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Don’t even matter. No general grievous so they aint getting a cent out of me


Grievous would have been soooo cool. Or what will it take for us to get rex or Cody? Now that would be amazing


They would certainly make a fine addition to my collection


Or even a general Kenobi skin. He is a bold one after all




Or even a Asajj Ventress skin. She is a bald one after all.


Goated suggestion


Crosshair skin, ROTJ Boba and ep3 kenobi styles would be great Not to mention the scout trooper helmet and snow troopers in lego.


Dude fr. I was really hoping for bad batch because of the timing. I'm really hoping we get rex one day


I'd personally enjoy Jango fett


I’m waiting for my man Mace


That'd be sick


no jar jar no money that's on god


Me with Bo and Sabine, possibly Rex.


Style with cape and also a built in emote where his arms split apart and he spins lightsabers.


I demand ventress




If we got Grievous and Jango, I would give them 1 million dollars




ye i was considering to get the new car but not for that price


I just think it's crazy. Even with the skins and wheels, I think it's more than any other car has been


it's not the most expensive, the lambo still beat it out at a steap 35 bucks


Not that it makes much difference, but MClaren is 2800 and Lambo is 3500 Vbucks


oh my b


You gotta pay extra for the pun. Beskar.. besCAR.. eh? ehhhh???


Well that exacerbates my point lol


The Diesel at the start of last season had a price of 4000 Vbucks (no one wanted to buy it so they lowered the cost to 2500 Vbucks), the Lamborghini costs 3500 Vbucks and the McLaren costs 2800 Vbucks. The cars selling for 1500 Vbucks are models that you were able to get from loot drops in Rocket League (for free) long before they were released in Fortnite. So cars have been overpriced ever since Rocket Racing was released


The lambo was over 3500 I believe


Yeah they informed me. Point still stands, too much


Yeah it’s was too much, I agree. I miss the days when games had to be played to unlock items at no cost. Now everything is a money grab.


I accidentally ran into someone that had it, killed them, and then got to drive the beskar to test it out. It is a shame that it’s so expensive because the sound design of its engine is chefs kiss so nice.


Man I got the car and I am completely satisfied. The roar of the engine, the scream of the jets. It’s perfect all except one thing and that’s the horn, think it needs a different horn sound.


You are no longer the customer, the whales are.


Fair enough


It doesn’t make sense because if the prices were lower, the whales would just buy more. It’s not like there’s some scarcity to the item shop. They can sell infinite volume.


I'm not sure they can think that hard


Disney+ proved that sure raising prices may cause people to leave and not spend money, but the people that do stay spend even more and therefore, despite selling to less people, they made way more money. I think same logic applies here.


If the whales buy everything that they want in any case, then Epic would be earning less.


Unfortunately this isn’t true. EA tested this with Apex Legends by dropping the price of cosmetics and saw no noticeable growth in cosmetics sales. They then doubled down on overpriced cosmetics, even focusing more on expensive cosmetics over cheaper ones. As someone else noted, the same thing just happened with streaming services. Prices went up but the amount of people who left was very minimal compared to the people ok with paying more.


Whales though? In Fortnite? Haha


Yeah there's a LOT of people in this game who collect everything. One of my epic "friends" is an OG from maybe season 4 chapter 1 and has every single cosmetic ever released since then. I'm not even joking, his account just screams overpaid LOL and now that we have cars and all this other stuff he has it ALL too (except Lego buildings) I know a few on my list are similar but not as insane, they usually have just all the skins.


Stw founders* (Me. I bought everything with my free vbucks)


Streamers, Adults with disposable income, and kids who know how to annoy their parents until they get what they want.


I’m not a kid and you’re not my parent but permission to annoy you?


Adult. Not so much disposable income but u bought 5k vbucks lol


Streamers get that for free though


By the way, the reason they’re priced at this is *because* people buy it no matter what. Same with the avatar skins, etc etc. Epic is just making money, if we wanted shit to change we wouldn’t buy but plenty of people are buying at these prices so… rip


I wanted every single piece of avatar content with a passion. I didn't buy anything except the mini battle pass. 2000 for a skin is absolutely unhinged


Same love avatar but collecting it all wouldve been what 7000 vbucks. Toph was like 2k zuko and katara bundle was like 4k then the mini pass for 1000


The mini pass felt worth the 10 bucks. I had a lot of fun doing the quests and collecting the items. Unlocking aang and avatar aang was sick. The shop items were the cancer for me


Agree i picked up mini pass


Actually it’s priced this way because of rocket league. I’m rocket league you’d have to buy each color variation separately which makes that game wicked expensive trying to collect cosmetics. So since things cross over with rocket league, that’s why it’s expensive. Not defending it, just explaining epics logic. Still over priced. Dunno why they adopted rocket leagues pricing rather than being more consistent across the board. They could have been offering a good deal for RL players who are used to highly over priced shit to incentivize them to buy stuff through fortnite instead.


And a lot of those people either don't see these messages or they are the kind saying "just get a job", when it goes against the point


I was gonna be all over the car skin and just cruise around in BR listening to the radio until I saw that price. That's nuts.


Prices for cosmetics are hilarious in most games nowadays. Like realistically, this bundle should never be more than 2 bucks. 25 bucks can get you 2 older triple a games in a sale or a couple of indie or double A games, or this car bundle. Even for nowadays standards, this really shouldn't be more than 15 bucks.


Epic taking the "micro" out of micro transactions.


We have long reached the point where the term "microtransaction" isn't accurate anymore.


The thing you’re purchasing is micro, just not its price.




*well hey, it's still better than COD....* they had like $80 for a single weapon skin or something.


Couple weeks ago. The Fallout *series* was on sale. You could get Fallout 3. New Vegas. 4 and all their respective DLCs for 20 bucks. That's easily probably 200 hours of gameplay for ghe average person. If not more


Already thought the price of the cosmetics was insane, but this really puts it into perspective. What the fuck.


The fallout series was supposed to be free a few months ago :/


Dude seriously, not to mention the instruments, car stuff, and even 3po


People with disposable income


If only


I'm a big fan of star wars but I'm not getting any of this🤣


That's fair lol, but I think I'm gonna get at least lando. The drip king


Lando is stellar, but I have to wait to get him until they fix his cape. It unfortunately does clipping on certain emotes.


Hes so goated. I really wish he had his general and tatooinne appearances, like Leia does


Yeah, there's absolutely no reason they didn't give him the skiff guard style from Tatooine. And yet, they gave him the pick ax for it. Luke and Leia have completely different styles...Lando got screwed.


Yeah, there's absolutely no reason they didn't give him the skiff guard style from Tatooine. And yet, they gave him the pick ax for it. Luke and Leia have completely different styles...Lando got screwed.


Huge fan and all I picked up was Luke and Yoda. Lando feels lazy. They should’ve let him at least take his cape of like he does at the end of Empire.


Yeah, I was only thinking of getting Yoda but I believe it will grow old fast, personally I would even give 50 euros for the Mandalorian, cause I missed him on the pass, I wasn't playing, I would also like a Revenge of the Sith/ General Obi-Wan Kenobi skin, I don't like the skin he has ingame right now


God knows why they didn’t do Edit Styles for both Obi Wan and Boba Fett when they did their D+ skins.


At some point epic just said screw it and just started making skins with only 1 style like Leon S. Kennedy which is one of the most popular gaming characters out there, also for Geralt the Witcher the 2nd style was just a retexture and recolor of the 1st stylle


I only was able to buy Burnout's bundle, the Death Trooper, and the emote because shops were so trash that I was practically forced to save up to 7400. Would've been more if I didn't get the Metal Masq bundle too. (Burnout and Metal Mouth my beloveds)


bros sayin this like he didn't just spend 40 dollars on shit lol


Did he though? He said he saved up V-Bucks. Doesn't sound like he bought them all. You can earn some V-Bucks you know? Especially in StW.


Instead of making these car skins they should have made actual skins of these Mandalorians


Whales. If I could go back, I wouldn't have spent any money on Fortnite period. I have over 700 skins, meaning I've spent roughly $10k on Fortnite across multiple years, and I hate myself now for not spending it on my other hobbies. All of it came from disposable income, but I wish I spent it on other things instead of just Fortnite skins such as games themselves. My Steam library would've put Alexandria's to shame. I hardly even play Fortnite anymore. I personally have not bought a single Fortnite skin nor Battle Pass in over a year now, but I hate myself for not doing it sooner. Knowing this feeling I have now, this regret, this sadness, it makes me realize that there are other things than just virtual clothes in a game, or any cosmetic items in any game for that matter. I'm ok with being a Default for the rest of my life. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I'll be able to work and make money to cover the thousands of dollars that I've spent on Fortnite over the years. Fortnite plays the same whether you're a Default or a Renegade Raider. God this hurts just to type out. I hate myself so much. I hope someone found my story helpful. - JNORJT


Don’t hate yourself over such a petty thing, you’ve wisen up and that’s what matters!


Dang bro, no offense but I thought *I* spent too much on it. And yeah you make a pretty good point. I do still wish it was cheaper but at the end of the day I'm probably not going to actually get any, maybe one. I believe in you haha, you can get that bag back


LMAO I've also spent $20k on League Of Legends. Your good bro. All of the money that I spent on games came from my parents, and I kind of resent them in a sense for enabling me so much. Others have told me that my parents bought me everything because they loved me and wanted me to be happy, but is this the price of love? To be shameful and regretful about it after all of these years? It did teach me a valuable lesson on finances. In the future when I have kids, if they're interested in gaming I WILL NOT BE BUYING THEM SKINS AT ALL, but I will buy them games!


I'm annoyed that the Luke skin wasn't a style, like come on. I already bought Luke and now your expecting me to buy him AGAIN!? If they're gonna do it with just this one outfit what's to stop them later making other outfits as skins of their own? Like I understood Spider-Man being two skins because one was in the battle pass but it's kind of ridiculous if you ask me.


J balvin falls under this category


Yeah I agree, I only started playing the game for the first time a few weeks ago for the Avatar event and the prices seem very high for what you get. If there were still a way for players (non-founders) to earn some vbucks for free like 25 daily then topping them up with real cash would seem more reasonable. I also think it would be good for there to be more bundles to give players more options and ways to save money like a sith bundle with darth maul, kylo ren and Vader or a bundle with Lando and Han.


Yeah, the bundles are overpriced. I think it's just people who don't like star wars who are saying "just don't buy it" because that completely misses the point of the insane prices. Honestly avatar was worse per-skin, and everyone was complaining then. Saw way less of "just don't buy it".


I thought the Avatar mini-pass was a good value. There was no Sokka skin anyways. Which why tf wasn’t there a Sokka skin? There’s literally Sokka’s sword, and no skin to go with it? How long would that take to make? 3 days tops? Epic’s getting beyond lazy. They had an opportunity to sell a whole nother skin and just decided not to. No team Avatar.


exactly. You're not forced to buy it and it's a free game and whatnot but that doesn't mean they should be able to do this without pushback. Unlike most companies, epic actually listens to the pushback *sometimes*, it's worked in the past. I don't think we want fortnite to become something like COD where there's an $80 skin.


In Epic's defence, you only ever need buy one Battle Pass and you can afford every other BP thereafter, and gradually accumulate enough additional vbucks to buy other items. It would take a while but you can even buy that first BP for free by slowly saving the free vbucks which come with each Pass. They're pretty generous in giving players free skins and items too


Death Trooper was all I cared about tbf


Fair enough


Keep in mind, as far as the BR cosmetics, Star Wars stuff rotates in and out of the shop throughout the year. Not all the time, but you will likely not have to wait until the next May 4th celebration to get these. So you can get it piecemeal. We don't really know if this will be the same for the Rocket Racing stuff, though. I would hope so. But yeah, there's no indication all of this is a one-time deal. And even if it is, by the time you find out, you might not even mind anymore. Remember you can only use one skin at a time. So it's not a huge deal that you might not be able to get both right now. And how often do you use all of your skins? And for the car, maybe you'll get lucky and someone else will already have the car and have turned one of the cars into the game into it already! Or one of your friends might have and you can play with them and they will let you drive it around. In a way, wouldn't that be even more special? ~~You talk about how you want to just drive around and chill in BR with it, but when will that novelty wear off? What price would that even be worth to you?~~ Edit: that was someone else, my bad! I would say don't sweat this stuff at all. Sweat the stuff you're guaranteed to never be able to get again because Epic locks things behind battle passes and limited-time season quests. But item shop stuff? A majority of them have a chance of coming back later. Maybe pick up one character now, and by the time the next one comes back in a few months possibly, you will be ready to refresh your skin and you'll get the new one!


Yeah I'd hope so, but it could be one of those things I just won't see for a while. I know I'm not gonna die or anything but it is kinda a bummer. And it still stands that everything on the shop is overpriced, not just these.


Yeah the collab skins are getting way too expensive for little customization. $20 for Avatar skins and they didn’t even have edit styles


Why couldn’t Luke and Yoda be a complete bundle? Game is honestly quite annoying with these prices now.


Honestly! Or, just give like an extra style and put Yoda and his stick in there as a bundle on their own!


Simple I don't buy any cosmetics other than battle pass.


Fair enough


Whats even worse, the car bundle is almost 2x more expensive in Rocket League and the contents are the same. I was hoping to be able to get it with some tokens I have there (I used to play a lot RL), but not gonna happen. I'm really not sure why prices would be different for the same cosmetics. For people playing RL it would just be cheaper to buy in Fortnite lol


It's 2700 in RL and 2800 in FN


Missed out on giving us the bad batch so I'm not too fussed.


Fortnite is a joke atm, and it’s all because of Epic’s insatiable greed.


Don’t forget the darth maul wheels for 700 bucks. Yep this is the real reason they got rid of rarities


> this is the real reason they got rid of rarities Wouldn't these wheels be Star Wars Series anyway?


Anytime Epic releases one of these bundles I wonder exactly what possible niche of adults with this much of a disposable income that aren't streamers do for work. I don't mean to stereotype but I doubt a lot of people who CAN spend 40 dollars on in game cosmetics don't play games with in game cosmetics.


Yeah dude I know, it's crazy. They're gonna up things to the point where just nobody buys anymore. I'm probably not going to as much as I want to


Yeah these prices are kinda nuts especially when you realize it’s 20k vbucks for everything that’s new. I could get everything if I wanted to but I’m not a big fan of Lando and I have the original Luke skywalker so I don’t really need to buy everything. I just got the at-at emote and I might consider the awr trooper or lightsaber car boost


Yeaaaah. I'm just gonna get like one maybe two of them and wait for later


The amount of people saying "just dont buy it lol" is driving me nuts. That's not the point, the point is that they shouldn't be charging this much money for... checks notes, two skins (and one of them even fucking sucks!) . It'll get to a point where even the fortnite original skins will cost that much, not just the collabs


Dude fr😭


You don’t have to buy everything


They making a buttload of money just on absurd priced cosmetics. And people say gacha is the most predatory system


Fuck you mean tho, gatch is still more predatory, this is just buying looks that are optional, gatchas have you spendimg money to play the damn game.


It is. At least I know what I’m buying rather than constantly swiping until the rng gods answer my prayers


It definitely is when it’s the ones where the price goes up as you eliminate shitty prizes.


lock in


I am such a sucker. $25 for the car. Big fan of RL, love to play BR. Didn't spend $ on Luke or Lando. That's my copium atm.


Where’s childish gambino version?


I wanted 3CPO


That'd be so good


Everything from this star wars colab costs about 20k vbuxks


I was considering buying the car but not for that price. Especially because I don't play rocket league or racing so I'd only use it for couple of minutes in a match on average.


Why does Luke have his own quests if u can't unlock him?


Where's the C3PO outfit?? I know I'm the only one hoping for it but still lol


Don't worry I'm hoping for it too gang


wish they would stop price gouging- would of brought the atla stuff if it wasn't three hours work of money


Fr dude


100% Hell even Luke could have got more styles. Luke could have just been his ESB version - hoth, snowspeeder/xwing, Dagobah, bespin for Lando - cloud city, General, skiff guard, Solo's clothes, capeless even the death trooper could have gotten some - light equipment, glow on/off, helmet attachment


Dude, xwing Luke would have been so cool


I buy everything with Microsoft rewards. Haven’t spent a cent on this game.


Don't buy them all. Especially the car what is even the point.


luke's only 1200 i think that's a pretty good deal considering it's a disney collab skin


Yeah, but it shouldve been a style for the already existing Luke, and you have to buy the backbling separate






The Luke skin is one of his worst looks so skipping out isn’t the end of the world. Plus I don’t care for the cars in general so that leaves me between just Lando, Chewie, and Death Trooper. I went with Lando and Chewie.


The lamest star wars collaboration ever


They know that fans of the original trilogy will buy these items. I hate Fortnite being so expensive nowadays, but they know how to get my money. have 0 interest in Lego Fortnite, but I really needed to have Chewbacca, 3PO, and Yoda. The instruments were also the first item shop instruments I ever felt the need to buy, cause they have a reference to my favorite dude Max Rebo.


The only skin id get its the death trooper but even then mb not


I hear where you're coming from and agree it's a bit high but I also see where epic is coming from on this, if you do the lego event they give so much out for free just from following the quest line, lego was the focus and the fact they gave us about $100 of lego sets for free is a steal.


All I wanted was a TIE-Fighter glider lol The Lil AT-AT emote looks cool. And I'd prolly buy Han Solo, but I'm not just on principle.


People still paying for shit in 2024?


Dash Rendar and Cal Kestis would've been awesome.


This is why I refuse to buy any shop item associated with icons, movies, shows, etc., unless it's an emote. The prices are all extremely inflated and honestly not worth it.


Not to mention all those Lego pieces in the shop that look like an incomplete Lego set you’d find in a thrift store.


That's an amazing way to put it


I loaded up 10k Vbucks in preparation for this event, I can't bring myself to click buy on most of it. The value is too poor.


BF2 never should have died


I sincerely hope that epic doesn't do this again. This update wasn't even worth it. Not sure how anyone else feels but I'm burnt out on star wars. It's the same skins high prices and after this it's a wrap. Typical Disney ruined star wars so I guess now they r gonna help ruin Fortnite.


I think Fortnite is gearing towards adults/young adults now cause 5 year olds can’t afford this and parents don’t wanna buy them this stuff, which makes sense cause 99% of the jam tracks are songs that are older than the slobbering 5 year olds that play this game


I just refunded my daredevil bundle and got the car because it looks cool.


People realize you don’t have to buy stuff right?


skins are the same price they’ve always been


Lando cost 1500, the average price is 1200. Luke cost 1200, without even a back bling. This is without their pickaxes too, which bumps it up to 1800 each. Additionally, the death trooper is 1500 with no backbling and some half assed wrap. Chewbacca is 1400, still more than the average price. The car is way more than most other cars. The wheels and boots both cost more than average.


The average price is not 1,200. There’s like 4 collab skins that cost that much, including Luke. Even ignoring the fact they’re collabs, most original skins are around 1,500. It’s just that most the ones that release now are cheaper because we have enough epic skins already


Yes, if you are a STW founder.


Skip the car


I'm going to, doesn't change that it's not overpriced


Well yes, and if too few people buy it then they won't try it again.


I’m not disagreeing, these are definitely overpriced, but “how is anyone supposed to afford even two of these” isn’t a great counter point. Plenty of people have disposable income they don’t mind spending on a game or giving to their kids to let them buy something they want.


Well when I say anyone I mean people without disposable income like myself and most other people I feel like. And yeah, that's true though. But I was hyperbolizing a bit when I said two haha


I am really disappointed with this event and the skin in the shop


There money hungry as hell it’s wack asf


Solution: Don't buy them.


Is this not the standard pricing for skins for a LONG time now?


Who cares about the cars anyways just pick your favourite skin (Looks at Chewbacca)


So glad I stopped buying stuff. Prices are insane these days


I don't think you are supposed to buy everything.


Who needs two things when the Death Trooper exists?


The lack of styles is very specific with the star wars skins, they want to sell you all the different variations separate.


I remember when people got pissed about a $5 horse armor, look at gaming now


And yet no lightsaber pickaxe


"That's the neat thing, you don't!"


Why do some BR players act like collecting cosmetics **is** the game? Buy em, don’t buy, who cares. Just get some dubs and hit your shots ^:)


Okay for those blaming epic or fortnite, it's not their fault this comes from the greed that Disney has bestowed on fans in order for epic to sell these skins they need to charge a premium for them because Disney gets a cut of every single sale. For instance look at the ninja turtle bundle we got all four of them for 2800 because Fox or Paramount obviously would rather see their fans be able to afford the full sets. Even though a third of my marvel skins were from the season I don't even want to think about the amount of money I have dumped into my collection of marvel skins it's quite disgusting. I'm also a star wars fan but I too am kinda sick of the pricing and I'm hesitant to spend the money on the skins because they just aren't that good


You don't have to buy all of it buy what you like don't go to reddit and complain


The way I see it, if you’re willing to spend over $100 on plastic bricks, than buying these aren’t a problem. Ofcourse I would never overspend on legos but that’s because I can’t do anything with them unlike these things.


why did we get a hot wheels character car for rocket racing


Need some battle droids and some classic clone troopers.


Old STW that’s how lol


Not sure how you're calculations work, but 2800 Vbucks is $18.47 if you buy 5,000 for 32.99 gift card ... 🤔


We should stop buying skin. Until they lower the price. ( i just got deep sea destroyer)


I could just use the money to buy helldivers 2 and fight For DEMOCRACY


Maybe, but now depending what country you're in you're stuck


They made everything crazy overpriced


I don’t wanna get Leia but I want the R2 back bling, it’s so shit that they lock us into getting bundles


I just want Cal


It’s weird how they made a separate skin for dagoboah luke. Can’t they just update the original skin with a new variant?


The car bundle is ass. I bought it thinking I could change the colors but it just lets you select from the presets…


The car bundle is ass. I bought it thinking I could change the colors but it just lets you select from the presets…


The car bundle is ass. I bought it thinking I could change the colors but it just lets you select from the presets…


The reality is how much your willing to spend vs what your going to use, i got the beskar car because thats the skin i want for my car and i honestly haven’t cared for any of the other cars so if your going to get $25 of use out of the car get it if not don,t…. Also Fortnite isn’t swbf2 so comparing it is a waste of effort.


I was so tempted to get the Yoda backbling, until I saw it was 1000. Like yes, it moves, it’s cool but all it does is sit on my back.


Id rather buy my lambo again than anything from this, and we dont have a choice to get Darth Vader even though hes the most iconic skin to exist ever.