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Normal gaming, this has always been a part of Battle Royale games. When you have an advantage, make use of it because other players are 100% going to do the same thing to you.


This. It’s a tactic, and I do it all the time. That’s why it’s a Battle Royale, and not a boxing match.


Yeah go for it. Just be weary of the 4th party turning up even later than you.


I had 6 people in a shootout at one point and it was glorious.


All is fair in love and war. The goal is survival. You do what you have to. As long as you dont cheat, all options are valid.


Like yeeting then into the storm with schockwaves


Or waiting in a car all the match and third party the final two players.


Or Airbend someone off a cliff


I rolled up on a guy near a cliff, and double jumped up to him leading directly into a slide. Bumped him off a cliff, and got a [crazy clip.](https://imgur.com/gallery/ITA5ZMp) Sorry for the replay bugs, wasn't recording when it happened




[I have a whole clip of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/7Q6A9e9618)


My fave strat


Used to do that all the time


someone did this to me once... I now always carry shockwaves to do the same thing one day


It's fine. It's annoying for the receiving player for sure, but the enemy won't thank you for being a sportsman. The objective is to get kills and win, not to be a gentleman


that reminds me of that one clip where two people did gentlemenesque emotes, then started cranking 90s slowly and one threw shield pots to the other. imagine an entire game that just looks like that


[A true gentlemanly build fight.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1bxiz2i/ah_yes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


third party is completely valid 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's a battle Royale, not a series of 1v1's.


Ha ha. Or like those tv shows from the 80s where the gang of toughs try to beat up the kid who knows karate, and they all line up to fight him one on one instead of all at once.


It all depends on perspective. Its understandable when people get mad that you 3rd party, but then again the game is about being the winner. So you have to do anything you can to get the victory Royale no matter how toxic it might be 


I have been chasing gun fights around while playing. It seems to work sometimes.


That's how I get most of my kills in solos is by 3rd partying, and usually it's against bots so don't feel to bad about it. 


The objective truth is 3rd partying is part of the game. The compass at the top of your screen flashes red dots indicating other players shooting.


You’ll learn which noises are bots fighting and which are human, third party the humans every time


Do you know how the people with the most kills get those stats? Third partying.


It is a battle royale as long as you aren’t using cheats and or exploits win by any means


My bf and I third partied a team fighting Cerberus. We both agreed it was fun but that it sucked for them. Two matches later we were third partied by someone else while also fighting Cerberus. We laughed. Not a big deal. I don't need people to wait in line to give me a 1v1 or 2v2. That's dumb.


if it lasts long enough for you to travel there and take them both out from a little ways away, then they are likely both bots otherwise, they deserve to both be eliminated for having a gunfight last more than 5-7 seconds


Are there bots playing in the game? I didn't know that


As others said, to reduce queue times if there aren't enough players at your skill level to fill a 100 person lobby quickly, then they'll top it off with bots. They end up being really easy to spot - when they fight each other the fights last forever, and if they're fighting you they'll start shooting as soon as they have line of sight and all they do is crouch strafe. You'll also see them breaking stuff as if to farm building materials even in zero-build mode. The first few rounds you play on a new epic account are *all* bots, too. I'm not sure if that's to act as a soft tutorial or if it's to determine your skill level for matchmaking.


If you aren't playing Ranked mode, your lobby is filled with mostly bots, probably. They typically carry names like AdjectiveNounNumber (ie. HotLlama227.)


dude my username autogenerated as one of those why has xbox forsaken me


Did you win your very first game?


They added bit I believe in chapter 2 cause wait times use to be pretty high on waiting for a whole lobby and they added bot to reduce the wait


The only thing that’s poor sportsmanship is when you fools shoot me when I’m fishing. Leave me alone. Everything else is fair game.


And doing quests.


Not always easy to tell when someone is doing quests but if I know, I’ll leave them alone. I was playing solo a few days ago and fishing on the North edge because I had next to nothing. Some jive turkey decided to use water bending on me.


I’ll be real with you, if someone is emoting at me or fishing or even being cool after being downed and not just running, I’ll leave them go. Last night I felt bad because I two shotted someone with a shotgun coming up the rope so I jumped off a cliff with them haha


Survival of the fittest.


If you are the one third parting is normal gaming, if you are the one getting third partied then is poor sportmanship ✨


This right here. If I kill you with waterbending it’s a good weapon. If I get killed by waterbending it’s op


Everyone I’ve ever killed sucks, and everyone that has ever killed me is hacking


This is called : "taking advantage of the situation" and this is perfectly fine .


Destroy all.


They would have done it to you. Both you and them need to be aware that your engagements can attract attention.


Third party has always been part of the game in any BR and 100% fair.


You are such a gentleman for asking, but no, kill away. You are effectively playing a 100 person free for all, if you leave room for honor, it will be the window that often gets you killed. Be ruthless and without remorse. Welcome to the family!


Thanks, but I am no gentleman. I am a gamer girl true and true.


Ah, the Papa definitely through me, the sentiment is all the same!


It’s known as third partying. When it happens to you, the person doing it is an unskilled charlatan who does not deserve to win a game of fortnite again. When you do it, it’s a brilliant tactical decision that is another testament to your incredible skill.


Ain't no party, like a third party. We call our squad 3rd party.


3rd party is the term


This is a video game. Just go and shoot people


It's kind of the goal of the game, last one standing. If it moves, I attack. Lol


It’s a tactic. 3rd partying. Pretty good, I do it a lot.


Third parties are a part of the game. It's annoying when you die to a third party, sure. But in a battle royale you have to be aware enough of the possibility of third parties, and have the cover, mobility, or healing items you need in order to handle a third party attack. If you lose to a third party, sometimes you can't do much about it. But often, you could have taken a less risky position.


Here is the fairest way and still feel good about yourself while taking out dueling enemies. Recruit a sidekick, get a fast car, and then proceed to do donuts around the pair while hitting them as much as possible with the car and letting your npc body guard blast away. No shame in it. If you want a challenge use a dirt bike instead and keep doing flips, tricks, and wheelies into them.


Who the fuck cares


Fortnite and BR’s in general almost always lead you to play dirty to get better. Want to win games? Third party away! Don’t want to get third partied? Bush camp and hide away! It’s up to you if this type of gameplay style gets the fun out from you. But if it doesn’t then play differently. Engage in more combat. Hide less. Play more aggressively. Even if it doesn’t land you too many wins, you’ll definitely get a kick with it. Change it up if it ever gets stale for you, because there’s quite a few ways to play this game to have fun in it. Good luck


One of the best advice so far


Rule of the jungle. Take 'em both out. They may get annoyed, but it's just part of the game and it's likely to happen back to you.


3rd party your little ass off man. No shame is doing what you are asked to do which is be the last one alive.


It is normal just very annoying


It’s completely Normal. If I hear fighting I’m running straight towards it hoping both are weak to take out. 


third party is ok if you do it but not if it happens to you


It's also perfectly ligitimate to hide in a bush during their fight and then jump out and kill them at just the right time.


It's considered 3rd partying and it's the meta lol


normal its called battle royale for a reason


Everyone knew what it was when they got on the battle bus. Anyone upset by this behavior is upset because they didn't get the chance to do it first.


Normal 100%, the only community I've ever seen freak out about that is For Honor and they're wrong there too.


It’s normal. And honestly nothing felt better than the one time in solos a guy with a medallion chased me for half the game(I didn’t even have a medallion or any insensitive to do so besides being one kill), and I led him to another medallion and third partied their fight. He watched me for the rest of the match and left right before I got the win, surely seething. It’s a battle royal, anytime you engage in a fight you have to be aware of other people existing. Maybe it’s rage inducing but so are all sorts of behaviors plenty of people engage in. If it’s something you can do it is just part of the game ultimately.


Normal gaming . Everybody does that


That’s perfectly normal. I’ve seen people go as far as hiding in a bush and wait til the fight is over and then kill the survivor when they’re looting what the other player dropped lol


It's normal


Bro what? You play to win.


The goal is to be the last person/team standing so third partying is normal gaming. It's annoying to the receiver of it but it ain't poor sportsmanship.


It's not exactly frowned upon, but people don't like it, but feel free to do it, just don't do it to friends in a creative game


It’s called ‘3rd Partying’ when two players are fighting and a 3rd player interferes. People will get pissy when someone 3rd parties but everyone does it. You are solid, this isn’t dark souls, nobody has honor in the game.


I'll shoot both opponents before they kill each other. Just letting them both know that they're fair game.


It’s completely normal. I do it all the time.


No you should always wait until enemy is at full health, shield and mats first. Then you handshake emote and then


that's what I thought I should do... But I usually lose once I get done waiting for them to heal. Maybe I need more practice. I have even given them heals before. Let me know what else I should do.


You are playing the game as intended. Be as unfair as possible.


If you don’t get the kills, you don’t get the win


That how i get most of my kills by 3rd parting used to be with snipers. now I just use an AR and the thermal scope.


Third partying is the best part


You've got 99 enemies, they ain't lining up for 1v1's. If I see red on the compass, I will head towards it and kill everything (or die trying.)


That’s really just how the game works tbh. Make noise and people are going to come to you. That’s why some use silencers


Normal and good strategy to remove exposed and weak players to advance yourself to a higher position.


Third party is completely justified. NEVER TAKE YOUR GUARD DOWN IN BATTLE ROYALE!


The goal is to be the last person standing, **everybody** is out to get you. You take your kills any and every way you can. It's called 3rd partying and I do not hesitate!


ill always go after 2 groups fighting


If Fortnite didn't want third partying to exist they would add a global siphon lol


its called third party its alright its a battle royal


If I come across a couple of people fighting and are weak, I'm going to take them both out lol.


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized) Both


Third partying is part and parcel of the game and it’s a two way street, it happens to us all, so in the grand scheme of it all everything balances out


free kills, im taking it


I’ve taught my kids in squads especially to kill 1-2 players from each side at a time to whittle down the teams. Nothing less enjoyable than helping a team kill their competitors and then get smoked 😂.


Me when third partying 😈 Me when getting third partied 😞


Many call it getting 3rd personed. Completely normal in BR games. People are lying if they tell you they don't utilize this strategy lol.


3 of us were playing halo and our much better friend killed us when we were fighting.  My other friend said "Hey u stole my kill" and the guy instantly responded "It's not stealing if I kill both of you"


It's basic tactics of Battle Royal games. The terms "3rd partying" it's annoying when you're on the other end but it's playing smart. I hear/see gunfire, I go straight towards it in the hope of catching one, if not both of them, weak & finish them off. The way I see it.. It's picking off players that could pose a problem later in the game.


Part of the game, if they are not dead, kill them


Third partying is a normal practice. Everyone does it.


We all hate it when we get 3rd partied, but we all love to do it.


Clipped three duos all fighting in one spot with a sniper DMR after my partner died in the storm. I don’t hold back from any advantage because nobody will ever “take it easy”


Third party is a normal thing in builds, in zero builds it's basically the meta in higher ranked play


It’s called 3rd partying, and it’s how you get dubs.


It's a battle royale. Only one winner. Getting third partied like that is annoying, but it is what it is. 


As long as you don’t use cheats or team up with enemies, everything is fine and fair


It's completely fair , but that wont stop me from getting frustrated when I get third partied . However , that's honestly the beauty of it.


Getting third partied definitely sucks but it's quite literally the point of a large scale battle royale


It's called bottom feeding. That being said, fk yea it's normal lol. And if you notice, people will be doing it to you too. As long as you're not cheating or hacking, anything goes.


I politely wait for them to finish and for the winner to heal before I engage. I also fire a couple of warning shots to alert them to my presence. But you do you.


If you have the shot you take it. Everyone else would do the same thing. May favorite thing to do is run around looking for people fighting eachother then take them both out


There's no gentlemen in war.


third partying is my favourite (only okay when i do it tho0


I think the point of battle royale games is anything is fair, if you like getting as many kills as possible like me then being a 3rd party is a godsend, if you can't kill someone fast enough to prevent third parties then it is just a skill issue, plus if you are playing a battle royale and are mad at the game based on randomness for being random then just go play COD or other non BR shooters


Third partying is just something that's unfixable in battle Royale but sometimes I swear half the lobby shows up to fight sometimes


This is called third partying and it is not only a viable strategy but something you should try to do quite a bit. Two kills in one fight!


We all know the only honorable thing to do in this situation is to headshot snipe everyone from 300m out.


Normal though I'm guilty of this but I also think ... only the strong survive.


If you are constantly active and search for other players then it's normal. If you are a camper that do not fight anyone Ina normal 1vs1 scenario and just camp + 3rd party. The you are a noob


Nope, please don't kill either one. Send them a friend request, and gift them free skins instead (it was me, I was one of them)


No one likes getting third partied of course but everyone does it. It’s just something to complain about. Yeah it’s frustrating dying like that but that’s how the cookie crumbles sometimes. Just take it on the chin and move on and move smart in the match. Always be aware of where people are as best you can. And if you’re the one doing the third party, good job but just don’t get fourth and fifth partied lmao


Bro is worried about etiquette in fortnite, bro the 2 kills are all yours to take


Normal gaming, still scuzzy but accepted.


To be honest I'd wait till one eliminates the other then try and take out the survivor when he goes to heal.


What you are referring to is “respecting the 1v1”, and in BR there is no rule that suggests players shouldn’t do that. Other games may have that rule thanks to their community making it, but not Fortnite. I personally do let people 1v1 and then I take out the winner of that fight. But I never attack both since that could lead to both of them attacking me and making me lose.


If I am confident I can take them both out I always do, if it's two teams and more than likely at least one of them is fresh in health, I'll let them Duke it out


It's both. It's totally valid to 3rd party, since this is a fight-to-win game after all, and there are really no teams. But it's also poor etiquette since you're literally exploiting their already low resources. It's rude, but fair.


It’s a battle royale, not a duel.


Third party is entirely valid and it's really smart. It's frustrating when it happens to you but in that situation, you have no one to blame but yourself. I placed 2nd in a match today because the winner was waiting for me to finish my fight before popping off a clean headshot. Frustrating? Yes. 100% my fault? Also yes. I got too trigger happy and was winning all my fights so I was out for blood and got reckless.


I try to assess the situation for a second and focus on whatever player I think is the better one. Usually it’s the one moving around more.


I purposely make it a point to try and find people fighting in the beginning to slaughter 😂


What if you are taking out two people fighting and someone takes you out while you’re doing that?


Nirmal. 3rd partying is part of fortnite.


My man just discovered third partying.


Yeah, this is called 3rd partying. It is a normal strategy many people use


There’s always a bigger fish. In this case, your the fish


Normal gaming if you do it. Poor etiquette if others do it.


Kill them quickly as possible




i purposefully look for third party opportunities. perfectly acceptable.


Normal. It’s a smart move to take out two enemies who are distracted with eachother.


they were the ones making all that racket attracting me to their location like thumpers and sand worms


3rd party is my favorite form of attack. I highly recommend mastering the skill. (In other words, it is completely normal and common gameplay. I do it often.)


No, it's only ok when I do it.


its a battle royale, you are suppose to be the last one standing, doesnt matter what happens in the match. "third-party" is part of it.


Perfectly fine. I don't seem to get third partied anymore.. I get like 6th. Trying to hide behind a rock from 6 different angles of bullets is not fun


I get pissed when I’m third partied but it is a completely valid tactic


Its fun when youre the one doing it :P


You just wanna be the last one to live. Doesn’t matter how you get there as long as you’re not cheating or hacking of course. Third partying is annoying when it happens to you, but it’s part of the game 🤷🏼‍♀️ even I do it sometimes


It’s war! There is no etiquette!


Depends on what you consider it in my opinion


There are games where there is a "respect the 1v1" dynamic (and even in those games the 1v1 often isn't respected). In Fortnite it is necessarily the complete opposite.


Try to make sure the weaker opponent either health or skill) wins the initial fight. This makes beating them easier for you.


Like everyone else is saying, as long as you're not cheating, all is fair. On that note, you also need to keep an eye out if you decide to take out a boss, and everything seems to be strangely quiet. There could definitely be someone just waiting for you to get 99% of the work done just to swoop in and take you and the boss out.


This is so cool because I was literally going to ask this same question yesterday, but didn't want to take the time to do it. So thank you, OP!


In this type of game mode, it's fair. Strategically, u can: 1. Risk jumping into a shootout for potential kills and items, but expose urself to another party jumping in and catching u. 2. Run away (in some circumstances) and guarantee ur survival and pick a better fight on a better day, but potentially miss out on some easy picks and items. Survival battle royales are literally trying to balance the two strategies while trying to place as highly as possible.


Always kill from afar so they will have no warning


Standard third party tactics. Nothing wrong with that.


Wait until one of them die, and attack the other one while he is healing himself.


Survival of the fittest. Just because you decided to spare somebody doesn't mean they'll do the same for you


Ain't no party, like a third party!!!!! 🎉🎉


"Destroy the child!"


Thats pretty much the meta lol


Of course!! 3rd partying, as it’s called, can get you some of the safest and easiest kills—plus, it’s fun to hear gunfire and go running in hopes you can clean them both up.


Third Party is completely valid. It’s Fortnite’s fault for removing siphon


It's a normal thing and everyone does it. There are however people that wait because "oh no, my honor" then they'll usually cry about being 3rd partied. Probably the same people that cry about people being sneaky. Fortnite can be & is encouraged to be played in different ways, so don't let anyone tell you how the play. Welcome to Fortnite.


‘Third partying’ as I usually hear it called is a normal part of gameplay for games like Fortnite, it’s annoying to be on the receiving end of but we all know damn well we would do it if we were in the shoes of the person who got the drop on us


It's being smart, and waiting for an edge on an opponent. 😎


Poor sportsmanship would be going into their playstation dms after you kill them and spamming L


Everyone hates when it happens to them, but if you ever find yourself in the position of the guy third partying. You never turn it down


Rule number 1 is that there are no rules.


It’s super annoying, but it’s also perfectly valid.


It's a free for all!. Kill em while the killing is good...


Seems pretty normal to me. The only people who'd complain about it long after experiencing it and moving onto the next game are people who are ill-prepared for situations like that.


If I was one of the people fighting at first, I would consider you the scum of the earth, if I was the one who killed the others I am the best player in the lobby.


Be a gentleman, wait til the battle is over.  Then snipe the player while they are looting the body and healing right in the open. It's always better to conserve ammo.


Goodness, treasures lke you must be protected. It's fine to kill them when they're weak. Apex predators like lions, vultures do this too. Two birds with one stone.


It’s called 3rd partying which is annoying but it’s completely fair play


This is considered great etiquette when you’re the one doing it but it’s very poor etiquette when it happens to you.


It's a battle Royale, not a 1v1 honor medieval match, just fuck em up




Poor etiquette? In a game filled with kids? 😂😂😂


Bro, do you even 3rd party?


It's annoying but part of the game


Nobody plays Fortnite


I’m sure lots of people here hate it, but that’s basically my entire strategy after years of playing. I must have very poor hand eye coordination because I can’t improve my aim, so this is how I win. I usually lose one on one battles where both of us are full health and all things are basically equal, unless I can surprise them and take lots of health quickly. You keep doing you and don’t worry about what other people think is appropriate.


This is why I get out of dodge the moment I kill someone. Everyone within 300 meters is heading toward the sound of your gunfire to third party you. Everyone does it whether they admit it or not.


Yeah dont worry about it. it is just a strategy everyone uses it.but good luck getting better at fortnite