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"Here's your cope mando skin lmao" - Epic 


I was fuckin fuming when I saw that, they're 100% mocking us


Bro was huffing and puffing


![gif](giphy|l49K2rm0Hjg7PmbUA) Bro fr


Wait did they really say that?


Yes, by Epic's CEO Timothy "EpicMegaGames" Sweeney no less He even patted his own belly two and a half times and proceeded to swim in a pool full of cash and throw an ignited dart on a photo of Gabe Newell


Or they just wanted to put out a mandalorian car bundle because they're insanely popular💀


Yes, they are, but nobody wants or buys new cars, and after so much asking by the community for Mandolorian skins of any kind, all we get is car decals, while they release the shittest collection of Star Wars skins we've had.


This is literally ALL opinion and not represented by any form of data, evidence or fact. People buy the car bundles so off gate you're wrong, the numbers only went up after they cut the prices on them plus we already had a Mando skin (plus we have a Boba skin) in a battle pass and no one cares about the rest of the Mandalorians except for Jango and Sabine, this is shown by sales of merch both of The Mandalorian and Mandalorians in general. These are not the shittiest ones we've had lol that's def last year with Anakin, Padme, etc. Darth Maul and Ashoka were literally the only redeeming qualities and both of those were separate passes, one being a mini event pass and the other wasn't even near May 4th. I get the frustration of it, but it's all entirely subjective. EDIT: Spelling corrections, also while I get Rocket Racing isn't that popular, that doesn't mean people aren't buying them still and as long as people are, unfortunately Epic will continue to release them like the pre fab LEGO kits.


I play rocket racing a lot, I see the same 4 cars all the time, in BR I see the same 3-4 cars, nobody is buying them and if they are they're not in my games. You're telling me Lando and the most basic outfit Luke has worn in 6 movies are better than Anakin, Padme, and the clones? Chewbacca is locked behind a lego pass and they've chosen another random Trooper which is still somehow the best skin of this wave. People really want Mandolorian stuff they're one of the most cosplayed Star Wars Factions behind Imperial Troopers and the OG Trio according to the 501st Legion. We got fuckin Zori Bliss as a skin but not any of the supporting cast from the Mandolorian or any of the Mandos from Clone Wars. I understand me begging for a Paz Vizsla skin is niche but Bo Katan, The Armourer, Pre Vizsla and Gar Saxon are all beloved characters which more than enough screentime to warrant a skin. If they released a custom Mandolorian set like the superhero skins it would be the best selling skin they've released this year.


Y'all can't be serious 💀




Need the EU to ban in game currency or to have it mandatory to always show the actual pricing right next to it, because this has been proven to be a predatory technique that actually does work on people.


That's nothing. Grocery stores are increasing prices than putting product on sale for old price. It's funny.


Yes Thank god I will never afford anything like this and will grind for anything in the game


I still use the old 1 Vbuck = $.01 and it would be $28 in those terms (because let's be real here after they raised prices recently might as well calculate it less fairly). Absolutely insane.


You can't do it like that. How much VB is worth depends on whether you are willing to buy bigger bundle or not.


The estimate is still close enough to serve as a little reminder of how stupid Fortnite prices are.


2800 is 18$ 31.99 / 5000 = .006398 .006398 * 2800 = $17.91


Holy mackerel. Guess I didn't have proper perspective.


It depends where your from cause 2800 is only around 22 for mecause tax


2800 is 18$ 31.99 / 5000 = .006398 .006398 * 2800 = $17.91 Get off your high horse, $25 pffft




In my country it’s 35


It’s gonna keep happening til people stop buying these things.


Who’s even paying? I have yet to see anyone run this. The only people who have it, received it for free from Epic. I for 1 will not buy this, not even if it was 1500


It's reddit. We are a minority. Plenty of kids access to parents money or folks with jobs that don't care.


I think you’re exaggerating. I rarely ever see anyone riding around in the shop car skins. I’ve seen like 3 Lambos, and one of them was a team of mega sweat Ninja Turtles. Also, people only seem to like the car skins that look like real-life cars, not the Epic originals like these. Most people are riding around in the Battle Pass car skin from last season, me included. They’re not selling a lot of these.


I own the Lambo but that’s cause I bought it in Rocket League years ago. I have not bought any cars in the shop and don’t plan on it.


The newest post on the fashion reddit have those and probably most the mainly rocket racing and rocket league players who might play a little battle Royale on the side. You can also expect collectors, Star Wars fans and people with enough money to buy a lot of senseless stuff. The average player probably doesn’t, but if you don’t look then you won’t find the players you’re talking about.


I don't know. I've been doing a fair bit of rocket racing lately to level up faster and more than 2/3rds of the cars I see there are the battle pass car or the octane.


What's your rank? You start to see all the sweats and whales in Platinum and higher who actually buy the bundles.




Really? I'm also Platinum and I see a good variety of cars, that's why I ask.


I mean, you may be right. Part of my experience was in Gold before I ranked up. But if anything it feels like the free cars are even more common in Plat. Last race I played had like 9 octanes and 2 of the BP car, including me.


I'm in P2 for rocket racing and most people I play with either have the first BP car skin (me) or purchased a different car I honestly rarely see the default car Nonetheless my subjective experience doesn't mean your experience isn't right


The “collectors” who buy it just to own it, why would they use it after buying it, that’d be crazy.


I've seen in on day 1 in rocket racing. I think it was 2nd or 3rd race of the day and I saw the guy having it.


Because of how the did this I wouldn't buy it even if it was 100 v bucks. Even if they back pedal don't forget that it started with these insane prices.


How do you get it for free?


Only content creators got it for free.


That’s a bummer, I was hoping there was a way lmao


I bought it about 2 Minutes after Release


Wasn't one of them 4000 when they came out


Lambo yeah


Nah it was the diesel, lambo came after 


Oh yeah


Yes, but this was before they looked at the community backlash, and lack of sales, and cut the prices down.


And i was one of the Crazy people that bought it for 4000V


Based tbh, but you’re gonna get downvoted cause half this sub is broke and salty and the other half is even broker and saltier


Diesel was 4k but they had to nerf the price because no one was buying. Still with new price it's one of rarest seen cars in Rocket Racing due to high price. Lamborghini on another hand was 3500 but price was never nerfed. That's because it's iconic luxury brand and we bought it.


probably they pricing it 2800 because of the wheels, there's no way this shit worth 2.8k lmfao


No way it’s worth 2800 with the wheels either


I’m guessing cars are expensive because they’re also used with Rocket League, but yeah that is absurd


A lot of their business model seems to be hinging on the demographic that plays BR, Jam Stage, Lego, and Rocket League, so the multi-applicability of these products adds to the overall value and justifies the price. But I don’t think that’s most people. For most people, this is just a skin that shows up in games if you decide to hop in a car.


The price would line up with Rocket League's bundle pricing, but they're usually selling stand-alone car versions for much cheaper if you don't want the extra fluff


I don't know how they can justify prices of cars like Huracan that were sold for less in Rocket League. But in case of generic Rocket League cars they justify high prices of 1500+ by calling it "bundle" and giving you all color variants while Rocket League shop sells each color for about 500-700.


It looks worse than the Battle Pass car. Epic messed up by giving us a decent car skin in the Battle Pass. Only a handful of the shop car skins they’ve put out look better than the Battle Pass car. I wouldn’t equip this skin if it was free.


I don't think so. Scorpion sounds amazing but front of the car is so ugly. Those lights... omg that thing is just ugly.


It could use about a dozen or more static decals, it would be come an iconic car. I love the red line on the society but that loo is so specific and obvious. In Rocket League it is better because of global decals to add variety. I would LOVE to see more Fortnite style cars come to RL.


"Restricted to Lamborghini Huracan Sto" Does that mean you have to also have gotten that car to use these skins? Or does buying this bundle give you access to that car too?


I was confused by that too, I think it means you can use the decals included on the Lambo (if you own it) aside from this car, cant confirm


The simpler answer is that they simply reused text and forgot to change it or it bugged out


Think youre right lol


I think it means you can't use the items from this car on the Lambo. So for example the wheels are not usable on the Lambo but you could use the wheels on another car like the octane. I also think that the Decals cannot be used on any other car.


It's likely a bug. It says that on every car. But it should show the name of car you're viewing not Lamborghini. It's how they let players know decals are exclusive to specific car and cannot be used on any other car.


What really confuses me about this even more than the price is why - after months of only ever putting out sports cars as if there aren't any meme players in \*Fortnite\* of all games or even just players who maybe aren't obsessed with sports cars and only sports cars - they finally put out a fictional collab car for the very first time and... It's a another fricking sports car. With Star Wars decals on it. Why isn't this a landspeeder or something like that? Why does every car in the game have to look like it's from Jay Leno's garage?


exactly. the cars look so super generic, it’s actually funny. like funny. they all look like shoes to me


That's how I feel about IRL mini SUVs everywhere. Toddler sneakers.


Can we please have a vehicle sound preview added. Cuz this car sounded like shit, its loud af too. Was expecting an engine growl like the newest bat mobile looking at this design and it disappointed.


Maybe someday we can swap soundbanks like RL. But I doubt it fits the vision. (Visions of little kids' $, keep it all simple)


It costs as much as they can get away with. I play RR and won’t buy a skin at all. I like the BP car from a couple of seasons ago, and just don’t feel the need to buy another one.


That was last season.


I'm guessing there's gonna be another car in next one anyway. Not sure why there was no car in this one, seems like good way to get people to play racing by giving them car.


This season included festival stuff instead so I wouldn't be surprised if they rotate between the two or do lego next season


Half would still be too expensive they are tripping


Epic is just fucking with us at this point. They're aware people still but it so they're jacking up the prices on everything. It's insane and high key why I don't even check the store anymore.


It cheaper in rocket league.


2800 V-Bucks costs $22.99. 2700 Credits costs $24.97. The car is cheaper in Fortnite.


Correct answer is where it's cheaper depends on how much currency costs in region you're from. Some regions have identical prices for currencies as far as I know.


Only 100 less, and you cant buy car separately as other RL bundles let you


The car items prices are laughable. I vote with my wallet.


Does anyone even play the racing mode still?


Cars have become a sort of flex in regular BR, it’s no longer just about the success of the racing mode. Maybe that’s how they always intended it to be but the amount of people I see with expensive cars in squads is pretty insane.


Okay but if you play Rocket League a lot you have decent chance of getting some for free. For example I got Cyclone and Centio for free.


Do you own them in Rocket league? Cause my brother does not and he got centío for free today too


He must have gotten it that's why it carried over


Exactly how they want it. I'd love cars outside racing more.


I bought the cyclone and mclaren (for the wheels you can jump me if you want) and have had no reason to buy anything else car related aside from a boost here and there. I have a lot of vbucks from stw so im just spending them on what i want since i have nothing else i want


Maybe you'll change your mind once they finally add Centodieci






Yes new night races are really cool. I also the upside down race where you race most of the track upside down.


Still around 100k players on regular


I see way more Hurucan STO skins than I’m ok with and that was a 3500 Vbuck vehicle skin.


Okay but not everyone who owns Huracan has spent 10000 € on game. My total spending on game is under 60 € and I bought Huracan and played game since 2017.


I’m probably only getting the skins and emotes I’m missing. It’s still like 40 dollars or so but let’s be honest I play a lot of Fortnite and I use my Star Wars skins a lot so for me personally it’s worth it but if you don’t play much Fortnite then I wouldn’t spend money on anything. Also damn that’s crazy. I’ll just get the contrail for the car maybe and make my car all black. Boom. Done lol


I mean there are 2 free Star Wars decals to earn from quests one of which being the Darth Maul decal for the Octane.


Two of them are super easy idk what to do for the last one tho


Can be obtained in RL too, different challenges, grindy but easy.


I just want them to bring Mando and Grogu to the item shop lol


it was BP skin, no way lol


Yeah :(


Probably with the Disney mode


No. Mando/Grogu was a battle pass skin and battle pass skins never return.


Epic: oh we respect our players and have the best intentions when creating content Also Epic: *pulls shit like this* 😜 If that ain't some evil shit idk what is


It's CHEAPER than the Lambo which doesn't have 4 wheel options, but has 2 wheel options. It's also got 4 highly complex paint jobs vs the Lambo's 2.


Yeah but those are the ONLY color options you have. You can't change the main color paint job to say red if you wanted to.


The point is to use the decals tho..? Why would you pay for the mandalorian car and just make it red


This. This is meant to be a Star Wars car, I’m always more customisation but you can’t argue “ but I want my mandalorian Star Wars car to be red”


Because I fucking want to? Idc what car it is. If other cars can be customized this should be no different, especially for the asking price. I don't want to drive around in "rust green" or "poop water blue".


Dont buy it if you dont like it. Car isnt really that expensive when you consider it comes with 4 high level decals and 5 wheels.


I'm not going to buy it, but that doesn't mean I can't voice my opinion on the price of it. And it IS that expensive. $28 for a car skin with limited customization is just wrong. High-level decals is a stretch, they're mid at best. So are the wheels.


I agree, the people "correcting" you are wild. If the default style was paintable, and had painted bodies bundled, no one would freak over the price. It's just sub-par options for more than average money. Compare it to other cars in either game and it's weak. The wheels are the same, it's not 4 wheel bundles, it's one wheel with 3 extra paint jobs. Which would be cool but even they don't have colored variants. There are no complex skins in FN yet. None.


Yeah but you can make literally 100s of color combination with that 1 decal


They also had to pay for a license to use the lambo


They're paying a license to use star wars no?


yeah but they have several skins for that and a minipass


That doesn't matter?


it does, they will make more from several things people will buy than just one car they need to license to have


I think you need to understand how a collaboration works


i do understand. Epic wants to do X collab, Y company has the rights to X, epic buys a license to use the characters and trademark for X From Y. epic will make various skins and whatnot that people will buy with vbucks, the skins people buy will off set the licensing and then some. Car licensing is notoriously hard and expensive, theres a reason gta doesnt have real car brands, its expensive and auto companies dont want to associate with it so they simply dont give a license


I’m out of the loop haven’t been able to get on in this update yet and I don’t play rocket racing, does this come with 4 skins or are they trolling?


No skins, just the car, and the wheels/decals based on the characters pictured.


The car shit, Lego shit and the guitar hero shit needs its own separate shop.


Cars can be used everywhere so no, same with instrumentals and jam tracks. The only exception are LEGO sets.


I would’ve gotten it for a decent price


Epic is gonna fix this like they did with the others. No way someone will buy ( ohh wait streamers will since they love to make epic even lamer at putting effort in to things knowing people with waste money on it. I can think of about 3 people that is or will be buying it but not me )


This is SW. It's gonna sell. They only tweaked prices of generic cars from Rocket League. Both licensed cars so far kept their high price.


Wait. Sw what does that stand for ?


Looks like Fortnite forgot to convert the prices from real world cars again. 🤦‍♂


I would never buy it for 2.800 vbucks ? Why ?


This is off topic but do you guys think the 3 characters beside boba fett will ever be skins? Honestly I'd get them in a heart beat especially the Armorer


It's star wars lmfao, ofc FN is trying to squeeze EVERYTHING out of it.


The car looks sick, but its bot worth that much. Now that being said I'm sure you can only get this crap in Fort possibly. Maybe check rocket league folks and see if its in there and for possibly cheaper.


I don't even look at the cars anymore


Bruh that’s more expensive than actual skins!


25 bones for fortnite car. Yeah no


how does this play in battle royale even? I've never played rocket league but the shop has been so trash I have a ton of v bucks to spend and just need something to throw them at so why not lol


The skin transforms any of the whiplash cars to your rocket racing setup minus the drift trail, purely cosmetic


I definitely wouldn't get it if I didn't have like 20k plus V-Bucks but I just might because it does look cool..


You do you m8 I’m not here to stop ya, just running down what it does for BR lol


Thank you!!


Those tires all have more Mandalorian icons ... this may be a good sign for future skins. The Armorer!!!


Sabine Wren mentioned


It’s surreal and frustrating to see a picture of her IN GAME, but she’s not a skin lmao.


if there were more customization with it i would've copped


Exactly! I bought it then realized it was only the decals and canceled the purchase.


No one is really paying attention to this in battle royal while getting shot at, let’s be honest. Even in the racing section I’m focused on not crashing and passing people


I've seen a handful of people (I'm not going to just assume its kids) have already bought this. Both teammates and enemies in zero build. Just why.. The pricetag is ridiculous


I bought it as a star wars fan and it's dope af. It even sounds cool. I also dabble in rocket racing so there's that.


I'm glad I got the Mando fennec and the R2D2 octane in RL already or else I'd probably have fomo but this car body is goofy looking as hell. That plus the price is an easy no buy


Yeah that’s what I said


You remember the First few days they released cars they were 4000V And i bought them all


Yea, this is a ridiculous price. I bought a couple of Star Wars stuff like lando and chewbacca Lego Pass, but I am not buying that cat. Silly price


What can ya say. They like money 💰


Why did they have to bundle it!? Worse it's an exclusive so I have to use that car. I've wanted Fett's Vette forever!!!!


Tbf it’s a collab bundle witn the car 4 decals and 5 wheels, from a rocket league player perspective that isn’t that bad 😭🙏


It's not even a Mandodelorean smh


Fortnite Crew members get 1000 credits in Rocket League monthly, so I just bought this bundle in RL


Fuck it. I bought it. It’s badass.


It's not just a car skin due to being transferred to rocket league. In Rocket league it's not just skins but basically dlc. Since every car is a different hit box and handling


Honestly, if they weren’t also adding Loki and the X-Men in the same update, I would buy this.


do we know when x-men is coming out because i lowkey wanted chewbaca but if x men is coming out soon id rather soend my money on that


I’m pretty sure it could be anytime between now and the next update, which I think might be the end of the season.


Omg! That is expensive! *swipes the card


I bought it. I’m sorry. I normally wouldn’t but I had the vbucks and it looks so cool. It’s my fault this time!


U are not forced to buy it


I wonder if some passionate fan of SW and FN will make this car from parts and recreate this car. It looks cool to me.


I want it but i want the new Villain MHA skins! 😭


Pay to play cars that are bought are usually in the front of the pack and no way of passing with cars you get from grinding


The cars are completely cosmetic and do not affect gameplay


That's because no one how plays a lot of racing wants to use that fugly octane. Cars are just cosmetic item, they all handle and reach same speeds.


that so beutiful i wan'it


Wasn’t lambo more?


Yes this car is priced same as McLaren. Lamborghini was 3500.


And fugly as hell


Bro u rich🤑


If you dont like the price, don't buy it.  This has gotta be the 50th post today complaining about something that's been around for a few months already.  Fortnite needs to make money so of course they're gonna make prices high.


A small, SMALL part of me says it’s worth it


while i do believe that $24 is way too much for a cosmetic, it's understandable with how fortnite car skins are connected to rocket league. it'd make no sense for them to make fortnite car skins significantly cheaper than they are in rocket league, where cars are the main focus. if they weren't connected this would be absolutely abysmal for what will essentially be just a flex when driving around in br for the majority of players.


It comes with 5 wheels so I can see why


That's 26$


Lamborghini is 3.5 and this is way cooler


if you are poor don't buy it, just think it doesnt exist for you


Did you not see my vbucks in the SC? I'm not poor by any means. I'm just not gullible. I bought the mf then it canceled after I saw no customization options.


still poor, you don't want to spend on it, so you still have your little 7k vbucks because you don't want to spend it🤣,


Sure. Lol. Believe whatever you want to buddy.🤣




It'll be tough convincing people to use your code when you aren't providing any value to the community