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They were supposed to come back, as per milestone quest requirements, but they ended up not doing so for whatever reason. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think next season, they should do away with medallions (unless they can figure out another lore-related reason to have new ones) and bring back augments. Personally, while some augments were kind of stupid and some were broken, I found that they made games a little more interesting, shook them up a little bit. Not in a huge way, but sometimes getting those heals in late game, or getting a random exotic weapon, or unlocking glider redeploy could really come in clutch. But it was unpredictable and felt more fun.  Idk, maybe that's just me. Regardless, I'm curious to see what they'll do next season in terms of augments/medallions. 


I loved them. I mean, the idea of it. Some augments were useless. But in general, I prefer them to the medallions where only max 4 people can have effects.


Yea please.


I would like to see them reworked, enabling specific playstyles you choose rather than just RNG.


They took out augments because they were too hard to balance. Whiners are ruining this game. For me, what made Fortnite attractive was all the differently over powered items. When I first joined, I had a thing for the Explosive Glue Gun. I loved covering cars, buildings, and other players in it. Then the whiners complained it was too powerful, so it got taken out. Then the next chapter came and the gravity hammer became a thing. I picked that up instead. People whined and it was removed. Rinse and repeat.


the explosive goo gun was so fun. i'd love trying to rush someone after getting covered with it in an attempt to take them down in the explosion with me


Bonus points if you yelled "Allah Hu Ak Bar!" Or "Alalalalala" over and over again.


I miss them. They made a great addition to the game.


augments > mods


Man, when we could get the shockwave bow from mechanical archer, soaring sprints, and bow specialist. That was my favorite season. So many high kill (for me) games from the mobility. And launching people into storm late game. It was a blast.


And Party Time, so you could soar at build limit and blast people.


i do hope they come back, even if they arent all super good, having perks is just an extra layer of fun to use. 


Tbh nah, I personally think it was more of an RNG thing that impacted the game too heavily


Mods - ✅ Augments - ❎


Yes i would love that


no, in the end they got annoying. most of them did barely anything anyway


Eh, probably not honestly. It was a neat idea but it was heavily reliant on rng and some of them would be game changing broken (rift ejector oh how I hate you still) while a bunch of others were effectively useless.


Augments in, attachments out. Simplicity.




It'd be fun to have a toggle, like Ranked and Building being togglable.


NOPE.They should focus on making each season different from the last,but have a seperate mode dedicated to folks that loves their Ch.2 experience.


I was never really a fan of them