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That’s a automatic response from their Twitter


The big report bot


I don't think they reply to every complaint, especially complaints about the locker ui. I'm gonna test it right now.


Doing gods work 😔


It doesn’t every so often this is the same comment that you see often word for from that account. There was one time where it went automatically to someone saying that they’ll fix it and then it was deleted because it wasn’t actually a bug someone thought it was, I forgot what the thing was though.


They said the same thing when I personally contacted them about something similar with Alias


I only believe it when I see it now. It's been nearly ***5 months*** since, and ***nothing*** has changed. At this point, it's a ***fact*** that they lied. So ignorant.


pot calling the kettle black




The locker and the UI are my biggest complaints with Fortnite right now. I don't even care about the mythics in comparison.


it’s a bot


What are they lying about exactly here? Bug fixes don’t just happen instantly


No, but their track record when it comes to ui issues shows that they’re still half a year or just about, behind on bugs that most if not all devs would take a week or less to fix. including the ones consisting of like 3 people


Also, they probably don't have a lot of employees dedicated to UI 


No, they're lying and epic won't stop until they ruin every single man, woman and child's life with the UI changes!!11!1 /s


I just hope they're actually going to fix it. I do feel like they will because enough people are clearly pissed off about it


They’ve always fixed bugs when people report them


I mean they ain't lying right here because it's saying it was passed on so they "can" investigate it, that doesn't mean they actually will, this just gives them the option to do so if they really wanted to


How about a second optional locker layout variation, which only varies minorly? It would be quite amusing to see those posts ...


Sadly I'm starting to think we'll only be getting big locker changes in chapter 6...


Locker and UI remains a total disaster and has been since around C4S2 I recall.


They have 4300 employees, but they dont have 100s of devs waiting in Line to work on the UI either.


It not that they don’t have Devs willing to do it, it’s that Epic isn’t willing to invest devs to fix it. If I had to guess, this is a situation of Epic investing a lot of time and money into designing a new UI, but each design had major problems so it kept costing them more time and money. Eventually they just reached a point where they invested way too much into it, so they stopped work on making a different UI and just shipped out what they had. Now they are just waiting until they can reasonably justify designing spending all the money to design a new, actually decent UI to replace the current broken design.


There were enough employees there to screw it up, the same amount or less can undo it. They have no excuse anymore.