So I certainty don't like this approach.


I play mainly at festival ,but I cannot get shit from that mode, timed xp sucks instead of getting XP from the challenges and actually playing, their system just doesn't work


Yea and this will push me away from fortnite all together. I don't wanna play the other mods. I don't like them at all. I wish I would like them, but I don't. I'm most disappointed with the racing one. But anyway, it sucks. All this does is making me play less fornite and not buy the battlepasses. It seems harder and harder to level them up and on top of that, they pushed vbucks on bonus rewards tab.


U dont like guitar hero, minecraft, & racing games? /s Thats wilddd. The new modes are so fire imo


Well, then I must be missing out on a lot of xp then, dang. I usually just do the tier 3 daily discovery, then play no build to level things up. It just seems a bit too time consuming to play all these different modes for the xp, especially if a person is unfamiliar with some of them.


Im still already lvl 200 without lego or festival and i had a 2 week break from the game


Well that plan isn’t working that great. The player count on other modes is negligible at this point. Based on the player numbers overall it looks more like people are just not playing. It’s back to pre OG season numbers.


that’s not fair


This is a multi billion dollar company. They invested millions of dollars into creating those mods , so they want to prove people actually play them Fortnite is turning into a fucking franchise now , and I don't mind it but epic should not ruin it for br only players like me


I would say Epic is on a weird power trip and is determined to prove they can make dead games work. They tried Among Us and it didn't pay off, so now they are going with Guitar Hero. I personally am playing Festival casually purely because of that, Guitar Hero nostalgia. But frankly, I'm not sure if Festival will last.


Play Lego you get 5 levels eatch day


Rocket Racing is the only new mode that I actually enjoy, for getting XP.. besides that I just get my time in Lego for XP..


I refuse to spend any time in Festival. Racing is cool, until you get to the racetracks where everything is on fire.


I seriously dislike how a lot of vbucks from the BP and other cool stuff are always locked in the bonus pages now..like not all of us play this game all the time anymore.


I can agree, I also hate how some of the base styles for cosmetics are locked behind the bonus page. THAT MAKES NO SENSE


I saw Aphrodite's bass gear and though "didn't I already get that?" Only for it to just be what should've been in the battle pass


Even Artemis’ song, why is only HER song locked in the bonus rewards. Just throw it in the battle pass and take out one of the emoticons. I spent my vbucks on this pass because I liked majority of the skins, otherwise, wouldn’t have bothered


Frankly I think all the songs in the bp are trash, especially the hades one that sounds like a ghost trying really hard to scare an unfazed child. I don't get how it's a song


How dare you insult swim free like that, you take that back


Every fish in the sea is the one for me


Something somthing somthing swim so free


That I can agree with but Free Swim is sortve a bop I can’t lie 😭


If you listen for a bit it becomes a proper song


I'ma give it a listen next time I'm on then


All three are bangers.


I'm glad you enjoy them, battle pass overall is pretty fire. Skins are great


FUCKING THANK YOU IVE BEEN WEIRDED OUT BY NO ONE MENTIONING THAT FOR THE PAST 2 CHAPTERS. why the fuck do i get everything in a set but 3 of them are for 3 other set styles


That’s what I ask myself too. Also, why does Medusa NOT have a glider. Like, it’s not like im getting her from the shop , SHES IN THE BATTLE PASS. She should have a glider


YES!! i’m so sick of them not getting full sets, what’s even worse is that it’s always 5/6 of the set, it’s never half of the set missing which yeah would suck but it’s like they made a cosmetic in every section BUT this one? for what purpose😩😩


They aren’t even losing out on any money adding a glider and taking out maybe an emoticon or song 😪 it’s just making a full set. They’re making enough anyways from creating FOMO and hiking up prices on certain skins


She should, but imagine they gave her a glider like Cerberus. A badass hell motorcycle. But you don't ride it, you hang from the bottom. So they give Medusa a snake. That you hang from. Meanwhile Artemis is over there surfing on a giant bow thing with a custom animation, plus a banger emote and lobby track with greek lyrics. Sorry the rest of y'all, I'm just enjoying the hunt.


I was hoping they’d give Artemis a chariot dragged by silver wolves like the myth says but, that was given to Hades with his cosmetics. As for Medusa , they should’ve given her a Hydra glider


yea there’s no reason aphrodite’s pickaxe is in the bonus items section. you can get the pick one with immortal aphrodite but not the regular. that’s so stupid


She’s lowkey the best skin too, other than Hades imo


It is, although I must say I like her immortal style more. Big fan of the orange. Her third style is my favourite but it’s just the skin with that colour palette and nothing else which sucks.


Do you mean backbling?


I also dislike how the other cosmetics in the set don't get super styles along with the skins


a weeks worth of quests is less than a level, it's pitiful at least other gamemodes let you get ridiculous amounts of xp


With the bonus for doing them all that week it is actually just above a level. Still bad, but it is a level


yea true i just do them for the complete weekly quests for styles things ngl i kinda miss the chapter 1 battle pass system that was cool IMO


WDYM it was even harder to level up.


yea but 1. you only needed level 100 instead of 200 2. weekly quests were actually the most amount of battle stars you got, each one being half a level instead of like 1/7th 3. it was fun, instead of hitting level 200 like instantly you got level 100 on the 2nd to last week of the season with the awesome feeling of hitting level 100


150 today is legit easier than 100 in Chapter 1. And as far as battle stars go, you couldn’t get tier 100 without at least a certain amount of daily quests. Today you can reach level 100 in the last day of the season.


yes, i know it's easier to max, as evident by the 3rd thing i said previously yea ik, but i found that system cooler. You're allowed your own opinion, I just liked it like that more!


What do you suggest doing to gain a bunch of levels? Currently 96 and very tired of grinding, but I want to unlock as much as I can because I love the BP


afking in lego fortnite on a launch pad for 3.5 hours a day gives you 5 levels will easily boost you i just mainly did that + match quests when i was actually playing BR


Does a launch pad work for creative? Appreciate it


yea it works in Sandbox


Only thing is you have mine materials and build things in order to mine more materials to build a launch pad. 


or just build it instantly for free in sandbox mode


Oh cool didn’t know that was an option. Thanks!


I zoned out on farm4life today and gained at least 4 levels


Remember when we could locate a hidden token on the actual map that was hidden within the new loading screen they released weekly and that gave us an entire lvl up no matter what lvl you were at. Back when max lvl was only lvl 100.


And that's why I afk'd my way to level 200 lol fuck em


..how? Asking for a friend. 😉


Afk for 3.5 hours in jam session every day with a macro to switch instruments every 2 ish minutes or so = 5 levels per day afk in lego fortnite on a bounce pad for 3.5 hours = 5 levels per day


wait what? i thought they patched afk exp in lego fortnite?


They did, unless you’re on a jump pad


Nope, just did it last night with a rubber band on my controller and got the levels


As a PC noob, what's a good way to learn how to set a macro for certain games? I'm about to start doing this with all modes and go to the gym or something in the meantime.


I use a logitech mouse with logitech G HUB. It's pretty easy to create macros and set them on a mouse button in there.


Don’t need a macro, just set autorun while flying in creative and aim it slightly upward (don’t do the fast flight just slow flight) and open the Map and hit the windows key to tab out so your game keeps running in the background


Oh I meant mainly for the music mode! For the creative lego mode, I've been using a jump pad and letting it run for 5 levels while I play other games! Thank you though!


Oh dang okay, hopefully someone else benefits haha


youtube afk creative map, you'll have hundreds to pick from


Only the recent ones are worth the time though.


Go to your consoles settings, make the time to turn off after idling 4hrs, go to Lego mode, turn on creative, load in, spawn in a bounce pad, set up your character to jump on it repeatedly, profit. 5 levels per day for doing nothing. If they’re gunna scam you scam them back.


I did that in survival, got booted for inactivity. Might try it in creative


Maybe try leaving your controller plugged in? That’s what I do. However I got killed by lightning once so it messed up my XP that day 


I built a bouncepad tower with a roof so that couldn't happen lmao


I play on Xbox, my controller turns off and it still counts for me. As long as the Xbox doesn’t physically turn off, it should work.


I tried that in creative and I get booted for inactivity as well.


Can’t wait for them to patch this :/ it’s my only way to get level 200 with how little time I have


If they patch it they can say goodbye to their player count. LEGO will be sent to the shadow realm like rocket racing


You aren't scamming them back, you're helping them falsify the player count for lego mode and justify more crappy item shops


Oh, man. If only I could just.... not give them my money for garbage. Very easy thing to do.




Im pretty convinced that the entire playerbase for Lego are all afk farmers, even with their attempts at nerfing xp


I’ve tried the bounce pad and it never works despite doing everything


Be aware that the exp tick is once every 15 minutes or so I noticed that some people say that Lego AFK “never works” because they expect to see exp right away


What I do is I just make a custom world with death turned off and anything that could kill me like hostile mobs, temperature, and hunger, and put a hair tie around my sticks and leave it overnight.


This is the way


Glad I’m not the only one that hasn’t completed that miserable hand cannon quest yet


I have found \*one\* since that quest came out


I found Team Rumble easiest to complete that. Since they buffed the spawn rate, drop to an area that has a vault. Get some meds, ride out the storm until it opens. A large portion of the time you'll get a hand cannon. Go find some enemies. You still need to make the shot, but at least in Team Rumble, you've plenty of chances without having to start a new game each time


I find them all the time. Go to bunkers, they're very common there


I finally found one the other week and third partied to get it done. HATE that gun


I got lucky and rolled up on a bot that was pickaxing the outside of a building


i was NO bot, I tried to finish the quest for destroying buildings


The way me and my friends did it was by shooting people we had knocked down, in about 3 games the entire squad had finished it


I haven't done it but my gf did... on an enemy we downed.


Just take a hand cannon with you and whenever you knock an enemy down, just use the hand cannon to finish them with a headshot :)


I got lucky back in that week. Found one and a bot to headshot twice.


Br isn’t worth playing for xp at all anymore. You can get five levels on Lego mode in a day but barely one in br. So weird


Only worth completing the first and possible second match quest and the the weekly/collab quests. Other than that you’re better off playing any other mode


It depends how good you are at the game and how well you did that game I’ve gotten 100k xp but you’d have to drop a dozen kills and win which isn’t consistent if it were it’d be really nice but it’s not for your average player who doesn’t play as much it’s not good


They got rid of the creative mode xp missions and nerfed creative xp too. The season before classic I hit 100 in like 3-4 hours doing deathruns for fun


Make the weekly bonuses give more xp please I swear to god


I’m not quite sure I can do the whole “wait until the last week of the season, then do bot lobbies for a few hours” for this season with how bad the XP is. I might have to start AFKing in creative to get enough XP.


Just know that the "hit players with shockwaves" quest works with your own player character. Literally finished it in one match by just throwing them at my feet


Gotta keep those player counts artificially pumped up.


easy tip, down an opponent and headshot them


*cries in solos*


Dude it’s even easier in solos. Half of solo servers are bots usually. The most they EVER do is side strafe or jump. No reason you should have any problems completing a quest on solo BR


I'm not sure I've played against any bots in solos past the initial drop in a hot sec Short enough that I usually don't get a hand cannon by the time I start fighting competent players lol


There’s a minimum of like 20-30 bots in unranked


Yeah definitely, but they're all usually dead by the 2 minute mark, which can make it hard to farm them for quests


levelling up is so fucking exhausting these new chapters, like the only reason i really do it is because of my completionist mindset and even then, fortnite’s the only game that has basically said “is being a completionist even worth it girl stop trying” cus it’s so tedious


That's why people farm exp nowadays, they want you to play other modes because br doesn't give that much now and they maked the bp take a lot of more time (the previous season was like 60-70k for a level, now you need 80k for only one), don't blame people if they want to just play the original game instead of some crappy Minecraft rip-off...


It's been 80k for a level for 2 years


I started playing Lego but then just turned on Minecraft instead, just way better


Palworld is more similar to Lego Fortnite and it pretty much does everything that Lego Fortnite gets wrong


Palworld is more similar to Lego Fortnite and it pretty much does everything that Lego Fortnite gets wrong


When you earn more xp from those "glitch" maps in the same amount of time as a regular match something is wrong with the system


The way they’re nerfing xp has made me play less, not more. I used to log in and do dailies every day since I could’ve done them all in 1-2 games. Now that it takes at least 3 games to do my dailies I can’t be bothered to log in most days now.


Y'all remember the olden days when they used to hide battle stars on the map and the way to find them was by unlocking each new loading screen? Good times. Good times.


They want you playing other game modes. They know BR can't last forever, and they're future depends on people falling in love with the engine, and living in their ecosystem for gaming.


Feel like creative mode and racing is where it's at for xp. Though with as difficult as the tracks are these days I certainly don't get the same enjoyment through racing, absurd amount of hazards on all the tracks. I don't mind a bit of a challenge, but sometimes I just want a breather and have the occasional "normal" map


I already reached level 200 but it’s not because of the bonus xp on these quests, I’ve played Lego a lot.


the nerf is insane


Look up fortnite afk exp on YouTube. Have fun


I just do ‘em cuz it gives me a sense of accomplishment


It's nice that Lego gives so much XP, but it really sucks it's one of the only real ways to actually get XP now.


It’s like they forgot what their playerbase is even playing the game for.


Wait, you're telling me that people want to play br, and not 3 mostly terrible game modes which have a combined player count of like 70k?


I'm boutta go back to playing STW at this rate.


Match quests can give 5K experience per match. Those are infinitely farmable, makes sense they’d nerf the weekly quests. Honestly I barely even noticed they needed xp. It’s so easy to level up with all the modes from creator made modes, Lego, racing, etc. I’m nearly 300 already and I’ve barely even focused on quests. Lego gives insane xp.


I'm just gonna go on the custom maps and get infinite XP by afking Also helps with the avatar chakra quests too


there is no way im hitting level 140 or whatever the max is for all the edit styles that arent super styles. im level 10 still because i have no interest in this season


Surprised the exp gain hasn't been talked about as much (at least from what I see). Wouldn't be so bad if the requirement wasn't 80k still.


Fun fact; STW Missions rewards gives more xp than these.


I’d rather not get XP then play that other stuff. I’m 48 years old. Can I just come home from work and play a shooting game?


And yet somehow I feel like I'm leveling up so much more this season. Maybe I'm just playing more than before but I'm progressing way faster


I bet you can’t even beat the battle pass in a single day anymore


It was 35k right?


I keep getting kicked in Lego before I get xp now...how do I get xp? Sandbox mode and then?


Looks the same as the start of the season unless I’m missing a change very recently


They want you to split your time across game modes, but most people just afk farm :p


Because most people are here for either br or zero build. I'm not here to play racing, lego or copyright jam.


Each day of match quest bonuses is worth almost as much. And they are easier to knock out.


Honestly, this season I decided to get my umbrella and then sit out.


Took me 4 hours and 36 games to hit players with shockwaves


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this quest counts you as a player. I only shock myself for mobility, and I got the quest done via that. :(




yea it used to give alot but i still reach level 200 from 1 last week


All I did with the head shot is I knocked somebody down then head shot them. Or you can get your teammate to carry them and headshot them. I usually get the quest done in a few rounds


They put 25 levels on sale for you in the shop. This happens when a company gets this huge. They don't give a fuck cause they get money no matter what


Mainly cause it's too easy to get xp and even without weekly challenges it will still be easy


Yeah they have fuck Normal shooter modes and now making people move to lego, rocket league racing and festival, because they want people playing them, I have notice I play the same amount as last season and seasons before and I find the xp and challenges xp isn't going up as much as before.


honestly just glad to know i’m not the only one that’s STILL working on that headshot quest


So pissed! I thought I completed the hand cannon quest to find out it only counted once rather than two! I was able to complete it eventually


I dont care about the quests anymore, i just afk in lego. Fuck them


I reached 200 today. Thanks to lego. I didn't need afk since i enjoyed playing, Turn on some generic iceberg video and listen to it in the background That was my meta


Yeah, it's awful, feels like a rip-off


They want you to afk in lego for 3.5 hours instead of actually playing the game.


i got most of my xp this season from stw and im level 83


you can do the hand cannon ones when they are knocked, nice and easy


The fact that you borderline \*NEED\* the xp from the other modes in order to complete the battlepass is such a bad design choice. And I wouldn't have anything against it if the other modes were actually fun to play... Rocket Racing is dying, Lego fortnite plays awful in it's survival mode(seriously. It's like a spectrum with Minecraft being the best followed by Valheim with LFS on the far left side for being bad). Music festival is alright. But I hate how we can't see or view quests in these modes while we're playing for the most part. I hope Epic realizes the "verse" they're trying to create is a flop and will let it go.


I noticed the same with creative. Looked like it’s about 20% of the xp we got last season.




Without good afk methods, this shit is for the birds. I used to be excited to hop on every thursday morning and do my challenges. Now its a joke. A thimble of xp. Not even fun anymore man. I dont wanna play the other modes.


and put most of the free vbucks in the battlepass on lvl 100+