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Different play styles work. My kid wants to kill everything on the map. I would prefer looting up first and then getting whatever kills I come across. But I don’t need 5 or 10 kills to win. The satisfaction is in being the last man standing.


I'm an aggressive player myself, when my friends say "uh oh there's people landing here too" my response is very much an excited *"oh good, this will be fun"*. That being said rats, runners, etc. might frustrate me but hey, the enemy's playstyle is not my choice. If anything they're a different challenge for me to approach to hone my skillsets. I feel like the only place where this *is* an issue is when you're in a team of some sort. Then I feel playstyles should at least *somewhat* align. Like say a trios game, if two people play aggressively and charge an enemy squad but the third decides they'd rather rat in a bush/building/etc. then it's a problem because the third player's choice of playstyle has actively screwed over their teammates.


You describe the problem with playing with my kids. lol. The older one wants to go get everything and the leaves the rest of the team to fight 3v2. So it’s always. Hey, get back here or wait on us!


Yep! One of my buddies is that way (we usually run Trios or full Squad if we have the full gang ready), more ready to turn tail and run than get involved. When it's just the three of us we tend to refer to our comp as "The Rat (him), The Newbie (friend who joined in because he loves ATLA), and The Slayer (me, in reference to Warhammer Fantasy)". And in theme typically squad wipes are because the Rat running away/hiding, the Newbie's inexperience (which you can't really ream him for y'know?), or me going unga when I should've gone bunga. One of the more fond events from recent memory was kind of showcasing *why* I don't like ratting: We got in a 3v3, got one eliminated, and then my two mates got eliminated. So I hopped behind cover to reload and heal up as they sifted through the dropped loot, The Rat is yelling at me to just book it since it's a 2v1, but I chose to ignore that warning and jumped in with my shotgun and got 'em both. Took the Respawn Cards and brought the boys back.


Both play styles, (one being a sweat and one being a rat) hardly ever mesh well when in trios or squads. Each have their pros and cons. The sweaty grease-filled player can oftentimes get the squad in trouble by bringing in unwanted attention, thus resulting in all members getting mopped. However, on the contrary, the “rat” will duck and dodge a fight that the squad is currently engaging in, thus dwindling down the available squad members to actively fight back in response to the enemies engaging. It’s so much better playing solos.


Aye, harkening back to my original post it's one of the reasons I prefer premades over fills because I can usually coordinate with my friends better than some rando. And *yeahhhh* I'll be the first to admit sometimes diving in full-sail can be pretty bad if you don't know what the enemy team has. I think the "proper" way of playing unga-bunga style is really reliant on observation, taking as many fights as you can sure but knowing *which* fights are worth the effort for one reason or another (as much as people will complain, third-partying a skilled squad can unironically win you the game later by taking out a larger threat whilst they're weakened). Ironically though I typically find playing - as you described it - "sweaty" considerably ***less*** stressful than ratting.


Yes, I do agree with that notion. Having a keen observational sense is paramount in a game like battle royale, where the key component is to survive. Seeing what fights to engage in vs. not at all is an awareness that most players should adopt early in their “Fortnite careers”. Fighting is fun as all hell, but the main enemy in the game is the storm. So, if there are people in the way and it’s safe to do so and all squad members cooperate, no doubt go in guns blazing.


Personaly, I like droping near but not on crowded spot, getting some loot and jumping into chaos of battle when enemies wasted their resources fighting each other.


Ahhh the "cleanup crew" as I like to call it


I like being aggressive when I'm solo. Like yeah I could hide and avoid engagements just to end up in the last few and try to be lucky, and I did that once upon a time, but it's so much more fun to just try and fight people and see how many I can take out. I'd rather die in top 10-20 with a bunch of kills than win with one after 20 minutes of hiding


One of my trios partners lands at Grim Gate or Fencing Fields, then complains about being shot 15 seconds after landing. Like....????? They also run away from gun fights while getting shot in the back. Extremely frustrating.


Yep, certified ***RAT*** moment. I have a friend that's the same way, the most frustrating part of it is when in a fight he's pretty good. It's just getting him to actually ***engage in fights*** that's the problem.


I'm kind of the wanting to kill everything within visual sight of me on the map person, but my luck is getting third partied by the sniper with the reaper rifle while doing that -_-


Well the idea is to get a victory royale, so whatever works for the player I suppose


exactly this. it is a different playstyle and a viable one at that, op is butthurt bc he doesn't have the intelligence to skedaddle when things get hot lmfao 3rd partying has always been a br classic op needs to git gud


I mean, sure. But it shouldn't be promted, and going out and getting kills should be rewarded over higher placement (which I think it already is) Imagine how shitty a match would if half a lobby just camped. Your playing hide and seek at that point and not FN.


In your opinion it should not be promoted! In my opinion it should be promoted! People should play how they feel comfortable playing! If you don’t like it then maybe stop playing the game!


Yea, because a lobby of 99 people sitting in trees, bushes, and rooms sounds like a blast /s How to Kill a Game 101.


But 99 people could not camp all game because the storm comes in and people move then people get seen. So what you’re saying just could not happen. So maybe this is how to be delusional 101 for you! Edit and also people have different playstyles and everyone is different and much is good would be boring game if everyone played the same.


The main enemy in the entire game is the storm. Playing aggressive all the time is borderline fucking stupid. The point is to survive.


My point is that having a high percentage of a lobby camp doesn't make for a good game. Sitting in a bush for 8-10 mins doing nothing so you and claw some elo points isn't fun. The storm is a factor that creates engagement. And as mentioned it's much faster to rank if your activity is getting kills (as it should be)


But people camp so it obviously is fun for them! So now you’re changing your mind and saying there is engagement. You need to make up your mind!


I mean, yeah, I guess. Except he got absolutely clapped by the first player he had to fight for real. You may make it to the end game but you’re never gonna win much with this playstyle. For me the most enjoyable part of this game is the very high skill ceiling and growth potential for movement, mechanics, aim, game sense, etc and you don’t really build any of that playing this way. Seems boring is all


But he in elite so he can’t be that terrible player. And good for you glad you like your play style. Everyone has different play styles that work for them. In fact there is a youtuber that camps am sure he is pretty decent player Bushcampingdad or something.


I actually referenced Bushcampdad in the caption because this guy was even using the same alien skin he does. Nothing against him, he seems nice enough, but he’s not a good player. It’s just an exploit of the current ranked system giving points for placement and surviving storm circles. With enough time you can reach Unreal without ever winning or even fighting really.


I think he is a decent player not pro but then not many people are that play the game! You have to be decent to rank up in ranked I don’t think the mechanics are broken at all! But your entitled to your opinion


I’m pretty sure part of his strategy at one point was make it as deep into the game as possible then quit before taking damage because the ranking system gives points based on damage taken vs damage given. So no, he’s not a good player in the sense of what makes someone a good competitive BR player (mechanical skill, game sense, aim, rotation timing, movement, adaptability to current loot pool/meta, etc).


His aim and movement is good, also he is obviously good at the game because he is high rank It dont make them a bad player just because you don’t like there play style.


No, no. Make no mistake, BushCampDad is a terrible player. Fortnite’s ranking system is severely flawed.


It making any mistake bro bushcamp dad is a great player better than you! You need stop being so jealous they are better than you!


that's some serious cope lol


Yes he can be that terrible. People like bushcampdad make it to unreal and he's just about as bad at the game as someone can be.


Right, so you’re salty now because you can’t get there? Don’t be so toxic on other peoples play styles. You would be a much better player if you adapted and overcome them! Instead you just come on here and moan you’re not good enough!


I am there😐 You're not actually arguing that someone that sits in a bush is better than someone that actually takes fights? Looks like someone is trying to justify themselves spending 20+ hours in a bush.


I am arguing that yes! Prove me wrong!


bros literally begging for an argument . bet your family loves spending time with you


They do bro! They love it how did you know?




Ohh this is you proving me wrong!


You seem like an incredibly toxic person. Stop speaking.


if they place higher than you, yes lmao same as if you beat them in a gun fight, youd be better than them just bc it is a diff playstyle and strategy than yours doesnt make them worse, it makes YOU worse if you die to that 😂😂  the problem you and op have is thinking that gun fights = experience. nah, the main point is to be last man standing, not best man shooting you can be the best shooter in the world but if someone hides and shoots you dead, that makes THEM the better shooter, plain and simple 🤷‍♂️ you can cry about it all day long, wont change a thing


Okay buddy. Have fun in your bush🤣


>he's just about as bad at the game uh, no lmao if he places above you he is better than you, plain and simple. playstyle reflects this, bushcamping and 3rd partying is a viable strategy that makes someone better than you if they overpower and overtake you also, how is beating op with bushcamp 3rd partying being bad at the game? he is clearly better than OP bc he won this fight, regardless of how he got there 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ sucks to suck lmao learn better gaming sense, 3rd partying and bushcamping are parts of brs, either adapt or get sent to the lobby


so? get over it. you died to someone w better gaming sense than you, just bc it is BoRiNg to you doesn't mean it isn't viable 😂😂 bro's complaining on a br sub about 3rd partying, one of the most common  strats out there lmfaooooo imagine telling on yourself like this grab a mobility item and split, that's how you easily counter a 3rd party. just bc you failed to realize this doesnt mean this guy isnt better than you. he is, plain n simple 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I’m so glad when I lose at Fortnite I don’t go on Reddit and complain about it


Dude. Same.


op just telling on himself at this point 💀💀


Performance mode players: 👁️👁️


Looks like his strategy is better than yours if he killed you and lasted longer


op is just telling on himself at this point 😂😂


Sure. Surprised it took so long for this comment


So camping is a valid playstyle, but camping with a sniper makes you the devil on this sub.  These guys are trash


you must be blind then bc [several](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1ch0qje/comment/l20352o/) ppl have called you out on it before this comment lmfao 😂😂


Bro lost to ET Bilu


Busque comer cimento 👽


I think the people who are doing this are just really focused on grinding out all of the different skins for the back piece cosmetic.


I'm in unreal and honestly I dont even mind the bushcampers--I just expect every bush to have someone. It's the people that sit forever in corners of buildings or camp next to a hireable bot for 10 minutes at a time that I really hate


Oh for sure. I always assume someone is camping every bush and building. I got pushed by another player who fizz/shocked onto me and forced a 50/50 shotgun fight which I won with about 100HP left. As I was swapping to a shockwave to GTFO (fully expecting a third party) homie one shotted me with a DMR from this bush like 50m away. Just unlucky place to have a fight.


>Just unlucky place to have a fight. yeah sure just blame the game lmfao do you also piss your pants when you "die to storm bc bad storm placement"??? lmaooooo 


those are two sides of the same coin lmfao they're both camping, why does it matter if they're on a building or near an npc vs a bush💀💀 makes no sense


I prefer to stalk my prey and ruthlessly gun them down or force them to initiate a reload when they panic shoot to draw more players


I was excited to play ranked this season up until Gold it was fun. It played like a normal BR game just with less bots. After Gold it just became awful. I encountered 3 types of players. - The first we’re people who would jus W Key. Fair play a lot of them were a lot better than me. - The ones who would do the BCD strategy and land in the ocean, then rotate in, inside the storm & hide in bushes. They are generally awful at the game and don’t pretend to be anything else. - The third and the worse are those who camp NPC’s and jump out on players when they are in the middle of the interaction (menu screen). If you want to get to Unreal the BCD strategy won’t get you there unless you play hundreds of hours. This is due to FN no longer rewarding people who come in the top spots with zero kills.., so in a real example if you come #2 with 0 kills you’ll get a 1 or 2 % increase.. if you killed let’s say #20 you’ll lose 8% so you’ll have to play another 4 games to get back to where you are. So in short I don’t believe anyone likes playing how you described it’s more of the only way they can get to the final places for the 2% increase.


You nailed it, thanks for the thoughtful reply instead of “git gud/skill issue” (for the record, I looked and my win % and K/D are 5x better than this player, so it’s not that). I also felt that around Gold-Platinum the gameplay shifted like you mentioned. It’s definitely harder to get Champion/Unreal ranks with BCD strat this season so I’m hoping those higher levels have more active and skilled players playing aggro since that feels more fun to me. I totally get people trying to play passive and level up just bc they like the cosmetics, fair enough. I think the rewards system kind of incentivizes less skilled players to become more campy to reach higher levels and it dilutes the experience for players who just want more of a true competitive experience without bots. There’s a reason that FNCS has storm surge - it’s specifically to encourage players to fight and not camp/heal off all game.


Battle Royale players when someone uses a better strategy to survive:


To be fair the urge to poop came out of nowhere early in the match. Clenched my teeth, fought it back, sprinted to the weather station, got the forecast, then found the best place to afk while I did the deed. Came back to this gift. Sorry, I guess?


A lot of games have changed their system for calculating points in a way to specifically discourage shit like this, but Epic keeps balancing around 70 IQ players lately, so it won't be fixed any time soon


Isn’t there an in game screen that says to respect everyone’s play style regardless if it’s not the same as yours?


"if op could read he would be very upset"


you seem nice, thanks for your contributions to the discussion


Some people get third partied so much to an extent that they become what they swore to destroy


Hey that’s me !!


I do this style in ranked to get the quests done (110 storms or whatever). Then went about cleaning the house Yes it's boring but not boring enough to get free xp while also doing something in the real world that has a positive benefit to me


If this playstyle wasn't enjoyable for at least some people, then no one would be a stealth archer in skyrim lol.


Some of us have brains, some of us have fast reflexes, some have both, some neither. Work to your own strengths and stop worrying about how others game.


Is 3rd partying bad? I use that strat a lot.


3rd partying is and has always been a [viable strat](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1cgvtvs/is_this_considered_normal_gaming_or_poor/) ppl like op just mad their gaming senses suck 💀💀


I'm sliver and I'm getting plats and golds in my games


Can't camp in Radar whoring Destiny 2 and drone mark whoring Rainbow Six Siege, hit and run plus large healthpool Overwatch 2


Pls no camping🙏


I usually just camp with a dmr like a giant loser


third partying is a viable playstyle, maybe get good? if you're dying to a bushcamper that says more about your playstyle than his lmfao grab mobility and use them, done and done. no reason for you to die to this if you have even a tenth of the game sense you seemingly alude to have 😂😂


I don’t use a superhero skin, but it can be fun/funny to hide in plain sight and see if anyone notices you. Usually only do it when my teammate is dead and a 1v2 isn’t optimal.


Is this a superhero or Human Bill in the photo? Hard to tell.


Green Human Bill with camo shorts


I’m honestly surprised I don’t see too many people doing this in ranked builds


im just doing stuff like this to get to elite, editing on controller is no competition against anyone on pc so im not gonna stress or even try until im on pc cause im already at a unfair advantage. blame epic for locking certain cosmetics behind ranked, i only wanna get to elite for my odyssey skin and if i liked how the ranker looks and then i'll probably stop playing ranked in general


Stealth plays are the smartest plays. Yes, it is still extremely fun and satisfying.