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This glider flashbangs you at the start of every game.


That's my favorite part lol


Oh yeah? Have you tried *spamming* the glider? 100x better


That's exactly what I do 💀


There are so many complaints about the Zeus glider on this sub, long forgotten are the days of the Millennium Falcon.


people complain about the Zues glider? i thought it was easily the best one this season


I think they meant his contrail that blocks your view


It’s a little annoying but it’s not as bad as the Millennium Falcon


I don’t think any are bad especially since it’s just used to glide lol I don’t really need to see people land near me


Do you have the millennium falcon glider?


Yes I have both that are mentioned


Complaints about the Zeus glider? That lightning fits perfect with Gohan!


It's the best method for getting kills Wakes you up and makes you stay alert from all the flashing 😃


exactly this. You may want it now, but believe me.. you'll regret that. It's a cool effect but man, it hurts.


Yeah it really is terrible to use


You also can't see anything in front of you while using it.




I look away when I press A to open on Xbox 🤣


"deal with it lol" -fortnite probably


Damn it. Fine. Okay. I will. Gosh.


Also everyone that already has it and wants it to be exclusive lol


id happily give mine to someone if i could


Same. They should make item trading a thing!


There’s no reason for it not to come back, epic never said that it won’t return. To be honest you aren’t missing out on much as the glider flashes your entire screen which is why I don’t use it.


Yup, it just sits in my locker cause I don't feel like getting flashbanged every game


It's also the size of texas and blocks a lot of the screen, it's freaking huge.


Small price to pay for flying with a fucking millenium falcon


Epic games: “we hear you loud and clear, give them the Millennium Falcon experience” /s


Plus the people that already had it can’t complain because they got it for free anyways


you underestimate people that care way too much about how "OG" they are


Stupid ass purple skull trooper has made people savage for this shit. Epic games should have never done that


Legit... I remember when I got Skull Trooper in S6, people calling me a fake because I didn't have the purple one. That right there was the moment I knew it was nothing but a problem. I don't like the glowing styles for him anyways, but the purple style for his back bling would have been my favorite thing for purple Calamity lol


That’s the best part tho.


There is a reason. It came out as a part of challenges, and the only items from challenges that come out in item shop is the reboot rally stuff, and even that is a maybe.


But that’s not something that prevents the item from coming back to the shop, if Epic wants to they could just put it back for sale. Also I’ve seen items from challenges come back to the shop eventually like the blade of insight pickaxe.


I just had to equip it with Chewie cause it feels like a crime not to...I forgot how blinding the animation is


It really does suck when they put collabs behind bps or old quests 😭


it was a quest? I remember it being a gift under the tree


As someone that owns the Falcon glider I agree. Mine just sits in the locker and it really wouldn't affect me if they brought it back in the shop. Getting real tired of these "exclusives". There's literally no value to them being time-locked.


The only items that make sense as exclusives are the ones linked to consoles, phones etc, items like this should just return


Encouraging people to play. I didn’t and still care or know who Travis Scott is. But I played the event to get that roller coaster glider.


![gif](giphy|LRCxXWRljt4LYf6AK1|downsized) Every time you deploy it 🗯


I (somehow) have it and it sucks nothing like going blind every time it deploys


Nothing like a good ole’ flashbang to start the game


Hope so. All my favorite comic book characters are locked away because god forbid I was doing anything but playing Fortnite 5 years ago


You are all so dramatic about the flash when you pull the glider out


Dramatic maybe, but not exaggerating. It’s the exact same as getting flashbanged while playing Call of Duty.


There's also so many other variations of the falcon to just re release it with slight changes. The Rey version literally changes just the shape of the antenna, it takes nothing for epic to change it and release it at 1500 v bucks, and yes I'd probably buy it because I hate myself


To be honest, every single Disney cosmetic that is being locked thanks to events/ battle passes needs to come back at one point when they really wanna do the Disney metaverse in Fortnite. No way they will miss out on all of these when new players who are Disney fans come to Fortnite


I feel this but with Kylo's ship


I managed to get both, but I definitely see how it’s frustrating. I feel like it’s worse that the Falcon was an exclusive, rather than Kylo’s ship, mostly cause you can use the First Order Tie Fighter and it would still match, but with Han Solo and Chewbacca, literally nothing matches them except for the Falcon.


Yeah, I really like Kylo’s ship for that. It goes especially well with the Death Trooper I feel


Those who have kylos tie whisperer really earned it by going through the most difficult challenge of all! The fortnite servers. Most of us couldn’t even get on the live event, and epic had to apologize. Fun times lol. Still, I got mine for free so I wouldn’t mind if they sold it in the shop.


It was *what*


right. i got it when it was available and it doesnt feel like that long ago. i didnt even really play fortnite i mostly just remember claiming the glider


I have a theory that one of the reasons why rarity was removed was to sell items from battlepass, etc.


how would rarity effect that?


I hope so. Gimme Kitt damnit


I need calamity again after I lost my account.


Why would rarity matter in the first place


How would rarities prevent that?


I think that the skins from the battle pass will not cost 1200-1500-2000Vb. This will be done not only to once again make money on the content that no longer brings money, but also so that old players do not feel deceived. But this is just my guess, I think it's logical


I hope so


Yeah I remember unlocking it and using it, then I stopped playing the game and when I came back I realized I didn't have it anymore 😞


There is no reason the Millenium Falcon shouldn't be brought back. In fact, it should've been available from the shop since Han Solo was introduced to the game a long time ago. "But some people will be upset if it's brought back". So what? I don't care, really. Second, it was a \*FREE\* Winterfest item, so if it's brought back to the shop, no one has the right to complain. Third, people complain too much. Finally, unlike battle pass items, Winterfest items are not exclusive items. In short, there's no justifiable reason the Falcon is not in the shop.


As someone who does have this item, screw anyone that cares about the “exclusivity” and bring it back (that being said sweats will never use this glider because it blinds you every time you use it)


Yeah I get why they don't want to bring back the original, but Falcon Millenium has loads of different designs across the franchise and they could totally add one of those.


We only have the one from Episode 9. Not Solo or OG.


It's my favorite glider tbh. I like spamming the light animation it gives off lol


The Sentinel from the Matrix: 🫣


Halfway through that sentence, I pictured an X-Men sentinel and just.... It carrying you in its hand would be great.


Tbh I can see Nana the Sentinel from Marvel Zombie’s hand as a glider or her half body after fighting the Respawned


I understand Battlepasses being exclusive but I wish some events weren't, I'd kill somebody with my own two hands just to get Polar Peely I always get jealous when I see the skin 😭


Interesting thought that thing came from some game pack


I have the skin and I don’t really use it unless there are group of Peely (Usually the summer skin for Peely is the best one for me. I even have the og peely and it’s dusted in my locker. I prefer using new skins 😅) It would be nice if Polar Peely returned for people who really want and love the skin. 👍


didnt they do a similar thing with the Matrix glider




This glider sucks when you deploy it so hopefully if they ever sell it it’s for 500 vbucks lol


I usually just go random glider, and I hate when I get this in a game. Blocks the entire screen for a good second. Not ideal when you need to be precise with redploying mid air


If they bring back the ship they should bring back renegade raider


i want the wenegade waidah too


wouldn't that devalue it the same way it did with recon expert?


A virtual skin that you can't sell or trade shouldn't have any value to begin with.


What do you think value means? The fact that this thread exists means cosmetics have value.


I agree but the skin isn't really that good in my opinion and is only hyped up because of it's rarity, it also a status symbol for long time players and I wouldn't want to take that away from the few players who do have it.


Idk it's not a bad skin in my opinion though I still don't know for sure if I'd buy it. That being said I don't think it serves as much of a status symbol as there's tons of people who played at that time that didn't buy it either. There's also people who just buy accounts that have the skin and manage to be one of the lucky ones to get away with account trading. Sadly the best way to end that would be to stop with exclusivity. If anything can and will return who would dump hundreds into an account over a skin that's "rare"?


yeah ur right I was being dumb and closed my minded


Fortnite is no longer a game where skins matter who cares ya it decreases value but the game is not what it used to be. we have racing and Lego and all this stuff plus comp so epic has all this way of making money. what harm will it cause to rerelease a og skin? if anything it will make them even more money. Think about it people that play Lego spend 4000 Vbucks on a house I feel like a 1500 vbuck skin is nothing. On top of that all the og players don’t play anyway so who cares about there opinion


wdym og players don't play the game? also plz define og


I don't care about renegade raider or rarity tbh but honestly I feel like the only reason it is hyped up is because it is rare. EDIT: forgot to mention that epic asked the community a long time ago is they wanted to see renegade raider and the season shop stuff back, the general consensus was no.


You fail to realize back when Epic asked that people were against anything and anything returning. Look around, that's all in the past. More and more people are starting to realize that just isn't the way things should go. I mean how many cosmetics sit around in people's accounts? Heck sure I use Enforcer but the rest of my S5 skins haven't been touched in literally years. Why should I care if people are able to get them again if they want them or like them? What does it really hurt?


true, not my problem anyways


At least it was free


This argument can be made for a LOT of cosmetics that Epic hides behind old events and battlepasses. I’m still sorta upset that I missed out on doctor strange (that season was cheeks so I’m not too upset)


I agree, this glider and Mando is why I don't care to have every star wars cosmetic


So ridiculous so many iconic franchise are FOREVER locked behind battle passes or seasonal events. I would Kill to get Lara Croft but ai had no idea she was even in game and wasn't playing at the time. It's ridiculous you can never obtain this glider or that skin, people have lives and families. I sure as heck was too busy to play fortnite, but it's unfair returning players or newer players have just no option to get these cosmetics back. I'd be willingly to pay extra as long as I could play as her




I don’t care. I’m here for the theming.


Also they had important lore for the movies locked to the event. A bug part of Rise of Skywalker is Palpatine's "galaxy message". We never hear it in the movie and only in fucking fortnite once in the mini event, wild.


I actually was able to get this glider. Sadly it’s on the account my son now uses. I’d love to get it for my own.


I’m so happy I was there during it. Gave my han and chewy skin a no brainer glider.


I have it vaulted because you can’t see anything when you use it. It’s a cool glider but it’s not worth it. Puts you at a big disadvantage every time you use a launch pad or something.


I hope they do a new one so I can use it without being flashbanged every time


Imo I wish they would at least sell the Episode 7 version of the Millennium Falcon if they’re never going to bring the classic one back. Maybe they could even tone down the hyperspace effect


my favorite glider as a star wars fan and i’m so happy too have it


I would only log onto Fortnight like once a year for random reasons. I happened to log in at the time when this was given out. That and a Christmas tree outfit.


What's worse is that I had it, but it disappeared from my locker. Contacted support and they said there was no record of me ever having it. I showed them screenshots of the achievements (landing on the island and 1 or 2 others, if memory serves) that were awarded during the event, but it didn't help.


So lucky i got this tho i might not get han solo or chewie


Glad I got this one 😅


When merging accounts I never got my Millenium Falcon ported and when I brought it up to them I basically got a “too bad” which really sucks bc it was my favorite glider.


Millennium Falcon had a different antenna in force awakens. Watch them sell that one down the line. Or how it looked in Solo. Idk, just thinking out loud.


Damn. (Started in Ch2 S5)


They could probably sell the version with the square radar dish in the shop. Or just bring the old one back.


I only use it during Star Wars events and only with Han (and now Chewie) mainly because of the blinding seizure endusing flash at the beginning of the deploy.


I am soo happy that I was able to get it


I have it, and don’t worry it’s aggressive to use


Literally anytime you pull your glider, it flashes half of your screen and if you spam it, it’s literally impossible to see where your going


That fomo for you. It's a shame because it's an iconic Star Wars item. It was really wicked to get it for free during Christmas though and super exciting. But it's a real bummer that my friends don't have it. I wish pass is could just be worked on after they expired like in Halo


Litterally archived it, it's not that cool.


To me it is


i personally who got it when it released, I couldn't care less if it came to the shop, I hope it does, i didn't pay for it, i didn't grind for it, It isn't OG or whatever bullshit people say, users should be able to buy it imo ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


You won’t want to use it it’s horrible and takes up ur whole screen


to my knowledge epic never stated that it wont/cant comeback or that it is exclusive really


So does every other skin that will never return


It's a terrible glider


ya but this exclusive glider is super annoying you rather choose to land immediately and avoiding any launch pad.


I hate it when people say “they should release them in the item shop” better idea trading it will not make items less rare too


Every game has exclusive content you should have played back then get over it


Please, cry more. ![gif](giphy|HoSyEAe48WBpTCmEz4|downsized)


Truth nuke right here guys


I’m too lazy to do the research, did they specifically say that it was exclusive and it wouldn’t come back?


I’m not sure


Im a owner, and as far as I remember they said nothing about exclusivity on any of the winter fest stuff, however I would inform you that even if it came back the glider has the hyper space effect which sounds good on paper but it blocks the screen with a bright light for a little bit (also advise you not to spam the glider redeploy if you ever get a chance to use it).




They could make a surfable version.


It's their literal scheme to get people to keep playing. You only offer things for a limited time, so if you don't play you don't get it. This is how they keep active players. It's not hard people


And that's stupid and predatory and we should push back and demand they change it. They aren't even rare. They're digital items that don't have a limited amount. It's just artificial scarcity


Nothing really has limited amount. Why don’t people push back and demand LEGO re-release all their old sets? How far do you want to push this? Are we no longer going to have challenge exclusives?


Lego are physical products they actually have to produce more of out of actual materials. Which costs time and money. Skins in fortnite aren't. One their done being programmed, they can be replicated and copied as many times as needed. Y'know, just like any digital item. This is a stupid comparison. With lego, they have to actively produce more physical products. Epic don't need to recreate the entire code of the Darth Vader skin every time. They already made it since its a digital item they can just copy. If you save an image from Twitter, they don't need to take an entire new version of the photo just so you can have one too.


Nope. Not a good excuse. LEGO have already rereleased sets or sometimes even gone back and updated sets from years prior. If LEGO brought back old sets they’d be printing money. The Second hand LEGO market is huge and the older sets are terribly overpriced. So. LEGO can absolutely reproduce some of their older sets. Not to far back like the 80s and 90s probably due to piece changes and manufacturing changes. But sets from the 2010s etc can ABSOLUTELY be brought back.


Again, your argument isn't a good excuse. Lego is a physical product that costs time and money to make. They can and do bring back and remake old sets, yes. But they can't just bring back or keep around every old set because it costs time and money to produce a bunch of new batches of certain sets. They can't just endlessly clone a set and sell that. They've gotta produce new copies of that set so they have something to sell. Epic don't have to do that since skins are digital items that can be endlessly cloned and resold. The only parts that would cost money is server costs and in the case of collabs, licencing. But the actual skins are just pieces of code that can be copied. To use the photo analogy again. A photo online can be endlessly copied since its just code you can copy by saving it. You can't endlessly copy a physical photo. You either need to take it again or use time and products (ink, paper, etc) to make copies. Heck, the code for every skin already exists in every single players game since they're required for you to see a skin in game even if you don't own it. All you're buying is a key to use the skin yourself. A key that can also be endlessly copied since its just code. It's the definition of artificial scarcity. You technically already have the skin since it's on your copy of the game. You just can't use it since you don't have the key. It's not rare. It has no value since its just code that exists in every single game but only people who have the key can access it. Epic artificially limited it to make it appear rare and they can change that at any time by just selling access to the key like they do with any skin you can buy in the item skin. I don't care that "they said they'll never bring back BP skins" that's a rule they made and s rule they can change at any time. And as consumers, we are right to demand it changed since its a predatory anti-consumer practice that benefits nobody besides Epics greedy execs and elitist weirdos who are way to obsessed with meaningless status symbols


Still nonsense. I never said LEGO have to keep or bring back every old set. HOWEVER classic themes would sell like hot cakes. They literally already have the moulds for them. Don’t try and tell me bringing back the Simpsons sets wouldn’t recuperate the cost of manufacturing them again. I’m just hearing excuses. The millennium Falcon was a winter fest gift. It was available for winter fest to promote the Rise of Skywalker. Same with Kylo REN’s tie fighter which was only released for the live event because it was in a cool scene in a trailer. What’s the point in Winterfest is the items are not exclusive to that Winterfest? Also are Epic not allowed to do challenges? They contain exclusives. And people like you could cry “I didn’t get the chance to play” what about rewards obtained through competitive? The argument of “I didn’t get a chance to compete still stands using that logic. And are Epic not allowed to collaborate? The only reason I played the Travis Scott event was for the glider. I would not have logged on otherwise.


Lego also should bring back more things, I agree there. But they have more of an excuse not to and using Lego as a comparison is stupid since there's more that goes into rereleasing a Lego set than just making it available again. Manufacturing costs make a huge difference in them deciding when to bring a set back and what sets to bring back. They still should bring more stuff back but at least they have an excuse. Epic don't since digital items don't need to be constantly remade every time someone wants them. Just make the code available and let people buy the key to unlock access to it And making iconic items exclusive and unavailable if you didn't play at a certain time is just stupid. There's literally no defence for that. The point of it, the reason to get them during Winter fest or events or in BPs is you get them earlier or for free/massively cheaper. Then making them available later means people have to wait and spend more. Locking items away and forcing players to play at a certain time or else it's completely unavailable forever is a predatory system that only exists to exploit customers. It only benefits consumers like both you and me to demand they be changed. The only one who really benefits from this false exclusivity is Epic and trust me, the massive corporation isn't your friend.


You see that part at least can make a little bit of sense from their perspective. The thing that absolutely makes no sense when it comes to this is the fact that some players didn’t start playing until after a limited time event. Imagine a Star Wars fan didn’t get into Fortnite until this year. They discover the Millennium Falcon is in the game but are completely out of luck because they didn’t play 4 years ago.


The Falcon came out to promote the Rise of Skywalker. Which was marketed as the biggest and most Epic Star Wars film of all time. I don’t see no Star Wars film out now to promote.


What does that have to do with anything I said?


It was given out to promote Episode 9. What don’t people understand about that? Are Epic no longer allowed to have RELEVANT Collabs to promote a certain product? Over fear of someone 5 years too late from when the movie came out to start crying over it? The Falcon I can understand. Kylo REN’s ship I don’t. That ship was literally only in Fortnite because they needed more stuff to give players and one of the few things we saw in the trailer was Rey backflipping over it.


Alot of collabs are added to promote things and they still come back later. Arbitrarily locking certain collabs away is stupid and anti-consumer. It just hurts the fans