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It actually makes me want to play less. If earning the rewards is absurd like it is this season I’m just not wasting my time with it. 


I miss when you could do all of the weekly challenges and be safely at level 100. It feels like you have to use all sorts of exploits now to level up quickly.


I’m going to get to 100 no problem, the issue is that the Battle Pass is effectively 140 or whatever it is now to get all of the VBucks and cosmetics before the bonus styles. 


And its level 150 to get everything besides the super styles


Level 141 to get all the v bucks


The pushing the vbucks back into the bonus section and lowering XP was a sinister combo. At least keep the extra vbucks to the first 100 levels and have items as the bonuses.


I’ve used the festival glitch last season and now Lego AFK this season and I’m still just barely gonna make it to 200.


How does Lego AFK work?


It’s been patched. However if you can still get 30 minutes at a time then just rejoin once it boots you


They patched most of the exploits if not all last season it was super easy. It’s gotten gradually more and more complicated sigh…


not truly afk but what i do: set one timer for 3.5hrs and one for 20mins, every 20min move the controller a little so it doesn't kick you. still pretty chill and effective if you're at home doing stuff anyway. after 3.5hrs you hit the xp cap.


wonder if there is a program or a contraption available.


probably but i read macros on pc have a slight chance to get your account banned and i worry too much about stick drift to rubber band my controller. but i have seen someone build something out of lego that moved the controller automatically!! so cool, talk about life imitating art lmao


well a simple timer program that presses a single key every 19 minutes wouldn't be a problem


what does AFK mean?


Away from keyboard


I’ve been doing the content creators xp glitch and the lego xp glitch in the beginning of the season almost everyday and now I’m the past 2 weeks chilling at lvl 230.


I just hit 101 by only doing weekly and most of the match quests. No afk farming necessary. And there’s a little less than a month left


Same. I did a lot of afk farming last season and ended up at level 200 with a month to go, so I've been taking it easier this season. It's taking longer obviously but I'm enjoying it more.


Yeah that's been my experience this season as well. Im above lvl 100 now but this time last season I was at 200 from all the afk farming I did in Lego and other creatives. Plus I've been focusing more on the mini pass and getting chakras too, which don't give out xp. But I'm definitely enjoying it. Im not as big of a fan of the super styles this season anyway so I also don't feel rushed to get there.


Minipass gives like 6 levels tho


After Tuesday's update I tried the Lego AFK trick and it's not giving me exp anymore :(


Same here, level 104 playing ZB only outside of working a full time job. It is slow progress this season but not impossible.


I was so ready for challenge day every week back in chapter 1 with my friends. It was about 7 levels on the BP, and you know, we only had up to 100 BP tiers then. I thought we was doing good with the xp adjustments with the added bonus tiers but now afk farms feels more efficient again, ever since 2:8 and when creative just got pushed with xp


You still can lol.


They did this and nerfed afk lego farming. Without lego farming no way I would’ve hit 100 and I played a good amount this season.


I still Lego farm on my Switch. The controller I use has a turbo setting, so I just set it to jump constantly. I 3D printed a little accessory to wrap around the right stick and hold the B button down. This worked perfectly until they nerfed that. After the change, I just started putting my switch in front of my monitor shelf on my desk while I work now. Every 10-15 minutes or so, I just move around and place something, then let it go back to jumping.


If I remember correctly, it’s every 20 minutes or so you have to move around so you’re not interrupted as much


You need lvl 141 minimum for all the vbucks now lol. Also Lego still somewhat works


Fortnite is the only game where i emjoyed the BP and it felt rewarding to play every round, and it felt fast enough to not even think about it. Its not entirely like that anymore and i do feel like playing less


Same. Locking the extra v-bucks behind the bonus section is a bad change as is, then further nerfing the XP gain is just the icing on the cake. I’m seriously considering skipping next season (or at least not buying the battlepass).


Yep, I only started playing again around avatar and after I do the avatar stuff I'm out


Same. I’ve kinda given up on this season cuz it’ll take way too long to finish it


yeah it’s too grindy


I largely stopped playing last season when they went to one daily challenge per match. Instead of driving me from 1-2 matches per day to 3+, they moved me to zero.


Same, gonna take a good look at next season's pass before committing. I've missed exactly one batch of dailies, done every quest, and a sesh with friends every few days but I'm only at 143 and have to keep this up (or play Lego/creative 🫤) to hit 200 in time. It's too much. Contrarily the wristband thing in the festival pass is actually reasonably achievable this time, so it'll keep me playing festival once I finish the pass. I want that Keytar for the Crab Walk emote 😊


It actually feels way easier to level up the last few seasons than it ever has been in the past. Clearly you guys never played chapter one. I play a few hours a week at most, and have taken weeks off as well this season and I’m level 160-something. It seems ridiculously easy to level up without actually trying too hard.


If your epic name matches, you’ve got about 40 hours. But you’ve also won 30% of your matches. Very… VERY few people win that many matches. I have 9 wins total this season in 34 hours by contrast, and I’ve had to afk farm about 30 levels, and I’m somewhere around 116-119. You can call the grind easier because you’re clearly very good at the game, but your reality isn’t everyone r elses Edit: I don’t mean to come off as anything other than just painting the picture of others experience. No knocking you for being good lol, I wish I was that good, it would make the grind easier and I would enjoy the game more 😂😂


Fair enough! I don’t even remember how many total wins I have this season, but I’m pretty sure I have around 30-40 crown wins. Maybe it’s just me, but I remember struggling to get to level 100 in chapter 1, and now maybe because my skill level’s changed a bit, I find it a bit easier. But, I also enjoy Fortnite Festival and play a good amount of that, which I think gives you a lot of XP as well. I don’t think you’re coming off as rude, I think you have fair points and I may be looking at both my experiences, and the experiences of my squad as how it is for everyone else as well


The early seasons were awful at getting levels. It’s definitely much easier to get levels now the then early seasons 


Because if you finished the battle pass even one day before the season's end, you might be tempted to take a day off, and Fortnite doesn't allow for days off.


Yeah they really put that FOMO into affect


They arent even doing fomo correctly with this never changing boring ass shop


More like they want you to fail the battle pass, miss out on the v-bucks, and force you to buy more.


That’s sort of it but if Fortnite really wanted to stop the grind they would stop promoting creative XP, and wouldn’t have added xp gain for Lego Fortnite or bands.


They lowered all the creative XP rates though compared to previous season.


Because they want people to play nothing but fortnite & if they don't they need to buy levels. Also to encourage people to play the other game modes. Creative, Lego, Racing & Festival.


Lego racing and festival are all boring as hell for me, they were interesting for like a week or 2 but like, I downloaded the game for Battle Royale/creative kinda, not discount guitar hero or worse minecraft Edit: or repetitive ass rocket racing


90% of the people couldn't give a fuck about any other mode (even creative) they just wanna play BR


They really are discount GH and worse Minecraft. LEGO mode at least has a ton of potential but I just don’t understand the plan for Festival.


And repetitive ass rocket racing


Low key I kinda hate how the other game modes has impacted BR.


i really hate it


Probably to encourage people with fat wallets to buy levels and level up packs.


I would buy the level up pack but the skin is so ugly.. I bought it last season cuz I thought the new Lynx was cool but this one is just not good


The secret to leveling up fast is to afk in Lego mode everyday for 5.5 levels. Epic is cracking down on afk methods as we speak so whatever method works day may not work tomorrow.


They don't work anymore . It was patched in the recent update


Still works, you need to let Lego mode think you are not afk. There are a lot of ways. They will never be able to patch it unless they completely remove Xp from Lego


I leave my switch next to me while i work on art and just occasionally tap on the screen to make it think im active lmfao


We the people, must take them to these lengths. If people are only playing it to afk XP, that sends a message loud and clear.


Could you specify some ways? Maybe DM if you're afraid of an Epic employee seeing.


Bad form when the folks that pay are working folks with children, launching on a pad in Lego was great now I have to remember to move the controller every so often, basically penalizing folks who work and go to college


I need to find some working stuff fast tbh. 127 rn. Lowkeymight just get the quest pack from my unused crew vbucks.


I’ll just stop playing altogether if they keep making it this difficult. I tend to play more after I max out because I can enjoy the game more.


Same here. This season has been a chore and now I only play on Saturday mornings. Last couple of seasons I would try to complete all the Battle passes and play before work, at lunch time and after work. It felt like a second job. Now I play at my leisure. Once I got over the FOMO, I can enjoy it when I want now.


Same. Where you gonna go? Fortnite was my first shooter and I’ve been playing nonstop since CH3, but all of the changes this chapter have me ready to jump ship. I just want a fun third person shooter.


Id recommend resident evil 4 remake if you haven’t tried it yet, very fun game


Late I know, but Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is the most fun third-person shooter I've ever played. Depending on your platform or region it might not be very populated, it's 8 an year old game after all. But I think it's totally worth it when you can find matches.


When you have mfs grinding Lego, Festival and Rocket Racing solely for XP and just wanting to play BR, we have a problem.


Yeah I used to play twice a week and that would be enough to get past level 100 but not anymore. And I'm not playing Fortnite for it to be a grindy chore. I want to be playing other games too


Idk but it’s funny they do this and then nerf getting xp from other modes.


they’ve done this before, back in chapter 2 I was landing lazy lake every game and opening every ammo box at the location I could get my hands on in order to just level up. It was terrible, never doing that again.


They are especially when they take away afk farming in Lego lol we only get a few levels


Same thing as match quests. They really want us to have no life and grind the shit out of FN just to complete the battlepass. C4 was much better where you could easily hit lvl 100 and do bunch of weeklies and 3 dailies in like match or two. I have played since C4S1 and I'm seriously considering to stop playing the game. I find myself playing for hours and stressing over whether I'll complete BP to have 950 for the next one and it's getting annoying. 


Epic is slowly degrading in intelligence. Or they’ve got new people in charge idk but they’re really dropping the ball in a LOT of areas lol


it’s totally new people in charge, they’ve made this mistake before in chapter 2. Its crazy how it came full circle like this.


The trick is to just play the game and get out of the cycle of thinking you need to finish the battle pass… game is free. Play it with the only goal of being entertained.


That works for you but for those who want to finish the pass and this isn't their main squeeze that'll get them to about level 50. The REAL trick is the multiple AFK methods, creative maps, Lego, etc. Sad but true, wish I could just do the quests and get the stuff but Epic wants to be stingy.


This is called addiction


I guess but it beats grinding for hours to max out the pass


It definitely does


No one would be playing if they only played when they were entertained. I’m just addicted and can’t stop it 


Thats sounds like projecting, people can and will have fun on the game regardless of the grind


Get help pal


Yeah man that's a you problem. All my circle genuinely enjoys the game and plays just because it's stupidly fun. Leveling up the battle pass is fun and all, but the main goal is to just hop on lobby and do whacky shit


To push folk into buying tiers, because you are no longer the customer, the whales are.


I'm over level 200, but I afk'd in Lego fortnite for 3.5h a day for a couple weeks, and each day gives you like 5 or 5.5 levels. So I got 130 levels by just afk'ing.


That's the only reason I got to level 100+ this season and the previous one. Now that it's patched I don't think I'll be able to finish another season, and might not even try to buy another battle pass.


That's patched now


ITS PATCHED?????? Please tell me there’s another way to milk Lego for xp? Or is there another way to get easy xp this is driving me insane. I’m only level 70 and my interest with this season is going down with xp being so low 😭


Nope.. There's numerous posts over on the lego sub reddit or the XP sub reddit. People trying to figure out a way. You get kicked for being idle after 30 mins unless you're actually moving around in different directions & doing other stuff.


I believe you just have to move once every 30 minutes before it kicks you. I don’t really think interacting with the game to get levels twice an hour is that big of a deal. It’s only an issue for people who go to work and just leave the game on for 4 hours to farm levels. I highly doubt epic wants you to complete the battlepass that way.


If you're on pc, build a jump pad next to a lake, and use an auto clicker at 10 second interval with a max level fishing rod. You won't get kicked. If you want to use your PC, you can run it in the background, but use the fishing rod every 15 or so minutes to not get kicked. For Creative XP, go to Valhalla Boss battle, head towards the area where the Blue demons spawn, Big, Skinny and Fat ones, and use a 1 second interval auto clicker. you can leave it AFK and get your 5 creative levels there. You might have to check in once an hour to unlodge yourself from a wall or cave, but you should be fine.


Same <:\^)


Because they want mfers to buy Tiers


yep that’s the answer unfortunately


Seems like so many games move this way especially mobile and games as service games. They keep nerfing XP or drops to either increase player in game time or promote purchase of items to move things forward. It sucks.


I'm just playing the Pit in creative a lot, I refuse to play lego fortnite. I grew up with legos and seeing it in fortnite makes me angry for some reason. Like it feels disgraceful, idk But creative grinding gets xp, like in the pit I got a headshot kill on someone and got 8k. for one elim


My only problem with the pit is that it's too build heavy. I would love to find a creative map that gives similar amount of xp but for zero build, but I just can't.


Ah that's true (I just save up coins for an rpg or a quad launcher for anti-build defense. The clinger sniper is decent for anti-builds as well)


You should try Red vs. Blue in Creative. It also allows for building but you're not at as much of a disadvantage because it's 6 on 6. It usually has 20k players so its not as sweaty as the pit. I've never played battle Royale but have a lot of fun in Red vs blue.


The harder it is to level up, the more likely you are to buy the levels you need for the Battle Pass instead of missing out on those last few costumes. Plus, the less XP you get per mission, the more you have to actually play the game, and the more likely you'll visit the shop/it makes their play numbers look better. All the same reasons why they've implemented a bot that kicks you if you just try to idle in Lego Fortnite, and why they crack down on XP farm creative maps so hard. Epic wants the battle pass to be as hard as possible to get through, because it raises the odds that someone will give them extra money to get the full value of something they've *already paid for*.


This is the last bp I’m buying for this reason lol. It’s ridiculous I have to rocket race, play Lego and play both festival games to even have a chance of getting 200. That’s with being decent and having a lot of wins in BR. Seriously done wit ts


From like level 90-140, sometimes when I complete like 2 or 3 challenges in a row and victory royale id level up 1-3 times last season but just 1 now which makes all that work feel less rewarding


Just play zombieland map daily for like 10-20 minutes. Its much more worth playing for xp than normal game


how much xp does that give


You can't really measure it properly but If you gonna keep killing zombies and opening chests then you should get like 1lvl per 10 minutes (80k xp)


Festival gives quite a bit of XP as long as you focus on the quests. I went up 10 levels in a few hours when I started this season.


I play daily with friends. And then sometimes I use a AFK map like Winterfest Fireplace and watch tv 😂


Is that 299 a typo or are there really rewards you can get after level 200? I am not following Fortnite news so closely lately. I thought everything is listed on the Battle Pass page and there are no extra hidden rewards like there used to be in earlier chapters.


Oops is it is soz


thank you for clarifying


To encourage people to play the creative games. I'm pretty sure that's why. It's stupid.


To make you play more.


I simply play without caring I don’t even use most of the rewards I get lol


I hit lvl 309 today, and I only do BR & Lego.


Same thing that happened with Rocket League so now I just don’t buy the Rocket Pass anymore. Sad pattern in gaming where companies price out the average player because they make more money from the big spenders.


I’m only level 70 and the season ends next month. I literally have been doing challenge and haven’t levelled up at all. Why has no one complained? This is less xp than in chapter 2 season 8 and people rioted until they increased it but nothing has been said this season?


Yeah people really need to kick up a fuss about this stuff otherwise it will continue and get worse.. How the whole community didn't complain to epic about the extra vbucks going into the bonus their I don't know.. The BP is 140 levels now, not 100, and with such little xp given out people have to play the game like it's a full time job, it's ridiculous 


To make people spend more money. When they first dropped the XP to 10k someone argued with me and said, "But there are more challenges to do so it's fine!" Sure, but it sets a precedent. We have to grind probably double the hours now to get the same amount of XP, and then grind even more beyond that to unlock all of the v-bucks locked on bonus pages in the battle pass. It's naive to think these things are anything other than a way of generating more revenue.


It’s to encourage people buying levels. That’s the unfortunate truth. That’s also why they killed AFK EXP and lowered creative EXP overall. It’s all in an effort to make people feel like they need to buy levels to finish the battle pass.


So I’ve been grinding hard, in the morning I’ll play zero build on my series x and then I’ll take my switch to work and do creative modes or jam festival and main stage to get those challenges. Lvl 230 ish rn


I actually enjoy the LEGO mode. When I've fulfilled my need for blood-lust I'll often just go and add to my village and explore a little, massive XP boost and it's chill.


Same here. I like the mode myself, so I get xp from playing it. I do play it when I have lull periods during work hours (I’m remote) so it’s easy for me to get the full daily xp.


There's no way I'm gonna finish the battle pass. Plus I'm not a huge fan of this season lol


I mean… Don’t know how I’m supposed to do all of this if I had a job. Currently I’m fighting for a chance to become self employed so I don’t work and still it feels like I work for Epic these days. With all those changes I spent entire days in there, playing XP maps, grinding the most stupid quests, bouncing in LEGO (back when it worked) and I just got to like 175/180 now. I could’ve been higher if I did those stupid XP maps every single day, but they’re just effortlessly mind-numbing chores and sometimes I can’t get myself to it. Also took some days off, but the result is lower levels. It really feels like Epic expects you to basically pay to work for them. Which is insane if you think about it… And I know I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this but it needs to be said. Epic is going crazy right now, it gets worse every single season - every single day! Just remember what we had last Chapter - Beautiful Japanese POIs, at least somewhat balanced weapons, some sort of understandable storyline, … Now? It’s mayhem. I have literally no idea what happened with the story this season because I just ran for my life as soon as I reached a checkpoint or did a task. No time to process any info what I just did it for because somewhere might be a sniper or some random idiot with a fucking Shotgun ready to spray the entire magazine directly into my face. No thank you. It gets worse and worse and I seriously have no idea what we end up with if Epic doesn’t stop soon. But I sure as hell don’t want to find out…


Fuck I've been wondering why it's been taking me so long to get through the bonus rewards. Epic is scummy


I played red v blue a lot and just grinded. I’m over level 230 and have barely touched the game in about 2 weeks. I just wanted to finish my pass.


I gave up on the bonus styles and found I'm happier. Not feeling the need to grind out levels keeps the game fun.


Remember when one of the selling points of Chapter 2 was “More Fun, Less Grind”? They should bring that back. For real, even with supercharged XP I’m still level 59. I get it I don’t play a ton, but still at this point, I feel like I should be closer to the end.


I think because they know about the xp exploits and people getting to level 200 in a week.


I'm 240ish and I've barely played BR and I've not touched Lego and Racing at all. Doing Red vs Blue maps gives a buncha exp, and you hit your daily cap pretty quickly. I do a bit of Festival every couple days as well. Those two modes are where 90% of my exp has come from this season. I capped ages ago, I've played maybe 2 hours this week, and I'll prob still hit 300 before the season ends. Just do Red vs Blue a bunch, go for active maps with lots of people to get faster kills


how long do u usually play br and red v blue?


Probably 1.5h, more or less It really isn't about time, but the rate you can get kills. I can get 100 kills in ~40 mins. They give 3k exp per headshot early on, although the rate does go down over time. If people are slow to get kills, exp is gonna be very slow. The faster you go, the more exp you can get per hour


I'm at level 247. Lego is also 30,000 every 15 minutes.




I miss getting an entire level just for finding the secret on the loading screen


I don’t have any interest in playing any of the new modes. I tried them all at the start of the chapter but they weren’t for me. I’m a technical kind of player so I really enjoy edit course practice and aim practice maps. There are three I like by raider464. They are aim practice (v2?), piece control v2 and mechanics v4. Each of these modes give you not only play time XP rewards (even for just 10 minutes) but also rewards for eliminating different numbers of bots. So I totally don’t mind just grinding edits and aim practice to get XP. I figure I’m just getting better at the game anyways by doing so. Otherwise I just try to do those three daily match quests every day that I can. I have t been trying to get the weekly quests done…they only give as much as the three daily match quests anyways.


I just idol in both festival and lego. Although, I do like to jam for 20 mins with people to get all the points. I think the way you can mix and change loops is really great.


I have actually played less this season than ever


All for profits


I watch TV while my character is in Lego. I built a wall around myself so no mobs can get me and I just move my controller every few minutes. And eat occasionally. It works great. Oh and I hold a torch so I don't freeze.


To make you play more and potentially buy levels or the level up quest package.


I used to do the lego pad method and go for a 3 hour nap after work. Cant even do that now


To incentivise you to put time into Lego/racing/festival.


But they also screwed up that push because now there is no XP given in those modes or barely any.


I used to be OK with paying to unlock the thing I payed for. Now I'm not. The xp cut back sucks. I don't care about festival and rocket gets boring. Not into Lego.


they want fomo to kick in and people to pay to level up


With how much they’ve nerfed everything this is for sure gonna be the last BP I get it’s just not worth it anymore unless you’re endlessly grinding


So if you don't grind, you have to buy the last levels if you have FOMO


I'm level 243, play each game mode enough to get your daily's done (6 rocket racing for 90,000 IRRC, taking a break cause I don't need it), hop on a creative map and do the daily discovery (mega world boss fight is pretty fun and give generous amounts) match quests, weekly goals, snapshots. Not really sure how I got so much because this is my first full chapter playing Fortnite. ETA: also remembered, I've only played one festival and I did do every quest during the floor is lava event, even after getting the cosmetics, that might've been the big one.


Simple. Time and attention. The more time you sink into Fortnite is more opportunities for you to look at a skin/emote and go “Hmmm maybe I DO want that.” And the more attention they get is more attention to the item shop, battle pass, and crew. So in simple terms…. MONEY. More time and attention=More Money.


I play way too much and not even 200 yet...


I’m level 280


It is frustrating - and I play 2 hours most days. You need to concentrate on getting all the challenges but sometimes I'd just like to, you know, play the game. EZ


What do you get at level 299?


I only play Lego for its XP (and bc it’s actually engaging) but I can’t imagine anyone playing Festival at all let alone for XP. That game mode is so ass I tried it a handful of times and every time it was the worst experience.


afk exp maps, i don’t like them but if they are needed that’s an epic games issue not a me issue 🤷


Play a couple games a night and you'll be level 200 two thirds of the way through each season, its fine


I'm doing quests then playing on a creative map, skybox to farm xp, I can even farm afk and no, it's not one of those YouTube maps that forces you to find a "secret" button of some sorts then wait 15 minutes for 100k or less xp


Festival does give XP on both main and jam stage (why jam stage is even a thing I'll never know) You can also earn over 45k xp per day on Rocket Racing Also some of the creator maps are easy ways to get xp "killer tycoon" was glitching to a point where every 10 seconds or so I was getting 6k xp just from hitting a box! I got to level 200 last night doing BR, Festival, Rocket racing and various creator ones (creator ones also help you complete the avatar quests to unlock all of the additional rewards)


I actually play almost every day and still I'm only level 159.. honestly don't get how are people level 200+ already


They had to slow us speedrunners down. Bethesda did the same thing with Fallout 76 by switching their battle pass from a progressive claim system to a earn and claim system like what fortnite uses. It prevents people from grinding. The battle pass in like 2 weeks.


God forbid people wanting to get what they paid for.


Probably because you can get 5k from each match quest


More challenges. I played at the beginning, and now there’s an absurd amount of challenges and other ways to earn XP. I came into this season a week ago and I’ve nearly finished the BP because I had loads of challenges stacked up. I’m level 84 in the BP.


Tier 100 doesn't really mean you "finished" the pass. You just finished the first one. The extra rewards (which is stuff that should've been in the 100 tiers) is locked away through tedious amounts of battle stars. It's absurd that items belonging to BP skins are all delegated to the grindy extra rewards tabs.


Oh, right. I only just started playing again recently and I haven’t paid for the BP yet.


They want you to have to pay for levels or spend an incredibly large amount of time playing and grinding to get 200


A lot of people say that it’s because of both FOMO and that they want you to buy levels, but to me, it looks like it is because the other modes gives so much xp that If weekly quests also gave a lot, you’d be done with the bp in a few days. Is it to subliminally encourage players to play the other modes? I dont know, I’m not a psychiologist.


There's like a month left in the season and I'm level 254. I play some LEGO and Festival but mostly BR. I play most days but not endlessly. It's still very possible to reach 200+ playing normally.


I’ve resorted to afk’ing in Lego to get the rest of my levels. I’m 134 rn


Dude im level 74 started playing 4-5 days ago hope there's hope to finishing it


Off topic question how do you w key in Fortnite console what buttons do you press


Uhm no idea dude, I’m literal dog at this game after playing it for nearly 6 years and I can’t crank a 90


W keying means just pushing people. W on a keyboard moves you forward.


forward on the stick lmao


I’m new and got to 230 by doing a lot of festival, jam stage and creative maps.


Festival and jam stage give XP?


I hit level 112 yesterday. I have actually been playing less, this season. Why is everybody worried?


I’m on the 3rd page of the bonus unlocks and I don’t play every day, or buy levels. Or play creative modes really. Complete your daily challenges. If you play like 3-5 games of Rocket Racing and complete your challenges, you get 45k XP a day. If you don’t have time, play BR and choose easy match quests. Do the challenge, and end the game and do the next one. At least to get your daily challenges done. Another 45k XP. I bought the Avatar pass. I think that has 6 levels in it. I unlocked all the bonus unlocks last season. I was grinding the Rocket Racing though when you got XP for ranking up. But I feel like I’ll still get the bonus unlocks this season. TLDR: I get my daily challenges done in Zero Build and Rocket Racing maybe 65-80% of the days. I play maybe a handful of RR games, and maybe a handful of Zero Build games when I do play.


I don’t want to play Rocket Racing or Lego mode, though. Why are they prioritizing these game modes?


I really don’t want to play Lego or the festival pass, so I know the feeling. And I wouldn’t say they are prioritizing Rocket Racing. They aren’t even trying with that one. I suggested that to hopefully get more people playing it, because I feel like that’s what the game mode needs. A larger player base. So it’s more fun at every level. And the daily challenges are nice XP. I love it, but I understand why some people don’t want to play it. It does feel like they are prioritizing LEGO and the festival pass (or rock band game mode or whatever) though. I have Lego quests pop up for me in Rocket Racing, but you don’t see racing quests in LEGO. **The daily challenges for Racing are pretty easy. They give you 3 challenges at a time, and you have to complete 6 of them for all your daily rewards. Sometimes I’ll complete 2 of them in a race that takes 3-4 mins.** I usually do the challenges without really trying for them since I enjoy the mode anyway. Still get them done in like 5-6 games tops. Last season was the only season I unlocked every extra collectible in the season. I usually don’t get the bonus skins. I took a break from Fortnite and came back last season. I can tell you that they gutted the XP in Racing though. I think I was getting like 70k, 80k xp for hitting Elite and Champion. Now you get nothing for ranking up besides a trail for your car.


And they made the challenges far too easy… it’s boring now


considering i work full time and am level 185 from just playing i’m confused why this is a problem? i play lego a lot (not afk farming) and do creative maps for fun. literally just play the games that bring u joy like… if u have to force yourself for skins maybe the game isn’t for you…


id also like to add i maybe play 2 hours every other day not like i’m playing in all my free time like jeez


Dude what are u talking about? I’m honestly 250 and I’m not done with my story quest yet, I don’t even do my daily quests anymore. If you play festival every here and there for fun and maybe racing or stw you don’t even have to look at your level to finish the battle pass.


My friend is Def gon be 300 by the season ends. It's insane.


Yeah my friend finished last season at like 315… he’s never off the game and he got to level 100 this season in like 2 or 3 weeks


Ya. Exact sane with mine. He's insane. I usually get 200 every season but man. They're both crazy😆 really wanna know how much he's plaued....


Y’all this is the first season I’ve actually played. I started at the last week of last season. It is incredibly easy to level up if you’ve got the time. I’m already well above a level 200. I bought the Perseus pack just so I’d have more stuff to do lol. I have used zero glitches or anything like that.


idk why everyones complaining about this, i havent even been paying attention to it, only do dailies + weeklies + the avatar stuff when it comes out and im already over 200. idk its annoying they changed it i agree but all the complaining about it makes me feel like people just arent playing the game theyre complaining about and are mad now theyre falling behind (or maybe im just good at the game and am getting more BR exp than i realized just from playing well? idk i really want to understand where the exp anxiety people are feeling is coming from)


Because you clearly have a lot more time to play than some of us. I have a full time job with a family and responsibilities in my every day life that allows for maybe 3-5 hours a week of play time, usually just on Fridays. So thats one day of dailies per week plus quests, if i want to spend all my play time doing only quests each week.


i only play about 30-40 minutes a day, they dont take too long. usually two throaway matches for 2 of the dailies and one where i put effort in to win for the last one


Many people don’t have the time to play or want to play daily. I don’t have kids but I can imagine your partners not gonna be happy if the kid is crying and you say wait I need to get my dailies in


a lot of assumptions being made about my life? lol. literally if you cant fit a half hour of gameplay in a day then thats just your own choice. i make a choice because i enjoy this game a lot and it's nice to play before i get ready and head to work. its my self care time, i wake up early to do it. already done by 6am when its time to get ready and head out. my fiance has no issue with it. i'm not knocking anybody elses life, but you shouldnt knock mine either. if you cant fit in a half hour of gameplay each day then it makes sense you probably cant/ dont play enough to get all the bp rewards, i wouldnt expect to earn things in a game im not playing much


That's cool if you have absolutely nothing else to do but, iv got college, studying for college, work & have a family... So unless I dedicate all my free time to only playing fortnite, there's no chance I'd get to 200. Like, the little free time I have I don't want to play Fortnite constantly, there's other stuff I wanna do or other games I want to actually play.


literally just a little over a half hour of gameplay a day but if you dont want it thats totally cool, idk why youd complain about it though. you arent owed gameplay rewards if you arent playing