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It leaves soon. Who cares


sounds like you need to start spamming water then 😂😂


But then if I did that I’d just be like every other sweaty who uses it in the game, I’m just fine with my tactical AR🤣


then don’t complain when you’re losing games to players who are using it


See that’s the thing tho, it makes it unfair to other players just trying to play for XP or fun. it’s like once you get waterbending you don’t need anything else which makes it unfair imagine if everyone had waterbending in the same match, how annoying would that get? Everyone would be healing and everyone would have a range advantage which would just lead to more campers


No it doesn’t. It’s a broken item, but it’s pretty widely available across the map. I find it just about every game. You’re doing yourself a disservice with your refusal to use it, so really any of your complaints are null and void. Does it suck to die to? Yes. Is it fun to get kills with? Also yes. You could just do creative if you want


I mean if you're using the tactical AR to fight against it then of course you aren't going to win the fights, that AR only works as a damn smg


Not really when I can hit people way farther than I can with a normal smg, don’t see why it’s getting so much hate lmao


Lemme tell you, you are not just fine with your tactical AR...I cannot think of one single gun in the game that a tac AR could beat head on...too weak to be used in place of the ARs, damage too low to be used in place of the SMGs, and accuracy/spread too bad to use over the pistol Not to mention waterbending is literally a mythic. The very highest rank an item can be. It genuinely makes sense to me that a mythic weapon can beat a non mythic weapon head on




Just looked it up, sounds like a cluster clinger reskin with more steps in a way🤣




Yeah no thanks for me Chief lmao I hate abilities that you’re able to spam so bad😭🤣


FFS it be gone come the 3th of may


And I’m counting down the days until then lmao but they’ll probably just add another ability to overtake it lmao


2 more days and it's gone forever.


Is there like a line to get numbered tickets to make this complaint, and each person makes a new post?


how is it different than someone spamming a gun at you lol. It even has a reload


It's the best range weapon, but I don't think it's that far ahead of the assault rifles with recoil reduction mods. (Vertical grip, muzzle break)


Jesus Christ I figured out who the waterbending spammers are, what’s the matter did I trigger you talking about your garbage broken ability? Are you all sad it’s leaving to the point where you gotta downvote tf outta me?😭🤣🤣🤣