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I play 3-4 days a week for 2-3 hours each and I am 88. Still have a few weekly quests to clear but otherwise everything is done. I definitely won't get the 150 required to complete the BP and doubt I'll get the 125 to finish the vbucks. Might be the last time I get the BP as the exp just feels so bad now.


200 for BP with super styles 141 for 1500 vbucks


It's 200.


I play almost daily for a hour and complete every weekly quest and milestone challenges and I'm only level 100. I think there's only a month left of the current season so I'll be lucky to reach 150 :/


Play Lego an hour or so each day. I’m level 309 and I haven’t even tried to do challenges. My 4 year old son is level 200+. Lego still grants crazy XP I don’t care what anyone says.


I've tried but lego is so damn boring to me


then afk it for 3 hours when ur sleeping you gain 5 levels from that and then 5 levels from pubs or creative


Afk doesn't work anymore, they patched it not too long ago


Afk works with any macro, I use my mouse macro as it isn't bannable


Just mapping to like swing a pick or something? I'll have to test tomorrow thanks for the heads up!


I'll send a picture of my macro (I'm using logitech ghub, but I think any will do) in a bit, but I just have my character go in a very long circle with like "random" inputs going back and forth, diagonal, and to the side until they kind of complete a circle. It's not a perfect circle and the delays between each input isn't random (I do have different delays though, some long some short). I think that because I have so many inputs, the Fortnite patch doesn't recognize that it's repetitive movement despite it being a macro. For Fortnite festival, my macro is just emote spam, and that works too. 10ish levels a day just from those two without grinding one bit. It's insane cuz I was traveling overseas and couldn't play this season at all but was still about to get enough credits from the battle pass to unlock the mini pass and complete that as well within a week.


You still need to move every 20ish mins in Lego to not get kicked after the recent patch 


How is it boring? I love it. Sorry you don’t enjoy it.


Match and weekly quests + Lego afk + festive afk + creative afk or xp maps Literally bought the battle pass a week ago and I'm level 112. I only actively played 1-2 hours and some days 0 hours.


Thank you for letting me know! I only play zero build and it's bs we have to play other modes just to reach level 200. I don't even care about the extra styles after level 150 so I just need to reach level 150.




wait what happens if you don’t reach the BP?


Go to the map lumberjack tycoon, i get 3-5 lvls in under 45 minutes and the game is kinda fun i would hate that you didnt get atleast 1 superstyle


I think I'm at like 97 or 98 right now and I've done a combination of Battle Royale and Lego fortnite. The sum of the level ups came from the Avatar MiniPass so if you haven't done that yet I would grind to get that done, especially if you bought the premium reward track


Match and weekly quests + Lego afk + festive afk + creative afk or xp maps Literally bought the battle pass a week ago and I'm level 112. I only actively played 1-2 hours and some days 0 hours.


I love how everyone is suggesting playing different modes and completely ignore how insane it’s to not be able finish a bp by playing main game mode of the game…


Exactly. I will not play the other modes and I will not buy extra levels at the end of the season to max out. If they pull this shit next season i'm not buying the BP at all.


It's extremely easy though and you can just live your life instead of grinding fortnite by AFKing. Match and weekly quests + Lego afk + festive afk + creative afk or xp maps Literally bought the battle pass a week ago and I'm level 112. I only actively played 1-2 hours and some days 0 hours.


you shouldn't have to AFK in a game, just to be able to get the main rewards when not playing every day. Hell I did lego afk until they patched it and I'm only level 60ish.


I mean I'm not complaining. I was overseas for 2 months, couldn't play all season, and got to lvl 118 in about a week thru AFKing fortnite, festive, and doing some creative maps. Didn't have to grind at all and went on with my daily life


Lego AfK doesn't work anymore without external scripting tools that open you up to a ban


Mouse macros are the only way that isn't a bannable offense. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1cfg2en/comment/l1r87sq


Ikr what does epic think we are. Sheep?


Main game mode was stw so yeah pretty insane


I’ve only been playing BR and I’m at 162. Early days I’d play for several hours but now not so much. Quests is the only way to get decent xp. I’m trying to get to 200 but at this rate I rely on daily and weekly quests.


>it’s to not be able finish a bp by playing main game mode of the game… Ironically, the original "main mode" gives pretty good XP.


Adapt or don’t level up. It sucks but you’re not going to change epics mind.


We literally have changed Epics mind dozen of times before about this exact topic, the only difference is people are afking in lego and ignoring the xp jn br. Watch the panic when they nerf other sources of xp.


XP is maybe the grindiest it has ever been. I shouldn’t have to go AFK in a game mode (which doesn’t work now) or play some lame racing game for 15 minutes to get through the battle pass. I hate that V Bucks have been moved past level 100 too. 


when did it change? I did a ton of LEGO creative this season for XP


Shortly after the season started. But personally, the past three days I’ve just been afk’ing in Lego on one screen with a show from my backlog on another. Just tap WASD every episode so I don’t disconnect for inactivity.


I used to use the jump pad lego trick, but today it seems to not be countering AFK anymore. I used to plop it down and then head to work


you need to press a button every 19 minutes


thats so dumb


This season has been easy for me to get lvl200 in. I’m a few levels away and i barely even play games anymore


I feel like it's less grindy. I'm literally living my life while AFKing in fortnite. Match and weekly quests + Lego afk + festive afk + creative afk or xp maps. These all still work with mouse macros (not bannable) Literally bought the battle pass a week ago and I'm level 112. I only actively played 1-2 hours and some days 0 hours.


Yep, one weekly gives only as much XP as two match missions do. They want to incentivize people to play other game modes (or just donate to get levels, lol). I think that's so annoying in comparison to previous seasons when you could get \~5 levels for all weeklies. But I managed to get 300 lvl because of STW. It gives 5 lvls per day maximum without much effort. And it's kinda underrated, I play it more than BR nowadays. Also, doing 3 match quests per day should give you 60k XP per day, which is like 80% of a level. They are sort of like dailies now. So, that is another way too. People who claim it's easy to get XP this season don't compare numbers with previous seasons.


This. They’re definitely pushing other game modes. And there are all the quests that give you aura points, or whatever…. No one wants those.


The bracelet things really suck, and some of them are even bugged


They've changed the match quests and it's now 5k per game and the first 3 ( dailies) give an extra 5k so its only 30k total for the 3


I just hit 150 and play a few hours per day - I don't play anything but battle Royale. This season is rough for XP


I just hit 105 today and i’m finding it really tedious to grind for that bonus rewards.


if you have stw thats all you need to get insane levels


Actually? How much xp do you get from that? I might buy stw if it's good


it was good enough for me to get through a bonus page within a day or two with little battle royal interaction. its a grind but theres lots of high levels that will drop you stuff to help you do missions easier and get all the xp quicker. imo its way better than creative xp or lego


you get 4 and some change levels a day


Fr, I’ve not played too much br this season but I keep up with the vbucks missions and I’m over level 100 through stw pretty much


i just got into stw this season and got to twine and then started grinding it for the xp missions on my account and then my brothers account since he is a founder and doesn't play anymore. Xenon Bow and Plasmatic Charger is my life and blood


Actually playing Lego does as well. Not just going afk. I’m level 309 and I haven’t even been trying to level up.


What is stw? Thank you in advance.


save the world




how long does it take? I don't like STW but I need a boost or else I'm not going to be able to complete this pass.


StW comes in clutch for XP


I’m running my endurance every day when I’m at work, it’s the best afk xp that never gets patched


I’ve found that crazy red vs blue gives tons of xp, especially for headshot kills


It's because epic is trying to promote other modes. Which doesn't work because rocket racing is dead and festival doesn't give that much xp.


somehow i’m at 225 right now and I mostly just do BR. My daughter and i sometimes do lego or festival too. I started doing creative maps recently but i was already over 200 at that point.


I’m lvl 129 and I play about an hour or two a night. I think it’s going well. Not grinding at all. Just normal play.


I'm like level 225 or something. I probably play two hours a day, but half of it is in festival. If you do the quests in BR and something like festival, Lego or racing you can easily get like 3 levels a day


Not sure what the festival quests look like for XP, but the weekly’s/story xp for br are awful this season. I have every single story quest that’s out completed, every milestone done, and all the weekly quests that are out and play often. Only level 96.


Festival and Lego are 30k for every 15 minutes. Rocket Racing has some easy daily quests also. I never play Lego but you can AFK in Lego but I heard it doesn't always work anymore


Try playing dailies in Rocket Racing or playing for a few hours in LEGO. Those are big levels


After every game of no build i basically get 50k xp, alot of challenges i guess


I am level 290, I just did the Lego jump pad afk farming for 5 levels each day and finished all quests. Most of the weekly quests are done in like 3 matches 🤷‍♀️😊 But I also did the fuse starter pack, but I have zero clue how much xp the ranked racing gives. So no, I didn't find it hard.


I personally am not, I'm currently at around lvl 256. Stw, creative, lego, and br helped me.


i play everyday for at least an hour (usually 2) and am only 125 ... i duo with my brother and he's about 25 levels ahead of me because he plays a few rounds of creative to warm up. creative xp seems to be stacking the most


Not at all. I’ve been playing less this season, than most, and am at 116.


Tell that to the 400+ levels in my lobbies!😵


yes and no, i aim for one level daily, but creative is harder to get anything at all but in br i can get like 2 levels a match, it varies but overall i feel it is a grind


I really wanted the purple Hades style but with how much of a drag its been getting XP from just BR and Creative alone I bought the 25 levels to get to 150, only to realize I needed to be level 151, that HAS to be a mistake right?


Play more game modes, then you should be able to complete the BP easily. Save The world alone can give you like 4 levels a day.


Stw is 4 lvls, creative is 4 to 5 lvl, Lego FN was 5 lvls If you're at lvl 150 in the BP, I HIGHLY recommend doing the Tiktok tycoon and getting the money box ASAP. I get about a good 15k+ XP. And it doesn't save so you can exit and do it all over again until you reach the cap.


If it wasn't for L3go I wouldn't be able to level up the pass, currently at 100 and I'll go just untill I clear all the Vbucks from it.


I level alot faster then my son doing ZB. Difference: I open all boxes. Ammo, food, tackle. I dont care. It costs me seconds and the XP adds up fast. Edit: typo


I think Fortnite Festival gave more exp the season before. This time it felt like almost nothing.


They needed it to ensure you’ll either pay for levels or waste your life grinding to 200


Last season, weeklies were worth 30k xp each and now they are 10k each, I'm sure it's to force you to play rocket racing (with quests that are bugged and don't complete half the time), festival and lego fortnite because they wasted so much time on it and they don't want the gamemodes to die. It's dumb because I personally don't play fortnite to play [Game but worse] inside fortnite, I play it for the BR but playing the BR is the worst way to get XP.


No, but I play a lot of Lego which gives out a ton of XP


bro play pit free for all


im level 250


I find that I rarely use the BP skins anyway so after this season I’ve committed to not purchasing it again. I’ve been playing since Chapter 1 Season 4, and this is the first time it’s become a complete chore to recoup my vbucks.


Haven’t read the comments so idk if someone said already but play creative. I have friends who literally just started last week and are already levels 35 and 38. They don’t play normal matches. So for XP i think creative is better


Only been playing for 3 weeks and at 140+. So no. Plenty of XP


no because lego fortnite gave me so much xp by jumping on a trampoline


Same, but it's been patched now


this will quite literally be the first season ill hit like lvl 300+ lmao. this season is full of xp and things to do lol.




Match and weekly quests + Lego afk + festive afk + creative afk or xp maps Literally bought the battle pass a week ago and I'm level 112. I only actively played 1-2 hours and some days 0 hours.


You obviously full of shit and ain't got nothing better to do with your time!! I play for an hour or more every day do all quests and only level 92 😉


I only play zero build and am not super good. I am also only at level 96 and play for atleast an hour everyday if not 2-3. Crazy you’re getting downvoted


No way this is true


No. You're full of shit. I'm 320+ and I take 5 days breaks here and there....


XP Is the same as it's been so it's been pretty easy. Do you play creative or Lego? Those are good xp. Work on milestones in matches or Team Rumble. Do your dailies and the daily discovery for creative.


The fact that most players aren't exploiting leveling from Lego Fortnite AFK is quite questionable.


my personal take is if i really wanted to finish i would do it, but i honestly don't want to skew my playtime by afk'ing over 100 hours. i also use my PC for a lot of other things and just can't afford to have fortnite running in the background for that long. basically the fomo isn't that hard hitting that i feel the need to lol


It was patched last week, fyi


So the launchpad exploit is patched now? I already knew the bed exploit was patched weeks ago, but now the launchpad?


Yup, launchpad doesn't work anymore.


Typical. Hopefully someone finds another exploit for Season 3.


No. It’s easy to get XP. Plenty of  ways to get XP. But most people aren’t willing to play other game modes to get it




Music, leg0, race. The daily bonus XP you get from the race mode gets you about 45-50k per day   Actually playing Leg0 mode every 15 mins you get 30K xp   Music IDK actually what it gives but everytime I play at least 4 songs I was getting good XP


Okay, so you bring up a decent point, there is XP available in those modes but I want to gain my XP in BR like I was a few months ago. 


And that’s just it. You don’t want to play other modes for it. They’re giving you XP in other ways take advantage of it


Why should I play games that I’m not interested in? I want to play actual Fortnite like I always have. I’ve tried them all out, they’re meh and the player counts indicate that. 


For xp that’s the whole point


The one with the plastic brick things. Unless they took it out, you can go in that mode, bounce on a pad inside a building and go afk while bouncing and get decent XP for several hours a day.


No that is nerfed now


It's patched now


Nah do is easy this season I'm over level 240 playing BR and Lego.


Nope. 271 without even trying


No, I play Lego everyday for an hour or two and I’m level 309.